Author Topic: OFFICIAL Metal Gear Discussion  (Read 178847 times)

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Offline couchmonkey

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2003, 07:20:13 AM »
Okay, I'm betting that this will be more than just a graphical update, I trust Nintendo and Silicon Knights to ensure that.  But I have to agree with everyone who's complaining that this is a remake instead of a new game and that Konami is too anti-Gamecube to develop it themselves.  

Still, this is good news!  I can only hope that Nintendo gives this game a proper marketing campaign, unlike Resident Evil 1.  
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline Strell

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #26 on: May 01, 2003, 07:28:08 AM »
You know, I read the preview at about 3 AM last night, and this was after spending 22 hours over two days in the photo lab finishing my projects, and I read "Silicon Knights," and then I started to see pink elephants playing baseball in my hallway.

So I thought I was suffering under delusional effects of the Dektol and DC76 chemicals, but I guess I'm not.

Here's my speculation:

Obviously a remake.  Will use the original voice dialogue I HOPE, because you're NOT going to do a better job than what is already there.  I honestly will not be happy if they decide to re-record new voice UNLESS (big unless, notice all the caps) they are going to engineer new story elements and whatnot.  But remake suggests that it will just be a graphically upgraded MGS.  So we've got a lot of conflicting information here.  Is the subtitle merely for decoration?  Or does it somehow point towards new content and material?

In all cases, the very worst is that we'll get "MGS+."  I HOPE that it has new elements, but they NEED to have the original voice actors if they are going to do that.  Keep the music the same also, unless Konami is going to do remixes or something.  Include all the VR missions and extras that were available on the PC release, as well as new ones if possible.  

Curious about:

What Miyamoto is going to change about the title.  I honestly can't imagine him working on this game without making Snake a super-deformed half pint.  And instead of a gun, using...oh I dunno, Nerf arrows?  Seriously, he'll have input, and I'm positive it will be....positive.

Silicon Knights.  My guess is this is another case of Star Fox Adventures.  What I mean by that is Miyamoto looked at Too Human and said "This is good, but it's a lot like MGS."  And then he called up Kojima and said "Let's do lunch."  And then they looked at Too Human, and Kojima burst into maniacally insane laughter, screaming in Japanese "Puny American mortals!  Can they not match the power of KOJIMA?  It is useless!  Obey the fist!  THE FIST I SAY!"  At this point I like to imagine that one Iraqi minister guy, "Baghdad Bob," joining in the fray, screaming completely HILARIOUS lines, such as "Nintendo has never made a game in their life!  I made them all myself!  I modeled Link after myself as a mere child!"

And then they all laughed hysterically for approximately 43 seconds, sat down in large plush chairs surrounded by bags of money, and lit up cigars, all the while chuckling madly.


Um...I had a point with this, but I got caught up in the moment.

OH YEA.  I think Too Human is cancelled.  It's "Too" to MGS, so it now IS MGS.

Now I know TH was supposed to be a cyberpunk RPG and not a true espionage game, but alas, this is just my speculation.

K, it's obvious the chemicals are still having an effect on me.

Bye bye.
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Offline Darc Requiem

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #27 on: May 01, 2003, 07:34:56 AM »
Strell your completely off base with your speculation. Too Human from what I understood was a RPG. So I fail to see how it could be cancelled for being to much like MGS. Even if it where similar to MGS, even if it were in the same genre, that doesn't mean its the same basic game. RE1,RE0, and Eternal Darkness are in the same genre but ED plays completely differently and better IMO than RE. Anyway....what was going to say? Oh yeah. I read the link at Gaming-Age and it sounds interesting but I think they got their wires crossed. I think they confused the part were is says Twin Snakes will be a remake of MGS with MGS2like graphics. It would be cool if Twin Snakes was a remake of MGS and MGS2 but I doubt it.

Darc Requiem
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Offline Bloodworth

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #28 on: May 01, 2003, 07:36:37 AM »

Originally posted by: Strell
they NEED to have the original voice actors

David Hayter has worked with Silicon Knights in the past.  I don't think this will be a problem.
Daniel Bloodworth
Managing Editor

Offline Strell

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #29 on: May 01, 2003, 07:41:15 AM »

Why do people choose to ignore things like "speculation" and "I know it was an RPG" and "Please read my post before you make dumb replies" ?

Double sigh.  I'd triple, but that's usually fatal.

