Author Topic: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6  (Read 6504 times)

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Offline decoyman

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Day 5 – Schroeder’s Choice

Schroeder sat alone, playing Moonlight Sonata. He’d chosen it because it was night, and the full moon was shining. Oh, and because he was a hopeless romantic.

Moonlight (how fitting) streamed in the window of his darkened music room as he played. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, a figure emerged from the darkness of the room. Its shadow crept along the floor behind Schroeder as he played, slowly inching its way across the room, until it reached up onto the keys.

Schroeder, startled, fell back from the piano, but was caught by--

“You have lovely eyes,” said Lucy adoringly.

“You! Out! Get out! I know what you and your brother have been up to!” Schroeder leapt out of her arms and stood back away from the piano.

“Oh, Schroeder,” said Lucy, taking her customary spot leaning against his piano. “Just keeping playing, won’t you? You’re such a wonderful musician. And I just want to talk a little.”

Schroeder hesitated, then sat back down. Who was he to deny someone the art of classical music? He began to play, and Lucy began to talk...



Charlie Brown gathered up the children of the neighborhood. It was late, but he had something important to say. He cleared his throat, and said,


Looking slightly surprised, he composed himself, then continued.

“Anyways... Look everyone, this is getting serious. We made a good choice last night, but we need to make another now. More people go missing every night! So... let’s vote again. I think we all know some people who need to go.”

Just then, Woodstock, aka Pale, flew in all erratically, cussing up a blue streak and looking totally tuckered out. He landed on Snoopy’s nose, chest heaving with fatigue.

Woodstock, barely able to get any sound out, said “’, ‘”, ''" ' ""', ‘ ‘’ ‘’’! ‘’ ‘’ ‘ ‘ ‘’’ “!” Snoopy held up a sign, that said, “I, Woodstock, vote for the Cat Next Door, aka Khush! He tried to eat me!”

”VEDETTA” yelled a bizarre, older-looking Lucy, aka Stevey. “I mean,” Lucy continued, “I also vote for the Cat.”

Then someone else in the back piped up. “Woodstock.”

Charlie Brown and the rest of the townies were stunned. Clearly, some of the mafia were showing their true colors. But why?

“Don’t worry Charlie Brown. We’ve got them out-numbered,” said Franklin, aka nickmitch, pushing his way to the front of the crowd. “I’m voting for the Cat.”

“Me too, Charlie Brown, I’m voting for that Cat,” piped up a not-nearly-dirty-enough Pig-pen, aka Dasmos.

“mrrrrrEEEOWW!!!” said the Cat.

“I believe the cat just voted Woodstock,” said Spike, aka DrewMG, matter-of-factly. “I just arrived from out of town, but I’m with the cat. Woodstock always bothered me, with his shifty apostrophe-talk. Can’t trust ‘im!”

Suddenly, though, mature-Lucy’s eyes slowly glazed over. In the distance, the sound of piano-music began to waft over the crowd. Mature-Lucy closed her eyes and began to sway back and forth slowly. The music got louder, and mature-Lucy opened her mouth. “Scratch that,” mature-Lucy said in a strange voice. “Vote Woodstock.”

“What’s going on here?” Charlie Brown said, stunned. He opened his mouth to call out his vote, but stopped when he saw Sally standing next to him. “What is it, Sally?”

“Hi Big Brother. I don’t think you should vote today,” she said, looking all cute and stuff.

“Ok, Sally,” Charlie Brown smiled. “I won’t vote today if you don’t want me to.” Suddenly he realized what was going on, but it was too late. “NO!! You got to my little sister?! You’re horrible, horrible people!” But he was powerless to resist Sally’s powers. She just stood next to him, holding his hand and grinning broadly.

“Anyone else?” Charlie Brown said, pleadingly. He waited, and then suddenly the piano music got even louder, then stopped. In the back of the crowd, Schroeder stepped up onto his piano.

“Schroeder, thank goodness! Are you here to vote?” Charlie Brown was relieved to see his friend finally show up.

