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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1400 on: May 25, 2016, 06:17:47 PM »
Nintendo releasing a box just like the PS4 would likely still get few and poorly optimized ports, and sell poorly.  Gamers are already invested in those online communities, and Nintendo is not likely to know how to win them over at this point with brute force.  On a personal note, I think it would also be boring.  If they want to get mainstream attention, they need some hook.

As for ARM vs. x86, I think the idea that the latter is terribly inefficient is outdated.  ARM was traditionally for cheap and small devices that didn't need much CPU power, including things like microwaves.  x86 was instead for heavy duty computing, and used an increasing amount of electricity to keep up with Moore's Law.  But, this is historical, and they've both largely converged as it is relevant to this topic.  There is nothing inherently high or low power about either.  They are just based on different instruction sets.  Intel has a good line of mobile chips that are powerful and don't kill batteries any more than ARM.  They are used in Windows tablets and ultrabooks rather than phones.  There are much higher end options with x86 than ARM, but that is not relevant for a console at a reasonable price.  ARM or x86 would work fine.  The only thing people dislike about ARM is that it makes ports from other consoles and PCs less direct, plus some (perhaps invalid) implication that Nintendo is not attempting to keep up with the competition.

If this is a hybrid device, might as well stick with ARM.  The third party support might follow more from the developers that supported the 3DS than the PS4, which could be a good thing.  We don't want another Wii U situation, with ports of games that have been out for months or longer on other systems and little reason to buy them.  Although, portable versions of popular games might sell if they are the types of games that people want to take everywhere (trendy shooters, etc.).  In other words, games that people would love to play on the go, but would not make sense for phones.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1401 on: May 25, 2016, 06:36:59 PM »
I'd like to think these blatantly anti-consumer double-dip iterative consoles will be soundly rejected by the buying public... but too often I've underestimated just how many idiots with disposable income there are.  Hell Nintendo themselves have managed to make this concept reasonably successful with their handhelds.

Nintendo releasing a PS3/XB1 equivalent just as those consoles get replaced by a slightly updated model would be such a Nintendo thing to do that it sounds almost like satire.  Ironically Nintendo may have kickstarted this whole thing.  Unlike the other guys, they put themselves in a situation where they absolutely couldn't go with another long generation and would have to replace their console ASAP.  Sony and MS may have looked at Nintendo's need to release a new console and figured it would give them the ability to try out new hardware as well with Nintendo giving the appearance of a need for a new generation.

Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1402 on: May 25, 2016, 07:21:16 PM »
I should clarify I don't mean specs, I mean features. I want a Nintendo console that does what a PS4 does but a Nintendo console that does some weird thing and leaves out the BASIC functionality the other consoles have.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2016, 07:22:51 PM by supermario2k »

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1403 on: May 25, 2016, 08:28:31 PM »
Like what exactly? Is it the friends system? The video recording? game trophies? an ethernet jack? I haven't spent enough time with a PS4 to see all that it offers

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1404 on: May 25, 2016, 08:45:27 PM »
A user friendly interface. Blu Ray play back, maybe even more media options. A traditional controller. Good 3rd party exclusives, to name a few, plus yeah the things you said and I don't know maybe a better eco system, more video and web services than just the bare minimum.

Let me rephrase it. In order for me, personally, to buy an NX I either want it to be something that gives me an experience I can't already find else where. I won't be buying another Wii, or a Wii U. If they can't prove up front that it will have games I want and features I want then I won't be buying. Not unless it's real cheap like $200 at launch which isn't going to happen. Honestly what does anyone want from a Nintendo console? I want it to be able to get 3rd party exclusives and the same types of games I can get on the PS4 in addition to the Nintendo games. I don't mean the CoD games I mean the Street Fighter games, stuff that you know used to be and should be on a Nintendo console.

If all you want is for it to play Nintendo games and nothing else then that is why Nintendo is in the position they are, they shoot for the bare minimum and don't even try to reach for anything better anymore.

I mean damn the Wii U couldn't even run a comparable Netflix app for over half of the systems life. If the machine can't convince me that it belongs in my living room sitting besides my PS4 then it has to be second console status and for that it needs to be dirt cheap.

I am hoping it will blow me away. It will have great specs, it will have great games. Look the only reason people care about specs is because developers care, if Ubisoft says the machine is underpowered and would require too much effort on their part to make games for it then they won't.

