Author Topic: FF:CC revolution  (Read 2857 times)

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Offline LuWoo75

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FF:CC revolution
« on: May 25, 2005, 08:00:36 AM »
Did anyone like the original?  I though if the gameplay was more expansive and the single player mode was given a bit more thought it coulda been a much better game.  I think for this title to be a class a game the battle system is going to have use mor than just 2 buttons.  Online play will help out the multi-player mode though.  Since this is one of the few confirmed game thought it would make good conversation.

Offline Pale

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2005, 08:41:07 AM »
It shoudl be turned into an online only (or at least mostly online) game that rips off PSO as much as possible.  You create a character and then head to a lobby to perform different missions.  Make all missions affect the same 'world' so that no mission is exactly the same as time progresses and you would have yourself a hit.
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Offline OptimusPrime

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2005, 09:58:22 AM »
Didn't some Square guy say that the meaning of Crystal Chronicles was to create this group feeling around the caravan and have multiple caravans roaming around. I think the CC concept was meant to go online but never got to it. They could make this pseudo-MMORGP thing where all these caravans are looking for fuel for their shield generators and suddenly bump against each other.
Then you could choose to join them or fight them over the fuel. Maybe some locations you need to tackle with multiple caravans and so forth.

Offline Don'tHate742

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2005, 12:15:29 PM »
^^^ That would be awesome.

I especially like the idea of joining together for a greater good.

I'd probably make my own team of the best of the best and rob people left and right
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Offline Nosferat2

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2005, 04:54:51 PM »
Fuk this  someone lock this thread now! The original blowed and it will super blow on the REV.  No offense to anyone. But stating facts. Keep this thread alive and some people will start to even look forward to that game.
Peace Nosferatu

Offline KnowsNothing

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2005, 05:05:40 PM »
Geez, I didn't know Nosferat2 was god! =O  Everybody!  Listen to this idiot, for he can predict the future, and whatever he spews forth is automatically fact!  Also, ban him for trolling and stupidity!

FFCC has an awesome concept, it just wasn't implemented in the best way possible.  The only new feature the game really needs is online play, which we will be getting.  Other than that, it just needs to be flashed out more- bigger worlds, more weapons and character development, etc.  I really think that this'll be a great game, at least multiplayer-wise.  I just love the caravan idea, it automatically promotes a close relationship even through the internet, something which an online game has, like, never ever done.
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Offline ThePerm

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2005, 09:04:49 PM »
yeah ff:cc seems mediocre..but online play would add a whole new dimention. and if it connects with ds and you use that as the controlle.r...well that would kick ass even more.

oh and imagine using the ds to chat with people in the lobby. i bet rev will allow ds to be used as a communication tool.
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Offline Nephilim

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RE:FF:CC revolution
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2005, 10:17:18 PM »
I hope they get rid of the water pot's
If you play with strangers then Noone will want to carry it....
but the whole battle style is cleaver, maybe make it a bit more unsimple

Offline ruby_onix

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2005, 11:06:45 PM »
I'm just gonna treat this like a random Square/Revolution thread and drop this in here.


While Wada has repeatedly emphasized the growing role of online gaming in the past, he acknowledged the new online features offered by the three next generation console were in fact troubling him. As an example he cited Nintendo's plan to offer a game download service upon launching its new platform Revolution next year. According to Wada, the question of how much profit would be distributed to third party publishers was still entirely opaque. In regard to the other hardware platforms, he explained it was still an open question who would have to shoulder the costs for the proposed online portals. He also could not see how the money would be shared or who would share it once a game had been sold.
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I'm about to go punk up some 3rd parties so they don't release games on other hardware, ciao!
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Offline Kamek_X

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RE: FF:CC revolution
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2005, 11:19:24 PM »
I had a great experience with FFCC it was a cool concept and just about everyone I knew had bought it. I admit I was a little dissapointed it required other players to truly have a good time. The graphics were beautiful, the music and spells were nothing special, but playing together with your friends was great! We worked as a team and would plan our attacks. Create gigantic spells and I love feeling like the strongest in the group. I was leveled much higher than my comrades and would save their asses plenty. The only thing that sucked was getting my friends together to play again. We all had our own schedules like work, school etc. So it was nearly impossible to have the fellowship united again. So it would make sense to make an online FFCC but not being in the same room might be a little different cause we sure got silly. This can apply to The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventure GC as well. I bought that game for the purpose of my friends and we only played it twice cause of our busy lives. Sure I can play the games by myself but whats the point of playing a game that was meant for four.  

RE:FF:CC revolution
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2005, 11:52:54 PM »
A few things that I believe should be changed for the Rev version of FF:CC to make it better...

1.  Instead of having that water pot with the crystal to carry, have the crystal be a necklace that everyone can wear or just the leader.  IMO though, I'd rather not have this damaging aura around, I'd prefer to freely run around as I please but anywho.

2.  More character customization

3.  More depth to the world.  The towns (lack there of) seemed so lifeless.  You couldn't go into any house, there was no definitive weapons or armor shops (that I can remember) that you could purchase items for your character.  There were no pubs or inns to get info.  

4.  Upgrade the story.

My ideal situation would be characters unique to you (fully customizable, even let you edit customes with a paint program if you wish lol)  A better leveling up system, vast amount of armor and weapons for said characters.  Character classes to help differentiate everyone's role in the fighting.  Whenever you entered a town, it would be typical rpg fare, get to talk to npcs and whatnot to get the general info on the area.  Inns and pubs would be hubs for you to meet up with fellow gamers/warriors to find out about current adventures to embark on or just sit back and chat.  Picture it like an action version of Animal crossing lol, that type of communication and life but with some rpg depth (this is Squareenix we're talking about, they can do alot better).
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