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Offline Finnegan

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2004, 04:29:13 AM »
Nintendo makes quirky, charming, original, offbeat games that a certain kind of person will adore.  I am that kind of person.  Something that I am worried about is how can Nintendo become more popular with the public without catering to their (imo poor) tastes?

The thing is, Pikmin 2 is a GREAT game.  And GTA SA is a GREAT game.  But GTA is also the "cool" game.  I don't think Nintendo can change that.  They are making games for a crowd that has a lot less people in it.

I don't want Nintendo to change in such a way that they aren't "Nintendo" anymore.  If they could still have their own style of games and also have the darker, bloodier, "cooler" games then it would help sales a lot (they almost, kinda had a start in that direction with Silicon Knights).   Optimistically, if anyone can do it, its REGGIE!  

Offline Frodo

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2004, 05:48:01 AM »
This is an issue that I talk about frequently on my radio show (by the way this is my first forum post, HI). I, too, am very frustrated by people ignoring the Gamecube and just writing it off as a kiddy console. I used to work in the electronics department for a big store in the town I live in, and I would always try to convince parents that for Christmas they should get their kids a Gamecube. I'd sell them a Gamecube, a Wavebird and a game like Eternal Darkness or Metroid Prime. Most of them would come back, returning the system and buy a ps2 with GTA. It's just sad to me. We have this mentality of the typical ignorant gamer that if you play certain games, your friends will make fun of you. Just the other night I had my window open after going to bed and overheard a conversation in the parking lot of my apartment complex. Two guys were talking about how they went to the store and the store only had "f-ing Gamecube. That's for f-ing 5 year olds." Most people won't even notice a game like Donkey Konga, because it has kids songs on it. Pikmin 2 involves flowers.

But think about it this way, do we really want these kinds of people playing our good games? I know that Nintendo relies on SALES and everything, but I like the fact that these people stay to their Maddens and their GTAs sometimes. At least at E3 it meant that they all passed over the Nintendo booth and allowed me and my friend to play Metroid Prime 2 multiplayer for almost a full day.  

Offline WhoDey

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2004, 06:54:07 AM »
I think if Nintendo wants to really compete with Playstation and X-Box they need to attract the casual gamer. The question is, how do do that? Commercials are nice if done right (Nintendo still needs to improve there) and great games will help too (imo, Nintendo already has this). But what they really need to focus on is sports games. Specifically, football, racing, and to a lesser extent baseball and basketball. These are the games that most casual gamers go for. These are the games that are cool to play with your buddies. These are the games we see the actual athletes playing and loving. These are the games that will make the question, 'Playstation, XBox, or Nintendo?'

Nintendo has few sports games on the Cube and would have likely near zero if EA didn't still support it. Thankfully, we do get Madden but everyone knows it's always the inferior version...whether it's because of the huge blocks of memory space needed, lack of online play, or gamers' perception that the Cube controller doesn't compare to the competition for sports games. I realize most gamers don't even play online but knowing that option is there makes it more appealing than the offline Cube version. Nintendo really needs to get Sega's sports games back, especially now that they're selling at $20 a piece. I only own Madden 2002 for my Cube but if Sega's $20 version of their 2005 football game had been available to me, I would have bought it in an instance. Once Nintendo has these games, they need to see about how to make the special so that people will want them. I'm not talking about linking to the GBA, I'm talking about exclusive content for their versions. It would take money and persuasion to EA and Sega but if Nintendo wants to get back in the mainstream, it has to be done.

I just think that seeing Ray Lewis or Randy Moss on and NFL Countdown feature playing Madden using a Cube would be more beneficial to Nintendo that spending millions on commercials that the majority of the gaming public perceives as being targeted to 12 yr olds. Nintendo has to give casual gamers a reason to want to buy their system. I think sports games is the way to start. Not just have them but offer something really amazing in them. Until Nintendo decides to jump online, this will be even harder.

