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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #25 on: April 26, 2022, 03:57:09 PM »
Joining late!

1. Break In, 1989 Turbografx-16 (via Wii U virtual console).
Not gonna finish this,

Now that is a deep cut, and extra points for picking a console that nobody else has.
How exactly does one "beat" this game?

You know, I'm not entirely sure it has an ending? But there's the implication of facing progressively more difficult opponents after you beat the previous one. The thing is, games take a really long time (amusingly if you put the A.I. in a difficult spot it will take longer to calculate an "optimal" shot to attempt), and in modes like 8-Ball you need to play 9 full games to beat a single opponent.

I don't have the patience for that, and don't really know any of the rules of these... sports? Activities? So I tend to lose a lot and need to challenge them again to win the majority of 9 games.

But it's a neat curiosity. There's some odd sports games on TurboGrafx. I also have PowerGolf and World Champion Sports on the eShop and neither are great (in fact the latter is an outright terrible unlicensed Olympics rip-off from Konami which is controlled exclusively through button mashing), but the Mini TurboGrafx also has something called Appare! GateBall!, which is a croquet simulator of all things.

That's the real prize I'm chasing.

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2022, 08:42:21 PM »
I just rolled credits on Bioshock. This was my first time with this series and I see why it is so well liked. It is really smart in terms of writing, story, and level design. It reminded me of We Happy Few (my favorite game of the last gen) in that it portrays a psychedelic dystopia, just for the 40's rather than the 60's. The only thing holding it back is the fact that it is a FPS rather than a melee based survival game like WHF. Unfortunately the achievement system on XBox started bugging out near the end so I could not get the last few achievements to pop despite completing the game. Also, no play time available. Anyway, that makes four on four for me and just in time as April is just about over.
Don't forget to post your plays/wins if you have not already. I will do a wrap up thread next week.

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #27 on: April 29, 2022, 08:52:11 PM »
I'm so bad. 

I started on Castlevania bloodlines and I only made it to the 3rd level and couldn't beat it.

Started Mario 64 and I think I have 6 or 8 stars and got distracted.

Still where I was in Earthbound which is in the desert area.

Star Soldier SP I didn't start.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #28 on: May 02, 2022, 11:31:57 AM »
Yep. Complete failure on my end as well. April saw a collapse of my gaming time. After posting in this thread about the 11 hors spent on Kirby and the Forgotten World, I did not pick it up again until April 30th in which I was able to advance to the point of unlocking the final world but that's as far as I was able to get with it in April.

Sadly, this also resulted in my completing missing out on the Kirby Forgotten World theme in Tetris 99. I saw the announcement and wanted to get the theme since it was Kirby but it wasn't until Wednesday after that weekend it was available that I turned on my Switch for the first time in over a week and it suddenly hit me that I had forgotten about that and missed it. That was the low point for the month.

I also did not once get back to Fire Emblem Birthright. I did still do my daily Badge Arcade check-in. Instead, I started playing a bit of Picross e8 near the end of the month and just solving a few puzzles here and there but nowhere close with a hope of finishing that in time for the month.

And that's my 0 in 4 for the month. Seemed like a simple enough task but I need to do something about my time management I suppose. Oh well. There's still time for redemption when Backlaugust  rolls around.
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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #29 on: May 02, 2022, 02:42:33 PM »
Actually, maybe it isn't all that dire. I did finish the last case in the Great Ace Attorney Part 1 before starting Kirby this month. So, that's like I completed 1 game since it was originally sold as a stand alone game on the 3DS in Japan. I think I was still playing a bit of Jeopardy on Switch at the start of the month as well. I was hoping to crack the $500,000 mark but the random nature of the Daily Doubles keeps holding me back. Best I was able to get to was $477,000 and some change in a game. Just seemed like I was seeing so many repeating categories that I stopped playing because it had gotten so long and boring. I suppose I could consider it beat but I wish I knew if I'd actually seen all the question in the game or not.
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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #30 on: May 02, 2022, 03:21:59 PM »
I almost did it.

Started the month with finishing Kirby and the Forgotten Land on Switch, which I purchased Day 1 at the end of March.  I actually beat the main game before the end of March, but the first week of April I 100% the rest.  Damn this was a great game, easily Top 5 Kirby for me.  My Switch file says I played the game for 25 hours so it's a perfect length game as well if you ask me.  Doesn't overstay its welcome but has plenty of content, including some decent challenges as well if trying to 100%.

Next I played Fire Emblem Fate: Conquest on the 3DS.  I played Birthright back in March and it lasted me for about 2 weeks so I figured I could get it's companion game Conquest done in the same amount of time.  Well nope, Conquest is a much much harder game so it ended up taking me 3 weeks to do.  Of course it was a much much better game as a result though.  I thought Birthright was one of the weaker Fire Emblem games with many of it's levels being the same thing, but Conquest is literally the opposite with almost every level being something different that really makes you think each time.  Of course Conquest does get into Bullshit territory with some of it's later levels, and I lost some of my better characters because I was sick of redoing some levels and almost screwed myself from being able to complete the game.  I got to the final final level with only a few characters that could actually survive the onslaught of those damn monster enemies and was stuck for a few days trying to figure out what to do.  Eventually I sold most of my weapons to buy as many of those permanent and temporary powerups to boast the stats of my best characters and increase the defense of the weaker ones so they wouldn't die in one hit.  Then when I got to the endgame level I went on an epic suicide charge doing everything I could to keep my main character who was paired with his wife alive, since he was the strongest and best change of defeating the final boss.  Well it worked and I got to the boss with just my main character paired with his wife still alive and a knight paired with another knight for high defense holding the line so the monster horde could got to my main.  Started the fight with the boss and my characters stats were good enough to cause enough damage while surviving the bosses attacks on my turn.  Then when the boss counterattacked on their turn survived that hit finished the fight.

