Author Topic: Off-Topic Wise-Ass Comments About Other NWR Forum Threads And Also Other Stuff  (Read 947870 times)

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My very presence is offensive.  :cool;
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Pffh. Toilet paper? What do you think cats are for?

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supermario2k you're not a true fan if you don't care aobut e3!
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Offline Shaymin

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Man, **** E3.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
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If it's so bad then give me your pass
"I deem his stream to be supreme and highly esteem his Fortnite team!" - The Doritos Pope and his Mountain Dew Crew.

Offline Shaymin

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Already transferred it.
Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
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The debate over shaders and bloom lighting brings back good memories. I haven't had these feelings for specs since. . .
"I deem his stream to be supreme and highly esteem his Fortnite team!" - The Doritos Pope and his Mountain Dew Crew.

Offline supermario2k

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animecyberrat finally gone
« on: April 27, 2006, 01:08:44 PM »
If you hit the ACR banners, candy will come out
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:: Ty Shughart
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2006, 02:57:04 PM »
Seriously?  SUPER is my hero.
EDIT:  Can you get rid of Artimus, too?  First the negativity regarding the specs and now all this name crap; he's getting on my nerves.
« Reply #6 on: April 27, 2006, 04:50:49 PM »
Ty is the people's hero.
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2006, 05:52:12 PM »
Wiiiiiiiiii! WRYYYYYYYYY!
This was long overdue.
Well that's a shame, I liked the rat.
Just don't ban Stevey or Bill or Ian!
These boards need their colorful characters..
RE: animecyberrat finally gone
« Reply #21 on: May 01, 2006, 06:39:54 AM »
Hey, since he's banned, can you change ACR's avatar?  It's annoying.  Plus, it's too wide by one pixel. Thanks.
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Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!
RE:animecyberrat finally gone
« Reply #22 on: May 01, 2006, 10:38:40 AM »
who wsa thsi rta uoy speak of? i dontt remmmber him. wasss thrre antttyhing heed d orrs ysa tat id nkow?
 Making fun of my posting, ah the memories.
Offline ShyGuy
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RE: animecyberrat finally gone
« Reply #34 on: May 06, 2006, 07:32:24 PM »
I also vote to bring Rat back
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RE: animecyberrat finally gone
« Reply #35 on: May 07, 2006, 07:25:26 AM »
I vote to hurt ShyGuy for that suggestion.
Offline Jonnyboy117
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Message from animecyberrat
« on: May 15, 2006, 01:53:30 PM »
I told him that I would post a message for him because he wants to apologize and explain himself for a few things, and we are not willing to unban him.  So here you go:
    About the forums, all I really wanted to say was first to SUPER (hes the guy who banned me) that I was not serious at all about what I said about him, because everything< i thought, in funhouse was all just supposed ot be joking and I was JOKING. also i wanted to let Mantidor know that I wasn trying to be malicsous and should have phrased what is aid better, all I ment was when *I* played Monkey ball it made me sick cuz it was unmistaklabley meant for perschoolers, but I shouldnt have insluted anyone like I did.
RE: Message from animecyberrat
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2006, 03:48:36 AM »
I find comfort that no one up till now has cared enough to reply.
RE: animecyberrat has been rebanned
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2006, 07:09:37 PM »
~Carmine M. Red
RE: animecyberrat has been rebanned
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2006, 03:09:08 AM »
This is thee besht!
Originally posted by: animecyberrat
Oh by the way you gusy can just call me RAT if you want thats what most people call me anyways and its my official rapper name also, even have it on my liscense plates. but you guys probabaly dont like rap music so I wont bore you with details of my songs.
well I oly ad that disclaimer cuz I got flamed for saying I dont like pokemon or Paper mario, so i always let people know I have different tastes than most people. But I never follow the crowd and always like games most people dont. thats just me though.
All in all I agree that what killed nintendo was thier half ass attitude towards the game cube. It also didnt help any when they reported that tehy had to stop manufactoring the system half way threw its second year and then pick up again witha  huge price drop and a free exclusive just to pick up enough slaes to even stay in the race for third. Thats when 3rd party Devs jumped ship cuz they saw GC as finished and gave up back then.
I also think a big part of what hurt them was the fact they didnt do any thing to build up thier image. They used to have giveaways in magazines, Fox Kids and Nickelodeon used to give away Nintendo systems for prizes, Pepsi and even Shasta used to run promos for Nintendo games, there were countless movies where kids were shown, at least 1 shot, playing a Nintendo game. when I was in school we always woudl ask peopel if they played Nintendo games, I never nor did any one I know, use teh term video games, it was always Nintendo games. That didnt change until Sega but even then it was Do you play Nintendo or Sega, now no matter who you are talking to you get eithe rlaughed at, wierd looks, or argued with, if you say you play Nintendo games. unless your specificaly refering to "the nintendo" which is commonly referencing the NES.