In order for it to have great exclusive games it needs to be better than PS4 to some degree. Now granted to be fair the bar is lower than Wii already because it WILL be HD so it's not like choosing between an HD system and a not HD system so as far as specs go it will already be on a more level footing anyways. Gamers won't notice if a game isn't sporting all the latest little features whatever they are, as long as it isn't obviously gimped from the start. Genesis was lacking in a few colors compared to SNES but for the most part it had comparable graphics. It sold just fine and had plenty of multiplatform games. That is what Nintendo needs, they can be weak in one area as long as it's not so obvious it hampers development. With Wii even if they had a fast enough CPU and a strong enough GPU to render Halo 3 quality graphics, not being HD was more than obvious for most people.

For Wii U, I don't think most games look all that bad, even compared to my PS4. Now if NX comes out and has a super fast CPU, plenty of RAM, a very powerful GPU but it runs say a slow system Bus or whatever to save heat or whatever and that throws a wrench in the whole damn thing. Bottom line it needs to have the same features as the competition going in and then something the competition doesn't have.

The choice between PS4 and Xbox One comes down to minor things and the games. If the choice is something like games vs. no games, HD vs. SD, or 4K vs. 2k, then most people will go with the better of the choice. Wii sold pretty damn good all on it's own but the HD consoles sold right behind it, and they combined sold twice what it sold in the end.

I guess I just don't want a system that is going to be a lame duck out of the water. You can interpret that however you want. If it doesn't sell me up front then, maybe like Wii U it might in a few years but there are probably more people like me than who will buy it just because and I am still fairly open to Nintendo games anyways.

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1405 on: May 25, 2016, 08:49:11 PM »
See this is what I mean abut Ian Sane's posts, he points out all the bad in a VERY negative way and shows none of the good things his posts should be like yours 2k.
Made you look ****.

Offline KeyBilly

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1406 on: May 25, 2016, 08:55:13 PM »
Those seem like fair things to expect and I hope for them too.  I agree that it would need to be more powerful than the PS4 by at least a bit to make ports easy, since third parties won't likely want to spend time optimizing for an unproven system.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1407 on: May 26, 2016, 10:22:44 AM »
actually I think I liked the earlier builds of netflix more than the current build. The current build is pretty identical to other versions and I was pretty miffed when I had to update. The old version had a data file problem like Windows where it would slow down over time unless you re-installed it or deleted a data file. Otherwise it was cool and easier to swipe around, plus you could use the built in wii u touch keyboard code. In some ways it got better, in other ways it got less better. There was a time when it was the best version of netflix.

What's really going to matter is if it runs the latest version of unreal when it comes out. If it runs the game engines developers want to use it is going to be pretty transparent and easy to get titles to be on the system.
What's amazing is Ouya got unreal 4 and not wii u. I'm pretty sure WiiU is more powerful than Ouya and Epic just hates Nintendo.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2016, 10:41:15 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline nickmitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1408 on: May 26, 2016, 11:17:59 AM »
They definitely hate Nintendo.  I recall them saying it'd be impossible to port one of the Unreal Engines to Wii and then a short while later gloat about how they got it running on iOS.
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Offline supermario2k

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1409 on: May 26, 2016, 11:43:18 AM »
I kind of get the impression some days all developers hate Nintendo.

To Perm: I liked the old Netflix interface also, but I have multiple profiles and for me not being able to access the different profiles was worse than putting up with the terrible new interface.

But to be fair, I have been using Netflix less and less each month as they keep going downhill. I mostly stick to a few shows on Amazon or Hulu these days.

Like always, I will get NX for the Mario game so I am sold before hand, Nintendo knows this. But when I buy is up to what the machine can offer me that I can't get elsewhere. If it does something truly amazing I can't get anywhere else and doesn't cost a fortune I might get early. If it is like Wii, Game Cube, Wii U, where I have to really weight the pros and cons heavily then I will wait for a price point that is easier to jump in at or more than just a Mario game.

That is the problem Nintendo needs to fix. They never get early adopters because people take one look at the machine and all hype fizzles when they realize the weird funky thing it does different they have to put up with. If it would just be a standard machine that does what people expect, or if it has to be different not worse than the competition. Different can be better. For a while Wii was better than 360 and for a LONG time it was better than PS3. But you knew that with PS3 it would improve in time and with Wii it's major flaws would only get worse in time. That is not how you sell a system.

