Author Topic: Nintendo's reasoning for not including an AC Adapter with the 3DS XL...  (Read 64074 times)

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Offline tendoboy1984

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I found this in the latest "Iwata Asks" article.

Iwata -
According to the original specifications, if you were playing while charging, you were surpassing the capacity of the existing AC adapter. For that reason, there was a time that, you thought you might have to prepare a special version.

Koshiishi -
Yeah. But later on, through cooperation with the manufacturer, we were able to get by with the existing adapter. We also discussed cost and whether we needed to include the charging cradle. And you suggested not including the AC adapter.

(Editor's note: The North American version of the Nintendo 3DS XL does include an AC adapter.)

Iwata - That's right.

Koshiishi -
We worried over it, but during that time, all the groups within the company naturally shared a desire to separate what was absolutely necessary and what wasn't. In the end, we decided that it was best to sell the AC adapter and the charging cradle separately.

Iwata -
About the AC adapter, this is the fourth of this type since the Nintendo DSi13 system, so I think many people have the previous AC adapters. That being the case, we thought we should make it easier, even if just a little, to buy the system. However, you have to have the stores notify shoppers that this product doesn't come with an AC adapter, so if you don't already have one, you have to buy it separately. This project required the sales division to be thorough on that point as well.

Koshiishi -
That's right. I was relieved that everyone on the staff understood that we were saying to the players, "We won't make you pay for something you don't need."


"We won't make you pay for something you don't need."

What a bullshit excuse. The device needs an AC adapter to charge, yet Nintendo expects consumers to pay extra for a necessary item? I guess the company really is out of touch with reality.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2012, 07:33:51 PM by tendoboy1984 »
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Offline Ian Sane

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I paid extra for my GBA AC adapter but the original GBA model used AA batteries.  Back then the AC adapter was very much an optional accessory.  But to claim the 3DS XL doesn't need one isn't being out-of-touch; it's an outright LIE.  If the only way to spin your greedy decision in a way that doesn't outright admit that you're ripping consumers off is to lie, maybe you should rethink the whole thing.

And any concept of seperating what is or isn't necessary is complete horseshit when Nintendo's whole console business model these days is to force in stupid gimmick controllers to attract rubes.  So it's okay to force me to buy useless junk that most games wouldn't need (but will undoubtable have shoehorned in) but not to force me to buy something I clearly fucking need if I wish to play my system for more than a few hours?

Offline tendoboy1984

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I paid extra for my GBA AC adapter but the original GBA model used AA batteries.  Back then the AC adapter was very much an optional accessory.  But to claim the 3DS XL doesn't need one isn't being out-of-touch; it's an outright LIE.  If the only way to spin your greedy decision in a way that doesn't outright admit that you're ripping consumers off is to lie, maybe you should rethink the whole thing.

And any concept of seperating what is or isn't necessary is complete horseshit when Nintendo's whole console business model these days is to force in stupid gimmick controllers to attract rubes.  So it's okay to force me to buy useless junk that most games wouldn't need (but will undoubtable have shoehorned in) but not to force me to buy something I clearly fucking need if I wish to play my system for more than a few hours?

Exactly. But luckily Reggie had an epiphany and realized an AC adapter is necessary for charging a handheld, so it will be included with the system in North America.
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Offline NWR_insanolord

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Nintendo's working under the assumption that a significant portion of the people who buy a 3DS XL already own a standard 3DS or a DSi XL, both of which use the same charging cable. Those people don't necessarily need another one.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline Kairon

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Nothing dramatic here: Nintendo is trying really, really hard to get back to profitability.

I mean, the 3DS XL is a major part of that effort since they're essentially raising the price versus the regular 3DS here. After all, a major reason that keeps coming up as to why they posted the loss is that they were selling the 3DS at below cost, so I figure they're keen to reduce costs as much as possible with whatever comes in the box. Hence, no included AC Adapter in Japan since they figure people already have access to them... or will pay Nintendo more money to get them.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

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Offline tendoboy1984

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Nintendo's working under the assumption that a significant portion of the people who buy a 3DS XL already own a standard 3DS or a DSi XL, both of which use the same charging cable. Those people don't necessarily need another one.

And for the people that don't own a handheld? They're going to be pissed if the store clerk forgets to tell them that the AC adapter is sold separately.

Hopefully Nintendo will put a notice on the packaging: "AC ADAPTER NOT INCLUDED!"
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Offline Chozo Ghost

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So an AC adapter doesn't count as a necessary item? How the hell can the device be powered or charged without it?
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Offline tendoboy1984

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So an AC adapter doesn't count as a necessary item? How the hell can the device be powered or charged without it?