I even rememeber when Super Mario Bros came out and how much of an impact that game had, no game has had an impact like that in a long ass time. Mario 64 came awefully close but still not the same.
So as a Nintendo fan from bakc when Nintendo was all there was I mostly wish they would get thier former glory back just for "old times sake" if you know what I mean. Im gonna be to old to be playing video games soon and unless I have kids or my sister lets me by games for her kids, teh Revolution will most likely be my last system, my primary reason for even wanting oen is the old games, I honestly have no faith in Nintendos current game makers to support a system based on thier weirdo controller, among other things. I will say that as a grown adult, I do not have much desire to play pretend with a remote control for my video games. I currently play my old systems the most anyways and most likely will just focus on Revs DL features and maybe geta  few select new games if the are interesting enough.
Nintendo says they want to reach non gamers or old school gamers and I can say I think tehy will succeed with Rev mostly cuz of the Dl feature. But I still have hopes that they will make a Mario game that can take me back to when I was a kid again like they keep promising. 
>>come on, even if you haven't played it, you have to admit, it's the most neatest way to play Pac-Man since the coctail table was created<<
I just had to quote that cuz I used to play MS Pacman every day on one of those, talk about memories.
Anyways I have so many great momnets with my GC I dont knwo where to start. Thankfully teh great momnets out way all the dissapointments or else I wouldnt even be here.
First I will say Star Fox Adventures and Zelda Wind Waker. Those 2 games were the ones my best friend showed to me the dfay he showed off his GC. He also bragged about Pikmin and Smash Bros Melee, but seeings hwo much I hated Smash bros and Pikmin looked to wierd for me I chose to play Star Fox and Wind Waker instead. At first I was blown away by SF cuz I hated the other games and it was cool how this one got me into the series. Then Windwaker, I have to be honest the graphics were awesome at first. I loved teh cartoon- cell shading it was remeniscant of the 2-d days. But after playing ot for a while it became rather boring and repetitive and I just lost interest.
Then I bought a Cube and got Mortal Kombat Deadly Allience, I played this game to death, beat it on every difficulty, unlcoked every secret without cheating, mstered all the Konquests and watched all the bonus videos, this was by far the best MK game expereicnce since playing the first arcade game way back when.
Next came Pac-Man World 2/VS bundle. I played Pac Man World 2 a lot when I first got my Cube. This was one hella fun Platformer plus all the cool cntent in th Arcade area was nice too. I didnt have a GBA nor didn any of my friends, we had invested too much into our GBC as this time, so I didnt get to experience VS ever. Next Great Momment wa Star Wars Rogue Squadron II, I loved that game to death. Then I played Sonic Adventures 1 and 2 and spent many days on them, both great games. I also loved Metroid Prime, Sould Caliber II, Dragon Ball Z Budokai( my second favorite fighitng game for GC) and Fianly I gave in and borrowd SSB Melle, and fell in love. Mostly the adventure mode where you ruyn through the old school looking levels like Mushroom Kingdom and such, this more than made up for Sunsine.
Speaking of Sunshine I will say that I got this game along with Luigis Mansion fairly early on in my Cube days, I palyed maybe an hour of Luigis mansion before tarding it in to Game Stop, and Sunshine, I was impressed at first with the graphics and the Levels, but it didnt take long before that damn water hose drove me insane and I had to quit playing. Not teh difficulty mins you the &*&*^ing VOICE! I cant stand the voice so much I couldnt finish the game. which is sad realy cuz I liked playing it and maybe someday Ill go back and try again.
Resident Evil 4 was a great moment cuz its gave me a great looking game to really feal proad to own a Cube to be playing. And then Golden Eye Rogue Agent came out and I put a lot of hours into that game also, still working on it cuz its a fun game but havent finsihed yet cuz too many other games to play not enough time to play them all. Then I also loved Tales Of Symphonia and my favorite GC game (not counting Fighting games) Harvest Moon. having lived ona farm and haveing grandparetns who live on a farm this game realy got my attention. It was fun, great story and very relaxing. Too bad it gets boring very quikly though.
The Zelda Collectors Disk and GB Player were also some great times for me too.
well Wind Waker was fun fora while, adn yes I did like it at first and its one of the reasons why I got a Cube, but it got boring pretty fast.  Star fox has been my favorite game so far for GC, I seam to be alone in thining its a great game, most people hated it for some odd strange reason.
All in all I am getting  mroe satisfation from my Cube now more than ever, plus I am going to go back and try Sunshine and WW again just in case the are more fun now.   
well I didnt mean to sound like us older nostalgia gamer swont care bout the rev stuff, cuz I boughta cube for their new stuff too, but I do know that teh virtual console will be a huge selling pont, which will bring in more people to attract more 3rd party devs to make more new games. I just hope that the new games are fun as the old ones.
I know that even for my GC I own more compilaton disks than anything else and mostly play Smash Bros for the trophies and the Adventure mode. I love that you can play threw the mushroom kindgom as practiacly any major Nintendo Character AND that those cool Ice Climber were inlcuded. Theres one things that still worries me about the virtual console, and correct me if Im wrong, but what about the games Nintendo made BEFORE the nes (as much of a shock as that may be to some of you they actualy used to make games for Atari!)