Lucario, I am not being negative at all, I am critical there is a difference. I would love for NX to be great and not do anything weird, trust me I am rooting for it and Nintendo to succeed. I just am much older than you so I been through this enough times to know every generation is different. The machine is the gateway to the games but if the machine makes the games less fun than they should be for any reason it can be a problem. The games are always great, that is kind of why there is a push out there by some people for them to just go 3rd party. It won't  happen ever but there are those who do just want the games.

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1410 on: May 26, 2016, 12:43:33 PM »
In terms of features I actually don't really care about non-gaming stuff.  Stuff like the online store matters to me because it ties in directly with the games but stuff like Netflix just isn't on my radar.  I would say Nintendo should match PS4 features that are popular and widely used.  Anything that is well known enough that someone may ask a store clerk about it while shopping for a console.  Like back with the Cube and DVD playback.  The DVD feature was such a well known and popular feature that you know people asked about it and were discouraged by finding out the Cube didn't offer it.  Nintendo shouldn't want someone to ask "how about this?" and get an answer that Sony and MS have it but Nintendo does not.  But there are probably some features that hardly anyone uses and Nintendo could save some money by not offering them and it will have no negative impact at all.

The NX is going to get great exclusives because Nintendo's own games are usually great.  It's funny that they're all hung up on being different when if the third party support was identical between all three platforms it would be a battle of first party releases and that would play to Nintendo's strengths.  If they don't get the third party support then all those non-exclusives on the PS4 and XB1 are like anti-exclusives from a Nintendo perspective.  They won't steer people specifically to Sony or MS but they will steer them AWAY from Nintendo.  If someone likes Game X if Nintendo has it then their console is involved in that person's console-buying decision.  The Wii U was only ever in consideration if Nintendo's own games are your top priority.  With good third party support they can be a lower priority but end up being the deciding factor.  "Well they've all got mostly the same stuff... oooo but I also get Mario and Zelda with this one!"

Offline Mop it up

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1411 on: May 26, 2016, 03:18:13 PM »
For me, it would be great if Nintendo's next system offered online features on par (or close to) the other systems, but without the subscription fee. If they could win back some of the third-party support, it may even be a selling point for Nintendo as people could play games like Call of Duty without paying extra for a sub fee.

In any case, I just hope it still offers free online play.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1412 on: May 26, 2016, 04:05:50 PM »
The no-DVD on Gamecube was an easy answer. First Nintendo was not in the DVD business. Second actually they had that covered. There was a version of the Gamecube that had DVD: The Panasonic Q. Adding DVD added a licensing fee. Which would propel Gamecube off of the at the time mass market price of $199. The Panasonic Q was expensive and now is an insane collectors item. Even a broken one costs $300 on ebay. Third again Nintendo did not plan for Xbox. To Nintendo's eyes  Nintendo was competing against Sega, and then secondly Sony who was an electronics conglomerate outsider. If Microsoft hadn't shown up to support the direction of Sony we'd probably still have a different playing field. I think Nintendo was under the impression they would just end up being a 3do or phillips. You have to keep in mind this is under Yamauchi who didn't play games, was kinda an old guy from the old school of business.

That it doesn't have blueray/dvd now infuriates me. If I could just download a legal $20 license program to make it happen. Yesterday I was having troubles with my DVD player(my mom lost the remote), If my Wi U could play DVDs that would solve that damn problem.
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1413 on: May 26, 2016, 06:01:27 PM »
You have to keep in mind this is under Yamauchi who didn't play games, was kinda an old guy from the old school of business.

Isn't this kind of the same situation with Kimishima? will that bode for the NX?  I mean, unless you think that all the details of the NX were conceived of under Iwata and Nintendo plans to execute that vision (which I believe has been alluded to).  This is actually my biggest concern with the NX (and I'm an NX optimist)--that Kimishima seems a little too out of touch to guide the company in the creative direction it needs to go.

