Author Topic: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up  (Read 33131 times)

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Offline Khushrenada

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Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« on: September 23, 2006, 03:10:18 PM »
I'm a bit late with this because I seem to have caught Ty's cold. But enough of that. Let's get straight to it. Sorry Vudu. This won't be straight up mafia.

The Rules


For any newcomers, this is the way we're playing the game. In the game of Mafia, there are basically two sides. Innocents known as townies and Bad guys known as Mafia. The game is played over a course of days. Each day, everybody can vote for one person to be eliminated from the game. The person with the highest amount of votes is the one eliminated. The townies are trying to vote out the mafia while the mafia is trying to vote out the townies. This is not as easy as it sounds. The mafia have an advantage by knowing who all their members are, while the townies don't know who else is innocent besides themselves. The mafia also has another advantage by the fact that they can make a hit every night. The next day, the person who was voted out is killed in a little story and their role revealed. The person who the mafia hit is also killed and their role mentioned in the story as well.

Vote Rules

To vote, simply type in bold: VOTE (NAME) You may post anything else you want during the day or with that message. You can only vote for one person. If you wish to change your vote, make sure to erase the old vote. Only votes that are in bold will be counted. If you have two votes, neither will count.

You must vote at least once every two days. Failure to vote will result in death. If you have a reason for not voting in time, PM me before the third day of abscence to let me know.


If there is a tie at the deadline, there is a simple procedure for solving it. Anyone who has not voted that day has 10 minutes after the dead line to vote for one of the people tied up. If after 10 minutes, there is still a tie, anyone who didn't vote that day will be killed instead. So if there were 4 people who didn't vote, I'd randomly select one to die instead. Maybe 2 if I'm cranky. But what if everyone voted and there was still a tie. Then, there will be the 10 minute delay to change one's vote for someone else. If after the 10 minutes, there is still a tie, then those who are tied will be exempt and I will randomly select someone else to die. Should have saved yourself.

To Win

For the townies to win, every mafia member must be killed and only innocent townies remain.

For the mafia to win, they only have to get to the point where it is equal townies and mafia. Example, 3 townies left and 3 mafia members left. At that point, it is assumed the mafia take over.

Note: there are also different roles with a different win condition. Example, Suicide Bomber's win is to kill everyone. Also, if there are 3 mafia but 2 townies and the suicide bomber, the game does not end as the bomber could wipe out the mafia's advantage. The reverse is true also. If all mafia are voted out but the bomber is still alive, townies have not won yet as the bomber may have a chance to kill them all.

For all roles that don't belong in one of the two groups of mafia or townie, they are considered a faction of their own and will have a different win condition listed.

The Roles


In this game of mafia, we are starting out with only one mafia. However, if I feel a substantial amount of people have joined, I will add a second mafia. The second mafia will have the same roles as this one.

The Godfather

This is the head of the mafia. He is the one who ultimately decides who gets whacked each night. On the mafia's action night, he will send me the name of the person he chooses to have killed.

The Mafia Spy

Another mafia member. He has the ability to investigate any person to see what their role is. On the mafia's action night, he sends me the name of the person he wants investigated and I send him their role.

The Mafia Recruiter

A third mafia member. He has the ability to recruit people to join the mafia. However, his ability is limited. On the mafia's action night, he will send me the name of the person he wishes to have join the mafia. He will also choose a number between 1 and 6. Then, I will roll a dice. If the number matches, it's a succesful recruitment. If not, the recruitment fails. Also, the person who is being recruited does not know any of this unless the recruitment is succesful. They will then be sent a PM, letting them know they are now mafia.

The Mafia Doctor

Our fourth mafia member. The doctor has the ability to protect any one he chooses, except himself. There is one catch, however. The doctor can not use his ability until the townie doctor is killed. As long as the townie doctor is alive, the mafia doctor can not forge his credentials and start practicing medicine. Once he has his ability, each night, he will send me the name of the person he is protecting.