Offline SgtShiversBen

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2004, 06:59:17 AM »
That's what I think.  I'm glad the the PS2 and Xbox are there.  They leave all the games that I actually want to buy available without preorders.  I was actually thinking about getting GTASA, but then realized, that I really don't want to have to eat and workout in the game.  Oh, and does anyone else think it's stupid on how people think it's soo cool to have to drive 30 minutes to get from one town to the next, yet they bitch and moan when it comes to sailing for five minutes in Wind Waker?  Oh well.  I know that Nintendo won't be going anywhere in the long run because just as they said "it's profitable".  I'll just keep playing my games and not worry if I don't get the next itineration of Madden or MGS (which is the last one with Snake, so bring on RAIDEN!).  It's not a shame, I just want another Ikaruga!! GAH!!

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Offline Jonnyboy117

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2004, 07:46:08 AM »
WhoDey, your comments on sports games are right on the money.  I have said in a previous editorial that Nintendo needs to start developing their own series of sports games (and not Mario-themed ones, though those are great too) in order to show consumers and publishers that they are serious about the genre.  This is why Sony and Microsoft both have their own internal sports lineups.  It doesn't matter that the games are crappy (and Nintendo could do a lot better), but look at how quickly Microsoft established Xbox as a sports system.  That's because of Fever.

Offline JubJub

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2004, 07:59:02 AM »
Ok i've just got a few comments / opinions.

Firstly, i live in Australia. The cube over here is doing worse than the xbox in Japan. It's terrible. I would slap anyone from Nintendo Australia if i met them.

Here's my thoughts on this whole topic. Ninty should start thinking for the future, not the cube.

I say hold off the realistic Zelda for the next gen and blow everyone away at launch. I say develop the best looking, smoothest playing mario ever and launch that next gen too. Bringing out zelda again on the cube will NOT result in a sales boost and will waste the most anticipated title from nintendo.

Third parties need to be sure they don't lose money with nintendo next gen. I would doubt Capcom is pleased with the sales of Resident Evil on the cube. They'd have to be only 10% of what could be achieved on the PS2. Here's what they need to do: Approach Sega, EA, rockstar, capcom, namco, et al., and say 'ok, we want your big games on our system. We will PAY for your development costs and ensure you make money on your game equivelant to what you would with another platform.' Get the big names and you get the casuals. Get the casuals and you get more software support and more first party game purchases.

A average, run of the mill PS2 game will out-sell zelda on the cube. The biggest nintendo game can't make the overall sales numbers of an average PS2 game. The way to solve this is to increase the install base. The way to increase the install base is to spend money with the popular developers. Ninty would surely make its money back from and losses involved with paying third parties for big name games.

Argh i dunno. I'm rambling.  
i alone sell more GC consoles than Nintendo Australia.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2004, 08:16:08 AM »
"I remember when I first got the opportunity to check out the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes demo a month or so ago, this other kid who came up to watch me play asked, 'Is that Halo 2?' I rest my case."

In a way that could be seen as a compliment.  It shows that Metroid has the same coolness factor that Halo as.  However it exposes the huge problem with marketing.  Metroid SHOULD be an amazing killer app on par with Goldeneye.  It's an amazing game that provides an experience unlike any game on the market.  And it's cool.  It stars a high-tech space bounty hunter who fights alien life forms and space pirates.  It has amazing graphics and sound.  It's the total package and it should have f*cking creamed Splinter Cell and could have made the Cube number two in the US.  But it didn't because it's ads SUCKED.  They completely failed to alert that public of the qualities of the game.  They should have had tons of gameplay footage and "game of the year" quotes from magazines all over the ads but they didn't and that's why there's hype for Halo 2 but not for Metroid Prime 2.

If you think about it Rogue Leader could have been the Cube's Halo.  It was the PERFECT Star Wars game.  At that point there was nothing that was more accurate.  However the game's promotion was limited to a quick cameo in a generic Cube commericial.  Easiest game to market EVER and they blew it.  Had they just used the trailer they showed at E3 as an ad everyone in America would have talked about the Cube.

"Nintendo needs games as unique and dramatic as GTA or Halo and they really need a solid stream of them. Old franchises are no good, as I think Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid have probably proven by now."

I agree completely.  Although old franchises still sell well killer apps are almost always completely new stuff or in the case of something like GTA3 or Super Mario 64 an old franchise completely revamped into something new.  Just look at some past killer apps.