Im talking about Popeye (my personal favorite form that era), Donkety Kong (preferabley arcade version cuz 2600 and NES both sucked), Original Mario Bros (original arcade version also cuz updated GBA version wasnt as cool).
Also I am curious about thier post NES arcade games, like Killer Instinct 1 and 2, Crusin Usa series or what about Mike Tysons Punch out, will Rev get that or the regular Punch Out remake-rip off.
Also will there be remakes or sequels to other games besides the main five (Mario, Star Fox, Zelda, Metroid, F-Zero) Like will there ever be Kid Icarus, or new Ice Climbers? or a remake of Popeye? Or how about a Mario game set in the MushrooKIndgod with Fire Fire flowers, Star Men, Magic Mushrooms, Koop atRoop as and etc... THATS WHAT I WANT! Yes I am excited Nintendo will revive someold franchises with this service but what about making brand new games for the rev based on old ones? Also wheres Super mario PRGs real stunning 3d sequel been hiding? I mean with visuals to rival FF series (teh real FF not CC crap)? Thats another big game that could have done better if it hadnt been 'flattened and kiddified' into Paper mario. I so hope Mario RPG gets a revival on the rev.
While were still talking games who else want s to see a brand new Turrican game for teh Rev? Imagine using the controller (if you must) to toss your rope to the ceiling and swing across as you use the analog stick to steer. It could consieveabley be a 1st person style game like Metroid Prime but 3rd person would suit it better. Tell whoever makes those games to get on it right now! I nkow Factor 5 and Data East a Genesis Turrican but cant rememebr who did Super Turrican since I sold it a long time ago.
EDIT: I for got to add that Id be willing to pay as much as five dollars agame for NES games and maybe more for SNES games who else thinks that fair not $2 tahst way too low I think. 3.99 bottum line I think.
    Originally posted by: ShyGuy
    Now this is a forum game! We will prove the true identity of mysticspike or burn this mother down!
also, if you're waiting for me to come clean about being a dupe account forget about it stop wasting your time. it aint gonna happen quote
ME: Ha, no I was NOT spike, he was just some kid I met on some Wii game I forgot which one and I invited him here.
Originally posted by: Ian Sane
I don't see anything exceptional regarding the Wii launch.  They've got a few first party games, one is a huge title but isn't really an exclusive.  They've got about the same level of third party support at launch as they did with the Cube.  They've got a lot of the American third parties that support everyone while most of the really good Japanese third parties are absent for now (Ubisoft and EA mean nothing; merely releasing a product ensures their support).  There are a few new names showing excitement for the Wii but in the meantime Nintendo lost others and as the Cube demonstrated third parties showing excitement about a console doesn't mean squat.  And there looks to be a drought of decent titles after launch, just like the Cube.  I don't see anything incredibly poor with the Wii launch but it isn't beyond what should be expected.  Arrogant Nintendo is the norm and I think it's too early to say that they've broken out of this mold yet.  Just because Sony is being insanely arrogant doesn't mean Nintendo isn't.  They just look better in comparison.
Plus their arrogance shines through with the VC.  The games are overpriced and the selection sucks.  As usual Nintendo is trying to squeeze every penny out of their customers.  That is typical Nintendo arrogance.  That is their usual assumption that they can dick us around and get away with it.  Hell just look at that BS "no potential for North American market" line being fed to us.  Until that sort of behaviour isn't commonplace I'm not going to think Nintendo has changed.
Offline segagamer12
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RE:The Case Against Ian
« Reply #63 on: December 02, 2006, 04:37:11 PM »
In all fairness Ian sane is the reason I joned these forums in the first place. Before reading all his post, and wanting to jump in an defend him where I agreed, all I came here for was the mail bag.
Plus Ian is a musician which earn him respect in mybook. I even have one of his songs on my I-pod.
    Originally posted by: segagamer12    In all fairness Ian sane is the reason I joned these forums in the first place. You're not helping his case
« Reply #67 on: December 03, 2006, 04:42:53 PM »
ian is a musician? I want music! I'll put ians song on my wii!
Offline therat
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RE: 3 rpgs
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2006, 06:44:33 PM »
ouch, so im not welcomed back?
 therat:Another user that was NOT me but was mistaken for me. 
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2006, 02:39:46 AM »
Wait, you're not ACR?  But you're therat and you can't type worth a damn and your post makes no sense.  I thought for sure you were ACR. 
Although, I did find it odd that you weren't bitching about crappy Japanese games.
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2006, 06:34:40 AM »
I saw through the disguise as the AnimeCyberRat is from Oklahoma, and this therate is in NYC vicinity.
Dang, we need a phoenix wright smiley
ME: Oklahoma!? I have never in my life lived in Oklahoma. I was in Kansas at one time, but I was in Idaho when I joined this site the first time.
RE:3 rpgs
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2006, 03:38:54 PM »
    Originally posted by: vudu
    Wait, you're not ACR?  But you're therat and you can't type worth a damn and your post makes no sense.  I thought for sure you were ACR. 
