Author Topic: Rate the last movie you've seen  (Read 1572708 times)

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6350 on: April 21, 2020, 12:26:26 AM »
The Wandering Earth.

I don't know what to say. It's a pretty bad movie if you care about having a well-crafted plot of logic, but it's got enough action and CG set pieces to distract if shortcomings in those areas don't bother you. Large portions of the film was barely watchable for me, and having to follow subtitles made it hard to do just leave it in the background like I would often do with this kind of mindless action stuff.

Maybe I'm being too hard on it though. If you liked Armageddon then you might find this good also?
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6351 on: April 21, 2020, 08:30:05 PM »
Darn these Mega-threads! Gotta go through pages and pages to track down an earlier post. Since ShyGuy brought up Annihilation, I wanted to find my review of it from when it came out. I remember liking the film when I saw it but I'm surprised that I rated it as high as I did. Maybe it comes for the residual feelings I mention after seeing it or how it no longer stayed with me anymore but, having not seen it since it first released, my first reaction when thinking of what I'd rate it is a bit lower like an 8 or 7.5. Anyways, I'll repost it again here since it may be of interest to compare your thoughts if you've seen it recently or missed it the first time. Reading the review over, there's more I wish I'd been specific with or gotten into but I didn't want to provide much for spoilers at the time since it was newly released. The fourth paragraph kind of goes all over the place without saying too much. Who let's this Khushrenada guy write so much when he says so little? (There's a new quote for everyone to use. ;) )

Annihilation - 9/10

I made mention of this in my recent Oscar thread but I found 2017 to be a year of mostly disappointing movies which resulted in a diminished enthusiasm for going to the movies or even just watching them at home. Perhaps if they had been more like Annihilation then this wouldn't have happened. Because of the timing of my viewing, it just feels to me like Annihilation is better than anything I saw in 2017. It's easily the best movie of 2018 I've seen so far. (Sorry Black Panther and Game Night, the only other actual 2018 flicks I've seen so far.)

I remember reading Roger Ebert's review of The Grey way back when that Liam Neeson vs wolves movie first came out. He talked about the movie affecting him and leaving him in a mood after it ended. I looked up that review to see what exactly he said about it and I'm going to quote that portion here: "I was also stunned with despair. It so happened that there were two movies scheduled that day in the Lake Street Screening Room (where we local critics see many new releases). After "The Grey" was over, I watched the second film for 30 minutes and then got up and walked out of the theater. It was the first time I've ever walked out of a film because of the previous film. The way I was feeling in my gut, it just wouldn't have been fair to the next film."

That's kind of close to how I feel about Annihilation. I wouldn't say that it feels you with despair but it is a heavy and foreboding experience. When it ended, it took a couple hours to decompress from it. It just left me in a heavy mood and, for awhile, I felt detached to things around me or my actions as my brain continued to process what I'd seen and how the whole thing made me feel. After a couple hours, the feeling subsided but it's been awhile since I remember a film really affecting me so much after that it took awhile to recover from it. I've seen stuff that made me feel a bit elated, sad, shaken, numb, etc when it was over but, after maybe 15 minutes or so, that feeling would pass and I'd be back to my normal self. So, the fact that this movie could do that to me is a reason why I do rate it so highly although I'm not sure it's a good thing when it comes to the idea of seeing it again.

The reason it seems to have this power is based on three things. First, it is Sci-Fi so it brings up questions and ideas on some interesting themes that stuck in my mind after viewing which kept me pondering in reflection. Genetics and biology is the obvious thing from this movie along with the question of self but also the thoughts on self-destruction stuck with me and a good grasp on putting the alien into alien lifeform. Second, the movie really does blend deadly and beautiful together so even though there are fascinating sights to behold, I never trusted anything and always felt uneasy and the movie rewards that distrust. There are moments that move more towards the horror end of the scale that will linger in your mind after you walk out of the theater. Finally, the ending goes for the weird and strange. That may frustrate some people or confound them and its ambiguous nature almost seems a bit anti-climatic but it left a bit of a mystery in my head to work over and decipher just what it all meant. It also brought back some flashbacks of Under The Skin.