The Mafia Propagandist

A new role for the mafia. The propagandist has two abilites. Before the game begins, he will give me the name of one person he wants corrupted. This person can be anyone from the bomber to the cop to a rival mafia member if we add another mafia. This corrupted person effectively becomes another mafia member, swayed by propaganda. The propagandist can also tell the corrupted townie how to vote. The other ability the propagandist has is being able to cancel one person's vote each night. The propagandist will send me a PM of the person who's vote he wants cancelled.

The Corrupted Townie

Our final mafia member. The corrupted townie could be anyone. What's worse is that no one can know he's corrupted. If he is investigted, he will only register as a normal townie or any other role he might have. The corrupted townie only listens to the Propagandist, however and votes according to his wishes. If the propagandist is killed, the corrupted townie has a choice. Stay with the mafia or join the townies again. If he joins the townies, this action will be revealed in the story the next day. He is free to reveal anything he may know. If he stays with the mafia, he will then learn who all the mafia consists of if he doesn't know yet and he is free to vote how he wants, no longer controlled by the propagandist.

Final notes for Mafia Members

New Godfathers

The mafia has the ability to choose a new godfather any day.

To do so, all members must PM me saying they want a new godfather. They must also give me the name of the person they want to see as the new godfather. The corrupted townie can not vote, however anyone succesfully recruited can. Also the corrupted townie does not need to send a PM asking for a new godfather.

The new godfather will be the person with the most votes and the old godfather will be killed. If there is a tie, 2-2, then no one becomes godfather but the old godfather will still be killed. This means the mafia must solve their differences and elect a new godfather fast, otherwise they will make no kills.

Also, when making a succesful coup, I will only PM the new godfather, informing him of his extra role. I will not give the voting record nor will I PM the other mafia members letting them know who is the new godfather. That is the new godfather's responsibility. This means in a tie, I will not PM anyone. You will have to figure that out yourselves and revote.

The Mole.

Why would you vote your godfather? He might be the mole.

The mole is another new role. At the end of Day 2, I will randomly select one mafia member to become the mole except for the corrupted townie. The mole is a member of the mafia, working against the mafia. How does it work?

The mole will PM with a message. This message will contain the name of a mafia member and their role. It's the mole's choice who. The mole will also give me the name of the person he would like to send this information too. Then, I will PM that person with a package. The package will be the info the mole gave me. The mafia member's name and role. The person who recieves the package will only know it was given to him be the mole's role, i.e. Godfather, Spy, Doctor, etc.

This is significant because if that person ends up being recruited, he will know who the mole is. The mole must also be careful not to hit the townie idiot. The townie idiot will post the entire contents of the package including the mole's role.

The Townies

The Doctor

The doctor can protect anyone he wants, except himself. Before the day begins, he can PM me with a name if he wants or he can wait until the evening and PM me. Why wait? Well, if the doctor wants, he can save the person with the most votes. Then the person with the next amount of votes will be killed instead. If the doctor is corrupted, he will do the bidding of the propagandist and use his role as the propagandist wants. If he is recruited, he is free to protect who he wants. Of course, he will be working for the mafia in these cases. Also, if he is recruited or corrupted, the mafia doctor may begin practicing medicine. Neither doctor can protect the other.

The Cop

The cop is working for the townies and may investigate one person each night. He can see all roles except for the corrupted townie or the mole. And, like usual, the Godfather will show up as a townie. If the cop is corrupted, he'll do as the propagandist wants. If he's recruited, he uses his power for the mafia.

The Townie Idiot

The townie idiot is a drunk who can't keep anything to himself. Any information he is given will be revealed, except for his role, strangely enough. The townie idiot is playing for the townies but he it can be hard tell. What does this mean? If the townie idiot is corrupted, he will tell eveyone he's corrupted and who corrupted him. If he's recruited, he becomes the mafia idiot and starts naming names. Consider him a whammy.

