Author Topic: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?  (Read 44103 times)

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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #300 on: July 25, 2004, 09:03:31 PM »
Smashman: Why not? Just because I think most "classics" are inherently flawed? Most old games are outdated by now and have been replaced by much superior games by now, their only drawback being lack of nostalgic feelings. Of course an old gamer with nostalgia blinding him won't acknowledge when someone who didn't play the game at a young enough age to create nostalgia tells him his favourite classics suck. Would you rather play Space Invaders or Ikaruga? Metroid or Super Metroid (or Zero Mission, if that makes you happier)?
To me OOT feels like an MMORPG, something you slug through because you have a feeling you have to do it, but there's just no fun on the way. Your enemy isn't Ganondorf, but frustration, boredom, the camera and the controls. Windwaker just plain PLAYS better than OOT. If it's shorter,so be it, at least it's short and fun as opposed to long and no fun.

Offline Caillan

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #301 on: July 25, 2004, 11:18:24 PM »

To me OOT feels like an MMORPG, something you slug through because you have a feeling you have to do it

Perhaps this has more to do with the philosophy of the player than anything else. To me, I played OoT hyped and ready to do as much as I could to enjoy myself. I was hyped about WW, sure, but in a different way. Playing it, it felt more monotonous than OoT. I felt more compelled to romp through as much content as possible than to enjoy myself. I spent about 4 hours getting the maps for all the squares, and didn't play it again for a week.

It's strange how it's pretty much accepted that most people's favourite Zelda will the first one they plyed, or at least that they will display prejudice towards their first experience. Perhaps it has to do with expectations, and attempting to push further games to fufill them? I've missed too many games this generation because I feel bored whilst I'm playing as I have more important things to do, and I intend to miss no more!

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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #302 on: July 25, 2004, 11:35:00 PM »

It's strange how it's pretty much accepted that most people's favourite Zelda will the first one they plyed, or at least that they will display prejudice towards their first experience.

It's not strange at all- the first Zelda game someone plays sets a cast in their mind of what Zelda is. But no two Zelda games are really alike, so nothing can ever quite capture the same feeling of the first.
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Offline Smashman

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #303 on: July 26, 2004, 02:07:16 AM »
KDR- games back then are classics FOR A REASON. Everybody loved them LOZ- classic. AOL- classic. LTTP- classic. Super Metroid- classic. Metroid- classic. You don't think OoT was fun??? I had more enjoyment out of that game than any other game I've played. I never get sick of it, and always go back for more. It is the one of the all-time best games ever.

And, OoT is NOT my first Zelda. LTTP is. Then LA. Then OoT. OoT > all, folks. You think all of the mediocre crap of today is superior to the classics of yesteryear???
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Offline SgtShiversBen

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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #304 on: July 26, 2004, 06:13:42 AM »
Yeah I agree too, the first Zelda I played was Adventure of Link.  I love that game, but still for some reason I really really love Wind Waker.  I was playing Ocarina last night and then stopped because I think I just got fed up with it, then I put in Wind Waker and ran around Windfall for like 30 minutes just laughing at all the things that Link does, be it with his eyes or just his little facial expressions.  I think also another reason why I liked it is becasue the sea actually felt like a real world.  Hyrule field on the other hand felt like this little place that was in the middle of something grander, something that you couldn't get to.  While Majora's Mask covered this longing to get out, Wind Waker didn't becuase I knew that when I sailed from Outset to the Forsaken Fortress, I was on the other side of the world.  That's just my opinon, but I can honostly say that Wind Waker wasn't my first, it was the Adventure of Link, and I don't know why, I just love that game, especially the downstab and the fact that it's so f**king hard.
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Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #305 on: July 26, 2004, 08:09:41 AM »
You think all of the mediocre crap of today is superior to the classics of yesteryear???

