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RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« on: March 07, 2021, 07:07:14 PM »
CAPCPOM can't be bothered to spell it correctly, but we're doing our 49th RetroActive for Resident Evil: Revelations.

Comments posted here may be used in the relevant episode. Recording will happen in Late March/Early April.
James Jones
Mondo Editor
Nintendo World Report

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2021, 07:47:35 PM »
Put a decent amount of time into this over the weekend. Something I was shocked to hear is that at one point a character says the word zombie, I thought that was banned!

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2021, 05:06:53 AM »
I have been interested in this game for a long time, but I only ever played the demo. Im glad this was chosen because it is the excuse I need to finally play it.
Last year I played through RE 4, 5 and 6. So it will be interesting to compare those to this.

My copy arrived today.

Interesting to note this is my first MA 15+ rated 3DS game.
I was thinking of buying it on the eShop, but I wanted a physical copy so I can swap it between systems. Im currently borrowing the two Circle Pad Pros from a friend, so I want to try them both with this game. Usually I just use the New 3DS, but I havent played a game on it that uses the C Stick as much as this.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2021, 01:15:21 PM »
This is the only Resident Evil game that I've played. I have it for Wii U and 3DS, so if anyone's interested in trying out the online co-op, let me know.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2021, 01:54:08 PM »
It's outright bizarre that the sequel to this game, Revelations 2, has co-op for the story mode but it's split screen only!

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2021, 05:27:31 PM »
For anyone who is like me who is stuck with a new 3DS for this game, there is a C-stick mod that a bunch of Monster Hunter players use but it also makes the C-stick much more usable on the new 3DS. I don't think this video has ever been posted on the forums before. It's totally unprecedented.

Link because the YouTube embed system on the forums has been broken for years and anyone who claims it works is a dirty liar.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2021, 08:27:39 AM »
I havent made as much progress yet as I would have liked, but this evening I finished Episode 3. I m liking the game so far. The thing that impresses me most is just how amazing it looks on 3DS, especialy with 3D. It generally runs pretty well too. Although I have noticed it really chugs when loading new areas.

So far, I have played it on the OG 3DS with the Circle Pad Pro. The next time I play it, Im going to swap over to the XL and CPP XL for the next few episodes. Im currently borrowing both of the CPP from a friend, so its my first time using them. The game controls really well with it and is clearly designed to be played this way. The game launched with it, so it makes sense. I havent tried the controls without it yet.

I will swap to the New 3DS at some point and see how it is with the C Stick.

One thing that bothers me a little is the map. It has a dot to say where to go, but it can be hard to work out how to actually get there. I spent a while at the end of episode 3 just walking around the ship.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2021, 01:30:40 PM »
Just started on the Wii U, for that truly portable (within 3 feet) experience. Finished the first two episodes. If the episodes continue being these short chunks, I'm all for that. Makes you feel like you're making progress quickly. The recap is a little ridiculous though.

Haven't played many third person shooters like this before, so my closest point of reference there is... Mass Effect 3? It's kind of annoying how your character obscures a good third of the screen. Ammo seems well-distributed so far, you don't get too much, but also not too little.

So far I don't like any of the characters, besides maybe Jill thanks to a decent voice actor. Parker and Jessica seem rather one-note so far, and if O'Brian doesn't turn out to be a bad guy I'll be very surprised. Chris hurting his foot so you're pinned down while wolves attack, but then immediately healing the moment they're gone is some really uninspired scenario writing.

It's interesting how male gazey this game feels too: Jill's design seems like a mix of cleavage catsuit and Tomb Raider straps, there's a monster POV shot leering at her butt in a cut-scene, and when she wakes up on the bed you get that typical legs-pan-up-to-face shot. You also see a woman killed early on, but her corpse still has to show strategic cleavage. And while Chris is being mauled by wolves Jessica reassures him by promising she'll, quote: "bring her sweet ass down there."
Horror as a genre regularly peddles a sleazy camera, and maybe I'm primed to notice it because Adrock was talking earlier about how the Resident Evil games that weren't directed by Mikami tend to sexualize Jill more, but yeah it's noticeable.
Not tryna be prudish or say they're badly written, so far the ladies seem just as competent as their male counterparts, just an observation.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2021, 05:47:47 AM »
It's interesting how male gazey this game feels too: Jill's design seems like a mix of cleavage catsuit and Tomb Raider straps,

I hadn't really thought of it like that, but I definitely like it. I guess I'm the exact target audience.

Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2021, 01:14:16 PM »
Woo I finished it, here are my thoughts...

Overall I like it, but nothing jumped out at me as particularly unique or special. It's a Resident Evil game. Probably would have been a lot more impressive had I played it on 3DS, rather than the 360 where I already owned it.