Sonic the Hedgehog - brand new franchise with never-before-seen style and gameplay.  Huge seller for the Genesis but didn't help the Saturn or Dreamcast
Street Fighter II - very major killer app for the SNES.  Influenced a whole genre.  A minor series at best on the Playstation.
Resident Evil - big killer app for the Playstation.  Didn't help the Dreamcast or Gamecube.
Mario - killer app for the NES. Overtaken by Sonic on the SNES.  Went into 3D and became killer app for the N64.  Complete non-factor on the Cube.

Killer apps are always something fresh and exciting.  Pokemon didn't sell millions of Gameboys because it was a proven franchise with a big name.  Nintendo has really stuck to their franchises this gen and it hasn't paid off.  Mario and Zelda are the types of games that sell well to an existing userbase but they don't bring in new buyers.  Two of the Xbox's biggest games are Halo and Splinter Cell, both completely new franchises.  Sure in terms of gameplay they weren't that unique but they have that new character and setting and that draws people in if done right.  The oldies shouldn't be abandoned but they're not going to be the system sellers.

Offline KDR_11k

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #32 on: October 26, 2004, 08:22:49 AM »
I think "clean is better than dirty" about sums Nintendo's error up: They're playing clean whereas their competition is playing dirty. Ninty needs to start using the full repertoire of PR tricks: Bribes, "exclusive reviews", blackmail, etc. Only then will they have a chance against an enemy that plays dirty.

Offline CHEN

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #33 on: October 26, 2004, 09:25:43 AM »
I haven't read everything here yet, I just want to say this: even the best marketing of the whole galaxy wouldn't help Nintendo against powerhouses like GTA:SA, Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 this holiday season. But I don't care, because I'll be playing Paper Mario 2, Metroid Prime 2 and Tales of Symphonia by then and I'll have a most enjoyable time, more enjoyable than I could ever have with the three top titles this year.

Offline Kairon

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #34 on: October 26, 2004, 10:01:04 AM »
You guys can argue this in circles all you want and nitpick marketting, or dev kits, or corporate culture, or whatever you want all you want. But the fact is that the most powerful reason why the Gamecube isn't included in the "Playstation or XBox?" question is simple. Look at Sony, look at Microsoft.  They can sell their images as distinctly modern American. Look at Nintendo. Nintendo is wholly a product of Miyamoto, a Traditional Japanese craftsman who represents a Japan of the past.

Refer to the October 18, 2004, Newsweek, U.S. Edition, By N'Gai Croal With Kay Itoi in Tokyo, Fall of the Video King newsweek article on the decline of Japanese Game Developers (Link unavailable because a subscription is required to view Newsweek archives, please check your local library).

Since you probably don't have the above-mentioned article at hand, it shows how EA has come to virtually dominate the American Top 10 charts whereas a few years ago, Japanese develops did. It has Namco executives talking about how they need to pursue sports licenses and movie licenses. It starts off with Nintendo's E3 2004 showing of Zelda, and commenting on the reduced effectiveness of mascots like Mario or Link. It's driving point is that Japanese developers are less culturally relevant to the US gaming market (and thus less relevant to US gamers) compared to American developers like EA.

The answer why Nintendo isn't nearly as omniprescent as Sony or Microsoft is just that: cultural relevance. Nintendo's strength is all based on Miyamoto's game design, and concentrated in the Japanese EAD development studios. And as high-quality and critically-acclaimed as Nintendo's games are, they aren't in step with the rapidly mutating American culture, and perhaps also the vapidly consumeristic and trend-driven Japanese culture too. Nintendo represents the one-man integrity of a traditional Japanese master craftsman, recalling subtle yet complex Japanese gardens and lifetimes in the pursuit of perfection. The world today is a rapidly mutating rat race through a concrete jungle where realism and market forces are valued over ideological preservation. Sony and Microsoft are good at this game.