Now, there are also a lot of things that people can get hung up on about this movie. I think most people going to the movie are going for the premise of entering into this strange zone. To the movie's credit, it moves pretty quickly to get to that point and come up with a reason as to why Portman's character would be on this mission. It's servicable enough but in an effort to hurry towards entering the zone and set up its mystery, it leaves a lot of details and questions unanswered. Simple things such as why not have teams enter a few feet from the entrance to assess things and then come back out again. Why not try setting up equipment close by? Or starting building a path into the zone and taking things slowly? Why does every mission have to be a deep infiltration to the heart of the zone when no one is coming back from these missions? There are questions of sound logic that you might be asking yourself at first in these early beginnings. But soon you are on the journey and the mystery of what's inside and at the heart is what you want now want answers for so forget those other pesky little details. They'll still be there after the movie is done but at least they don't derail things or your suspension of disbelief too much at the start. As well, the film is a bit clunky with its characters as a lot of details are just explained to the audience about them and who they are. It's tell rather than show which is sometimes a necessary evil particularly for a movie like this since it isn't really interested in the characters but the journey and the sights in it. Overall, its strengths are greater than its weaknesses which is why I'm still willing to give it a high rating and recommendation.

One other point of interest for Nintendo fans is that, maybe about 2/3 into the movie, I suddenly had a moment of thinking about the Metroid series. There were a lot of elements that I felt paralleled moments of the franchise, particularly with the Prime series. Portman's character could almost serve as a standout of Samus but without a powersuit. Exploring a strange alien environment while having to fight off some of the monsters inhabiting it. Finding different ruins and finding notes / clues / videos giving some details of what occurred before. A meteorite that has brought with it something that is mutating the environment (maybe it was Phazon all along!) and the heart of darkness hole where it landed. If Nintendo is serious about bringing its properties to other media like TV or Film then I think this film should be the number one source for how to handle the Metroid series in making it a successful transition. In that regard, I think that will add another element of intrigue for anyone here when watching this film.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6352 on: April 21, 2020, 10:04:41 PM »
Darn these Mega-threads! Gotta go through pages and pages to track down an earlier post.
Maybe we should take a vote on whether to stop using mega-threads? Or take a vote to see if we should take a vote on whether we should stop using mega-threads?

Or maybe just decide one way or another? Or maybe someone else should decide because you started a whole Better Call Saul thread and abandoned it hella fast. Ohhhhhhhh, shots fired.

(To be honest, I donā€™t care either way. Yā€™all just let me know whether weā€™re using mega-threads or posting new ones for each movie)

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6353 on: April 21, 2020, 11:47:18 PM »
The point of creating a separate subforum for movies and TV was to be less reliant on mega threads, but this particular one seems necessary. We donā€™t need a separate thread for every random movie somebody sees.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6354 on: April 22, 2020, 12:04:28 AM »
Maybe it should be a case by case basis? Every Marvel movie could probably be an individual thread. Most tent pole movies could too, right?

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6355 on: April 22, 2020, 12:11:37 AM »
Sure, if people want to make separate threads thatā€™s fine, but just to use Khushā€™s post as an example, I doubt a thread dedicated solely to Annihilation would be that active. But again, if people disagree with that, go for it. If itā€™s not clear by now, Iā€™m not usually that strict of a moderator.
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6356 on: April 22, 2020, 12:52:36 AM »
Or maybe someone else should decide because you started a whole Better Call Saul thread and abandoned it hella fast. Ohhhhhhhh, shots fired.

Never abandoned it. Just haven't had time to post all I've wanted to in that thread. But I did start it to try and set the example of starting threads on shows/movies for case by case. I always thought the goal wasn't so much to create threads that continuously get new posts and have to make a thread about Annihilation thrive but rather just to have that thread exist for when someone wants to add to it after watching a movie or show.

Take Better Call Saul. Although it was my intent to try and post in it every week or two as the season aired, by the end of the season I expected it to fade in activity until the next season and new episodes air or if someone bumped it. This forum could be about a lot of bumped threads as people watch stuff and then want to make a post or respond to a previously started conversation created on that subject.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6358 on: April 23, 2020, 03:48:20 PM »
Maybe it should be a case by case basis? Every Marvel movie could probably be an individual thread. Most tent pole movies could too, right?