The Drifter

I don't think I have ever seen this role used once. So, let's give it one more shot. The drifter has the ability to take over anyone's role. He just PM's me the name of the person he wants to become. That person is killed. Their role, whatever it may be, becomes the drifter's. Here's some added value to the role. If he's corrupted, he could take over the godfather role. Then the godfather would be in the hands of the propagandist. However, taking over a mafia role means he would stay mafia if the propagandist was killed. If he's recruited, he can take over anyone's role in the mafia if he wants. However, if uses his role and gets a different role outside of the mafia after being recruited, he still stay mafia.

The Magician

The magician is a new role. The magician can change the roles of anyone every night. How does that work? Each night, the magician PM's me the names of two people. I then will PM those people and inform them of their new role. There are some things to keep in mind. The magician never knows if the action was a success. No one else knows who has switched roles except for the librarian. Also, certain roles can not be switched. A mafia member can not switch roles with a townie. However, if two mafia members were selected, they could switch roles because they are in the same mafia. The mole role will never be switched. The corrupt townie could be switched. That spells trouble for the propagandist. The librarian role can not be switched. Yes, the magician can also use his name for switching roles and give his role to someone else.

The Librarian

Knowlegde is power. The librarian must figure out how to use that power correctly. The librarian will learn a ratio of people's roles. Say 30 people are playing, the librarian can the learn the roles of about 7 others. How does this work? Well, the librarian can ask to learn the roles for whoever he choses up to a limit, in this example, up to 7 people. The librarian can ask for this information before the game begins or any time thereafter. Nor does the librarian have to ask for all 7 choices right away. The librarian could chose to wait and learn about a person anytime they wished. Moreover, anyone the librarian asks about, that person's role will always be revealed. So, if someone is recruited or corrupted, the librarian will know this. If their role is switched the librarian will learn the new role but not who got the switched role unless that person is also on the librarian's list. The librarian can also learn who the mole is if that person is on the librarian's list. Obviously then, the librarian would be desired by the mafia. However, if the librarian is blabbermouth or unable to use this knowledge well, the librarian may soon be taking a dirtnap. Of course, corrupted, the librarian would do the propagandist's bidding. Recruited, the librarian aids the mafia.

The Bounty Hunter

The bounty hunter is out to rid the world of the mafia. He'll do it both the honest way (voting with everyone) and his own way (killing them himself). Yes, the bounty hunter fills the vigilante role. Each night, he can PM me the name of a person he wants killed. The catch is the person must be a mafia member. If he kills an innocent, he dies along with the innocent. If the bounty hunter is corrupted, he'll kill whoever the propagandist wants. But, the bounty hunter can not be recruited. He would kill himself and the recruiter before will joining a mafia. Brainwashing is different.

Non-Townie Roles

The Suicide Bomber

Yes, the bomber is back. New and improved. The bombeer may at any time, choose 3 people to blow up and die with him. If he is voted out, everyone who voted for him will be blown up. If a mafia hits him, two mafia members die: The godfather and another mafia member of the godfather's choosing. More than that, every two days that the suicide bomber lives, he plants explosives on someone else. Only I and the bomber know who else would be a walking time bomb. The librarian can know if that person is one on their list. The bomber has no rational except to see everyone die. As for the walking time bomb, if they are voted out, the suicide bomber can choose two people who voted for the time bomb to be killed with the time bomb. If corrupted, the bomber doesn't neccassarily do the propagandist's bidding. Because he is irrational, he still shows independence and does what he wants. If recruited, the bomber still does as he wants. If he wants to blow up a part of this mafia, he can. Moreover, the bomber can not win a mafia victory. He can only win by the death of everyone.

The Killer

The killer works alone. He is out for himself and himself only. He can only win by being the last one standing. The killer has a small advantage. Because he is an expert at what he does, he is the only one who can safely kill a time bomb or the bomber and not die. He can a make a hit every night against anyone he chooses. If he is corrupted, he does the propagandist's bidding. If he is recruited, he may win with a mafia victory.

That should be all the roles for now. I'll wait to see how many sign-up before deciding if we need a second mafia or some extra roles. It will sort of be like F-Zero Gx. The more people we get, the more stuff we can unlock. The reason I mention F-Zero GX is because that is the theme of the game!