Exactly. I'm glad NOA was smart about this, since the North American model will have an AC adapter included.
Nintendo Network: tendoboy1984
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Offline Kairon

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Maybe Nintendo Japan has sales data that convinces them that people who buy the 3DS XL are highly likely to already own a compatible AC Adapter. I think it's a highly unusual decision to make, however, and am glad that NoA isn't following suit.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

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The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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So an AC adapter doesn't count as a necessary item? How the hell can the device be powered or charged without it?

An AC adapter is necessary to have only if you don't already have one. As I said, the 3DS XL uses the same adapter as the 3DS, DSi and DSi XL, so if you own one of those you already have one that works with this model. It's a cost cutting measure; Nintendo's banking on the audience for the hardware being primarily people who already have one of those, and being up front about that so people who don't fall into that category know they have to buy one separately.
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J.P. Corbran
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Offline lolmonade

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Maybe Nintendo Japan has sales data that convinces them that people who buy the 3DS XL are highly likely to already own a compatible AC Adapter. I think it's a highly unusual decision to make, however, and am glad that NoA isn't following suit.

As a selfish, lazy American, I thank you for saving me the trouble of researching this myself.  And now that I know that my land is safe, I can leave this topic and let everyone else bicker about how stupid this decision is for Nintendo.

Offline MegaByte

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Maybe Nintendo Japan has sales data that convinces them that people who buy the 3DS XL are highly likely to already own a compatible AC Adapter. I think it's a highly unusual decision to make, however, and am glad that NoA isn't following suit.
This is what they said right when they announced the system. They expect most 3DS XL purchasers to already own a 3DS (or DSi or DSi XL). It does seem odd that they're already going for second purchasers this early in the system's life though.
Aaron Kaluszka
Contributing Editor, Nintendo World Report

Offline Kairon

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It does seem odd that they're already going for second purchasers this early in the system's life though.

Yeah, that's why I think this whole thing comes back to the profit motive.
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

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The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline MegaByte

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They reduced the retail price for the charger though. They must really be playing a margins game.
Aaron Kaluszka
Contributing Editor, Nintendo World Report

Offline Adrock

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I've yet to use the actual 3DS charger that came with it. I've been using my DSi charger which will be the one I trade in when I eventually upgrade to an XL due to all the cat bite marks. I'm glad the NA XL comes with a charger (why not in case of potential cat related accidents), but not including one isn't as crazy as it sounds. From personal experience, I didn't take out the 3DS charger because I didn't want or need another cord out.

Offline Pixelated Pixies

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I don't curse often, but this whole debacle was f***ed from the start. I actually did consider trading in my existing 3DS for an XL,  but ultimately decided against it. The thought of paying an additional £6.99 ($10) for something which is Necessary was the determining, if not the sole, factor in my decision not to upgrade. I was teetering on whether or not to go ahead with the exchange, but the fact that an AC adaptor had to be purchased at additional cost made the decision not to upgrade far easier.
To not include the adaptor and to ask customers to spend more money on this very crucial component of the system is frankly churlish. New adopters might never have had a DS and those gamers who did own a DS or 3DS have likely already traded these systems in order fund the purchase of the more recent one. It's a pretty crappy move on Nintendo's part if you ask me.
Gouge away.

Offline Adrock

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Would you have felt better if Nintendo included the AC adapter in the box and just charged you $10 more? They could have done that and you would have been none the wiser. It's a bizarre choice, no doubt. However, I don't think it's that terrible. This isn't even new. Remember when we had to buy memory cards just to save our games? A PS2 memory card was like $35 so suddenly a launch PS2 is $335 unless you wanted to just not make progress in your games. Sony is still doing that with Vita. I'm not just trying to hate on Sony. My point is whether a manufacturer packs a certain something in or charges separately for it, you, the customer, are still paying for it.

Offline Tamazoid

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I'm still wondering how Nintendo Australia got away with including the AC adapter down here. They are basically controlled by the Dark Lords of Japan these days. It's also very surprising that NoE went along with Japan. With how things are these day it would have been more likely if NoE included an AC adapter but NoA didn't

Strange times indeed.
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Offline oohhboy

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This is all about really, really bad messaging on Nintendo's part. If they just up and said the XL's price is what it would be minus the AC adapter rather than dancing around it like they have here, there wouldn't be a problem. They had half of the solution when they reduced the price of the adapter.