No, but I think the awesome games of today are superior to the classics of yesteryear. Not every game has been replaced by a better one, but some have been. IMO Super Metroid and Metroid: Zero Mission are both vastly superior to the original Metroid, making it even more aggravating to die because of some flaw in the game. Things like being vulnerable when exiting a room or respawning ith 30 health (why??? To make sure you spend enough time killing random enemies to get some health together and add to your timer, MMO style?). OOT had flaws like the delayed lock on (I f#ing hate that, I get hurt way too much because of this) or unskippable dialogue (I hate this one, too, but not because it's frustrating, just annoying and in way too many games), which were rectified in Wind Waker. While playing OOT I often wished I had this or that feature of WW at my disposal.

p.S.: Super Mario World was also MUCH better than SMB 3 due to better level design.

Offline odifiend

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #306 on: July 26, 2004, 09:16:47 AM »
KDR, are you playing OoT on a bonus disk?  I think why Smashman and others esteem OoT so high is because at the time it was awesome.  Your criticisms of it, delayed lock on, the camera, the controls, are kind of unfair.  WW is the sequel to OoT.  Nintendo had two games to perfect the controls, camera and lock on.  OoT, the foundation to the whole 3d Zelda system, wasn't so lucky.  I would expect WW to play better than OoT (and it did...on land), all Nintendo was doing was tweeking OoT's battle system.
To this day I have not beaten WW, even though I bought it the same day it was released.  I have played every other Zelda game, with the exception of Link's Awakening and the CD-I ones, and enjoyed them.  There were times when I got frustrated, but never have I stopped playing a Zelda game until I bought Wind Waker.  Not only do I find sailing tedious, but when you go 'exploring' for underwater treasure 99.9% of the time, it is money.  WW for me, reaked of why should I?  Get the fish to give me a map? Nah I'm positive there is no island in this square any way.  Search for treasure?  Nope, it's all rupees and I can cut bushes.

Reading the replies, I really do regret not making it to Gannon, because apparently that makes the game for a lot of you.  But I haven't even gotten to the part were you collect the triforce and already I find the game Never Happening!
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Offline Smashman

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #307 on: July 26, 2004, 12:53:18 PM »
SgtShiversBen- that is the exact thing that saved WW. The vast world. Going from Outset Island to Forsaken Fortress, you are going across the world. The wonderful atmosphere and realism is the key element of what saved tWW for me.

KDR_11k- I understand you perfectly. You find todays games more enjoyable because of the better system functions, but don't say that you outright HATE OoT, or Metroid, as that is just being unfair.

odifiend- Finally, someone who I can agree with. What do you mean OoT was awesome at the time of its release? It is STILL one of the all-time greats. And, the concept of sequels never applied to the Zelda games. WW is no more a sequel to OoT, then OoT is to LTTP. Your final sentences explain the glaring flaws of tWW perfectly. All you do, for most of the Heart Piece collecting, was sail... and sail... and sail... I, as stubborn as I sound, just don't understand how anyone can tolerate sailing for more than say... 10 minutes, at maximum. It becomes unbearable...  
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Offline ib2kool4u912

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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #308 on: July 26, 2004, 01:31:50 PM »

Originally posted by: Smashman
KDR_11k- I understand you perfectly. You find todays games more enjoyable because of the better system functions, but don't say that you outright HATE OoT, or Metroid, as that is just being unfair.

It seems perfectly fair to me, hating something is showing an opinion, KDR was just expressing an opinion.  

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Offline odifiend

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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #309 on: July 26, 2004, 02:01:22 PM »

Originally posted by: Smashman

odifiend- Finally, someone who I can agree with. What do you mean OoT was awesome at the time of its release? It is STILL one of the all-time greats. And, the concept of sequels never applied to the Zelda games. WW is no more a sequel to OoT, then OoT is to LTTP...