“Yes, Charlie Brown,” said Schroeder. “I’m here to Vote Woodstock.

The crowd gasped, as everything became clear. Charlie Brown’s face turned ashen as he began tabulating the vote. Woodstock looked on in fatigued disblief. A scribbly cloud even bigger than before appeared above his head, and even flashed some lightning.

“Sorry, Woodstock, aka Pale the townie. You've been voted out. Into the cage with you.”

The Cat Next Door purred happily and wound around the legs of all the townies as they stood with their jaws agape.


Later that night...

Dasmos was walking home. He took off his Pig-pen mask and costume, revealing himself to be just a plain townie. He though that maybe looking like someone who was potentially invincible would make him safe from disappearing like the others. How wrong he was.

As he walked, he thought he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and called out, “Anyone there?” No answer.

He continued on, picking up the pace a bit. Suddenly he heard footsteps again. He whipped around, and there standing in the middle of the street, was Linus.

“How--” started Dasmos, but Linus interrupted him.

“Hi! You’re not mad at me, are you? I’m just trying to show everyone the truth.” Linus stepped closer to Dasmos, his hands held out at his sides.

“The truth? The truth?? You’re crazy!” Dasmos turned to run home, but ran smack into Lucy, who had appeared smiling behind him. The impact sent him down to the ground, with little swirly lines whirring around his head.

“Oh, no. You should really be more careful, Dasmos,” said Lucy, as she picked him up and slung him over her shoulder. “I’ll just get you home and see to it that you stay in bed until you’re all well.”

“Mmmwerrrhh....uuhhhhh...” moaned Dasmos, the townie, as he was carried away. Linus just stood in the street, smiling that same strange, unnerving smile of his that had been plastered on his face most of the week.


Pale, a normal townie, has been voted out.
Dasmos, a normal townie, has been hit by the Mafia.

Day 5 Begins Now!*

*You can post here if you want, but I'm pretty sure it's a done deal, and I'll end the day shortly with the Day 6 story and conclusion. The townies, with Schroeder set to secure his joining the mafia and win the game, have no way to out-vote the mafia. And, I already have night actions that will confirm this end. This thread is just open until I finish up the final story.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 11:27:38 PM by decoyman »
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Offline stevey

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2008, 10:50:54 PM »
Vote Khush
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Stevey Duff
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Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2008, 10:52:12 PM »
Quick!  Someone alive vote for Decoyman!
Ahaha :D
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Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2008, 11:34:55 PM »
Day 6: The inevitable comes to pass

Rerun, aka vudu, stood up in front of the remaining, powerless neighborhood kids. He threw up his hands in the air, and shouted,

Vote Toruresu,

even though he knew it wouldn’t do any good. Toruresu, aka Schroeder, sat off to the side, playing his intoxicatingly beautiful and mind-altering piano, and smiling devilishly.

Lucy sat at the piano, batting her eye lashes. The Cat Next Door purred and walked around, nipping and swiping at anyone he could reach.

Sally walked up to Rerun and grabbed his hand, looking guilty. “I’m ready to be sent to my room.” She frowned coyly, then lost control and giggled. “I’ve been baaa-aaad.”

A chorus of ”Vote DrewMG, aka Sally!” rang up from the crowd. Sally grinned.

Insanolord, aka The Real Pig-pen, manned up: “Vote Toruresu!” he called. Charlie Brown smiled feebly.

Franklin, aka nickmitch, called out from the back of the crowd, “Vote Toruresu!” and was silent. Winking at Franklin, Lucy made the “throat slash” gesture towards him, then closed her eyes to resume listening to the piano. Franklin swallowed hard, and disappeared into the thinning crowd. It was pretty clear that the mafia had nickmitch’s number and he would be “sent packing” later that night.

Mature-Lucy, aka Stevey, yelled out, “DIE CAT,” then stomped around futilely before her eyes once again glazed over to the piano music and she said in a weird voice, “I mean, er, Vote DrewMG, yeah...”

