Author Topic: Is Galaxy the "real" new Mario?  (Read 12448 times)

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Offline Avinash_Tyagi

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RE:Is Galaxy the "real" new Mario?
« Reply #50 on: May 25, 2006, 09:11:07 AM »

Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Agreed, even Miyamato said that the first gen Wii games might not showthe full potential of the system"

They said the same thing about the touchscreen and I've yet to be sold on that concept.  It was the same with connectivity and the Cube clicky triggers.  When Nintendo comes up with some innovative hardware idea they should have some game ideas around that necessitated the new hardware in the first place.  If they just come up with the idea out of the blue and then think "well I'm sure we'll come up with some cool ideas for this" then the odds of it becoming essential later is pretty slim, just from experience in the past.  The really good hardware ideas that Nintendo has come up with always had good games using them and proving the concept right from the start.  That's because a good idea comes about as a way of providing a solution.  So the game ideas need to be there first, and then the hardware is created to allow those ideas to become reality.  If the game ideas aren't there to begin with then the whole idea is merely theoretical and may never amount to anything, and usually doesn't.

You aren't sold on the touchscreen (you must have never played Nintendogs, kirby Canvas curse, etc.), as for connectivity it was basically a testing ground for the DS, plus they have plans to implement DS wii connestion via Wi-fi, so in truth connectivity worked well to set up future ideas

Offline Requiem

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RE: Is Galaxy the "real" new Mario?
« Reply #51 on: May 25, 2006, 09:13:29 AM »
Ian, your arguments don't make sense. I see where your coming from -- essentially the Game before the revolution. But your forgetting something.....that's essentially impossible.

What Nintendo probably did first before creating the N64 and the beloved Mario was research what's out there. Research would could potentially make a great system and great games.

They found 3-D graphics and the analog stick. From that they allowed Miyamoto to work his magic and incoorperate those things into a game. Voila! Mario 64 was born!

I'm not a whore, ok? Really.....really, I'm not.

But, if she slips man....if she slips, I slide!"

Qoute of the Summer

Offline WesDawg

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RE:Is Galaxy the "real" new Mario?
« Reply #52 on: May 25, 2006, 11:25:35 AM »

Originally posted by: Strell
Man.  Did people play a different Mario Sunshine than me?  Cuz it was pretty brilliant.

I keep thinking the same people that say things like that are the same ones saying Wind Waker was the worst Zelda.

I loved SMS too. In fact, I went back right after it and played SM64, and the game is completely unplayable next to Sunshine. It was a huge jump. Not to mention the coolness that the special levels were.

If anything, Galaxy is what will sell me a Wii. I could care less if its revolutionary or not.