Author Topic: Homicidal Psycho Jungle: The Adjudicative Calvin & Hobbes  (Read 3394 times)

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Offline that Baby guy

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Homicidal Psycho Jungle: The Adjudicative Calvin & Hobbes
« on: January 12, 2008, 09:01:36 PM »
Roles have been sent out!  Use the extra day of time to ask me any questions you may have about the game!

Sister Mary Le Fever
Atrun Zala

Golden Phoenix
18 days

There are 11 players remaining.

6 of Calvin's Classmates remain.

Polls end at midnight EST, every night, regardless of if I say they are over or not.  Night begins immediately, and your night actions are due to me before night.  Your death during the day cancels your night action.  Your death during night does not.


The Baby-Sat Club All dead
Good Calvin dead
Mrs. Wormwood dead
Mr. Lockjaw  dead
Moe  dead

Calvins and his family
Stupendous Man dead
Spaceman Spiff
Hobbes dead
Calvin's Mom dead
Calvin's Dad
Uncle Max dead

Farmer Brown's Faultliners
Tyrannosaur in an F-14

About Calvin Characters:
For all intents and purposes, in this game, four characters are playing as Calvin himself, or at worst, direct duplications.  These players are considered Calvin characters, and include Calvin, Good Calvin, Stupendous Man, and Spaceman Spiff.  When investigated, these players will be identified as Calvin at the beginning of the game, though Hobbes can tell the true Calvin from the others, and doesn't recognize Good Calvin at all.  These players are all Calvin.  If a victory relies on a Calvin being alive, any of these Calvins will do, unless stated otherwise.  If [townie] is used, I am referring to all Calvins except for Good Calvin.  Do not hesitate to ask me for additional clarification here!

You may not send an image of your role, nor may you repeat anything I say to you in private message.  Failure to comply with this rule will result in instant loss.  You may not talk to any dead players about this game, regardless of being dead or alive, until Hobbes has been found.  After this, dead players can discuss things with other dead players, and living players can give the dead info, but the dead are not allowed to discuss the game back to the living, and the dead are not allowed to talk to Hobbes.  A player is dead when I proclaim he is dead, not when the day vote appears to be over!  There are roles that secretly effect the turnout of the vote, so while a player may appear to be voted out, he or she may not be!

You are invited to choose characters from the strip to play as, even if they are used as roles.  However, you may not imply that the character you chose has any relation to the role you were assigned.

A list of the rules, abilities, and win conditions of each role is coming shortly.

Calvin's Classmates automatically win if there is a townie victory.  A townie victory is mandated when Tyrannosaur in an F-14 is dead and the mafia loses.  Suzie does not have to be dead for a townie victory.

The Mafia wins when they outnumber the sum of [townie] Calvins, Calvin's Classmates, and Calvin's Family and Tyrannosaur in an F-14 is dead.  Susie does not have to be dead for a mafia victory

Mrs. Wormwood can only win if all the [townie] Calvins are dead at the end of the game and Suzie is alive.  She is on the mafia's side, but their victory does not necessitate her victory.  She is immune to all night effects and can only be killed by the vote.  She must be alive at the end of the game to win.  If Mrs. Wormwood is the only mafia player left in the game, she retires, unless Tyrannosaur in an F-14 is still alive.  In this situation, Tyrannosaur must first die before she retires.

Rosalyn can only win if at least one player of Calvin's age, except Suzie, is alive at the end of the game, and the mafia wins.  She doesn't have to be alive to win.  Rosalyn can switch the effect of two player's night action without their knowledge.  Her abilities do not work on Stupendous man or Calvin's Dad, but she will be unaware of this when she targets them.  She can use her ability on fellow mafia members, but for her ability to work, she mustn't target Stupendous Man or Calvin's Dad.  If she targets a player with an ability and one without, the player with the ability is effectively blocked.

Good Calvin is the Mafia's Godfather.  He will be identified as one of Calvin's Classmates when checked by Hobbes, unless Calvin has transmogrified him into a Calvin look-alike.  He can send out nightly hits, and at the time of his death, choose a successor.  Good Calvin wins upon mafia victory.

Moe wins as long as the mafia wins and at least one Calvin is alive at the end of the game.  He can force a player to vote a specific way each day.  If the player does not vote the way Moe has forced by the end of the day, the player is killed.  The player Moe forces to vote is not allowed to infer, imply, or connect Moe to the vote in any way.

Mr. Lockjaw wins if all [townie] Calvins are dead by the end of the game.  He does not need a mafia victory to win.  Mr. Lockjaw can check each night to see if a player looks like Calvin.  Remember, just because a player looks like Calvin does not mean he or she is Calvin.

Calvin wins the game if the mafia loses and he, Stupendous man, or Spaceman Spiff are still alive at the end of the game.  He can transmogrify a player to look like Calvin, decreasing the likelihood of being found by Mr. Lockjaw.

Hobbes wins the game if a Calvin is still alive and the mafia loses.  Hobbes can determine the affiliation of any character aside from Good Calvin, before he dies the first time.  His ability also tells him if a character looks like Calvin or is Calvin.  He can use this ability nightly up until his first death.  After his first death, he has no extra abilities and is not allowed to be sent a private message by anyone other than Calvin or Suzie.  After revival, he is only allowed to send Calvin and Suzie private messages.  When Hobbes is mended, all players will learn of his role.  Upon his first death, for some reason, Hobbes appears to be one of Calvin's classmates.  Hobbes can talk in public, too.