SK has made one game, and it took them over 3 years.  I doubt they can work on 2 at a time and release them within the next ....oh....62 years?  And that's why I think TH is going to get cancelled.  

Please note I'm not infallible, I'm not offbase, and I'm certainly not portraying myself as if I know anything.

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Offline LRonHoover

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #30 on: May 01, 2003, 07:44:23 AM »
"Metal Gear Solid The Twin SnakesTM combines the thrilling story of the original Metal Gear Solid® game with the jaw-dropping graphics and unparalleled gameplay found in Metal Gear Solid® 2: Sons of LibertyTM."

This is a quote from the press release. Notice the "unparalleled gameplay found in MGS2" part. This suggests to the suggestible reader that there will in fact be gameplay tweaks, also more than likely more objectives to go along with those gameplay tweaks.  

Offline highenergyboy

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #31 on: May 01, 2003, 07:45:35 AM »
This is excellent news for me. I got the chance to play the original almost nonstop on my friend's PSX for a whole weekend but never managed to beat it. I remember leaving off on the puzzle involving the temperature-sensitive keycard which I never figured out. Anyone know how close I was to beating the game? I know it had to be pretty close after defeating lets see Raven, Sniper Wolf, Revolver Oclet, the helicopter gunship, the crazy psy guy who made your controller rumber (early insanity effects anyone?). Oh, and I how could I forget that crazy ninja.
I've also had the chance to spend a decent amount of time with MGS2 and after playing it I can easily say I still find the experience with the first MGS to the be the most memorable and fun. I can't wait to see what kind of overhaul Denis gives it. I'm automatically sold.    


Offline Ian Sane

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #32 on: May 01, 2003, 07:51:33 AM »
"I think Too Human is cancelled. It's 'Too' to MGS, so it now IS MGS."

If Twin Snakes was a completely original title then I could sort of see this as a possibility.  Dinosaur Planet was a completely original game which then had the Star Fox license shoehorned into it to make an original Star Fox game.  Aside from the main character and the Arwing missions I imagine almost the whole thing was original Dino Planet content.

Twin Snakes is a remake which means that everything has to match Metal Gear Solid.  Therefore they can't just make Too Human with Snake as the main character.  If they turned Too Human into Twin Snakes then they not only would have to swap the main character for Solid Snake but would also need to completely redo the storyline and the areas visited and if you're going to do that much work you might as well start from scratch.

Anyway I think this is a pretty good deal Nintendo has set up.  Konami has pretty much written off the Gamecube from the start so I was always worried that they would test the Gamecube with an inferior port which naturally would bomb and then they could justify not supporting the Cube because their crappy port that was made in three weeks didn't sell and thus (according to weirdo Konami logic) none of their games would.  With Nintendo assigning a Metal Gear Solid remake to Silicon Knights they can ensure that the results won't be a lazy port so if the game doesn't sell it won't be because of laziness on the third party's part.  This makes sure that this Metal Gear Solid game is a good product and therefore its resulting sales will be a more accurate indication to Konami on whether the Gamecube market is a worthwhile investment.

Offline nonjagged

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #33 on: May 01, 2003, 07:51:41 AM »
So much for Ninja X misinforming me confidently that Miyamoto had nothing to do with MGS projects on GCN.   hehe [n00b] muahaha

Heres some more proof:

PS I can recall Shiggy once stating games shouldnt focus on shooting gore and violence as the core of the gameplay (and for MGS series to come to GCN would have to implement groundbreaking upgrades rather than just straight-ports otherwise Shiggy would have contradicted his gaming philosophies) so Im gonna speculate one more time and as the article states that Shiggy has inputed towards the project(s), I will simply "claim" Silicon Knights will implement some of their innovative ideas like tiresome character animation (found in ED) for Snake Solid and give Snake a polished/refined attributes. The MGS remake could possibly be one of our most favourite Gamecube games by the end of its lifecycle, the psx version offered unique gameplay elements which many developers have since borrowed.

One can only speculate The Twin Snakes is a co-op MGS game, which is something Nintendo have been focusing on recently.

2003 = the Year of the Fund Q, Triforce & Some E3 killer appz showings.