We have like two or three three different threads for Marvel TV and films. It makes sense for large series to get their own threads, but most one-off films should really be condensed together. But really, this is still a pretty open environment. If someone wants to make a thread for an individual movie there isn't really anything stopping them.
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Offline broodwars

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6359 on: April 23, 2020, 04:39:20 PM »
Maybe it should be a case by case basis? Every Marvel movie could probably be an individual thread. Most tent pole movies could too, right?

We have like two or three three different threads for Marvel TV and films. It makes sense for large series to get their own threads, but most one-off films should really be condensed together. But really, this is still a pretty open environment. If someone wants to make a thread for an individual movie there isn't really anything stopping them.

Just to make the counterpoint here, let's be honest: most of the time people post about a movie here, no one bothers to comment on it. I'm shocked when I take the time to post something about a movie or TV show older than 3 months, and someone actually comments on it. It's a large part of why I don't even bother posting anymore. I'd personally much rather that happen in a mega-thread than have a brand new topic that just sits there at 0 responses because these forums are dying.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6360 on: April 23, 2020, 04:49:00 PM »
Sure, anyone can post a thread. Having some guidelines may not be a bad idea for the sake of organization. Sometimes I donā€™t know which thread to post in. I try to follow where the larger conversation is happening. I donā€™t know.

We may have more than one Marvel thread, but it can be confusing. BlackNMildā€˜s MCU thread is this massive, unwieldy potluck of Marvel things. Maybe it should be exclusively general news items. Larger news items (e.g. James Gunn getting fired) probably should have be their own thread. An entire mega-thread for MCU spoilers makes it harder to find related posts if you were late to the party. For example, I finally saw Thor: Dark World a couple months ago, and I just ended up posting about it in this thread because I didnā€™t know where else to put it.

For Marvel (since it accounts for a huge percentage of discussion/traffic in this sub-forum), my suggestion would be to have one general news mega-thread (namely the one we already have), then every future movie and TV show gets its own thread since chances are, each one will drive a significant, pages long discussion. At the same time, if someone posts in the wrong thread, mods would have to move the posts to keep things organized. Is that worth anyoneā€™s time? Probably not.

This all started as a joke so Iā€˜ll make do with whatever is decided.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6361 on: April 23, 2020, 05:17:38 PM »
Just to make the counterpoint here, let's be honest: most of the time people post about a movie here, no one bothers to comment on it. I'm shocked when I take the time to post something about a movie or TV show older than 3 months, and someone actually comments on it. It's a large part of why I don't even bother posting anymore. I'd personally much rather that happen in a mega-thread than have a brand new topic that just sits there at 0 responses because these forums are dying.
Thatā€™s fair. I canā€™t speak for anyone else, but I do try to reply when itā€™s a thing Iā€™ve actually watched especially if I liked it. Iā€™ve seen you post about the DC animated movies. Some of them were DCAU related, and I loved those shows. However, if it isnā€™t on Netflix, I probably didnā€™t see it. Sometimes I forgot to even check Amazon Prime video.

Iā€™ll post if I think something I watched is interesting. Great if others reply to it. For me, sometimes I just need to get it out of my system. Sometimes, I watch a thing and wonā€™t think itā€™s worth spending a lot of time writing about such as (and to bring this back on topic):

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I didnā€™t like it. I havenā€™t read the book since 2006, I think. The film (written and directed by the author of the book, Stephen Chbosky) is an extremely faithful adaptation of the novel. Thatā€™s also why I think the film doesnā€™t work. Thereā€™s very little action in the novel. Most of the best lines are Charlieā€™s thoughts which are then narrated. The book is epistolary. Charlie is writing to an unnamed recipient which is implied to be the reader. Itā€™s difficult to translate that effectively on film. Chbosky uses narration (excessively) to mimic the epistolary format which is exhausting. The movie has no subtext, just straight text. I guess thatā€™s fine, but it lacks substance.

