Author Topic: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)  (Read 1198584 times)

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Offline shingi_70

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It looks like the main suit from the last movie.

As per your other comment. Maybe that isn't Ultron and is the Vision. The sad thing and a knocked out Wanda would make a ton of sense.

I wonder how long this movie is supposed to be?
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Daredevil will start filming in July. After that we get Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, Luke Cage,and then the defenders.

I wonder if this will be pre or post AOU. Thinking about it, Age of Ultron has the potential to be really big on the Cameo scale.

Let me fix that for you.... (you gotta stop posting from your phone so much :P: : )

"Daredevil" is ready for his close-up
As for the rest of heroes who'll be getting the small-screen treatment in the recently-announced joint deal between Marvel and Netflix, which of them is next up to bat?

"'Jessica Jones' comes after that," confirmed Loeb. "And then after that, 'Iron Fist' and then after that 'Luke Cage,' and then that'll culminate in 'The Defenders.'"

Also sounds like Marvel will deviate from the All at once model for Netflix:
As for whether the shows will follow the "binge-watch" model set by current Netflix series like "House of Cards" and "Orange is the New Black," Loeb wasn't saying. Nevertheless, he assures us that Netflix will be "delighted" with what they've got in store.

He didn't confirm a all at once release, so I'm guessing they will be doing the week to week thing, which is fine with me to be honest, as long as as soon as Daredevil's last weekly episode goes live, Jessica Jones series starts the following week, and so on and so on up till and through The Defenders. Like it's all one really long season of show leading up to the mini-series.

My main question is though, will these shows have tie ins with AoS and/or the Movies, such as Dr. Strange or Captain Marvel?

Offline shingi_70

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Well we know that the shows do take place in the MCU. I'm guessing we might see Coulson and some cameos here and there but for the most part they will be self contained to each other. Something like Matt Murdock being Luke Cages lawayer and Daredevil clearing his name.

I'm wondering how much super powers and will we see the stable of street level dude show up.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Looks like Evangeline Lily will be Janet Pym aka Wasp

and another Ant-Man cast member has been announced
Corey Stoll from House of Cards

Offline shingi_70

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Yo its Pete Russo.

Was hoping Rashida Jones. Lily seems so bland from what an can remember of lost. I guess it makes sense since outside of EMH,  Wasp is pretty damn boring.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Another poster (an official Marvel one this time)

And a bit of fun...

Offline shingi_70

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Pretty sure the Pablo Rivera one is official as well.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Sharon Carter show up in agents of shield next year. She's already on the ABC and I don't think revenge will last that much longer.

A bit surprised that Marvel hasn't dipped their toe into the Kid/teen super hero market.
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Offline Ceric

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Pretty sure the Pablo Rivera one is official as well.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Sharon Carter show up in agents of shield next year. She's already on the ABC and I don't think revenge will last that much longer.

A bit surprised that Marvel hasn't dipped their toe into the Kid/teen super hero market.
I don't think they want to go there because its an anchor on a brand targeting 18+ Demographic.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline shingi_70

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Is it spider-man is one of the most popular auperheoes and the best two runs deal with a peter who's 16-twenty something.

Having a teen or kid super hero doesn't have to be bad or even have to be a movie.

Shouldn't we be hearing about the next one shot by now?
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Shouldn't we be hearing about the next one shot by now?

I'm guessing that it will be Loki and/or Lady Sif (& The Warriors Three) related.
110% speculation on my part.
- Because of how Thor 2 ended,
- Under utilisation of Lady Sif (I think was ready to jump ship to DC for Wonder Woman if they offered her the part)
- Because there is a pattern where the One-Shot attached to a movie's DVD release is usually related to the movie that came before it. (ie. Thor 2 DVD had a Iron Man 3 One Shot / Cap 1 DVD had a Thor 1 One Shot **see OP for complete list**)
- the combination of those 3 and the events of her episode on Agents of SHIELD would lead to a good opportunity to follow up on Lady Sif after that episode. 
**Thor 2 Spoiler & Cap 2 reference**
Odin (aka Loki in disguise) wanted Lady Sif to bring Lorelei back to Asgard. Lorelei being the younger sister of The Enchantress, might make for a nice opportunity to introduce some more Asgardians to the mix; such as The Enchantress and The Executioner.
For those that don't know (I just looked it up), The Enchantress & The Executioner become part of The Masters of Evil under Baron Zemo, who has reference in Captain America 2 and could be part of Cap 3.

They could break her out (under Loki's orders) and flee Asgard to later appear on Earth to meet up with who will later be shown to be Baron Zemo.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 07:29:01 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline BranDonk Kong

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When did Thor 3 come out?
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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When did Thor 3 come out?