Nintendo is not, because if they were to become culturally relevant to the vast horde of American consumers and public mindset, that would mean their games would have to drastically change nature from Miyamoto-crafted individual works of art to the sports/movie/shock/trend/cool-driven products of today. For Nintendo to become culturally relevant is for Nintendo to sacrifice it's greatest and possibly only strength, the value of it's culture and Japanese developmental roots, and to have to impossibly reinvent itself to catch up to the developed machinery of Sony and Microsoft.

This brings up an interesting dilemma for any Nintendo fan: Nintendo at it's purest and most valuable form is Mario 64 and Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Nintendo is NOT Jak and Daxter, nor is it Grand Theft Auto. And as long as that is true, Nintendo will never be as culturally relevant, nor as successful, as international conglomerations like Sony or Microsoft. But, if that were not true, if Nintendo ditched it's Miyamoto legacy and made Rachet and Clank or Blood Rayne, then Nintendo would lose it's only bargaining chip in the game industry, it would lose it's only strength, and replace it with mediocre weakness.

The problem for Nintendo fans like you and I is this:
Are we stuck with them? Do we still value Nintendo-style games, or would we rather be playing Metal Gear Solid?

It looks like the rest of the world has made up its mind and has helped propel Electronic Arts to the pinnacle of relevance and success. It's only Nintendo fans who stubbornly want to have their cake and eat it too.

Carmine M. Red

Basically put: Nintendo, it's games and it's style and it's values, are a relic of a bygone age. Because of this, they will never be as appealing to the casual, modern consumer of today.

(Moderator's note: I removed some redundant text that had been pasted twice in your post.)
Carmine Red, Associate Editor

A glooming peace this morning with it brings;
The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head:
Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things;
Some shall be pardon'd, and some punished:
For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Sega and her Mashiro.

Offline Pale

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #35 on: October 26, 2004, 10:17:42 AM »
And as I have said many times over, the fad that is gaming will pass.  And fans like us are gonna be what maintain Nintendo.  Nintendo may not be the best off right now, but in my opinion, they are by far the most stable.
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #36 on: October 26, 2004, 10:52:57 AM »
Even though American games are dominating the charts it doesn't mean that Nintendo can't move from their current position without sacrificing their identity.  There still is a market in North America for Japanese games.  If there wasn't then games like Final Fantasy or Soul Calibur II wouldn't be selling.  Japanese games are more popular with hardcore gamers in North America.  Unfortunately to get a full Japanese gaming fix you can't just buy one console.  Xbox has some exclusive Sega games, Gamecube has the Nintendo lineup plus Resident Evil and a few others, and the PS2 has tons of both mainstream and obscure Japanese titles.  If you only play American games realistically you don't need to buy all three systems to get a complete fix.  The PS2 and Xbox lineups overlap enough for only one to suffice for a sports or licenced game fix.

So this raises a question.  How well would Nintendo do in North America if they had a console that was as Japanese in game content as the Xbox is in American content?  I think that would do reasonably well because it would target hardcore gamers without losing the existing Nintendo fanbase.  Nintendo rather niche right now and this realistically would expand their niche market.  Instead of Nintendo fans it's Nintendo fans and Japanese game fans.  They certainly wouldn't do worse than they are now.

Such a console would also do better in Japan which would attract third parties like Capcom, Sega, Namco, Konami, and Square Enix.  Those aren't EA but they still pack a big punch in North America.  And unlike Xbox which struggles in Japan a largely Japanese game lineup would be succesful in both regions.  It wouldn't put Nintendo on top of North America but it would satisfy the fans and the third party problem would be solved for the most part.  And due to it's uniqueness it would be hard to be ignored.  However while the games could be Japanese the marketing, promotions, hardware design, online plan, etc would still have to be North American.

Of course doing so would be hard since Sony has a pretty firm grasp of the Japanese market.  The best way to do this would be to be more friendly regarding localization.  Sony is currently limiting which games can come from Japan to North America.  They're putting in all sorts of restrictions regarding 2D games or non-traditional art styles.  Nintendo obviously wouldn't have that kind of restriction which could help.  Nintendo may in fact be going for a more Japanese console already.  The DS for example has attracted more interest out of Japan due to it's innovations.  In theory the Revolution could have the same effect.  American publishers care less about innovation so making innovative hardware is something that's going to target Japanese publishers first.