Logan Lerman (Charlie) and Emma Watson (Sam) had no chemistry. Also, maybe cast some teenagers.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2020, 05:36:14 PM by Adrock »

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6362 on: April 24, 2020, 04:36:42 PM »
I've thought about it more and I agree that the more separate threads for each film/series might be the better way to go. We are indeed stifling our own conversations to a degree because we only have a rudimentary ability to follow up to specific comments. We can quote people, but no way for that person to see they got a response since @-ing someone doesn't really do anything, and if the thread moves on a page or more before someone responds there is a good chance they will miss the response and then there is no further conversations. Sure, we could end up with a lot of threads with 0-3 responses, but I think it opens us up to allowing more conversations to run at once.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6363 on: April 24, 2020, 04:50:31 PM »
Or..... And just hear me out. We can UPGRADE THE FORUM SOFTWARE to something from the last half decade and then we can do BOTH!!!

I know I'm preaching to the choir, and none of us have the ability to make it happen..... But seriously, there's gotta be other software out there that works besides simple machines if they don't want to release a recent upgrade.

Offline ejamer

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6364 on: April 30, 2020, 12:34:46 AM »
Burning, watched via Netflix.

The movie is two and a half hours long, with very relaxed pacing. At times it feels like the plot is meandering, lacking a clear purpose or direction. There is a lot of ambiguity around some of the characters and key story points. We can make assumptions since there are plenty of hints given, but it's hard to pin down the truth even when the movie ends.

This isn't a movie for everyone... but I thought it was pretty fantastic. Maybe the kind of movie where you get out of it when you put in, though?

I'm curious if anyone else watched this one.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6365 on: May 15, 2020, 06:02:53 PM »
Sonic the Hedgehog

This movie has no right to be as good as it is. Mind you, it isnā€™t good per se; it just isnā€™t bad either. I expected a disaster and was pleasantly surprised. Maybe thatā€™s the approach you should take.

Sonic the Hedgehog was clearly not made some a mid-30s person who doesnā€™t have a strong connection to the character. As a kidā€™s movie, itā€™s by-the-numbers, and I think thatā€™s what makes it okay. The movie isnā€™t offensive in any way (thanks mostly to delaying the entire thing to redesign Sonic who looks really good and faithful to the source material). There are a few attempts at including some humor for adults that kids wonā€™t understand, but theyā€™re not especially clever. At least they arenā€™t distracting.

If you enjoyed 90s Jim Carrey, watch this movie. Heā€™s the best part, and he goes as close to full-Jim Carrey as he can at all times. The performance isnā€™t as strong as vintage 90s Carrey, but this is as close as you can get for a PG movie. He doesnā€™t talk out of his butthole, for example.

Thereā€™s some sequel bait at the end which I didnā€™t think was necessary. Sonic the Hedgehog lends itself to a series more than Detective Pikachu did, and Legendary Entertainment has already announced a sequel so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6366 on: May 22, 2020, 08:35:05 AM »
As soon as I saw the first trailer, the first thing I said was "they're bringing Ace Ventura back!". Looks like I was right lol. Definitely going to watch this one, but I'll be waiting till it ends up on *insert streaming service here*.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6367 on: June 22, 2020, 07:08:55 AM »
Destination Moon - a pretty scientifically accurate scifi movie for 1950. It's interesting to see the parallels between whats going on with space travel today and the exposition of the movie. Private industry takes over for space travel because the government got cheap with public funding. Dick Wesson is the standout as a reluctant astronaut.  "The Oyth!" Written by Robert Heinlein.

Rocketship X-m - the science isn't as good as Destination Moon, but it has Lloyd Bridges. Overall, a much better cast with a worse script. Though points for having a total downer ending in a movie made in 1950.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6368 on: July 11, 2020, 03:34:09 PM »
I watched Justice League (2017) for the first time a week or two ago.

I expected it to be bad, but it wasn't as bad as I thought.  Still bad though.  I don't get the total turn Batman does concerning Superman.  If he wanted to bring him back because he realized he wasn't as bad as previously thought and could help in the thing that's happening because of a dream he had, then fine, I guess.  But the "I don't not like you" gag was really cringe.  Where did this bromance come from?

The Flash's jokes worked slightly less than 50% of the time for me, which isn't enough.  The worst moment was at the end when Alfred is like "civilians moving east" and he saves one family in one car.  Then Superman saves an entire stationary building full of people who would not be moving east.  Who the **** was Alfred talking about?  Supes flexing on Flash was kinda funny, but everything involving that family was dumb since you saw them the whole film and didn't know why you were supposed to care until the end.  Back to the Flash, the one joke people complained about the most was 100% not worth Joss Whedon mistreating Gal Gadot.

