Author Topic: IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!! [OT] for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Movies & TV)  (Read 1198449 times)

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Offline shingi_70

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The Nova logo seems fake. Knowing that the Nova corp is in the GOTG any Nova film would already have elemnets to take away for iconography purposes.

With that said I wonder would we get Dick Rider Nova or the New Kid one.

Though I'm of the mind they're going to put Cap Marvel in for the next phase.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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And another I don't think I've posted before

« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 07:12:18 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »


Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Hey guys, AoS had something planned. Wonder if it's worth getting hyped over...?

UPRISING appears to be what they are calling the final arc of the season. Should hopefully tie into The Winter Soldier very deeply.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 09:20:06 PM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline shingi_70

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Like I've said before Winter Solider ends with a big change in the Marvel U Status Quo.

-Fury is taken over by The World Council and its now headed by Robert Redford with hand as his Coulson/Hill.

-Nick Fury fakes his death after the Winter Soldier makes an attempt on his life.

-Skye is brought back by Extrmesis and becomes a technopath so she can conviently bring Deathlock to team Coulson.

-Team coulson goes underground and works as the secret Warriors teaming up with Paxton dudes and for a time centipede.

-Ultron project is started as an escalation of the arms race we see in Winter solider. The meta list will probably come into play as well.

Going with this angle since it explains why the hulk is being hunted in afecia only a year after chilling with Tony stark and Two after saving the planet

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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I'm not 100% sure, but I think they just revealed a Kree being of some sort on Agents of SHIELD tonite.

Kinda creepy too.

Spoiler Pics:  |  |

and if that is correct.... does that mean that Skye is going to be Ms. Marvel!?

This was a good episode, still not as exciting of a show as Arrow, but this was another definite uptick in quality, so atleast we are consistently headed in the right direction. Long post credit scene too, sets up the next episode.

edit: supported speculation ahead
Geheneris HalaSon Mahr Vehl

First 2 initials are G.H. - The drug they were looking for was GH432 or something like that.
Skye may not be becoming Ms. Marvel, but that was definitely a Kree alien, and AoS just scooped GotG in introducing a new alien race to the MCU, and possibly just setup a tie-in for GotG too (for s2).

alteranate possibility, also a "Kree"

posses healiing ability, but can't regenerate limbs and organs when completely blown off.
and Agent May did call out 616 during her communication from the cockpit.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 11:12:52 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »

Offline shingi_70

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Haven't seen the episode but does it require spoilers. I guess I should seperate myself being someone with a ton of comic knowledge verus someone where the MCU is their main vehicle.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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just didn't want to spoil the episode before other got to watch it.
Some people DVR and don't get to watch till several days later, so considering how slow this site is, I decided to spoiler it for those that wandered in here not knowing what to expect.

Feel free to read away & spoil or don't spoil yourself at your leisure.

Offline shingi_70

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Watched the epissoide earlier today (**** You ABC) and I really liked Paxton's character and his sidekick.

I thought the Kree? reveal was pretty well done and I'm wondering if Clohe is still a existing Marvel character or has that been thrown out the door. I felt the end stinger was bring but I'm glad that it led into the next episoide.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Watched the epissoide earlier today (**** You ABC) and I really liked Paxton's character and his sidekick.

I thought the Kree? reveal was pretty well done and I'm wondering if Clohe is still a existing Marvel character or has that been thrown out the door. I felt the end stinger was bring but I'm glad that it led into the next episoide.

All we know for sure is that she has powers. The "Existing Marvel Character" comment was from someone not involved with the show.

As far as the post credit scene, at least they don't have to spend the 1st 5 minutes explaining who that is or what she can do. They can jump straight to Lady Sif coming to get her back.

Offline UncleBob

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Very minor spoilers for last night's episode....

WTF.  Storming this compound and killing two guards that you have absolutely no idea who they are, what their purpose is and what their affiliation is just to try and save one person?
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Very minor spoilers for last night's episode....

WTF.  Storming this compound and killing two guards that you have absolutely no idea who they are, what their purpose is and what their affiliation is just to try and save one person?

in their defense, Coulson knew that that was the place that he was treated at, and he wanted answers no matter what (we the audience did too). And they tried to warn the guys that they were only there for medical attention and meant them no harm. They warned them that they will defend themselves if they did not stop firing at them. they had to kill them.
and that one person they were trying to save is an 084, and Coulson knows something about her that makes her very valuable, moreso than 2 skeleton crew guards that didn't know when they were out manned and out gunned.