Offline Jonnyboy117

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #37 on: October 26, 2004, 11:19:49 AM »
Kairon, your theory of cultural relevance is very interesting.  However, I disagree that Nintendo has to change the type of games it develops in order to step in with American mainstream culture and image.  The majority of Sony's in-house games are Japanese style or actually developed in Japan, with a couple of exceptions (Socom, Syphon Filter, the 989 games) which Nintendo can at least partly answer to (Metroid).  The main difference between Sony's image and Nintendo's image is almost completely unrelated to Sony's games.  It is directly related to how Sony markets its system and deals with third-parties to promote development and secure exclusives.  If Nintendo did everything else well, especially marketing, they could continue making the same kind of games and let third-parties make everything else, and we would have the best of both worlds, on one system.

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #38 on: October 26, 2004, 12:18:54 PM »
Overall there are some amzing ideas, but there is one little idea that I didn't notice.  Consol naming.  

1. Nintendo should call its next consol "Nintendo" sort of like Atari and Playstation.  Nintendo switches names too much for their consols  It gets too confusing the Joe Public.  We can keep up, but hey, we rock.

2. Regie might also be the cure.  Its already been discussed, I have nothing to add.

3. Sports is key.  

4. Ditch purple, for the love of god.  No guy wants to play a purple consol.  It looks less than lovely by the receiver et al.

5.  Dumb down the adds and promos for Joe again.  XBOX and PS? commercials are aimed at idiots, ie the general public, Nintendo's are high brow.  Take it down a notch.  Even though we all want to live in a shiny plastic future of blue hues, we are nowhere near there yet.

Offline Frodo

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #39 on: October 26, 2004, 12:32:28 PM »
I don't think "gaming" is just a fad,  PaleZer0. There was a report released at this year's E3 that said that something like 50% of gamers say that they are sure that they will still be gamers until old age. I know that is true for me. Video games are an overwhelming media now, almost bigger than movies and TV. I think, at least for our generation, it's a big paradigm shift and it won't be going out of style any time soon.

Offline Thrakkerzog

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #40 on: October 26, 2004, 01:09:10 PM »
A realistic Zelda would help clear out the leftover cube stock before revolution hits.. :-)

Offline Golden Maven

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #41 on: October 26, 2004, 01:22:30 PM »
Here's my take on this issue :

I don't want Nintendo to change their ways. I don't want Nintendo to submit to the mainstream culture. I want them to keep doing what they do best, and that's release quality products. They aren't n.1? So what? IMO, that just shows the poor tastes most people have. But it doesn't matter. Who says they have to be n.1 or be at Sony's level of success? For that, they would probably need to change and adapt to the tastes of your casual gamer, and I don't want that to happen. Stop worrying about Nintendo not being the most successful in America. It doesn't surprise me one bit. As long as they are profitable and stay in the game, that's all I care about.

I have a PS2 - most of the games I tried sucked.
My bro has an XBox - a good chunk of the games I tried sucked, or don't hold my attention for very long.
My bro has a Gamecube - I like most of the games I tried. In the end, that's all that matters.  

Offline VideoGamerJ

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #42 on: October 26, 2004, 01:40:20 PM »
Well said/written Jonathan Metts! I'd like to add a couple more cents if I may. I find it ironic that Mario wear is the trend or the hot topic if you will. The mainstream market seems to like Mario shirts, NES backpacks, Nintendo wear, etc. This concludes my spectator quote (don't get mad, just a theory).

"If you wear Nintendo merchandise, you are considered cool. If you own a GameCube, you are considered not cool."

I work at GameStop and there we have 15 used GameCubes, 5 used Playstation 2s and 0 used Xboxes. People have come in to buy a console and eliminated GameCube as their choice because it had the highest stock and because of it's price. They figured, it must be cheap and people didn’t like it so they returned it. This is simply ridiculous. However, this is completely appropriate because a large majority of the mainstream market will rely on these type of methods to find out what works.