    Although, I did find it odd that you weren't bitching about crappy Japanese games.
okay but acrs bad spellnig is very speicfic and this guy doesnt relly type lik him at all. Teh real rat mixse up the oredr of the leteters. I hope you udnersantd he types badly cause he has arthritis and its very hard for him to type and worry abuot spellchcek and thigns lik taht. But hes spellnig better now since peple wont stop b*tching abuot it.
also I dont now if you noeticed but the real rat puts alot of spcaes bewteen his paragrpahs.
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2008, 07:09:23 PM »
so with you gone, and therat (finally) working, me and shyguy not really caring... whats going to happen to's forum???
RE:Very Special Mafia game starts monday check it out
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2007, 01:06:48 PM »
    Originally posted by: thetransformerscollector
What is the NWR policy on dupe accounts? Its so hard tracking the idiots when they change accounts so very often.
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RE:The Hole
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2007, 12:57:48 PM »
    Quote *pushes segagamer into a hole*
RE: I officially decalre war on infernal monkey
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2006, 06:12:44 AM »
    expect to hear a battle song directed at a certain internet nerd who loves monkeys
First you request anal sex in multiple threads, now you're going to dedicate a whole song to how much you love me? Oh my~ <3
I like animecyberrat. I really do. Many of his posts are quite informative (especially about SEGA), and I don't care about his spelling at all. But rat, it seems that you're very touchy about some things.. I've noticed a few times now that when someone makes lighthearted joke about you, you take offence. Sometimes you pass it off as a joke, but you have to realise that this forum does not consist of people who are after you; whatever they say usually has an affectionate tone. Infernal too - I think that guy is afraid of being serious..
Infernal doesn't really mean any harm.  I mean he isn't probably sitting in his room or at someplace else (his happy place? ), waiting for you to do something that he finds funny.  He's a free spirit, so then again, he might be waiting for you to do something so he can make fun of you.
And like I said before....Everybody <3's Infy.  Those that don't, should just die!
« Reply #51 on: February 13, 2006, 03:20:19 AM »
animecyberrat likes it up the butt
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« Reply #63 on: February 15, 2006, 01:53:53 AM »Yeah, I mean, Let's try not to constantly provoke the guy.  Nothing to see here.
Offline Oblivion
        View Profile Personal Message (Offline) So toddra was just an alt to some idiot that left five years ago?
« on: September 07, 2013, 12:03:02 AM »
If I'm reading his last post correctly.
Re: So toddra was just an alt to some idiot that left five years ago?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2013, 11:29:45 AM »
    Quote so THE RAT was back and we all missed it huh? The reveal & NWR's reaction to it:
Re: So toddra was just an alt to some idiot that left five years ago?
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2013, 10:06:49 AM »
You know, it's funny. Stratos was just asking the other day about any major bannings and I was thinking of ol' animecyberrat and his banning and I was surprised he never tried to get around it because he had done so in the past on other bannings. I was wondering if he was actually lurking around here but I hadn't seen any post with some atrocious grammer like he used to commit so the toddra account didn't give him away. Well played sir.
Re: A Guide to Marvel_moviefan_2012
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2014, 08:42:22 PM »
amendment 6, I usually make up half the **** I say, see rule number 1.
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Trying to be a better person, honest.
Did you know we have a troll?« on: October 28, 2014, 09:37:12 PM »     Quote I won't say who it is but I uncovered evidence of their existence recently and I think we need to flush them out and burn them at the stake., or however it is you kill trolls these days, get them to fall in love with a princess sounds far-fetched.
    Guys I owe you all sincere and earnest apology I was a complete and total idiot. I had no idea I was that bad, I honestly thought I was goofing around just like what I figured everyone here was doing. It turns out that I was not a very friendly, considerate, or even coherent poster. Man my spelling was far from the worst thing you all had to sit through. To make it all worse I actually went on some long tangent about how lame you all were for correcting my mistakes because I thought it was all a personal attack. I made some enemies early on based simply on me misunderstanding what people were trying to say.     This is a sincere letter of apology to everyone I offended, pissed off, attacked, insulted or argued with over nothing important. I lost my temper one too many times and some of you have put up with me when I was at my worst. I am genuinely trying to be a better person both here and in real life too.
Description: height=20
Re: Off-Topic Wise-Ass Comments About Other NWR Forum Threads And Also Other Stuff
« Reply #2316 on: March 30, 2015, 08:16:26 AM »
 It wasn't really a rant. MM2012 just called oohhboy a lot of names including a derogatory homosexual term which he knew would get him banned in a single line which Shaymin deleted. He wanted the account banned because he just doesn't have the self-control to not visit these forums without being blocked. (And even then, he's later created new alt accounts.)
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1991 - 2014 Nintendo World Champion.