Offline UncleBob

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That doesn't make me feel better... They were guards that were there to protect a medical facility with unknown but likely friendly affiliations.  Coulson did not follow protocol for the facility (he didn't know what it was, of course), ordered his men to break in and storm the building, armed.  Any guard in that situation would likely follow the proper orders - shoot to kill.  Coulson decided that his one friend - who's life was in danger as a direct result of decisions - was more important than these two fairly innocent guards that did nothing wrong other than protect the building they were instructed to protect from armed intruders that were unwelcome and unwanted.  Dropped his likability down several notches.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I get it, but answered are needed, and all who get in the way have just made themselves expendable. I'm sure the care packages their families will receive from an unknown benefactor will more than take care of their needs for a few generations to come. ;)

Offline UncleBob

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I get it, but answered are needed, and all who get in the way have just made themselves expendable.

"The ends justify the means."

Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.


Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier Extended Trailer #3

Offline shingi_70

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One of the new episoides of Uprising is titled end of the beginning and it sounds like its the post Winter Solider episoide.

end of the Beginning" - Agents Garrett (Bill Paxton) and Triplett are back to help Coulson's team track down S.H.I.E.L.D.'S nefarious enemy--the Clairvoyant. But will Deathlok destroy them all to protect his master's identity?

"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." stars Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson, Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May, Brett Dalton as Agent Grant Ward, Chloe Bennet as Skye, Iain De Caestecker as Agent Leo Fitz and Elizabeth Henstridge as Agent Jemma Simmons.

Guest starring are Bill Paxton as Agent John Garrett, J. August Richards as Deathlok, Saffron Burrows as Agent Victoria Hand, Maximiliano Hernandez as Agent Jasper Sitwell, Titus Welliver as Agent Felix Blake, B.J. Britt as Agent Antoine Triplett and Brad Dourif as Thomas Nash.

Most of the main shield players established are coming back for this one.
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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It's starting to get good, which is good because lis of people have already bailed. May not be to late to get a lot of them back.

Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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I dropped out of SHEILD a few weeks ago, so I'm about 3-4 episodes behind. I think it is time to go back.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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What's funny is that you quit right before it made a change for the better.
So here's a little motivation to get back into it:

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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I just saw another new series of posters for Captain America 2. Marketing budget for this movie must be insane as Marvel obviously has a lot of faith in this movie.

I'm going to quote ask the posters released so far that I can find next time I'm at a capable computer. There was also another Falcon one about a week or 2 ago that I don't think I posted in here before too. This has got to be some sort of record, for real.

Offline Ceric

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Are Goal this time is to make enough Unique Posters that we can literally wallpaper a small Theater with them.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Looks like Terry Crews just put himself back in the running to play Luke Cage

“Anything can happen.  All I know is scheduling and all that stuff—anything can happen.  I’m open to all kinds of things, but who knows?  Actually I took myself out of the Luke Cage running a while back, just because it was people trying to put people against each other.  [It was] Idris vs. Michael Jai and I’m like, ‘Wait a minute, this is not even greenlit!  Can we talk to Marvel?  Why are you talking to me? Don’t put me against my homeboy for a movie that’s not existing.’  I said, ‘Take me out!’
“I heard [it’s greenlit] but I haven’t gotten any calls.  I’ve been hearing stuff like, ‘oh you’re too old,’ and I’m like, ‘Man do my workout 20 years ago and we’ll talk about who’s too old (laughs).’”
“Like I said, anything can happen, I never rule anything out.  I’m game.  There are no rules.  What’s up, Marvel?  I’m right here, baby.  I ain’t goin nowhere. You know where I live!” (laughs)

I might be down with that. I'm not super familiar with Luke Cage outside recent cartoons appearances and a few comic appearances back in the day, but I trust Marvel to know who fits the role and who doesn't. They've been pretty spot on so far, no reason to doubt them now.

Offline ShyGuy

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I watched that Shield clip. Man, that show is... How can a show look so expensive and so cheap at the same time? The copter shot of the vehicles and the space beam were great, then the Lady Sif looks like a cos-player compared to the Thor movies.

And the writing? That dialog makes Arrow sound like David Mamet.

Right now I'm glad I stopped after the first episode. Maybe I will try again when it ends up on Netflix.

Offline Nile Boogie Returns

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I can't get over Terry Cruz being the OLD SPICE GUY for him to do anything Marvel and take hime seriously. Rather an unknown or someone less "funny" to play Luke Cage, unless I don't remember the Comic as well as I think. Now Michael Jai White? Like that way much more.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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Michael Jai White could use a break, and a Marvel gig that could turn into movies would be just such a break. Arrow hasn't really let him shine, and he could really use a starring role. M. Jai would also be good for some 1970's flash backs too if Black Dynamite is anything to go by ;)

According to Terry Crews, Michael Jai White is also on the list... along with Idris Elba...(?)
well, I'm not sure what or whose list they were on, but they were on some list that he mentions.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2014, 11:50:22 AM by BlackNMild2k1 »