Offline Strell

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #34 on: May 01, 2003, 08:09:54 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane

Twin Snakes is a remake which means that everything has to match Metal Gear Solid.  Therefore they can't just make Too Human with Snake as the main character.  If they turned Too Human into Twin Snakes then they not only would have to swap the main character for Solid Snake but would also need to completely redo the storyline and the areas visited and if you're going to do that much work you might as well start from scratch.

K.  MGS, according to IGN, has been in development for "quite some time."  We haven't seen ANYTHING about TH in forever, other than some crap left over from the PSX era.  No movies, no screens, no gameplay, no anything.  You'd think that SK, after having the initial ideas and time to work on it, would have shown at least SOMETHING.  Their refusal to show anything is operating on levels even Nintendo doesn't approach - it's insane, they are secretive to a point that could be described as "godly."

I don't think they are just sticking Snake into TH and calling it MGS.  You're misunderstanding what I'm saying.  Of course they arne't doing that.  But I'm saying this is a case of one game being dropping in leui of another.  In this case, TH for MGS.  Rare didn't make Dinosaur Planet.  They made SFA.  Same idea here.  SK will no longer be making TH.  They will be making MGS.

What makes you people think that casual gamers will see two games that are essentially the same plot and setting - modern with guns and technological aspects thrown in - and NOT consider them to be, essentially, the same game?  I'm a big gaming guy, and I can't tell apart all the stupid racing games that come out.  They all look and play the same as far as I'm concerned.  Just because you're on a track versus in the city versus out in the country doesn't mean they are all truly worth differentiating to the casual gamer.  They don't have the time or really care enough to look and see how each arcade racer is different.  At most they will see that some games are straight arcade and some are simulation, but after that they are going to just pick a game 90% of the time.

So you put two games starring a male character running around in buildings and shooting people, and you think they are going to care whether one of them has RPG elements and the other doesn't?

Casual gamer> "Wow.  Guns.  And a guy.  With guns.  Neet.  This one is cheaper.  I'll take it.  Look! More guns!"

Nintendo is going to want this game out fast.  They want the mature content, they just don't want to do it themselves, I think we can all agree to that.  So they'd rather SK get this game out NOW rather than let them tweak it for the next 2 years.  So they are going to tell them to focus on it and get it done FAST, meaning TH is either cancelled or put on hold until this is done, because I assure you that MGS is now their top priority.

Unless we hear about SK beefing up their staff by about 300%, there's no way they'll be able to do two games at once and release them any time soon.

Maybe if you people would stop obsessing over the fact that the games are essentially different genres and more about the economical and license-recognition factors, you'd understand what I'm trying to say.  But you're choosing to just go "Omg, they are different, u r wrong roflflofl."

It's not the fact that they are different.  It's sales.  Learn to understand that, people.  In a perfect world, SK would get their games out 2-3 a year, but let's be honest, that's not going to happen.  I'd rather have a polished game in the end than a rushed product, so I don't insult SK.  I'm just going by how they've worked in the past.

Triple sigh.

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Offline Zelda

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2003, 08:24:27 AM »

I don't think they are just sticking Snake into TH and calling it MGS. You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Of course they arne't doing that. But I'm saying this is a case of one game being dropping in leui of another. In this case, TH for MGS. Rare didn't make Dinosaur Planet. They made SFA. Same idea here. SK will no longer be making TH. They will be making MGS.

There is a big difference. Dinosaur Planet was already in development and then they just changed the game's story and added characters. They aren't taking TH and turning it into MGS. They took Dinosaur Planet and turned it into SFA. Big difference.

Offline Strell

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #36 on: May 01, 2003, 08:30:05 AM »

Originally posted by: Zelda

I don't think they are just sticking Snake into TH and calling it MGS. You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Of course they arne't doing that. But I'm saying this is a case of one game being dropping in leui of another. In this case, TH for MGS. Rare didn't make Dinosaur Planet. They made SFA. Same idea here. SK will no longer be making TH. They will be making MGS.

There is a big difference. Dinosaur Planet was already in development and then they just changed the game's story and added characters. They aren't taking TH and turning it into MGS. They took Dinosaur Planet and turned it into SFA. Big difference.

Sigh.  I hate the fact that I know Bloodworth is around and wants me to play nice with you guys.

READ WHAT I SAID PLEASE.  I said DROPPING TH for MGS.  I did NOT say, nor did I EVER say, that TH is turning INTO MGS.  I'll admit I implied that in my first post, but that is NOT what I meant.