Offline nickmitch

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1414 on: May 26, 2016, 06:19:18 PM »
The no-DVD on Gamecube was an easy answer. First Nintendo was not in the DVD business. Second actually they had that covered. There was a version of the Gamecube that had DVD: The Panasonic Q. Adding DVD added a licensing fee. Which would propel Gamecube off of the at the time mass market price of $199. The Panasonic Q was expensive and now is an insane collectors item. Even a broken one costs $300 on ebay. Third again Nintendo did not plan for Xbox. To Nintendo's eyes  Nintendo was competing against Sega, and then secondly Sony who was an electronics conglomerate outsider. If Microsoft hadn't shown up to support the direction of Sony we'd probably still have a different playing field. I think Nintendo was under the impression they would just end up being a 3do or phillips. You have to keep in mind this is under Yamauchi who didn't play games, was kinda an old guy from the old school of business.

That it doesn't have blueray/dvd now infuriates me. If I could just download a legal $20 license program to make it happen. Yesterday I was having troubles with my DVD player(my mom lost the remote), If my Wi U could play DVDs that would solve that damn problem.

I wouldn't call a modestly distributed product "covering the base".  And part of that premium was the fact that the system was being made by someone else, who also had to wet their beak on top of the licensing. Nintendo could have designed and distributed something similar for a reasonable price.

Plus, I think Nintendo was moreso learning from than competing against the Dreamcast.  The piracy issue probably contributed to Nintendo wanted to go with the smaller sized, and less commercially available, disks.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 10:18:51 AM by nickmitch »
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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1415 on: May 26, 2016, 10:22:40 PM »
I sincerely hope that Nintendo is holding the NX back from the public as a means to allow themselves the freedom to gauge what the competition has planned in terms of hardware power and then actually match or top it.

I know that's just daydreaming, but I would like to see a Nintendo console that has more than ample CPU and GPU power and actually do some cool stuff with it. What would that be? I don't know. Wow us, Nintendo. Create a holodeck or something.

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1416 on: May 27, 2016, 01:36:42 AM »
Dreamcast was a case study of a great few years of hardware sales and poor software sales because of piracy.

Also, when talking about what Xbox and Gamecube one has to really keep in mind that Nintendo had already designed and made deals to have gamecube to be made before microsoft announced and released xbox. No matter what Nintendo did Microsoft was going to one-up Nintendo's specs. The original xbox was a huge mess of a box that was more of a stripped down computer than a console. It was sold at a loss and was pretty much taking advantage of Microsofts tech monopoly power to strongarm themselves into the industry.

Also, lets keep in mind something. How big are some games today? I see a lot of Nintendo titles that are still 1-2 gb. 1.5 gb was a perfectly logical size for that generation. Anybody making 2 disc dvd games were making games inefficiently. I never liked the trend of FMV heavy games. The only games in this case that worked out for me was Resident Evil which made it onto the cube on 2 discs. Most games in this time would not go over 1.5 gb. Shenmue worked out in this era too. It was a 4 1gb disc game. Of course it was also a totally pirated game as well.

also keep in mind Xbox also had poor sales compared to ps2, and was discontinued earlier than Gamecube.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2016, 02:06:29 AM by ThePerm »
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Offline ShyGuy

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1418 on: June 02, 2016, 09:43:51 PM »
Hawt NX VR Rumors from China!

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1419 on: June 02, 2016, 11:09:41 PM »
Nintendo already has some level of vr on wii u. If I taped my wii U controe to a pair of goggles and did the 3d video you'd have really silly vr.
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Offline Oedo

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1420 on: June 02, 2016, 11:12:18 PM »
I'm skeptical of Nintendo rumours in general, but this seems even more questionable than most.

Offline ThePerm

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1421 on: June 03, 2016, 01:33:11 AM »
I read the source earlier and I was like I have never heard of this news outlet before, and I wish I owned the domain.
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Offline Shorty McNostril

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1422 on: June 06, 2016, 03:13:52 PM »

Offline Shaymin

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1423 on: June 06, 2016, 03:54:25 PM »
Digitimes, in my experience, is like Michael Pachter after getting hit by Sand Attack 3 or 4 times.

Let that sink in.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: NX Rumors and Speculation Thread (#Team2017 Wins Again!)
« Reply #1424 on: June 13, 2016, 12:46:56 PM »
4K Xbone S is real, if NX doesn't support 4K *at least for video services* then it's doomed from the beginning, again.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA