Author Topic: Mafia World Report! A Foreign Investigation and Meditations by Khushrenada!  (Read 5449 times)

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Online Khushrenada

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When Oblivion first tried our brand of mafia game, he made a big stink about how we play and how it doesn't follow the rules or traditional mafia format. I knew this already. When I first started playing the game and caught the mafia fever, I read up on it and knew that townies were supposed to have all communication in public. We didn't do that but I didn't mind. Our way seemed more interesting and the games are pretty fair for either side with our play style. Plus, it could be more fun and strategic this way.
Moreover, by allowing townies to talk privately with one another, this meant that mafia members could also do so. This has led to many great moments of lies and deceptions either succeeding or being exposed. Early on when I first started playing, I was an alright player and sort of devious as a mafia member but I was struggling with the townie side of the game. When Thatguy joined the scene, I recognized right away that he got the game and so I teamed up with him as soon as I could and we pioneered the idea of townie alliances. They had always existed before but were usually tenuous or took until late in the game to form. Using the advantage of communicating in private, we formed an aggressive townie alliance by right away seeking out other members, consulting wth each other on communications we received and analyzing all info we could to form a block that could control the vote right away. The townie's weapon is the vote and so long as we form a majority in it, we prevent the mafia from being able to direct it or form a majority voting block.
The end result was a quick succession of townie victories for us as we steamrolled through a few games. Of course, having created such a weapon, we also knew how to destroy it or use it for own purposes when we were mafia. Thus, it was not a game-killer but just another step in the evolution of how and why we play this game the way we do as new strategies keep forming. If you took the first three mafia games and compared them to the last three, they are not worlds apart but you can see a definite difference in the manner of playstyle from then and now. Whether this is a good thing has always been a question I've wondered. There's a definite charm to those older games with people getting into the spirit of things and cracking jokes, role-playing and definitely having a good time which has seemed to fade away with players treating it more as serious business. Had I been partially responsible for that change?

While seeking out some trades for Animal Crossing New Leaf on another forum, I noticed they had a mafia game sign-up. With Oblivion having complained for a few games at this point and swearing off from our version of mafia, I checked it out and it seemed to be close to the ideal he was espousing. I decided to sign up and try it out. I was apprehensive about being a townie as I didn't know how I'd be able to work things without making myself a big target. However, I was given a mafia member role instead so I didn't have to worry about that. The end result was a complete mafia victory with our mafia not losing a single member and basically wiping out every townie role. NWR represent! Woot woot! I wasn't going to let down these forums. C'mon.
That said, while it would be easy to just dismiss this other version of mafia as inferior, it has some interesting ideas worth considering that might be better than our set-up. I'll give a rundown of what occured and give some final thoughts as to why I think our version is still better and the state of our mafia games at present.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 11:24:37 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Online Khushrenada

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The Foreign Game's Rules

I already linked this in the Future Mafia Games thread but I'll put it here as it is probably better off linked here.
My Foreign Mafia Experience
This is a recap of the game from my experience and how it worked and played out.

It was a 14 player game. The theme was Animal Crossing. It seemed right. My first game here was an Animal Crossing themed game so my first mafia game there could be Animal Crossing themed as well. The roles were simple. There was a detective and doctor which were the same as how we usually use them. There was also a double voter and bandit role. The double voter role is simple enough. As explained there:  "During the day this player’s vote counts as two. The second vote won’t be visible to others and will instead be noted by the host." The bandit role was the only new role to be encountered. Its description was such: "[It] requires one less vote than normal in a lynch to be killed." These were all the townie roles used.
Now, the reason the bandit role mentions needing one less vote is because voting was done a bit differently. First of all, both the day and night phase could last 48 hours maximum. During the day phase, everyone could vote for whoever and change their vote during this time like normal. However, if a vote reached a majority then the day would immediately end. As an example, if we had 14 players and 7 players had voted Stevey and then Nickmitch decided to also vote Stevey, giving him 8 votes, the day would then end before the 48 hours are up as Stevey had reached a majority vote regardless of how others may have voted or if some who had voted Stevey had been thinking of changing that vote. Obviously, the roles that could affect votes would also have to be taken into account but once a majority decision is reached the day is over. If 48 hours is up and no majority is reached, then the person with the most votes against them would be eliminated. If it was a tie vote, then no one would be eliminated. One other difference is that players could also choose No Lynch as an option and thus the day could end with the majority having decided to not kill anyone.
The mafia side also had some difference to it. There was no godfather. All mafia members were equal and could be investigated and exposed by the detective. In order for the mafia to make a kill, the members had to make a choice and each would make their choice known to the host. Thus, it was like another mini-vote where players had to discuss and talk to each other who should be killed and form a majority opinion. If a majority opinion is not reached, then there is no kill.
Now we get to some of the factors that make the game a bit more unbalanced in my view. First of all, there were 4 mafia members. In a game with 14 players, I think that was 1 mafia member too many. Plus, the number of mafia members was not made known to the rest of the players. Thus, townies had no idea how many players they had to eliminate but the mafia did. On top of that, the mafia was given a free hit before the first day began so we got to immediately lower the opposition's numbers and had a crack at eliminating a great townie role before it could be used.
Recap of How the Game Went

The host made a post letting everyone know that the night 0 action was now occurring after sending out roles. 3 people posted in the thread while waiting and it was those 3 people I recommended as our first hit on the idea that they probably received a role and knew the game had begun which is why they started posting so soon. Others in my group chose one of those names as she was an experienced player so they thought it best to take out such a threat. With that, we eliminated our first townie.
I had also made a post in the meantime while we made that decision stating: "Ok. So, if I'm reading the rules right, the game has begun but only the players who have a role are able to play right now. Otherwise, I've got to wait a few days to be able to join in, correct?" I figured with no one hopefully knowing me there, I might as well play up my "first-timer" player status. It sounds so dumb but it works.  :-[
Now, there was one player named Jojodude88 who was rubbing people the wrong way. He was one of the three choices I had made to the group on night 0 since he was being quite active from the start of the game. The first post he had made during that night action phase was asking what role another player had and made a vote during that phase. When Day 1 began, he started getting some votes. This led another player named Paragon to post the following:

1. JoJodude88 is an innocent guy. Works for the village. Nickname is JoJo
2. Stop jumping on the bandwagon. Give him a break, he's new.
3. He hasn't posted much else to determine whether he's a bad guy other than the fact the he asked what our roles are. Someone could have lied to him, and he wouldn't have known the difference. Generally, though, a very bad idea to ask what someone's role is.

I right away seized on that. How could this player by so certain that Jojo was innocent so early unless he had investigated him? This was my number 1 suspect for the detective which I considered the mafia's biggest threat. In the meantime, players started leaning towards no vote and I joined in with that choice as it slows townie progress and means the mafia stays safe and gets another hit. My post was as follows:
Ok. Finally get to vote!

So, reading things over, paragon makes some good points and I'll go with that.

Vote: No Lynch.

My big question is this: Wouldn't anyone who wants to vote someone out right now be a mafia? We basically have to wait for the detective do his investigations. So without that, how can anyone say someone else is guilty right now?

I figured I'd mention myself being on board with Paragon's thoughts as it would help my innocent act especially if I was right about him being the detective. I asked some more dumb questions as well because I'm shameless.  :-[
While not having a reputation there had its benefits, it also had its drawbacks. When I recommended to the mafia that we hit Paragon, it was met with resistance. As one player warned me, "I don't think he's the detective. A detective wouldn't claim this early on. I think he was just trying to say that he's probably just making nooby mistakes." Still, with my annoying persistance powers of persuasion, I got the group to vote for Paragon and sure enough, we eliminated the detective. The mafia train was barrelling along.
For some reason, when writing the Day 1 story, the host used my name to write up a short story of what happened. Why give me the extra attention? I want my name to not be thought of by the other players. This is why I try to use player's names sparingly in my story writing. Unless they actually had a hand in voting someone out or I can make a joke with something that happened that day with a post or action they made, I don't mention anyone unless it is late in the game and then I may try to include everyone in a write-up just so that no one has more "screen time" than another player. The host even mentioned "By the way I would take any unintentional hints dropped in the write ups with a pinch of salt. I'm trying to avoid name dropping and any hints that may come from the write up are unintentional". Still, why take the risk if it might influence things? It makes you a player then instead of just a host. I just deflected it with this remark, "Cool! You're making me the hero of the story? I'm down with that. Thanks!" as if it didn't even bother me because I'm so innocent and new to the game.  But I tell you, man, inside myself, I was choked!  ;)
On day 2, one of the townies very kindly made themselves a target of the vote early on by choosing no vote after the day 1 events while the other townies had wised up that a no vote only benefits the mafia. I started employing some of my methods for deflecting suspicion. I threw out some false logic just because I enjoy framing people and decided to target a player named Steven. It sort of worked. One person voting along with me saying, "Because what Khush said seems legit." I am 2 legit 2 quit. Say what? Another joined in the vote, mentioning, "because I agree with what Kush is saying." I believe in Harvey Dent too. Oh wait. That didn't work out in the end....
However, my frame-up came too late and not enough people joined in to make it the majority vote. Not that it mattered to me much. An innocent townie got lynched which was fine by me. Anyone not a mafia member is a good vote out. I asked my mafia if they were the doctor, who would they protect? I only got one response. Communication between mafia members was not any better there. I tried to use some strategic thinking but to no avail. You see, at this point in the game, there was one player who had yet to show up. This player, named Megageeklizzy, hadn't been seen since putting their name down in the sign-up portion. (Yes, even there, player participation wasn't 100%.) As I tried to explain to the mafia:

"Well, the reason why I asked who you would protect as doctor is because I doubt any of us would choose to protect megageeklizzy. That is my recommendation for the hit because it gives the townies absolutely nothing to go on. He has no voting history or made any comments and therefore it keeps everyone else's votes safe from being exposed as voting for a townie or townie role. Plus, the doctor will most likely not be protecting that person allowing us to make a successful hit."

It seemed like a great, great hit. Of course, mafias love to hit active players rather than inactive ones but there are benefits of taking out inactive ones especially with the way this game was going. A successful hit now and we just have to take out two more townies tomorrow. 1 in the vote along with a successful hit and it is a tie amount of players giving us the win. Instead, they wanted to hit Jojodude88. Part of it was some flawed reasoning as to the way the vote ended. Players assumed Jojodude was the double voter. I thought it was the worst possible move as that was the one player the detective had actually investigated and had said was a townie which caused his death. His verification of Jojo's innocence was why he was hit. If there was one safe choice for the doctor to protect, Jojodude was it. Still, since the majority were voting Jojo, I went along with it. Pick your battles and I knew I needed to work with them to get them to work with me later or they might tune me out as being unreasonable, not a team player, or some such thing.

Fortunately, Jojo was not protected because who knows what the doctor was thinking. (As it would be found out after the game, the doctor kept protecting one of the mafia members all game. Of course, it wasn't me.  >:( Lousy doctors never protecting me.) Jojo was revealed as just an innocent townie and day 3 began. I picked up where I left off on Day 2 with my frame job of a couple innocents. While I had named two suspects and chose Steven again, the second of my two choices got a couple votes so I changed my vote and voted to make the second choice the majority because the charade didn't matter anymore. It was the last day. Let's end it. The player was revealed as another regular townie. I appealed to my mafia to target megageeklizzy who had still not shown up yet and was least likely to be protected by the doctor. This time, they agreed with me and we whacked megageeklizzy who turned out to be the bandit role. Nailed it!

But then, in a shocking twist, we were told the game wasn't over. Even though it was 4 - 4 because the townies still had the double vote role, the host felt they could still control the vote and vote out a mafia member therefore we had to eliminate that role. So be it. It was just delaying the inevitable as far as I was concerned.

Day 4 started out with 2 votes going against one of the mafia members named Vast who had been getting targeted all game. But then a saviour arrived. A player by the swashbuckling name of Cap'n Droid made a vote for another player with the curious moniker of Swampert X. Cap'n Droid had been bothered by Swampert X's day 2 vote of Vast which read, "I'm still saying we should lynch Vast cuz YOLO". Coupled with Swampert X's behaviour in game, Cap'n Droid felt that he had to be mafia. This allowed Vast to vote for Swampert X creating a tie. Then another townie, Steven, voted for him and another mafia member voted for Swampert X. I decided to lay low and didn't even bother to vote. At this point, a curious thing happened. Cap'n Droid then posted:

That's five. Quickest kill I've seen yet, hope it'll quell some of the distress going on here.

Did you catch it? There had only been 4 votes cast for Swampert X. Yet Cap'n Droid was proclaiming it as 5 so happy was he that his choice of Swampert X had been followed upon by other players. It could be 5 if the double voter also had voted Swampert X but how would Cap'n Droid know that unless he was the double voter? I explained it to the mafia and we all voted to lynch Cap'n Droid. At this point, the host disappeared for 17 days and then finally reappeared to proclaim:

What with Christmas and everything this became incredibly backlogged. If I keep putting the write up (ending) off I'll never do it.

Swampert is lynched by the town and is revealed to be the detective.

With it now turning to a night phase and with no protection available, the mafia will outnumber the town, even with the doublevoter (Steven) and win.

Congratulations mafia!

Swampert was actually the doctor but the host had clearly given up on the game. The only townie role that survived was the double voter Steven who was the other townie along with Cap'n Droid to vote for Swampert X which makes me very suspicious. How did Cap'n know that? Had they communicated outside of the game? None of us in the mafia could ever tell who the double voter role belonged to. Is it because he was secretly telling others his role to stay protected? If so, it just goes to show that the townies were frustrated with the public posting method and began resorting to private communications to get success. NWR model validated! And if not, who cares? Still blew this thing out of the water and townies hardly got close to us. I never even got a single vote. Ha ha ha. Much better than playing here......  >:(

A couple good reactions on the reveal the mafia had won.

Cap'n Droid had this to say:


And Verotten posted:

What! No!
Khushrenada was meant to be the heroooo.

Blegh. Congrats mafia... I guess... *huffs*

Trust me. I was the hero. You just had to change your viewpoint of the story.  :rolleyes:
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 11:28:31 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Online Khushrenada

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Analysis of the Foreign Game to Our Version

What does it all mean?

Well, we've always struggled with the worldwide players part and making the day and night voting time as fair as possible for all although European players still have the short end of the stick in that regard. But we've got Asia, Australia and the Americas doing alright so that's something. Having a longer voting period where the vote ends based on a majority vote could be a way to alleviate that along with longer night time actions.

However, even with this extra time and different requirement, players were absent and the vote took 48 hours to reach on two days because of it. Moreover, I started playing this game a few days before Stratos Winter Mafia game, I played hard in that game and it was finished while this Animal Crossing game was going on and went on for some time afterwards. It's great in that you don't have to make a big commitment to play it but it was clearly treated casually as the game went on with players losing interest which isn't a surprise when a game drags on and on. If there had been 30 players in that mafia game, I think it might have been a two month journey. I'll stick to the NWR pressure cooker version. You think the game drags sometimes here? You are wrong, wrong, wrong.

Another thing Oblivion complained about (imagine that  ;D) was bandwaggoning in our games. I didn't see any difference there. In fact, bandwaggoning is sort of the purpose in those rules. You have to reach a majority vote so most people need to vote for the same person. We've toyed with the idea of no vote being an option. We could make it an option but again, that can cause a game to be lengthened a long time and I prefer how not having that option keeps things running faster.

For some reason, mafia member absenteeism has been on the rise. The godfather in the Godzilla mafia went AWOL making for a tougher challenge than expected. Godfathers went missing on both sides in the Animal Crossing game. Even before this, it had cropped up once in awhile. Removing the godfather and allowing all members to vote for a hit could be a solution in this regard. However, even then, if you have two mafia members left and 1 is missing and doesn't vote for a hit, does that absent vote make a tie or does the one member who did submit a choice get their selection? If you treat it like a day vote, then he gets his selection as the vote is 1-0. But if you count the absent vote as abstaining, then it is 1-1. Perhaps we just need to institute a chain of command structure so that when the Godfather is absent it falls to Goon 1, then Goon 2, etc until whoever is here makes the choice. No one is here than the mafia definitely doesn't deserve a hit. Either that or the mafia must make a choice to wait for the godfather or elect a new leader. If they elect a new leader, they can make a hit that night but the godfather, or whoever is in charge at that point, is also killed off in the night by this mafia betrayal.

Mafia was still a fresh game on this site as this was only their third attempt at it. Yet there was no roleplaying going on. Posts were simple and very few went past two sentences. It was all business and laying low which is to be expected when you are only allowed to post in game. No one wants to stand out. When I compare it to the New Leaf game we just had, there was plenty of life and posting going on in that first week which indicates to me that we haven't killed the spirit of fun this game can have. It put this foreign game to shame. I think it just depends on the people involved. There are those who are willing to take the time and post that extra roleplaying bit and others feed off it. When those players were eliminated, it went away. Plus, as the game progresses, there is more game talk that can be better discussed so it becomes the focus. I think we are still setting a high standard here. And some themes are easier to play around in than others.

It could be mentioned that getting a mafia role in this foreign mafia was easier and didn't really make me see what the difference the game could be like if I was a townie but I disagree. First, I'm glad I was mafia to know about those differences and how it operates compared to ours. Plus, if I was a townie, I'd have still been able to know who the detective and another townie were as I was the one to point them out to my mafia mates. Thus, the mafia wouldn't have had that info and clearly weren't going to go after him. They were clearly focused on getting other targets that they thought were more threatening because they knew the player. So, I think I would have survived quite awhile. I could keep my head down and join in the right vote. In my frame-ups, I knew who the mafia members were so I could deflect their voting habits and patterns to get some focus off of them. As a townie, I wouldn't be doing that but would be looking at the data on its own and would be able to have that further evidence to back me. Still, it would mean holding back and playing a long slow game. It's so much nicer to be able to get at it and go full force if I want by being able to communicate with others in private. So, while I think I'd probably still have had a chance at winning in the townie side, it's all moot since it could have Paragon that was made mafia instead of me. In that case, does the player who then replace Paragon as detective make a post making it easy for me to identify him? Who does the mafia kill in night 0 or night 1 without me? It's all theoretical.

In the end, if such a pattern of gameplay were to continue, I think it could become boring as all players keep laying low and posting very little with few wanting to take the lead because they can't reach out to other players except publicly. The same thing has been happening here in a way with active posters getting eliminated sooner than those that are inactive or laying low but I don't see this other method offering anything to change that.

The games we play have more excitement. The deadlines keep things moving fast. Communicating with other players in private lends an extra amount of danger since while others can't see what you are sending to people, you also can't see what they are sending to other people. Thus, you never know if players are working to do you in while you work to do them in. Yet, the public thread doesn't get neglected. It's still necessary to voice public messages. Not everyone takes advantage of private messaging since it has risks with it. By posting things publicly, it helps keep people honest by putting them on record for all to see instead of relying on word of mouth. It keeps the game far more equal as the mafia cannot be too sure which townies are working together without perhaps getting themselves more involved and more open to being exposed. It allows those with townie roles to better protect themselves. Finally, we're pretty good at knowing how to keep a game balanced giving both sides an equal shot at victory.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on the Comparisons

If I had to sum it up, I'd say it was like the basic version of mafia. I think it might even be more basic than the kind Vudu would wish for when he played. I think our version would be classified as intermediate with some games having probably gone to expert level. Thus, while you can still get some of the flavour of mafia and a bit of enjoyment out of it, I'll probably never find it as engaging as how NWR does it. Probably why I've never bothered to seek it out elsewhere.

I think it also may have something to do with the theory of flow in the positive psychology field. Here's where I bust out some pointless science so gather the kids around! Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, (say that 3 times fast) found that people from all backgrounds in life described a similar sensation when they were totally engaged in an activity they enjoyed and could do well. They all reported achieving a state of mind with no sense of self, in which things came to them automatically - a feeling of "flow". He realized that it always occurred when the challenge of an activity matched a person's skills. The task was doable, but also extended their capabilities and demanded total concentration. Only a reasonable balance of ability and difficulty could lead to flow. If someone's skills were not up to the task, this led to anxiety, and if the task was too easily done, it led to boredom or apathy. In a state of flow, a person is totally focused, has a sense of serenity, of timelessness and a feeling of inner clarity. I've had that experience from some of these past games because it meets the right skill level. From my time in this other mafia game, I just don't see it ever giving me such a feeling.

I don't believe our style of play is an issue but rather a big positive. I'd say the biggest obstacle facing the NWR Mafia games is just the infusion of new blood which has been a problem for the forums as a whole the past few years. Younger players would probably have more time to host games or get into them more than us who have aged and have families or other daily responsibilities that keep us from engaging in the game as much as we would like. It is probably the bigger factor as to why players go AWOL in games and the biggest reason why people are hesitant to sign up to play the game.

The early games we played may have spoiled us as we expect a big production to go along with the game like in a manner I hosted the New Leaf game or how they were hosted in the past but there's nothing wrong with a one paragraph story per day with few roles either. It's about the game in the end and all a host has to do is make sure they are around to keep it running smoothly and leave most of it in the player's hands to figure out. The rest is window dressing really. I think most people understand time is a precious resource for many so if that is all the time you can spend in hosting, it's alright and understood. Likewise for players, you only have to spend the amount of time you want. If you can participate more, great. But even if you just come in to read the thread and cast a quick vote because you've just got 10 minutes, it is appreciated and much better than signing up and not showing up until the last day/game over. It doesn't take much sometimes to keep a mafia game rolling.

Well, that's my experience and my thoughts on it and things here. Feel free to chime in with anything you want to add and thank you so much for-to playing my game reading these posts.  :)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 11:35:24 PM by Khushrenada »
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Oblivion

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There could be other variables involved that caused the mafia to win perfectly. Whenever I played "my" way, it was never so one-sided. Could that possible have been a fluke?

Of course, you haven't posted your "body" and "conclusion" paragraphs yet so this post could very well be in vain.

Offline Ceric

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We have a lot of Tradition that's built up of what we liked and not liked.  Heck look at my Mafia game.  It got out of my control very quickly and did not work as I had planned at all.  I actually tried to start the Mafia itself out so it was a contingent block.  I also tried to put some Randomness in the game.  Unfortunately all of my Mafia save 1 where away most of the game.

I wouldn't mind a game where townies had to only communicate in the open.  I missed the conversational aspect and been fairly busy.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline pokepal148

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Well of course Khush would want the detective out of the way. I like to think my little expose in the Godzilla mafia got him a bit squeamish.

Online Khushrenada

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Did it make you squeamish when the detective exposed your role in Animal Crossing: New Leaf Mafia?
And it's not the first time a detective has exposed me. I also outlasted the detective in that game and saw to it that my mafia still got the win.

So, no, I wasn't squeamish. I'd gone through it all before.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline pokepal148

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I was honestly expecting that i'd given myself away by changing my vote like I did on day 1.

My main concern on day 2 when someone confronted me on the matter was making it seem like Lucariofan was manipulated into dropping his vote.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2014, 08:01:56 PM by pokepal148 »

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I never really used the PM system here. Then again, I'm not the best player. I just try and point fingers for the sake of moving discussion.

Online Khushrenada

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Alright. I've finished my report. Yeah, it's long but there's not much else getting posted on the forums these days so take your time to read it and pick away at it since what else is demanding your attention. Feel free to now engage the author and call him to task on how he is wrong in his viewpoint compared to yours.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Oblivion

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Online Khushrenada

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That's how I win every argument. I accept your apology.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Silenced

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And yes, I failed to act as Godfather, I had life issues to take care of, but all in all I have no excuses. It was a mistake that I regret, and I don't expect a second chance.

Online Khushrenada

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And yes, I failed to act as Godfather, I had life issues to take care of, but all in all I have no excuses. It was a mistake that I regret, and I don't expect a second chance.

Eh, like I say, it had happened in the past before and was committed by long time veteran players and it has not been held against them. Even Crazy Redd went missing on one hit day so even in that game, you weren't the lone exception. It hasn't been held against those other players in receiving such roles and I don't think it will be held against you. It's all random. At least with how I do it. I think the only ones you have to worry about are your mafia mates as they were depending on you to get the team a win. But Pokepal is hosting and Lucariofan didn't seem to care much so you might be ok after all, buddy! Drinks on the house! Let's party to getting away with it!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline pokepal148

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And yes, I failed to act as Godfather, I had life issues to take care of, but all in all I have no excuses. It was a mistake that I regret, and I don't expect a second chance.
Look on the bright side, in my ruleset you have a little clause named after you.

(I almost forgot to slip that in there)

Offline Ceric

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I tried to do Mafia by vote and that failed miserably.  I never even had a Quorum worth of Mafia in my game to vote...
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

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And yes, I failed to act as Godfather, I had life issues to take care of, but all in all I have no excuses. It was a mistake that I regret, and I don't expect a second chance.
Look on the bright side, in my ruleset you have a little clause named after you.

(I almost forgot to slip that in there)

Looks like everything is coming up Silenced!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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The behind-the-scenes manipulation and backstabbing is the whole reason I find the game fun. I've played it Oblivion's way before and I'm not sure why anyone would do it that way when they could do it our way. If you're playing in person it's pretty much the only way it could work, but we have the technology to make it so much better.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
NWR Community Manager and Soccer Correspondent

Offline Wah

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Like my sneaky alliance with nickmitch!
Made you look ****.