Offline supermario2k

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Yeah no bullying going on whatsover I must have imagined it all.

Offline pokepal148

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You know if you were gonna make fun of Ian Sane you should have done it last month.

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Please post more large, poorly formatted blocks of text no one wants to read. I'm sure that's what we all need.
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Offline nickmitch

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Yeah no bullying going on whatsover I must have imagined it all.

Honestly, I'm the one feeling bullied by that post you have up there.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

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Mario 2k I couldn't be bothered to read all that (worse formatting then me XD that's saying something), so a brief overview plz?
Made you look ****.

Offline Evan_B

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The Rat proclaims his name for the world to see, says he hates Paper Mario, talks about the Game Cube being trash, and everyone hates him.
I am a toxic person engaging in toxic behavior.

Offline Wah

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Evan that's mean...
Made you look ****.

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It was just a summary, not a opinion piece.
I am a toxic person engaging in toxic behavior.

Offline supermario2k

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The Rat proclaims his name for the world to see, says he hates Paper Mario, talks about the Game Cube being trash, and everyone hates him.

When did I say the Game Cube was trash, I have always said it was one of my favorite game consoles.

Offline supermario2k

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Yeah no bullying going on whatsover I must have imagined it all.

Honestly, I'm the one feeling bullied by that post you have up there.

Why because I brought up the harsh truth that some of you guys treated me like scum the day I waltzed into here unannounced? I think I could dig up more posts but TVMAN, TrueNerd, Mario, Stevey, they weren't all exactly friendly to me. I wasn't hostile up front I was energetic, I was overly excitable and I posted like **** because I had a problem with my hands that through years of therapy I was able to fix. Back then, as now really, my fingers didn't bend like they were supposed to. I got that mostly corrected now. I was also a severe depressive person with massive social anxiety and other issues, I didn't handle myself well. Years of therapy, medication, and moving away from the stress causers in my life allowed me to chill out.