So yeah that was great.  I'll wait a few months before doing Revelations because I was already getting burnt out by the end of Conquest so need to take a Fire Emblem break for now.

So with only 1 day left in April after work on Saturday night, I opened the NES Online app and decided to try an NES game that I hadn't played before and picked Journey to Silius.  I knew it was a Sunsoft game that was originally suppose to be a Terminator game that they lost the rights to at the last minute and then reworked into something different so figured this is a good time to try it.

Well I'm glad I did since I ended up liking it.  Of course it's a pretty challenging NES title that is filled with a lot of cheap gotcha moments so be warned anyone that wants to play it legit.  It also has limited continues so I was being sent back to the start a lot, but I didn't mind since the game was pretty short.  When I finally beat the game, the NES Online says it too me over 3 hours to complete it.  But when I first made it to the final boss and got a Game Over and had to start from the very beginning, I clocked myself to see how long it would be to get back to the final boss and it only took about 30 minutes to get back their and beat it this time.

So anyone that's a fan of 8-bit action games from that era should certainly give it a shot.  It's not top tier quality so I can certainly see why it's not more famous but it was pretty fun once I finally got the hang of things.

So for the month of April I was 3/4, with one Switch game, one 3DS and one NES title.  If April was a month with 31 days though then I would have been 4/4, since yesterday which was May 1st, just one day after April 30th, I beat Pyscho Dream for the SNES Online.  This game on the other hand I don't have much to say since I thought it was kind of bad.  The level design is pretty bland and very repetitive gameplay that doesn't do much to even try and change things up expect for the one auto run level near the end of the game.

Maybe it's a good thing there wasn't an extra day in April since I'd feel kind of dirty having to use this game to make it to 4/4 then.
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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #31 on: May 02, 2022, 06:28:45 PM »
Well it was another successful Four on 4 challenge this April. I want to thank everyone for participating and posting. The goal as always is to play games on various systems and then share and we did that. Based on my estimates we collectively beat 14 games and played 30 games across 13 different systems.

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #32 on: May 03, 2022, 04:14:22 PM »
I forgot about this until now. Managed to get in 4 on 4 but didn't quite finish Pokémon before the end of April.

1. Seventh Lair PC - Incredible little visual novel, a condensed House in Fata Morgana.
2. Pikmin Wii U - Was surprised at how good Pikmin is, I was hooked and completed it in a matter of days, despite failing my first run
3. Yakuza 4 Remastered PS4 - Playing these in order. Really solid Yakuza entry, the story is the best since Zero I think and trims a lot of the fat.
4. Rhythm Heaven Fever Wii U - Insanely fun party game, though I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't already played Megamix.
5. Triangle Strategy Switch - Combines a bunch of my favourite things all into one game. Tactics, HD2D, branching narrative, visual novel elements.

Triangle Strategy probably being my favourite of the bunch. But every game I finished this month was fire.

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #33 on: May 03, 2022, 07:30:08 PM »
4. Rhythm Heaven Fever Wii U - Insanely fun party game, though I would have enjoyed it more if I hadn't already played Megamix.

Did you have trouble with the last level? I think it is called Remix 10. I could not for the life of me get the superb medal on that one. I would like to blame it on the sensor bar lag, but maybe it is my brain's lag.

Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2022, 08:53:13 PM »
I managed to get a superb on every level which feels like a great achievement. I didn't find remix 10 to be too bad, there is a lot of variety but they picked out relatively easy parts from each of the songs.

The songs that inflicted the most mental damage on me were Love Rap 1 & 2, which even on Japanese took me hours of trying over and over. Along with remix 2, which contains Monkey Watch but without the metronome I was following for regular Monkey Watch.

I really like the music in Love Rap 1, but I don't want to ever need to do a Fo' Sho' or a Honto again

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2022, 10:31:30 AM »
2. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Switch)

Is this via the Switch online expansion pack Genesis games? I wasn't sure if there was a Sega ages release or not.

Sega Ages release.  I didn't notice an appreciable difference between the two options though.

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: 2nd Annual NWR Four on Four
« Reply #36 on: May 31, 2022, 05:16:12 PM »
Wrapped up Kirby and the Forgotten Land last night. Got the 100% completion and even beat the target times for all Treasure Roads and Tilt-N-Kirby Extra Hard even though they don't count towards that completion. Read the text for all the trophies and called it a game. According to my Switch profile, it shows 35 hours for the game. So, took a bit longer then expected. Just made it in time for the end of this 4 on 4. Phew.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.