I had heard that this game reused areas, so going in I expected it to be more of a Metroidvania. That's not really what they were going for though. I never learnt the layout of the ship as the amount of backtracking is fairly minimal. One of the main complaints I remember; scanning, I found to be inoffensive. You don't have to scan every single room and scanning becomes less effective as the game goes on. If I were to pick a favourite part of the game it would be the bosses. You really had to be careful with ammunition and look for weak points.

The game was just the right length, and didn't wear out its welcome. The game could have ended at chapter 11, so 12 was a welcome surprise.

I think the story is fine. Made little sense for most of the game, but things started coming together after the revelations in chapter 11. Again for a 3DS game it's a lot more impressive, I can't think of any games before or since on the system that pull off a realistic art style as well. Given the tone of the game Jessica's character design feels off, heels really? I also didn't like the comic relief characters Quint and Keith, as I felt none of their jokes landed. Jokes like "haha he likes computers, nerds am I right?" and "haha he followed Jessica home, isn't he creepy?".

I feel that this game is interesting as it pushed the boundaries of what handheld games were. But ultimately it's a spin off that doesn't quite stack up to the mainline RE series.

Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2021, 01:19:29 PM »
Also it would make my day if we could get a read from each of the RFN crew saying:

Previously on Resident Evil Revelations

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2021, 06:51:13 AM »
Played a few more episodes today and now up to episode 10. Im still enjoying it. Im playing on casual and it wasnt until episode 7 that I died for the first time. I have died a few more times since then.

The Circle Pad Pro XL has been extremely good. For the last three episodes, Im going to use the New 3DS.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2021, 05:24:54 AM »
Im glad James mention it on sale on the US eshop. It certainly isnt in Australia.

I hope a few more people play it for the retroactive

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2021, 01:54:13 PM »
Finished a few more episodes, think I'm about halfway done now (6 chapters in).

Some things I liked:
- The Comms Officer bossfight is well telegraphed, between finding his notes, hearing the voice, and having to open the door yourself. Creepy lead-up.
- I didn't realise the ship was an old-timey cruise liner, so areas like the opera decks and the casino were nice surprises. I thought it was a cargo ship based on all the exterior decks and the metal hallways.
- The twist in chapter 6 where Chris and Jessica arrive on the ship... But it's a different ship entirely, feels like a classic shlocky horror stinger.
- A lot of areas get reused, but at least enemies tend to stay dead so you're not wasting ammo while backtracking.

New things I'm disliking:
- The actual Comms Officer bossfight itself felt like a big difficulty spike. I tried leading him around the path a few times, and hit him with the gas canisters, but kept getting mobbed by zombies. In the end I cheesed it by shooting the lock from outside the window, and hopping in and out of the room while pelting him with the shotgun.
- Like TOPHATANT says, Jessica's new outfit is just ridiculous. It's like half a jeans over a swimsuit with heels. They're not even pretending these are tactical outfits anymore. Why not just use the Jill outfit for her too but use purple accents instead?
- Quint and Keith (?) are literally less interesting than the Queen Zenobia, an inanimate object. I wouldn't recognize a single of their punchlines as jokes even if told by a stand-up comic. One of them just outright follows Jessica home in his spare time apparently, and I think the game is trying to convince us that's a funny crush?? Since he also lowers his voice when she talks to him on comms??!??! Screw that, don't follow people home ya creep, ffs. And then he abandons you while wolves show up too. Absolutely useless.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2021, 05:21:59 AM »
Just finished it, the summary is, I loved it.

Its hard to believe the 3DS is capable of such high production values. The graphics and audio are amazing. Capcom really put everything into this.

The gameplay is great, especially with the Circle Pad Pro. The small one is ok, but the game definitely plays best with the CPP XL. I used my New 3DS for the last few missions and it is was after I increased the aiming speed. The standard controls without the CPP are bad.

I really liked the mission structure. I mostly played just one episode per day. It was nice that they didnt go on for too long. Overall, the in game timer said it took 10 hours and 21 minutes to finish. Im happy with that time. I wouldnt have wanted it to go on for much longer.

I dont have much to say about the story. It was good enough, I liked it. The setting on the ship was good.

I think the only thing I didnt like were the swimming sections, but that improved when I found the inverted option.

In some ways, I wish I had played this years ago. But I dont think I would have appreciated it as much if I played it before I played through RE 4 and 5 for the first time last year.

Im not sure exactly how I unlocked it, but an online mode appeared after I finished it. I just tried it and was surpised to find other people to play with. I found two level 50 players, so Im guessing mega fans of the game are sticking to it.
It is a fun little mode where it puts you into a simplified mission. Kill the enemies, collect key, open door, etc. Seems like there are plenty of collectables and upgrades to get. Its kind of funny that I played with level 50 characters. In the missions I hosted, they killed the enemies is basically one shot.
I would probably play more of that, if anyone is interested.