The Theme

Yes, this mafia game will revolve around F-Zero GX. It was for that reason I gave no names for the roles. You can choose any character you want from F-Zero GX as your persona in the game. Except for Mr. Zero, the announcer. That role will be mine as the narrator. What's that you don't know many F-Zero Characters. Well, Wikipedia has a couple pages of racers for you as well as a brief bio of them. So choose the one that appeals to you and run with it.

The pages are:

F-Zero GX Racers

F-Zero AX Racers

Also, if you're looking for more personality about the racers, you can go to Gamefaqs and under the F-Zero GX Faqs, there is one entitled Interview FAQ. This is interviews done of the reacers and will give you more insight into their personality.

Finally, although I did a bit of searching, I wasn't able to find any good pics for avatars. If someone else has an idea of where to get some or can make them, we can hand out avatars for this game.

That's all for now. I'll post a brief intro story in a bit. Around the time the roles are about to go out. Now all that's left is to get our players.

Also, if you have any questions PM me or ask them in this thread.            
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2006, 03:21:24 PM »
Wow, that's a lot of typing. If you've played the game, skip the rules, except for ties. You may want to read up on that. Just get to to the roles. Understand, this game is about trust. Can you trust anyone? Or are they corrupted? Are they using you? Are they leaking important information? Will they betray you?

Edit: I think I'll also use this post to show who has signed up and as what character.

Wandering - James McCloud
Sir_Stabbalot - Mighty Gazelle
Crimm - Bio Rex
Stevey - Black Shadow
Ceric - PJ
TVMan - Micheal Chain
Vudu - Blood Falcon
Zach - Spade
Pale - Mr. EAD
Athrun Zala - Roger Buster
Shyguy - Pico
Blackfootsteps - The Skull
Smoke39 - Zoda
Decoyman - Deathborn
Deguello - Samurai Goroh
Dasmos - Dr. Robert Stewart
Shift Key - Jody Summer
18 Days - Mrs. Arrow
Bill - Lily Flyer
NuclearSpeed - Silver Neelson
Mystic Gohan - Princia
Infernal Monkey - Leon
Mario - Super Arrow
Garnee - Octoman
Couchmonkey - John Tanaka
MaryJane - Dr. Clash
MattVDB - Captain Falcon
Mantidor - Gomar & Shioh
ThePerm - Phoenix Lestrade
BigJim - Draq
Nyladrin - Beastman
Svevan - Jack Levin
Knowsnothing - Antonio Guster
Spak-Spang - Billy

34 People are playing                      
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Offline nickmitch

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2006, 04:15:45 PM »
So, does the currupted townie post his vote and then gets it counted as what the propagandist says, or does he have to wait to post a vote until he gets info from the propagandist?
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline wandering

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2006, 04:38:23 PM »
IN. In anticipation for my upcoming game, I'll be James McCloud.

Wow, lot's of roles.

First off, a 6 man mafia team (plus an extra man every 6 days or so, plus investigator, doctor, and vote-changer roles) is a very formidable force. I guess the mole, and other roles, could balance things out.

I'm mixed on mole characters. It resulted in some fun shenanigans in mafia II, but watching all the vampires getting picked off in Mafia IV because the mole leaked their names just wasn't fun. And let's not even bring up fool's gold.

The propagandist - how does he control someone else's voting? Can he kill the person he's controlling if that person doesn't do his bidding? ....hmm, well, I guess the godfather could.

The doctor - what if he gets recruited by the mafia? Wouldn't that make it impossible for the townies to vote out mafia?

The godfather - can he kill members of his own mafia?

Time bombs will likely lead to much insanity. But what happens if they're killed by the mafia? Or the vigilante?

That's all I can think of for now.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2006, 05:11:30 PM »
I'm in and I call Mighty Gazelle.
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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2006, 05:13:48 PM »
I wanna join as Bio Rex.