I meant it was so awesome that it drew gasps from your chest .  It is indeed still a great game but most of the 'awe' is gone because in the graphics department it is dwarfed by today's games.  While sequels 'never apply' to Zelda games, I meant it in the way that applies to all video games.  I am going to make a game of similar nature with similar mechanics except this time the motion will be more fluid, the graphics will be better, etc...
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #310 on: July 26, 2004, 02:11:17 PM »
What...the...hell...Why do the boards always go "BLEH" when I'm out of town?  I really don't have the time to read through the bajillion posts in this topic that have appeared since I was gone, but I can make a pretty good guess about what's happening...Smashman is still repeating over and over how he thinks OoT is the best, while others are either agreeing with him or disagreeing with him, and no new points are brought up...No, no, I'm not psychic, I just know what's been going on in this thread ever since it was made...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

Offline odifiend

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #311 on: July 26, 2004, 02:24:47 PM »
Woah, Bill, your combination of Colette and Presea freaked me the hell out for a sec!  Anyway how many new points can you expect to pop up when both games have been out for years?
P.S. I was wondering where you were... ya know this is how Hyrule flooded...
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Offline Bill Aurion

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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #312 on: July 26, 2004, 02:41:09 PM »

Originally posted by: odifiend
Anyway how many new points can you expect to pop up when both games have been out for years?

That's why I'm sort of banking on this topic dying...
~Former Resident Zelda Aficionado and Nintendo Fan~

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #313 on: July 26, 2004, 02:53:33 PM »
Maybe a kind hearted mod will take pity on us all and put this thread out of it's misery.

Offline mouse_clicker

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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #314 on: July 26, 2004, 03:03:56 PM »

What...the...hell...Why do the boards always go "BLEH" when I'm out of town?

I don't recall the boards ever going "BLEH" when you left town- I seem to recall the boards already being "BLEH".
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Offline odifiend

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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #315 on: July 26, 2004, 03:08:55 PM »

Originally posted by: Bill

Originally posted by: odifiend
Anyway how many new points can you expect to pop up when both games have been out for years?

That's why I'm sort of banking on this topic dying...

It was on its last legs with the occasional bump now and then, but then the Hyrule specific category was eliminated.
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Offline Smashman

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #316 on: July 26, 2004, 04:44:04 PM »
I've actually enjoyed debating this whole topic... but, yes, I am getting repetitious, and I now am going to close saying- I think OoT is superior to tWW.

But, I will probably just get bored, come back, post some more, and aggravate people even more, especially Bill...
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RE:Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #317 on: August 10, 2004, 03:46:07 PM »
* flaws = lack of an epic story (like Ocarina's which covered genesis, apotheosis, and time)
= Ganan was never really a threat; despite his presence the world was still a happy place (compared to the dark, dreary Ocarina)
= I didn't die even once; I felt like I was playing a toddler school version; I want *challenge* in my games; I want to die from time-to-time
= boring treasure hunting that wasted 10 hours = stretched = I prefer a sold 10-hour game like Ico to a stretched/empty 30-hour game
= only half as many dungeons as Ocarina

Bottom Line: I wish they had spent less time on the graphics/music, and more time on the gameplay.  


I still absolutely loved this game, and it is easily one of the best I've ever played. It just has a lot of flaws.
Why would you "love" a game that has a "lot of flaws"???  There are literally dozens of other games with no -or- almost no flaws you could devote your love to.  Just off the top-of-my-head:
- Skies of Arcadia, Xenosaga, Final Fantasy 10/10--2, Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Metroid Prime, Smash Bros, Space Channel 5, Dance Dance Revolution, Rez, Beyond Good & Evil, Ico, et cetera, et cetera.  

I sold Wind Waker on ebay to recover my money.  I can't love a game with so many flaws*, when there are dozens of better games I can spend my time playing & loving.  Maybe you should remove your Wind Waker disc and try some of the nearly flawless games in my list?  It will knock WW off its pedestal, and you'll realize how truly mediocre WW is.

Topic: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?

YES.  Beautiful graphics and music.  Below average story and game design + too damn easy.

Disclaimer: The message you just read is my opinion.  If you do not like my opinion, I apologize in advance.  Please explain where my opinion is wrong or fallacious.  Thank you. -----  PLAY GAMES FOR FREE! -

Offline DrZoidberg

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RE: Zelda: Wind Waker was it a let down?
« Reply #318 on: August 10, 2004, 04:50:38 PM »
Ooookay, this thread has run it's course, It's just becoming rehash arguments that arn't really worth anything.