Calvin's Dad has protection from both Rosalyn and Moe's abilities.  His goal is to receive at least three votes a day, but not be voted out.  If he receives three votes, he is allowed to protect for the proceeding night and day from all negative night actions.  If the protection works, all players will be notified the following day, but no roles will be revealed.  Calvin's dad can protect himself if he chooses.  The protection lasts one night and day cycle.  In order to win, Calvin's Dad must receive eight or more votes and the townies must also win.  Calvin's dad is not allowed to tell other players his role.  He mustn't imply this specific role in any circumstance.  Calvin's Dad does not have to be alive in order to win.

Calvin's Mom is able to mend Hobbes.  Through this ability, she can bring Hobbes and only Hobbes back from the dead as many times as Hobbes dies.  However, if she chooses to mend Hobbes and chooses the wrong target twice, her role is revealed to the mafia and Hobbes will not be brought back to life.  Rosalyn can interfere with Calvin's Mom's mending, too.  Calvin's mom wins only if a Calvin is alive at the end of the game.  She does not require a townie victory to win.

Uncle Max wins if he is alive and the townies win.  Every night, Uncle Max can send two extra votes in for two players of his choice, or both for the same player.  These votes will not be until the proceeding day ends.  Uncle Max must be alive and the townies must win at the end of the day.  Uncle Max's private votes are not influenced by Moe, but the public ones are.  In the event that Rosalyn targets Uncle Max, one of the votes will be altered to the alternative target at random.

Stupendous Man can watch any target he chooses at night.  If anything happens to the target, he learns the identity of who-dun-it and what they did.  Stupendous man wins if Calvin wins.  Stupendous man can not be affected by Rosalyn in any way, but she will be unaware of this.

Spaceman Spiff is a twist on the vigilante role.  He is allowed to choose three targets. and only three targets, any night he chooses.  One of these targets will be chosen randomly to die over the night.  Stupendous man wins if Calvin wins.  If Rosalyn switches his target, he will hit the alternative target and the other player will use his or her ability on one of the three targets.  If a player his protected, then he has no chance of being killed by Spaceman Spiff, and Spiff will automatically attack one of the other two players.

Susie can choose to kill any player she wants nightly, with the exception of Hobbes and Mrs. Wormwood.  Both Hobbes and Mrs. Wormwood must be alive at the end of the game for Suzie to win, and Suzie, too, must be alive.  If she attempts to hit Hobbes or Mrs. Wormwood, she and the player she targets will learn her identity.  She is able to protect the two whenever she learns of their identities through an attempted hit, including the first night she hits.  Additionally, if Hobbes identity is officially announced, she is allowed to PM him, though he may not choose to reply.  Suzie is not allowed to mention anything in regard to the Tyrannosaur's player in any way what-so-ever until the game is absolutely finished.

Tyrannosaur in an F-14 is an interesting role.  This player is now allowed to act like he or she has a role.  This role learns all the roles of all players in the game immediately, and is able to hit one player every third day starting the third day.  This player can win if only Hobbes and Calvin roles are alive at the end of the game, but he or she does not have to be alive.  This player's votes do not count.  This player and Suzie shall also know each other's identity, and cannot hit each other.  This player is not allowed to tell anything he or she knows to anyone at all during the game, alive or dead.  If he or she is uncertain of the parameters, he or she should PM me.  If this player is voted out, any non-Calvin players that voted for the player will die.  If this player is killed, unless he is killed directly by a Calvin character, that player will die.

Additionally, the Calvins can win in a few other situations.  If only Calvin characters, including Good Calvin, remain alive, Calvins win and absolutely everyone else loses, with the exception of Hobbes and Tyrannosaur in an F-14.  Hobbes can still win if he is alive, and Tyrannosaur wins automatically if this happens.  Despite previously stated victories, in a Calvin win, no one else is eligible for a win besides Calvins, the T-Rex, and Hobbes.

In the event of a tie, in the chance that a player is protected from death, or anything of the sort, absolutely nothing will happen to the character in relation to the tie or protection.  So yes, ties are stalemates and no one dies.  Protections prevent some investigations, attacks, and various abilities, depending on the benefit, and no players will be notified of success or who protected whom, or anything of the sort.  If a player is protected by Calvin's Dad, a statement is made that protection exists, but nothing more beyond that.

I know this is a long read, but please take the time to read over these roles now, before the game begins.  If you have any questions, send me a private message, or post the question in this thread.  If you find any mistakes or contradictions, notify me right away, please.  Note that win conditions do not always rely on townie or mafia victory, nor do they lie on life or death.                            

Offline that Baby guy

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RE: Homicidal Psycho Jungle: The Adjudicative Calvin & Hobbes
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 11:54:22 PM »
This post is for general use by me for whatever reason I determine.  So there :P

Also, if someone doesn't mind, would it be possible to make me up a Tracer Bullet icon?  I'd do it myself, but mine wind up ugly.  Thanks!

Offline Dasmos

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RE:Homicidal Psycho Jungle: The Adjudicative Calvin & Hobbes
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2008, 01:35:42 AM »
forgot my name in the list~
Images are not allowed in signatures. That includes moving images (video).

Offline S-U-P-E-R

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RE:Homicidal Psycho Jungle: The Adjudicative Calvin & Hobbes
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2008, 03:34:56 AM »
I didn't read the OP (it's long) but I'm posting anyway

Offline that Baby guy

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RE: Homicidal Psycho Jungle: The Adjudicative Calvin & Hobbes
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2008, 06:48:21 AM »
Don't blame me if the new catchphrase becomes "Ty died," then.