Dino-human?  Does it get sweeter?
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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2006, 05:46:39 PM »
in and will be Duffman aka Black Shadow
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Offline Ceric

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2006, 06:44:30 PM »
In.  I'll choice a character a little later.  I have to think on this.

Edit:  It's either PJ, QQQ, Spade, Mr. Ead, Clinton, or Digi-boy.

Methinks I'm going to go with PJ because I like machines that can grip the course.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
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Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #8 on: September 23, 2006, 07:07:56 PM »

The corrupted townie idea came from the time I tried to give away my vote. Basically, the corrupted townie can vote for who he wants, but if the propagandist wants him to vote for someone else, he will PM the corrupted townie telling him who to vote for. If the corrupted townie isn't obeying the propagandist, he will die. Unless I mentioned before that he is able to resist the propagandist. I.e. Suicide bomber. Preferably, he would wait for orders first to hide his role a bit.


About the mole. I've tried to be very careful about how the information gets out. That's why the mole has to PM me with it and then I can filter it and make sure it doesn't get out of hand. I have been thinking about making an anti-mole. I'll have to do some thinking and see if I should add it. I know the mafia can seem a formidable force but I wanted each mafia member to be able to do something on the side in case any of them become the mole, they can then use their role to subvert the mafia a bit. Plus, there are limiters. The doctor can't act right away, for instance. Although the mafia starts strong, roles like the mole will hamper it a bit.

For your other questions

The propagandist, see TVMan's answer.

The Godfather- yes, he can kill members of his own mafia. That's the reason for the mafia being able to kill him. He could become the mole. Or the mole could get clever and have himself made godfather and then kill mafia members.

The Docter - I answered this in the description of the doctor's role under the townies section. Basically, they can't protect one another. I don't want what happened in Mafia 5 happening again.

Time bombs - Good point, I didn't outline all specifics on them. Basically, if a mafia member hit a time bomb, they would both die. The time bomb doesn't know that fact. (Unless the Bomber PM'd him. I left that option open.) Even if he does know, it still just a both die. But for the bounty hunter, I'm going to give him a 50/50 shot at surviving. He is killing an innocent, though one that could unwittingly kill other innocents. Plus, he doesn't have the expertise the killer has. So, I'll give him 50/50 odds at surviving.

I think that answers everything at the moment.  
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline wandering

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #9 on: September 23, 2006, 07:23:27 PM »

I've tried to be very careful about how the information gets out. That's why the mole has to PM me with it and then I can filter it and make sure it doesn't get out of hand.

This could work... but human nature dictates that, if someone knows who all of the mafia members are, and wants all the mafia members dead, they will find alternate means of making sure that happens. Now, maybe that won't happen, because the mole doesn't really seem to have any motivation to betray his fellow mafia members beyond what you're already asking him to do. But then that begs the question, shouldn't he have a motivation? Is his victory depndant on the other mafia members dying? And if it is, see my point about human nature. And if it isn't, can he chose to not betray his teammates?


The Docter - I answered this in the description of the doctor's role under the townies section. Basically, they can't protect one another. I don't want what happened in Mafia 5 happening again.

But, couldn't the doctor protect a mafia godfather from being voted out, for instance?
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline nickmitch

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #10 on: September 23, 2006, 07:38:00 PM »
In and Michael Chain.
TVman is dead. I killed him and took his posts.

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #11 on: September 23, 2006, 07:39:53 PM »
Yeah, the mole role could be tricky. I've got two methods to counter it. I might have to add those roles to limit it. But that's why I want to wait first and see how many people join up.

