Author Topic: This Week in Releases: November 30, 2014  (Read 1077 times)

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Offline Steel Diver

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This Week in Releases: November 30, 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:00:57 PM »

Treasure Track your way towards a (re)mix of releases.

Three games are available this Friday and all of them are first party Nintendo titles. Sounds interesting, right?


NES Ultimate Remix- $29.99, December 5

A "best of" of edition featuring content from NES Remix and NES Remix 2, Ultimate NES Remix aims to bring the game to a smaller and more portable screen. I never played either Remix game, but I plan on picking this up at some point. While it may not have all the content of the Wii U versions, I feel this game probably lends well to handheld play.

Wii U

NES Remix Pack- $29.99, December 5

Both NES Remix games on one disc. Unlike its 3DS sibling, no content has been cut.

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker- $39.99, December 5

The only "real" new game this week comes in the form of a title starring Miyamoto's least favorite Mario character. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker expands upon a few levels from Super Mario 3D World into a full game. If your on the fence or think it shouldn't warrant a retail release, I will remind you this costs $20 less than your average new Wii U game.


That's all for this week, and maybe this year? Find out next week whether any more games are coming to Nintendo systems in December.

I'm a staff writer here at good ol' Nintendo World Report, but I also have a Nintendo website at