Speaking of Wonder Woman.  She was alright.  I wished there was more of her in the movie.  As for the Amazonians, I was really confused as to how women with super strength could be crushed by a horse in the very beginning.  Speaking of that scene, way to tease a GL without having one.

Speaking of underutilized, Cyborg's character S U C K E D.  He was "Wahh, I'm a monster" and they went nowhere with it.  His whole shtick is being a walking deus ex machina for the plot, but I just couldn't stand his not having an arc.

Also, Superman was way too op and his mouth was noticeably weird.  Like, on my meager 1080p screen, it was distracting.  I couldn't imagine seeing it in an actual theatre.  He's still the cardboard cutout from Man of Steel, except he was angry he got resurrected for some reason, but then he just had to go be sad on a farm for a bit.

Now, most of my biggest complaints are allegedly because of the reshoots, and the Snyder Cut fixes them. Allegedly.  So, now I'm actually excited to see it.  There might be a good movie under all the crap, or at least an okay one.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6369 on: July 21, 2020, 03:28:00 PM »
From the changes I know about The Snyder Cut sounds like it's going to be a lot better. The plotline is differ/bigger and Steppenwolf looks a lot cooler.

Snyder Cut concept art

what he looked like in JOSStice league.

I remember being in the theaters and thinking "WTF? this guy looks goofy as ****. Like what was the point of CG if they could have just put a guy in a costume?" it was stupid.

version 1 looks like something I would have drawn in 7th grade

which I appreciate.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2020, 03:31:32 PM by ThePerm »
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6370 on: August 02, 2020, 07:02:44 PM »
Wait, nickmitch, you don't know about the Superman Moustache?
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6371 on: August 03, 2020, 01:58:51 AM »
Wait, nickmitch, you don't know about the Superman Moustache?

I had heard about Henry Cavil having grown a mustache that he couldn't shave for the reshoots, which is what I think you're referring to.  I had actually assumed the one screenshot of his face that was passed around a lot was just the worst example, taken out of context of a moving image.  This was not the case, and it was noticeably distracting throughout.  It almost became a game of "Will it be weird mouth or regular mouth?" whenever he was about to appear on screen. 

Perm, I actually didn't have an issue with the Steppenwolf design, and I'm not sure I like the Snyder concept art.  Steppenwolf is kind of just a dude in some armor, right?  Why overly complicate that? 

My biggest problem with that character is that he kinda sucks.  He's like a second tier villain, Darkseid's #2.  He just doesn't have the cache, to me, to be the big bad of a whole film.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6372 on: August 28, 2020, 04:43:07 PM »
Tenet - I am still completely unsure about what i just watched. A technical masterpiece, made by someone who knows exactly what they're doing (see: Birdman, 1917). But the story? I'm not sure yet, i'll watch it a second time over the weekend.

If you watch Doctor Who, the character of River Song will have educated you completely as to how certain parts work

But i can say with absolute certainty, Tenet will be confusing a LOT of people.

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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6373 on: August 28, 2020, 09:42:22 PM »
Wait, nickmitch, you don't know about the Superman Moustache?

Perm, I actually didn't have an issue with the Steppenwolf design, and I'm not sure I like the Snyder concept art.  Steppenwolf is kind of just a dude in some armor, right?  Why overly complicate that? 

WB is not great at realistic humanoid CG. Certainly not as good as Disney or Sony. Making someone look human dips into the uncanny valley. Changing the character into more of a creature gets around this. Also, looks like something I would have drawn in 8th grade. A plus. It's like having one of Napoleon Dynamite's ligers as a character.
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Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« Reply #6374 on: August 29, 2020, 03:53:56 PM »
The New Mutants - Well this ends the FoX-Men era with a complete whimper. The movie needed some extra time to polish up some things, and the editing is all over the place one scene very early into the movie sees Dani run into an invisible wall and wake up with blood under her nose, and the very next scene (with no time jump) its all gone.

A common complaint over all these movies - Apocalypse especially - is they keep fighting murky CGI villains. And this continues here too. Sadly the movie hints at a few things for future movies that will never happen.

It's best to assume the final X-Men movie is Logan.