“I don’t even think we need to count this time. Head on home to your room, Sally. You’ve been bad, and you’re grounded,” Rerun said with disappointment, pulling off his mask and revealing his yellow shirt with the black zigzag. Vudu was actually Charlie Brown!

As Sally was led away, Schroeder stopped playing, and Lucy stood up. Schroeder went to her, and they kissed (a totally G-rated, Disney kiss – they’re like 8 years old). Much to Lucy’s delight, the words Schroeder had once uttered echoed in her mind. “I wouldn’t marry you unless you were the last girl on earth...”

The End!

DrewMG, aka Sally, the mafia’s power-negating person, has been voted out.
nickmitch, a regular townie, has been hit by the Mafia.
Special condition has been met! Since Lucy is the last female character in the game, Schroeder, ever true to his word, joins up with her and the mafia.

This results in a mafia win! Congrats to:
Khushrenada, Linus
Maxi, Linus’ Blanket
DrewMG, Sally
GoldenPhoenix, Lucy
Spak-Spang, the was-supposed-to-have-been Great Pumpkin
Toruresu, Schroeder, who successfully joined the mafia tonight

Stay tuned for the epilogue...
« Last Edit: November 03, 2008, 11:38:38 PM by decoyman »
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2008, 11:53:37 PM »
I love how you did the story.
Maxi is dead. I killed him and took his posts and changed genders.
Alexis, she/her/Miss

Quote by Khushrenada in Safe Words 15.
I'm happy with thinking pokepal148 is just eating a stick of butter. It seems about right for him. I don't need no stinking facts.

Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2008, 12:16:13 AM »
I love how you did the story.

Thanks, Maxi. That was one of the thing I wanted to do with this game... have a good, interesting story, that was another take on a really well-known and popular cartoon. So, I'm really glad you liked it. :)
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Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2008, 01:56:32 PM »
This story was ****.  No matter what you say, Toruresu loses as a townie.  I don't care how many fake, hour-long days you add to the game.  It ended on day 4 and Toruresu lost.
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Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2008, 02:14:33 PM »
Vudu, what would've been Toruresu's incentive to changing back to the townies on Day 5, when he was about to win? If he was going to side with the townies, it would've been yesterday.

It would've been silly to play it out, though now I wish we had, if only so people couldn't have this as an excuse.

I should mention that I told Toruresu when he asked me that it was legal to play however he wanted, but I hoped he would play to his current allegiances until they officially changed – make Khush earn Schroeder as mafia. He didn't, but that was his prerogative.

My biggest regret is not giving the roled townies a win condition that they could win even if they were dead. When I realized this would be an issue, it's not like I could change the rules mid-game. That wouldn't be right.

This was my worst mistake, if you ask me. Sorry if you guys didn't have fun because of it. :(
3DS Friend Code: 3067-7420-5671 (Aaronaut)

Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2008, 02:27:47 PM »
Vudu, what would've been Toruresu's incentive to changing back to the townies on Day 5, when he was about to win? If he was going to side with the townies, it would've been yesterday.

I agree, but just because Toruresu wants to be mafia, doesn't mean he would have been allowed to join.  There's no guarantee that Sally would have died, so despite what Khush says, it wasn't inevitable that Toruresu would officially join the mafia.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2008, 03:00:04 PM »
Sally definitely would have died.  The mafia had more votes than the townies, and they were all participating.  The only way they'd fail is if Silks was on their side.

Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2008, 03:15:40 PM »
You can't predict the future and you can't say for certain that someone would have participated in the voting the following day.  No matter how likely it seems, you have no choice but to admit that you can't say for certain how the game would have played out.  For all you know Khush could have changed his mind about voting off his teammate and left Toruresu to lose with his team.

The only thing you can say for certain is that Toruresu was a townie at the time the game was officially ended.

The early ending rule is essentially a mercy rule.  The recorded score is what happens at the time the game is called.  You can't pro-rate the rest of the game.  And even if Khush had wanted to continue the game, he couldn't per the mercy rule.

