Author Topic: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1  (Read 413519 times)

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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1575 on: January 05, 2016, 09:24:43 PM »
PS4 sitting at "over 35.9 million" consoles sold. Pretty impressive.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1576 on: January 29, 2016, 08:41:55 PM »
And now EA has accidentally revealed that PS4 has sold almost *double* what Xbox One has. Hell, even the Wii U doesn't look as bad at this point. Well, actually it still looks horrible.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline riftzzz

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1577 on: January 30, 2016, 05:44:48 AM »
can't wait :/

Offline broodwars

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1578 on: January 30, 2016, 03:14:55 PM »
And now EA has accidentally revealed that PS4 has sold almost *double* what Xbox One has. Hell, even the Wii U doesn't look as bad at this point. Well, actually it still looks horrible.

Yeah...I don't think this makes the Wii U look any better since it's only sold around 15 million units (compared to Xbone's roughly 19 million and PS4's 36 million) with one more year on the market.
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Offline BranDonk Kong

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1579 on: January 31, 2016, 09:46:49 AM »
Unless Wii U completely turned it around in the last three months, it's closer to around 12-13 million. One thing that really sticks out though is that PS4 still hasn't caught up to Wii U in Japan, so that just means in the other regions it's bitch-slapping Nintendo by greater than a 3:1 ratio.
I think it says on the box, 'No Hispanics' " - Jeff Green of EA

Offline Ian Sane

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1580 on: February 01, 2016, 12:48:57 PM »
I think it is rather telling that after a generation of wacky controllers (not just motion control; musical instrument games were big as well) and casual pandering that Sony was the one company that just released a conventional console seemingly designed for dedicated gamers and has mopped the floor with everyone else's ass.

It's like mainstream rock music tastes in the 80s and 90s.  In the 80s everything was so clean and polished and corporate so in the 90s the exact opposite trend took hold where everything was dirty and rough and artsy.  A decade of aggressive pandering to the mainstream resulted in a bubbling resentment underneath that suddenly exploded and completely flipped consumer trends overnight.  Same thing here.  For all the mainstream success of Wii waggle and Kinect, those that didn't like it REALLY didn't like it and wanted nothing to do with anything like that next time around.  So Nintendo has the outdated-hardware/wacky-controller routine again and MS charges an extra $100 for mandatory Kinect and, surprise, those that resented such concepts last gen all soundly rejected both of them.

I don't know if it was just a happy accident but it's like Sony observed the casual vs. core feuding of last gen, realized the strong incompatibility of the two groups, and determined correctly which one to cater towards.  Hint: not the one for which videogames are a fad.

Offline NWR_insanolord

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1581 on: February 01, 2016, 01:11:11 PM »
I don't think the PS4 was a response to motion controls in any way, shape or form, it was just Sony releasing the same system they always do except without the dumb, crippling flaws of the PS3 had.
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Offline Luigi Dude

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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1582 on: February 01, 2016, 02:06:20 PM »
I don't think the PS4 was a response to motion controls in any way, shape or form, it was just Sony releasing the same system they always do except without the dumb, crippling flaws of the PS3 had.

Exactly.  The PS2 sold close to 160 million systems by itself, while the PS3/360 combined did a little more then that. If Sony hadn't gone full retard with 599.99 US Dollars the PS3 would have easily crossed the 100 million mark by itself.  This gen Microsoft is the one who fucked up bigtime so Sony is basically gaining much of the audience they once had back.

Not really sure who Ian's talking about because the non-motion control gaming still existed just fine last gen.  Of course most of the industry died as a result since the budgets on the non-motion control systems went insane bankrupting the majority.  That's why the games that sold the best on the PS3/360 last gen are literally the exact games that are selling the best on the PS4/One.  Anyone that doesn't make an insanely popular dudebro shooter, buggy open world grindfest, or yearly sports license is gone now or can only make games for mobile devices because that's all they can afford.  Oh don't worry, fans forced to spend their money on Kickstarter will get us a new Shenmue in 2021 so everything's just fine.  The PS4 sure saved gaming from the evil casuals alright. ::)
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Re: PlayStation4 - News/Rumor/Speculation - Over 1 Million Sold on Day 1
« Reply #1583 on: February 01, 2016, 03:30:48 PM »
I think Luigi Dude missed the point, waggle vs. traditional controls had nothing to do with those companies that went out of business, that was all the coming of the iPad that erased the casual market from the console space and all those smaller companies that only made casual games or licensed garbage were the ones to go under.
I guess if you don't like Metal Gear, Castlevania, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Assassin's Creed, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Mortal Kombat, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Dexter, Sonic, Ninja Gaiden, Tomb Raider, Dragon Age, Diablo, Zone of  Enders, Tekken, God of War, Prince of Persia, Batman, Bayonetta*, Gran Turismo, Fable, and The Last of Us and would rather play Nicktoons, Disney Princess, bad movie based knock off, 1000th Tetris clone, mini game collection, and the only casual game worth mentioning, Bomberman, than yes last generation was terrible for traditional gaming.

Wii was a damn fluke anyone that still thinks it was going to save the industry, by the way most of the companies that did go under made **** cash grabs for the Wii too, well I guess you are as delusional as the boys at Nintendo. Unless you are just one of them undercover which makes no sense so I retract that theory.

What hurt most of those publishers was NOT the shift to HD and the rising cost of production, the smart ones are thriving on the digital channels like XBLA, PSN, Steam, and eShop. The ones that failed were the same shitty companies that kept making the same shitty cash in's every generation with one or two token games here and there to appease fans of some long forgotten genre/franchise while the companies that knew not to jump into the iPad/Android/Wii marketplace survived because they know, as does Hollywood, that big budgets can bring in big profits. Just ask Disney who spent four billion dollars on a movie that is smashing box office records left and right how if you invest the right money the audience will come back. Or ask Sony who is investing their entire fortune on PS4 and it is handily paying off. Yeah I guess Sony should be worried that their console is clearing out the garbage developers and only leaving behind the top quality companies who have the money to make the games the market is asking for, because if the market wasn't asking for those types of games then they would reject them you know that right? It is simple economics if people were tired of Call of Duty, Elder Scrolls, and Madden then they would just stop buying them. oh right those games aren't made for a Nintendo console so they are ****, like Bayonetta was **** until it showed up on Wii U then the Nintendo faithful showed up to sings it's praises as the "hard core" game gamers needed to "bring hard core gamers back to Wii U" as if one game was going to erase all the negative press of the countless games NOT on the console.

Okay sure, those games all SUCK until they are released on a Nintendo console then they are touted as "proof" Nintendo matters. No, waggle was a double edged sword, it brought in the casuals, the grandmas , the budget conscious family with kids, and the die hard Nintendo faithful. The casuals, budget family with kids, and the grandmas all got ipads and forgot what Nintendo was, the die hard Nintendo faithful are too small a group to matter anymore, are shrinking each generation, and are more sharply divide on everything than American politicians are.
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