Author Topic: Before E3 hits, let's conclude what could work...  (Read 1643 times)

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Offline Don'tHate742

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Before E3 hits, let's conclude what could work...
« on: March 29, 2005, 11:24:08 AM »
I'm of course, talking about the Revolutionary aspect in Nintendo's next console. I thought that many good ideas have been presented, and we should give it one last shot before simply waiting to find out. Who knows? Come E3 one of us may be correct.

Let's not argue about each other's ideas. Simply post what you think can work, and then we'll see which one's the closest. That person get's a cookie!

Now let me lay down some critieria; though you don't have to abide by these if you don't want to.

--::: The revolutionary aspect most likely deals with the controller or input, so let's focus on that.

--::: GameCube Capatibility suggests that it won't be entirely differrent from what we have today.

--::: It'll provide a more accurate way of input for all genre's (at least this is what NobleFeather has been spewing). In a sense, in the same way that the D-pad went to Analog (though you could argue about fighters, but don't). Though the TouchScreen is more accurate than a analog stick for some games, it lacks for others; keep that in mind. Remember that accurate means precise as well as repititiously precise.

--::: Deals have been made with Gyration, for an undisclosed amount.

--::: Revolution will have WiFi out of the box.

--::: As stated by Iwata, it'll be easy for everyone to play.

I'll go first obviously. Most of you have already seen my idea, so there's no explanation needed. Dual-Handed Gyration Controller here.
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RE:Before E3 hits, let's conclude what could work...
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2005, 11:38:27 AM »
You might be interested in my latest article, it supports your controller theory and it's based on overlooked facts in recent Nintendo patents.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Before E3 hits, let's conclude what could work...
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2005, 11:47:36 AM »
I recently thought of a potential idea when thinking of how to make a controller that would provide enough functionality to work with both traditional games and the numerous types of common gimmick games we've seen through numerous generations.  Realistically I doubt this is Nintendo's idea but I guess some of these elements could be in the final design.

For starters picture the Wavebird.  Now make it bigger and move the d-pad and c-stick closer to the analog stick and buttons to create more space in the middle.  Now add a third handle like the N64 had with the trigger button like the N64 z-button.  Where the analog stick would be on the N64 there is a small touchpad like laptops have.  A lot of people have thought of having touch capabilities but as a replacement for traditional control.  Here all the elements of the Cube controller are still present and the touchpad is another option with it's own dedicated handle so it's more ergonomic than the DS touchscreen.

Also featured is an infrared signal thingy on the back of the controller.  The idea is that by holding the controller by the middle handle with one hand and using the trigger you have a lightgun built right into the standard controller.

Motion sensors is a given but I'm expanding on the concept some more.  A lot of people have suggested using motion sensors to simulate moving something like a steering wheel.  The problem with this though is that you have to hold your hands out the whole time and have no frame of reference.  I'm suggesting a stand that comes with each controller that connects to a port on the back of the controller.  The connector on the stand rotates in a 360 motion so when connected to it the controller becomes a steering wheel.  The stand essentially just positions the controller in a fixed position and the motion sensors are used to detect the steering.  Obviously the motion sensors don't require the stand and Tilt 'n' Tumble style games can be used as well.  And the port on the back allows for expanded functionality.

Offline Flames_of_chaos

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RE:Before E3 hits, let's conclude what could work...
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2005, 03:37:29 PM »
Also revolution will be able to hook up to computer monitors.
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