I mostly posted then in gest, you know following the TONE of the forum and trying to fit in. I must have done it wrong because when Oohboy or Infernal Monkey or VUDU made rude ass comments about a forum member goddamn Ty would make a banner out of it and plaster it across the front page of the forums. How would you feel walking into a PUBLIC FORUM and seeing banner making fun of you every damn day? You think that wouldn't make you angry, hurt, upset, hostile? You think it would make you want to retaliate.

I only picked out a few where yes you could see I was excentric but the JOY the relief people expressed about me being banned because I couldn't take the bullying any more wow, seriously.

I even made a PUBLIC apology that Johnny was kind enough to share and people shat on it. I might have skewered views NOW about Nintendo but that is because **** I am just tired of expecting them to do what they used to do and I can't bring myself to care, Wii sucked all care I had for them right out of me. I try to care but I don't.

But I had friends here, Svenan, Golden Phoenix, Shy Guy, Khush, Spike, or mysticspike he changed his name a lot too, even Kairon who rarely posts anymore but I am happy is still around. I tried to ignore the haters but damn it they went out of their way, even going so far as to make posts about how much trash I was. They did the same to Ian and he retaliated and I came to his defense and was called a loser for doing so.

I used to be friends with the Perm but somewhere along the lines he started taking me too seriously and I think I offended him. I don't hate anyone anymore. But you all do realize, or should, that I normally am just goofing off. The Rat is NOT ME, he is a character I play. I sometimes turn it off, but nobody seems to tell the difference, Khush seems to get it mostly but I think he is similar to me in many ways he won't admit. Just more level headed which I never disagreed with I am tempermental, all the more reason to not push me but no instead they just push harder because make him feel like he is worthless so he will go away obviously doesn't work.

Honestly the only reason I come back is because I been coming here for so long it's habit, it's just where I belong. Plus, as I quoted others saying time and again, this place would be dull without me livening it up. Sometimes I push people's buttons, sometimes intentionally sometimes not so. it used to be unintentional but lately I just...

and there that should be the length people can actually tolerate to read. I guess twitter has shut down people's ability to read more than a couple sentences so thanks for playing. Oh and


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You did say that Nintendo's half-assed treatment of GC caused it to fail. That is, in my opinion, saying the GameCube wasn't great. Now, your later discussion of its greatest titles goes against that, but those are just opinions. The fact is, the GameCube sold like ****. Maybe my whimsical summary was a bit too shallow.

But joining the forums to defend Ian Sane was your first mistake, dude.

I don't think people hate you, but there's a difference between your persona and say, Khush's Lucario persona, in which Lucario is just a guy that says really stupid stuff a lot but doesn't get all riled up about people calling him out on his absurdity. He also rarely talks about video games, which might help his case. Also I know that Lucario isn't a Khush's dupe but if this gets quoted with that reference taken seriously I'm done.

We all have moments of immaturity- I used to get real riled up on these forums myself, and had several unhinged moments even in the past two years, but it's important to not let arguments on the magic TV box get to you. There's a difference of perspective here, where victimization leads to paranoia, that is going to become an endless cycle. Don't let it happen.
I am a toxic person engaging in toxic behavior.

Offline King of Twitch

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You need a teacher. I could train you!
"I deem his stream to be supreme and highly esteem his Fortnite team!" - The Doritos Pope and his Mountain Dew Crew.

Offline UncleBob

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You do realize that, aside from the occasional mafia game, this isn't a role play forum, n'est ce-pas?
Just some random guy on the internet who has a different opinion of games than you.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Here's a bit of info for the Rat and everyone else on these forums: you will get banned if you say hateful, racist things, regardless of whether you mean them seriously or not.
Insanolord is a terrible moderator.

J.P. Corbran
NWR Community Manager and Soccer Correspondent

Offline Adrock

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I hate dried grapes. I'm sorry if that makes me raisinist.

Offline Shaymin

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    • You're on it
I hate dried grapes. I'm sorry if that makes me raisinist.

Donald Theriault - News Editor, Nintendo World Report / 2016 Nintendo World Champion
Tutorial box out.

Offline ShyGuy

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I mildly dislike Canadian culture.

Offline pokepal148

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Here's a bit of info for the Rat and everyone else on these forums: you will get banned if you say hateful, racist things, regardless of whether you mean them seriously or not.
But muh freeze peach.