Im glad I finally had a reason to play Resident Evil Revelations. It has become one of my favourite 3DS games.

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #15 on: March 26, 2021, 02:29:14 PM »
I know I'm super late and need to catch up but at the end of chapter 1, did I just rescue a fucking paper maché Chris!?

Offline TOPHATANT123

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #16 on: March 26, 2021, 03:01:05 PM »
I know I'm super late and need to catch up but at the end of chapter 1, did I just rescue a fucking paper maché Chris!?

My first thought was Well that was easy, found him already! Oh

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #17 on: March 26, 2021, 04:27:36 PM »
Wrapped up the campaign. Feeling rather done with the game now, so won't try the online, but here's a few more thoughts.

A hint for those still playing: do pay the Solarium a visit once or twice.

- Game seems like it'd be very impressive on the 3DS. On console the lack of enemy variety and dearth in bossfights feel a bit more noticeable, but it cleans up very well in HD. Couple of decent voice performances despite poor material.
- The Queen Zenobia is a pretty decent setting. Gives 'em license to do anything from cargo holds to Titanic esque suites and casinos. Easy excuse to have swaying environments, cramped hallways, and an aquatic theme for the monsters.
- Big fan of the pacing. Short episodes with cliffhangers make it easy to put the game down, or do one more chapter. Initially the recaps annoyed me, but they're nice to have after not playing for a few days. Towards the back half things get a bit more exciting since they don't cut away to useless side-stories as often.
- Love 3D maps like Metroid Prime.

- It's just not scary at all. Nor funny, nor moving. At most it has a few intense action scenes, but I felt very detached from the whole thing.
- The plot's events wildly outscale your sphere of influence: what are Jill and Parker going to do about orbital laser satellites? Basically nothing besides release a drone. Which means you flat-out don't interact with entire sections of the story, including the ending where you fight one of the pawns while the actual chess endgame occurs miles away in cut-scenes. I'm not saying stories need to revolve around its main characters, but why are we even here, just to find one USB drive?
- Every time we cut away from the Queen Zenobia to do beach clean-ups, protect office supplies, or press buttons in airports & planes, all tension evaporates. I get the campaign needs to hit the 10 hour mark to satisfy the spreadsheets, but the game is already action-heavy. Slotting in extra action segments feels redundant. At least the turret sections are a change of pace.
- Most characters really suck and many don't even complete a dramatic arc. Do the bad guys even have a master plan? Sure would've helped make their threat feel more immediate if we had an idea what they were working towards.
- The game is over-reliant on "shocking twists" to cap off episodes, only to immediately undo them the second you continue playing. You really expect me to believe Parker, Quint, Raymond, and Keith died for real this time, when you're constantly faking their deaths?
- Besides shooting zombies you're just not doing a lot here: puzzles are throwaway fetch quests, and rarely is your curiosity to explore rewarded with things other than ammo.

On balance I wasn't super impressed, but on 3DS this is probably one of the more impressive games along with MGS 3, Kid Icarus and Smash. The game does improve a bit in the back half, but I'm not really sold on the series by it.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 07:37:57 PM by Discord.RSS »

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Re: RetroActive 49: Resident Evil: Revelaitons
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2021, 06:55:44 PM »
This game is extremely impressive, although that does somewhat need qualifying as “for 3DS”. It looks better than it should be allowed to, and cranking the 3D up to “very strong” in settings adds to this. I miss 3D on Switch. It’s like peering through a little, engrossing window. Sometimes too little though: After getting used to Switch I miss being able to play on TV or handheld as I choose.

I’m playing on my 3DS XL without a Circle Pad Pro, leaving me with single circle pad aiming or gyro aiming. Gyro is fast but imprecise, and more importantly, it makes 3D impossible because moving the device shifts it out of the right spot. When I ended up doing was mostly using pad for the Jill sections, and mostly using gyro for the interstitial action sections with 3D turned off.

I could never focus when using the rifle scope with 3D on. My natural reaction was to shut one eye, which makes sense because you look through real scopes with one eye, but it means your aim is way off because the game crosshairs is positioned in the centre for both eyes. The game is trying to show you something more 3D than real life! (I usually end up shutting one eye when using binoculars in real life too.)

I picked up New Game+ from my play through in 2014, and selected Hell difficulty this time around. Mostly it’s all very enjoyable because I have weapon upgrades from the first play though to balance the difficult, but you don’t get those for the interstitial action scenes so those can be frustratingly hard. A hard game can be great when it feels precise and has a fast retry loop, but this game is cumbersome to control and loads fairly slowly. Also sometimes the checkpoints are placed just before a load of corridor walking rather than before the tricky fight where you keep dying.

I’ve neaaarly finished but it doesn’t feel as quick a game as James promised because hard mode is hard — my fault for choosing it.