End of 2018, it leads directly into Avengers 3. And it was AWESOME.

I'll post spoilers later ;) :P

Offline Spak-Spang

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BlackNMild:  I don't know about that.  Also, I wonder why people worry if an actress/actor plays 2 different roles in different universes.  The actress can be Sif and Wonder Woman.  Nobody would care.

I hope they don't do anything with Loki yet.  I want that to sit for awhile.  Don't bring it up in Avengers 2...unless you mention it as Loki being a good ruler.  I really want a movie where Thor has to make a tough decision...Revenge or what is good/best for the universes...and IF he chooses to take Loki out...what that means for him.  He has to be the ruler. 

It would be a great story arc, and really interesting for Loki.  If Loki is a good king, then he proves he is worthy of ruling, and if Thor tries to overthrow him the kingdoms could revolt against his Kingship.  What would that look like for the Marvel universe.  All of that is riveting storytelling.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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^All of that could still happen and not change the fact that Loki was responsible for The Masters of Evil, as their main objective would be to keep Thor busy on Midgard so that Loki can tend to matters on Asgard without interference.

That way, by the time Thor does return to Asgard, Loki has his rule down to science, and everything working like a well oiled machine. It would actually make the decision harder. Take out Loki for his involvement with The Masters of Evil or allow him to carry on under the guise of Odin so that he himself will be free to roam and adventure.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Amy Acker (Root on Person of Interest) is coming to Agents of SHIELD as a former love interest of Agent Coulson

Offline shingi_70

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heh the link betrays your spoiler tag.

Pretty Awesome. I'm glad every guest charcter isn't a shield agent or super powered being. Though I kind of wanted Acker to be Agent Brand of shield.

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Having just read up on Agent Abigail Brand (, that would be interesting. Would also lead to the introduction of SWORD, which will need to happen soon, now that GotG is coming out.

Offline shingi_70

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Having just read up on Agent Abigail Brand (, that would be interesting. Would also lead to the introduction of SWORD, which will need to happen soon, now that GotG is coming out.

Its why I think the base they found the corpse in belonged to SWORD instead of SHIELD.

It also makes sense or AOS since SWORD and Brand are creations of Joss Wheadon's from his Astonishing X-men run.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Hawkeye gets a new fit... and it has some purple in it. No mask yet though.

Offline shingi_70

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Was hoping for T-shirt and Jeans.

So I'm guessing Planet Hulk will be the Guardian's sequel. Every one tends to want that story but you lose Banner which is a no go in my book.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Well, you need a Banner Hulk to do Planet Hulk. I came up with a theory on how to do it, I'll edit it in later when I find it, but the short of it was Ultron takes out Banner somehow, Hulk RAGES, stomps Ultron, turns on the Avengers, SHIELD launches him into space.
Banner is trapped in the HULK's mind like a prison, forcing him to face the beast within.
*that's when he gets launched into his own movie*
At some point he learns to be a fully conscious HULK, and Planet HULK happens. He somehow gets off the planet and by luck (crash lands on Nowhere?) meets up with the Guardians who then bring him back to Earth just in time for Avengers 3.
Now when Hulk returns, Banner is in full control of the beast and is fully able to transform back into Banner at will.

Offline shingi_70

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That would be interesting. Personally I prefer the EMH take when the Hulk/Banner and complelty different people but the Hulk isn't a mindless monster. A planet hulk movie could work if its a fantasy adventure like conan the barbarian. 
3DS friendcode: 3093-7342-3454
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Well, I was trying to envision a way to have the HULK be the active character, but still involve Ruffalo in the movie other than grunting and saying "Hulk Smash".

They could show the internal struggle of Man vs Beast and how Banner eventually wins over the Beast and they learn to peacefully co-exist with one another, allowing Banner to be the Brains while Hulk remains the brawn.
They could do Planet HULK where they have a way to subdue Hulk temporarily where blind RAGE is not getting him free, and through cooperation with Banner, they were able to outsmart the captors and use the Hulk's might to get them into a position where Banner's brains gave them the unexpected advantage leading to revolt, overturning the current regime and The Hulk getting off that planet.

Offline ShyGuy

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Hulk is intellgent. Ruffalo runs around like a crazy person yelling "Smash!"

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Black Widow doll Action Figurine incoming:

Now for the Captain America "Action Figure"

These look really good. They must be using 3D modeling/printing to make these figures now.

and for those that want to spoil themselves, there is a 10 minute opening clip of CA:TWS on youtube, but it's in Spanish.

also the CA:TWS soundtrack is up on (spoiler track listing included -  HYDRA)

there are also some supposed set pics from GotG out there now that indicate that SHIELD makes an appearance somewhere during the movie. - possibly a post credit, or maybe a flashback to Quill's origin story on earth.