Toruresu was a townie at the end of day 4, and therefore he loses with the rest of the townies.  End of story.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline Spak-Spang

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2008, 04:55:12 PM »
Wait...technically I won?  Ha...I thought I died a townie.

Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2008, 05:08:55 PM »
I didn't see it as prorating the game, or ending it early or whatever. I just saw it kind of like setting gambits for your characters in FF and letting the battle play out automatically. At least, that's how I saw it. I did get night actions, even, and incorporated them into the day.

Yes, Spak, you won. I didn't specify whether the person who joined (aka the transformation into the Great Pumpkin) needed to be alive, only that they would join. So, even though you died on Day 1, you won because of the luck of being pre-chosen. The only way you couldn't have won would have been if the townies had won. After Day 3, you were the Great Pumpkin. I even wrote it in the Day 3 story that way - you were the Great Pumpkin, but you were just hanging out in your house because of your sore butt. :P
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Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2008, 05:42:37 PM »
So if the Spak hadn't been killed on day one and he had somehow led the townies to a huge victory in two days he would have lost the game?  That's bogus.

I'm sorry--not everyone can be a winner.  You have to be alive at the end of the game in order to win.  The only winners were Khush, GP, and DrewMG.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2008, 05:44:51 PM by vudu »
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #15 on: November 04, 2008, 06:00:50 PM »
No, the game continued past Day 3, so he became the Great Pumpkin, posthumously, thus joining the mafia.

Ok, let me reiterate: if the townies had managed to get all the mafia members out before Day 3 and won the game, he still would've been a townie (the mafia's "ritual" that was performed on Day 3 wouldn't have happened, dig?).

And since when do the mafia members lose if they're not alive for a mafia win?? If mafia wins, everyone on the team wins. It's been that way every time I've played the game at least. Time to let it go, vudu. I promise a more balanced game next time I host (if I host again, I should say).
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Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2008, 08:14:01 PM »
It would've been silly to play it out, though now I wish we had, if only so people couldn't have this as an excuse.

I warned ya, this would happen, didn't I? I warned ya but ya refused to listen. Why wouldn't ya listen to the warnin'?

And for the record, I never lied to Toruresu. I would never lie about something like that. If I didn't let Toruresu join as mafia for the win, that would blacklist me for all time. It's hard enough to get people to listen to me in these games but to jerk Toruresu around and have him work with us only to betray him on the last day and leave him out of the victory would be unthinkable on my part. Especially with the heat Toruresu would take for abandoning the townies. You don't have someone make a move like that without compensating them. He'd have been compensated.

That's why I hit Thatguy when I did. To show my intentions with Toruresu were honest. I'd have perferred to let thatguy live to the bitter end but I hit him to eliminate another female role and show we were going to recruit him. And that's why we would vote out DrewMG, the next day. To show Toruresu that our intentions were true. If we were going to betray Toruresu, we wouldn't be able to get away with it. He'd see the votes and turn against us also.

If you want to claim that GP and DrewMG were going to betray Toruresu and deny him the win, go ahead. But I doubt that would have happened. They wouldn't have been able to succeed if the mafia were to divide itself suddenly on the last day. I had and have absolutely no intention of scrrewing Toruresu over. So, please, stop speaking for me and saying I was going to change the terms of the deal.

As for the mercy rule, the game wasn't over. If you want to say that I was going to change the deal on Toruresu, then I can make all kind of claims about what could have happened the next day. DrewMG may not have wanted to die and would betray the mafia blocking Lucy's power from activating or blocking my power. The mafia could have divided. Toruresu could have betrayed us. We could have ended up in the scenario I outlined before, 3 players, 2 townie, 1 mafia (Sally) going to a tie break.

I know I implemented the mercy rule last game but I did so because in my eyes and by my rules, that game was over. Even then, when I implemented it, people started proposing all sorts of ways that it could have been countered and I had to explain why such a plan wouldn't work and clarify things. I guess it's best to let things be official.