It also doesn't help that it feels like this isn't Iwata's idea, it's something some accountant would come up with in the back room. It doesn't come off like he owns the idea at all. It's completely unnatural.
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Nintendo should have included something like this in the package.  Shouldn't have raised the price hardly any.
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline Ian Sane

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So the target market for the 3DS XL is double dips?  If you own a DSi, you're a damn sucker who got swindled.  If you already own a 3DS and are buying this one, you're a consumer whore.  The AC adapter is only "unnecessary" for customers that Nintendo is already playing like a fiddle.  If you're a smart shopper who has not bought a 3DS yet you get fucked because some other tool is gladly willing to buy redundant hardware they don't need because Nintendo tweaks it a little.  This is just Nintendo taking advantage of their customers.

The SNES, N64 and Gamecube all use the same A/V cables but Nintendo didn't assume that I already had a set when I bought a Cube.  Yeah, I didn't need the extra cables but I never thought "this is such bullshit I have to pay for this".  It's an essential item because it is needed for the damn thing to even work.  I should be able to just buy a videogame system and have it come with everything necessary to use it, except for the games.  It has to come with a power supply, cables to hook the system up to the TV, a controller.  Console not including memory cards was pretty annoying but at least without one you can still use the system.

At least NOA isn't doing this so if I buy a 3DS I don't have to worry about this nonsense.  Just a penny-pinching joke from a company I long ago lost any respect for.

Offline Adrock

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If you own a DSi, you're a damn sucker who got swindled.
I don't see how you can make a blanket statement like that and even attempt to pass that off as correct. For example, I gave my unemployed 16 year old brother my DS Lite and bought a DSi at launch so we could play Contra 4 and Phantasy Star 0. How did I get swindled if I got exactly what I wanted? Your argument is invalid.
If you already own a 3DS and are buying this one, you're a consumer whore.
Or I got a bunch of free games and a hefty discount yet prefer the larger screens and the larger hardware footprint of the XL. I'm selling my 3DS to my brother so we can play multiplayer games such as Resident Evil: Revelaitons, Mario Kart 7, and the upcoming Code of Princess. Some people already have the AC adapter for a variety of reasons.  Again, your argument is invalid. Good day to you, sir.
Just a penny-pinching joke from a company I long ago lost any respect for.
Then why are you here? I'm not asking you to leave. I just don't understand. You don't have to keep coming to a message board to continue complaining about a company you no longer respect. What is this? I don't even...
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 01:35:58 PM by Adrock »

Offline TJ Spyke

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They are basically controlled by the Dark Lords of Japan these days. It's also very surprising that NoE went along with Japan. With how things are these day it would have been more likely if NoE included an AC adapter but NoA didn't
Strange times indeed.

NOE basically just does what NOJ tells them to, NOA is more independent.
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Offline Ceric

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This is like Printers that don't come with USB cables.  If you can't use the product without something, printers case USB Cable.  It is not optional.  The excuse that you may already have one is not kosher.  I have spoons and forks at home so should they not be provided at resteraunts?
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Offline Ian Sane

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Adrock, if you sell your 3DS to your brother and buy a 3DS XL, how would you already have an AC adapter?  Doesn't HE need one as well?  So you're going to share the one AC adapter or what?  Or does he now have to buy one?  The only way to truly already have one is if the individual owns both systems, which means he got swindled by the DSi or already bought a 3DS.

The DSi is a scam because everyone with the slightest knowledge about videogames knew that it wasn't going to be the real DS successor and that successor was going to show up soon.  The plan was either for people ignorant of that to buy a DSi and find themselve with out-of-date hardware very quickly or for people who are well aware that the DSi was a stop gap but just don't have enough control over their spending habbits to not give in and buy it.  The whole thing was Nintendo manipulating their customers.

The 3DS has been out for a little over a year and you're going to replace it?  It isn't like there are exclusive 3DS XL games.  What do you really gain from buying another model?  To me, the purchase seems completely unnecessary.  Double dips like that are a scam and Nintendo is taking advantage of customers with misplaced priorities.

Maybe it's just the way I was raised.  I don't replace things that still work correctly unless the new product provides some significant new functionality that justifies the purchase by itself.  Does the 3DS XL honestly provide such new functionality that upgrading to one would be anything but out-of-control consumerism?

At least with your example with your brother, it's really like your brother getting a new system and, hey, why not buy the latest model?  It's two systems for two people and that works (but doesn't work with the one AC adapter; what do you do if the two of you are seperated from any length of time and both want your handheld?)  The DSi isn't an outright rip-off if that's the only DS you've ever owned.  But upgrading to it made no sense and that was Nintendo's plan.  DS sales were maxing out and they wanted to trick DS owners into upgrading to a largely meaningless upgrade and then to upgrade from THAT to the real upgrade shortly afterwards.  The whole thing is a screwjob and hardly anyone who didn't fall for this scam will not need an AC adapter (basically it only applies to late DS adopters who bought a DSi and now want to get the 3DS XL).