And besides, I  clearly labeled it speculation.  I could damn well be wrong.  You people do NOT know anything more than me, so quit acting like you have insider news.


All posts in response to this will be ignored, because if you can't understand what I've said by the third post, maybe you should get yourself a copy of Hooked on Phonics.

I must find a way to use "burninate" more in my daily speech.

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Offline Zelda

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #37 on: May 01, 2003, 08:42:47 AM »
Yes, Nintendo asked Silicon Knights to make an MGS remake but it's different from the disaster that is Star Fox Adventures.
First you compare them and then you freak out and tell people to learn how to read. That isn't very nice!

Lastly, I highly doubt that if Too Human is cancelled it will be because it's too similar to MGS.

Offline Bloodworth

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #38 on: May 01, 2003, 08:46:02 AM »
Strell, you just happened to pick the worst example in the world.  

Still, I don't think people could get Too Human and MGS confused.  Too Human is futuristic sci-fi fare while Metal Gear is present day, military espionage.  (I'm not debunking your speculation entirely, just saying that this wouldn't really be the reason.)
Daniel Bloodworth
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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #39 on: May 01, 2003, 08:57:42 AM »
I really liked MGS... this is indeed unexpected.
let's face it, MGS 2 on PS2 was not as great (at least to me) as expected.
maybe overhyped, but it didn't had the same impact as MGS had....

Now what if this MGS game on cube turns out to be awesome...??
that would be a great let-down for al people who bought a PS2, just for MGS2....(hehehehehe)

sorry.... a little mean there...
First final fantasy, resident evil and now mgs....
It feeld good to have a gamecube indeed!

Offline Darc Requiem

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #40 on: May 01, 2003, 08:59:22 AM »

Originally posted by: Strell

Originally posted by: Zelda

I don't think they are just sticking Snake into TH and calling it MGS. You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. Of course they arne't doing that. But I'm saying this is a case of one game being dropping in leui of another. In this case, TH for MGS. Rare didn't make Dinosaur Planet. They made SFA. Same idea here. SK will no longer be making TH. They will be making MGS.

There is a big difference. Dinosaur Planet was already in development and then they just changed the game's story and added characters. They aren't taking TH and turning it into MGS. They took Dinosaur Planet and turned it into SFA. Big difference.

Sigh.  I hate the fact that I know Bloodworth is around and wants me to play nice with you guys.

READ WHAT I SAID PLEASE.  I said DROPPING TH for MGS.  I did NOT say, nor did I EVER say, that TH is turning INTO MGS.  I'll admit I implied that in my first post, but that is NOT what I meant.


And besides, I  clearly labeled it speculation.  I could damn well be wrong.  You people do NOT know anything more than me, so quit acting like you have insider news.


All posts in response to this will be ignored, because if you can't understand what I've said by the third post, maybe you should get yourself a copy of Hooked on Phonics.

Strell....I'm gonna play nice and pretend you just didn't insult our intelligence or reading comprehension skills. I didn't misread your post and in fact I said you are "way of base with your speculation. You said "Silicon Knights. My guess is this is another case of Star Fox Adventures. What I mean by that is Miyamoto looked at Too Human and said "This is good, but it's a lot like MGS." And then he called up Kojima and said "Let's do lunch." And then they looked at Too Human, and Kojima burst into maniacally insane laughter, screaming in Japanese "Puny American mortals! Can they not match the power of KOJIMA? It is useless! Obey the fist! THE FIST I SAY!" At this point I like to imagine that one Iraqi minister guy, "Baghdad Bob," joining in the fray, screaming completely HILARIOUS lines, such as "Nintendo has never made a game in their life! I made them all myself! I modeled Link after myself as a mere child!" Oh and since you know all and we are all just blithering idiots that can't read. I'm sure you knew Silicon Knights aren't puny American mortals but Canadian. No one said they were better than you. YOU are the one that got all bent out of shape over our responses to your posts. I would say more but.....I said I'd play nice.

Darc Requiem

"Fiery words fuel debate and debate yields understanding."