Interesting idea about the doctor protecting the godfather if the godfather is the mole. I'm going to say Yes, it is a legal move. The doctor is a big target already. He can thwart the mafia's hit and they need him dead to get their doctor going. I'd hate to make more of a target to the mafia but I say it's a fair move. I don't think the chances are that high that this would come to pass. Also, if we do end up adding a second mafia. The second mafia could always thwart this plan and kill the doctor for their gain. Plus, the doctor has two options. Protect someone from the days voting, or protect someone at night. Then the mafia has two options. If the doctor protects the godfather during the day, the mafia kills him in their secret vote at night. If the doctor protects during the night, they try to vote himout in the day's vote.
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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2006, 07:42:33 PM »
Oh, what the Hell; I'm in.  I want to be a Bafomdad.
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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2006, 07:49:43 PM »
No, my point was, the mafia could recruit the doctor, and then have him protect any mafia member that the townies choose to vote out. Heck, I suppose the mafia doctor could do that as well.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2006, 08:08:28 PM »
I see what you're saying. Yes, the mafia doctor can do this also but that's why I made him latent for awhile. That's one of the reasons why there is a mole. A mole could let the townies know who the mafia doctors are and they could vote them out ending that protection. The doctors can not protect each other.

I'm leaving this as is for now. It's going to take some odds of happening. First, it's a shot in the dark if the propagandist gets the doctor. Then, it's up to the spy to find him, then the recruiter has some odds for him to join. If they get it to happen, I say let them reap the rewards. The townies can still defeat the mafia. It will just be a bit harder though. Plus, the mafia may choose to just kill the doctor and have their own get going instead.

If I do decide to change it, then I might go Pale's route and get the doctors some odds of success.
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2006, 08:17:52 PM »

That's one of the reasons why there is a mole. A mole could let the townies know who the mafia doctors are and they could vote them out ending that protection. The doctors can not protect each other.

Ah, that makes sense. Though I am a little leery of the mole character, it does seem like he'll balance things out. I have no further objections at this time, your honor.
“...there are those who would...say, '...If I could just not have to work everyday...that would be the most wonderful life in the world.' They don't know life. Because what makes life mean something is purpose.  The battle. The struggle.  Even if you don't win it.” - Richard M. Nixon

Offline Khushrenada

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2006, 08:22:32 PM »
One other rule: No Dupe Accounts!
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #17 on: September 23, 2006, 09:58:17 PM »
Of what relevance is the F-Zero character you choose?

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2006, 10:04:50 PM »

Originally posted by: Khushrenada
The Docter - I answered this in the description of the doctor's role under the townies section. Basically, they can't protect one another. I don't want what happened in Mafia 5 happening again.
aww, but that was fun! To be fair, it was almost all TYP, I only saved 18 days once (sorry decoyman, the last two games I have played my actions resulted in your death Mafia VII I could have saved you instead of 18 days, and mafia IX I pounded you into a building, maybe we can be friends this time?)  

Oh, and Khush, I think you meant mafia VII

Got a little off topic, Im in.  I gotta look up an f-zero character

Edit: Goin into this one with Spade.
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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2006, 09:21:49 AM »
Stickied and I'm signing up.  Don't have time to pick a character yet, so either pick one for me or I'll pick one later.
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Offline Ceric

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2006, 11:07:07 AM »
Pale should be Mr.Ead.  Because someone just gotta be.
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so, I don't have to edit as Much.

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RE:Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2006, 11:07:36 AM »

Nothing special about the racer you choose. It just means you can have fun playing a character. The only thing special is the role you get and that is not dependant on characters.


No, I meant Mafia 5 where there were two people who could protect anyone and they both protected each other. Crash and TYP. They won the game because no one could kill the other.


Thanks for the help.  
Whoever said, "Cheaters never win" must've never met Khushrenada.

Offline Ceric

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2006, 11:22:33 AM »
Just to make it official I'll go with PJ the Ex-Taxi cab driver.
Need a Personal NonCitizen-Magical-Elf-Boy-Child-Game-Abused-King-Kratos-Play-Thing Crimm Unmaker-of-Worlds-Hunter-Of-Boxes
so, I don't have to edit as Much.

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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2006, 06:57:44 PM »
A'ight.. Mr. EAD it is.
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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RE: Mafia X: The Rules, The Roles and The Sign-up
« Reply #24 on: September 24, 2006, 08:39:11 PM »

I'm in ^__^

oh right, a*random pic*....Roger Buster GET
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