Author Topic: Miyamoto interview on IGN  (Read 16243 times)

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Offline mantidor

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #50 on: May 20, 2005, 07:27:16 PM »
if you add to that "cheap" then its looks really bad for Nintendo. At least we can start from one of Kaplan's phrases "it will be 2-3 times more powerfull than GC", if that means that Im going to see something 2 or 3 times better than Zelda or RE4 I know Ill be blown away by the graphics and I will find hard to see the difference from ps3 and x360. And after seeing the footage, which is awesome, the ps3 is in no way 35 times more powerful, not even the FF movies are 35 times more powerfull than say, god of war.
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Offline ruby_onix

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #51 on: May 20, 2005, 11:37:15 PM »

What tells me Rev is underpowered is the size. One reason the PS3 is so big is it generates a lot of heat. How many people here know that the XBox360 is water cooled? That is the only reason that XBox360 is the size it is.

The Rev at best is the size of CD-ROM player. There is no way in hell an air-cooled system that size could be more powerful then either XBox360 or PS3.

You're judging a book by it's cover.

Here's what I think. I think the Rev's controller isn't going to be revolutionary. I think that's just a red herring to throw us off from the REAL revolution.

I think the Rev is going to be eight times as powerful as the PS3 and Xbox combined. And it was designed to be super-small on purpose. It's so that it can generate heat. Because the Rev is entirely wireless, and that includes not needing to plug into an electrical outlet. The Rev is powered by the heat that it generates. This doesn't break the laws of thermodynamics, because the energy fueling the reaction is being provided by the "burning" of the CPU, which will be quite burned out after about a decade or two of heavy use.  
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Offline Caillan

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #52 on: May 21, 2005, 12:38:29 AM »
Edited out stupidity.

Offline Nephilim

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #53 on: May 21, 2005, 12:53:44 AM »
Interview is great
also is a G4 interview with him

personally I think the vision is good so far
More worrying is the people who are blowing this out of the water
many arguement are downright silly
Things like the size.... doesnt mean anything, u can fit a ultrapowerful computer in the cube easly using laptop parts computer has 6fans, doesnt mean its more powerful then 360 gosh, just cause the 360 has 2, doesnt mean much

Offline OptimusPrime

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #54 on: May 21, 2005, 02:52:25 AM »
Personally i'm not worried at all. I mean, what if Nintendo just started giving away almost-final dev kits around now? Microsoft wasn't giving out almost final dev-kits to their first parties untill a week or 2 to go and they are coming out like 6 months earlier then the Rev.
Nintendo probably was allready distributed some Appel G5's with Ati cards in it and some early specsheets to developers like months...same as Microsoft and Sony. At E3 they probably showed the finalised controller to the big third parties...Yuji Naka probably has a great quirky idea in his head allready.

And the Rev underpowered... this is Nintendo, they are developers themselves and if you look at the average first party game those developers like to put in some kick-ass graphics in their game. Nintendo isn't going to block its own teams, they have huge input in the design of Nintendo's consoles.
The Revolution will probably have the most efficient hardware of the 3 consoles by a long shot. Efficientcy means more power without a increase in heat or all the other negatives you get by increasing power. Efficientcy means huge ease of development.
probably IBM is making a new more efficient and powerful version of the Gekko (offcourse up-to-date with everything and so on). No one ever read those interviews with the main-engineer of the Gekko? He stated that Nintendo was so closely involved with the development of the Gekko that it almost felt he worked for Nintendo instead of IBM.

And Perrin Kaplan is a first class dum-dum when it comes to technicallities. What in blazes does she know about technology. She's probably one those persons that go estatic that the lights switches on when she hits the lightswitch.

Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #55 on: May 21, 2005, 11:14:26 AM »
Don't want to make another topic for this so here you are

Interview with Iwata

Question: All three consolemakers, yourself included, have unveiled their plans for the next console generation. How do you feel about Nintendo's prospects with Revolution at this point?

Iwata: In the first place, Sony and Microsoft are taking about the same approach for the future by making machines with powerful and sophisticated technology. Nintendo is taking a little bit different approach, and I think this is an interesting contrast.

Of course, we are applying advances in technology. But when you use those advances just to boost the processing power, the trade-off is that you increase power consumption, make the machine more expensive and make developing games more expensive. When I look at the balance of that trade-off -- what you gain and what you lose -- I don't think it's good. Nintendo is applying the benefits of advanced technology, but we're using it to make our machines more power-efficient, quieter and faster to start. And we're making a brand-new user interface. I think that way of thinking is the biggest difference.

Offline TheYoungerPlumber

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2005, 01:22:37 AM »
Quite frankly, IGN asks Miyamoto the same questions about a system he clearly isn't talking about.  Shouldn't they be asking him about Nintendogs?
::Michael "TYP" Cole
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Offline jasonditz

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2005, 05:47:31 AM »
No kidding, why do all these interviews focus on something they've already said they aren't going to talk about when there are a lot of much more interesting things going on with the DS later this year?

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Miyamoto interview on IGN
« Reply #58 on: May 22, 2005, 06:54:56 AM »
They probably write down the list of questions beforehand and when Miyamoto said he couldn't talk about that they had no time to think up new ones.