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #41 on: May 01, 2003, 09:11:19 AM »
I will buy this for sure
only prob is that i have finished the psx version, so i really hope that they do add new stuff
and I hope nintendo dont edit out some of the violence (i can think of a few bloody scenes)
and hopefully u can still run around with a cig in your mouth, that was cool

Offline Bloodworth

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #42 on: May 01, 2003, 09:25:57 AM »
Considering Nintendo didn't do any sort of editing in Eternal Darkness and there were those bloody halls filled with Space Pirate bodies in Metroid Prime, I don't think this will be an issue.
Daniel Bloodworth
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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #43 on: May 01, 2003, 09:27:55 AM »
This is Silicon Knights we're talking about here, the blood will stay.
by the way.  OMFG.
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Offline JoeSmashBro

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #44 on: May 01, 2003, 09:47:36 AM »
woohoo! lots of posts that i feel like responding to...


ive never really been a fan of spy sort of games, but i may give it a hire one day to see what all the fuss is about

An apparently little known fact is that the spy element of MGS is way overhyped. It's really not that much. More at the beginning of the game than anything else. The big part of the game is really action, exporation, and one-on-one battles with bosses. Really I'd say that the boss battles are the reason MGS is one of the best games of all time. Besides the story of course. The story is right up there with Grim Fandango. The spy thing isn't that prevalent, honestly, so don't decide not to play it because of that.


After that, the recent news and the title "Twin Snakes" actually made me believe the impossible : could it be a new game ????
A now the sad truth : another remake, and not even made by Konami.

I could have told you that when I saw the title... the Twin Snakes thing becomes a big revelation of the story near then end.


. I've played MGS on PSX, so I will probably only rent it on the Cube, as a lot of people will probably do.



What Miyamoto is going to change about the title. I honestly can't imagine him working on this game without making Snake a super-deformed half pint.

lol. that would be pretty funny. and although everyone would complain it would probably end up being the best game ever.


I remember leaving off on the puzzle involving the temperature-sensitive keycard which I never figured out. Anyone know how close I was to beating the game?

Well, gameply-wise, you're getting pretty close to the end. but STORYLINE WISE, YOU KNOW NOTHING. You are at a place just before all the great revelations are revealed. It'll blow your mind. =P You could probably figure a lot of the stuff out but there are so many twists coming up you have no idea. =D


I'll admit I implied that in my first post, but that is NOT what I meant.

I don't know what you said but if you're admitting to implying it then i would say that is what you meant.


Considering Nintendo didn't do any sort of editing in Eternal Darkness and there were those bloody halls filled with Space Pirate bodies in Metroid Prime, I don't think this will be an issue

Yeah, especially since Konami is publishing it, aren't they? =P It's like Nintendo is lending Silicon Knights to Konami.

btw, how do you PROPERLY pronounce Konami? Does anyone know for a fact? I've always said ko-NAW-mi. Is that right?
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Offline Bloodworth

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #45 on: May 01, 2003, 09:55:45 AM »

Originally posted by: JoeSmashBro
btw, how do you PROPERLY pronounce Konami? Does anyone know for a fact? I've always said ko-NAW-mi. Is that right?

Daniel Bloodworth
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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2003, 10:00:00 AM »
"ko-NAW-mi" is basically right, I think. That is pretty much how I pronounce it, although I soften the "w" sound so it comes out more like "ko-NAH-mi."

I think that this game could do very well, especially since many Nintendo fans (like myself) never owned a PSX back in the day and consequently never got to play this game. I am curious about this game...the only game of this series that I have played is the GBC Metal Gear game, and I though that was pretty neat. That game seemed to feature a lot of stealth this different in MGS?
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Offline JoeSmashBro

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2003, 10:15:21 AM »
Yeah, that's what I meant. More like "ko-NAH-mi."
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Offline ZombieX

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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2003, 10:18:35 AM »
I hope they replace all the tired voice acting from MGS and replace it with grunts/moans ala the Zelda games!
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OFFICIAL Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Discussion
« Reply #49 on: May 01, 2003, 10:35:55 AM »
a simple reason why silicon knights is doing this...when playing mgs, mgs2 and Eternal Darkness I notcied the engines were very similar. I mean for the most part in both games your in closed coridoors with extremely detailed graphics. But like their is no real draw distance(though both engines are both capable of it im sure...the church on ed has a big long room.) so things look really great with no clipping and great lighting. I wouldnt doubt this game will use a tweaked eternal darkness engine....which is a subset of the crazy too human engine.  

they'll fix the fmvs...divX with double disks.

now for silicon knights to make a new castlevania game. Also, did you know resident evil 2 for n64 used a  game  engine from a baseball game?
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