I know you are calling yourself a bad sport but I don't know why you feel you have to be. In the long run, why is it so important to deny someone a victory?
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline that Baby guy

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2008, 08:45:26 PM »
In the game of mafia, at least on NWR, traditionally, the entire mafia wins when the mafia wins.  That's how it is.  That's how players play the game.  Everyone understands that.  That's why I like to provide ways for townie players to win even if they die, but I don't want them to just get a win by sitting idly by, either.

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2008, 08:44:34 AM »

If you want to claim that GP and DrewMG were going to betray Toruresu and deny him the win, go ahead. But I doubt that would have happened. They wouldn't have been able to succeed if the mafia were to divide itself suddenly on the last day. I had and have absolutely no intention of scrrewing Toruresu over. So, please, stop speaking for me and saying I was going to change the terms of the deal.

As for the mercy rule, the game wasn't over. If you want to say that I was going to change the deal on Toruresu, then I can make all kind of claims about what could have happened the next day. DrewMG may not have wanted to die and would betray the mafia blocking Lucy's power from activating or blocking my power. The mafia could have divided. Toruresu could have betrayed us. We could have ended up in the scenario I outlined before, 3 players, 2 townie, 1 mafia (Sally) going to a tie break.

I was along with the plan 100%.  I would not have prevented your plan from going through.

For the record.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2008, 02:36:10 PM »
As for the mercy rule, the game wasn't over. If you want to say that I was going to change the deal on Toruresu, then I can make all kind of claims about what could have happened the next day. DrewMG may not have wanted to die and would betray the mafia blocking Lucy's power from activating or blocking my power. The mafia could have divided. Toruresu could have betrayed us. We could have ended up in the scenario I outlined before, 3 players, 2 townie, 1 mafia (Sally) going to a tie break.

I know I implemented the mercy rule last game but I did so because in my eyes and by my rules, that game was over. Even then, when I implemented it, people started proposing all sorts of ways that it could have been countered and I had to explain why such a plan wouldn't work and clarify things. I guess it's best to let things be official.

No, I agree with the mercy rule.  If you forced the game to go on for several days loner than necessary people will lose interest in Mafia in general.  However, I still think that the "score" at the time the game was called is the official result.  Toruresu was a townie and therefore he has to lose as a townie.

Let me use the mercy rule in baseball as an example.  Khush is the coach of the best little league team in the state.  On that team is the best player, who's currently 3 homeruns away from the record.  They're playing the last game of the season against the special ed kids.  In the first inning the team scores 8 runs and the star player gets one home run.  The special ed kids get no runs.  In the second inning the team scores another 9 runs and the star player hits another home run.  Again, the special ed kids fail to score.  In the opening minutes of the third round the team scores another 3 runs bringing the score to 20-0 thereby ending the game according to the mercy rule.  The star player is one run short of the record.  You can't say that the kid was scoring one home run every inning and give him 7 "free" home runs.  The kid didn't get enough home runs because his teammates were too good and the coach didn't plan ahead.  Is it the kid's fault he failed to get the record?  Of course not.  But the fact is he will have to settle for second place.

Khush played too good of a game and failed to adequately plan for Toruresu to join the mafia before the game was called. 

I know you are calling yourself a bad sport but I don't know why you feel you have to be. In the long run, why is it so important to deny someone a victory?

I derive my happiness from others' misery.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline decoyman

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2008, 04:33:14 PM »
You're ignoring the fact that I didn't invoke the mercy rule.

If I invoked anything (and I did invoke something), it was the FFXII gambit system to let the last day play itself. :P
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Offline vudu

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2008, 04:41:58 PM »
Call a spade a spade.  It doesn't matter what you call it.  When you end the game early it's the mercy rule and the game ends immediately.
Why must all things be so bright? Why can things not appear only in hues of brown! I am so serious about this! Dull colors are the future! The next generation! I will never accept a world with such bright colors! It is far too childish! I will rage against your cheery palette with my last breath!

Offline Khushrenada

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Re: Mafia XXIX: "It's the Great Pumpkin (Mafia), Charlie Brown" Day 5 & Day 6
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2008, 06:01:59 PM »
This is the best mafia game ever!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.