In my opinion, it doesn't really matter, as Golden Maven also said, I'm not trying to fit in with the mainstream market, I'm fitting in with my personal tastes and favorites, and thus I choose Nintendo Gamecube and will choose Nintendo DS. Those who would undoubtedly like GCN more than other consoles, but are drawn to the others suffer. It's their mistake. They need to stop following the trend, and discover for themselves what is best. Nintendo isn't losing any money, in fact last year (I believe) they made the most because of their wise (or unwise, depending on how you look at it) advertisement spending.

Offline ssj4_android

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #43 on: October 26, 2004, 01:40:32 PM »
To answer the question, Xbox. What I think would be really sweet is if Microsoft's Xbox division and Nintendo combined. Microsoft's innovation + Nintendo's innovation = great. Like Donkey Konga would have been perfect with Live.

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #44 on: October 26, 2004, 01:44:52 PM »

Originally posted by: ssj4_android
To answer the question, Xbox. What I think would be really sweet is if Microsoft's Xbox division and Nintendo combined. Microsoft's innovation + Nintendo's innovation = great. Like Donkey Konga would have been perfect with Live.

No thanks. I hope the day when Nintendo joins forces with Microsoft (makes games for them) is the day they stop making games. Hmm, familar quoting.

Donkey Konga would have been just as good over warppipe in my opinion, no need for people to pay fees.

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #45 on: October 26, 2004, 02:06:44 PM »
"I hope the day when Nintendo joins forces with Microsoft (makes games for them) is the day they stop making games."

I hope the day when Nintendo joins forces with Microsoft is the day they buy Microsoft.  Nintendo Windows has a nice ring to it.  

Offline Bartman3010

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RE:Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #46 on: October 26, 2004, 02:13:03 PM »
If yall remember, the NES and SNES systems were re-designed for the US, and possibly other countries. They should try to redesign the Revolution if it so happens to look like something that wouldnt appeal to a mainstream audience.

Second, Nintendo needs to quit with these gimmicky ideas. GCN to GBA? Like that'll help sell the system. All we ever got was a map on the GBA, the 3rd parties are to blame for this, but if Crystal Chronicals and Four Swords+ didnt have those features, it might've helped the game. Though that would've required quite an overhaul of the gameplay...

It still makes me laugh when someone said the N64 was a failure of a system.
- Bartman

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Offline Pale

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #47 on: October 26, 2004, 02:24:27 PM »
By fad i meant the current trend in games.  It has ballooned like everything will come back when the next big thing comes.....hell, 50 percent of gamers are sure they'll be gaming at an old age huh..i'd say you kind of proved my point...  Imagine if the buying power was cut in half?  Now, i know that new gamers will come along, but you have to notice the way jo shmo never touched a game in his life is picking up an xbox so he can tell his friends.
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Offline InfinitysEnd

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #48 on: October 26, 2004, 02:56:05 PM »
Y'know I don't think a lot of you realize that Nintendo isn't in this for "being the best" or "being a household name" or even "winning the console race."  Nintendo is in this for one reason, and one reason alone: MAKING GAMES.  From the very beginning they have been the original innovators of everything we see on the market.  Take controllers for example.  From the way control pads are designed, to force feedback, to wireless, and now they are innovating yet again with the DS.  They're giving us (and developers) a completely new way in which we control and experience our games. Nintendo only cares about giving us new and fun ways to experience games.  That is their #1 priority.  They always seem to be the leader in something, and then the other companies take notice and jump on.  Some do it better, some do it worse, but they will always be there to take the first leap.  I think you're taking the whole "Playstation or Xbox?" thing a little too seriously.  Sure, Nintendo was in the minds of kids in the 80's and mid-90's, but now it's just a completely new ball game.  The question is also like saying "Ford or Chevy?"  It's just a brand name, some do it better, some do it worse.  But Nintendo will always do it FIRST.  

Offline Jonnyboy117

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RE: Editorial: PlayStation or Xbox?
« Reply #49 on: October 26, 2004, 03:49:58 PM »
Nintendo doesn't have to dumb down its games to succeed.  Don't you like any games from the 80s and early 90s?  Nintendo dominated then because they controlled the public mindset with marketing, and their games were still great.  It can be that way again.