Author Topic: Need feedback PLEASE  (Read 3357 times)

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Need feedback PLEASE
« on: November 01, 2007, 06:08:40 PM »
This is my only post then I am gone so please reply with your feedback and I will read responses but not reply.

A few months ago me and my friends started up a video game website, some of you helped me get the ideas and start it up, but the last six months we have gone to tell. Now I decided a week ago to fix the site, so I talked to a lot of people and got some valuable feedback and made up my mind to tear down the site and rebuild from scratch. Now all I want is those who helped me out in the begining to check out the new site as we re-launch it at midnight tonight Mountain time. Also we are opening our music site at the same time so be sure to check that out. All I want is feedback, honest please good or bad, and I am gone never to come back.

Just goto the site, gamerzjackpot and tell me as much as you can. We have tried our hardest to make this site work but lossof friends and wildfires coming too close to our town this summer put a serious damper on our spirits and we just sorta gave up for a while. Well now we are going back at it full force and want to here from my friends, and enemies here what they think. Please do not ask how I got this account and do not send me any messages as I am not likely to be able to answer but PLEASE d not lock this thread I just need some feedback this is not spam, ty I am asking you to be human about this and please just let me have this one thread.

Offline ShyGuy

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RE: Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2007, 06:24:40 PM »
Hey, cool. Opening at midnight.  

Offline IceCold

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RE: Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2007, 06:39:37 PM »
"I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own."
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Offline that Baby guy

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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2007, 08:05:24 PM »

Originally posted by: IceCold


Originally posted by: thetransformerscollector
This is my only post then I am gone so please reply with your feedback and I will read responses but not reply.

A few months ago me and my friends started up a video game website, some of you helped me get the ideas and start it up, but the last six months we have gone to tell. Now I decided a week ago to fix the site, so I talked to a lot of people and got some valuable feedback and made up my mind to tear down the site and rebuild from scratch. Now all I want is those who helped me out in the begining to check out the new site as we re-launch it at midnight tonight Mountain time. Also we are opening our music site at the same time so be sure to check that out. All I want is feedback, honest please good or bad, and I am gone never to come back.

Just goto the site, gamerzjackpot and tell me as much as you can. We have tried our hardest to make this site work but lossof friends and wildfires coming too close to our town this summer put a serious damper on our spirits and we just sorta gave up for a while. Well now we are going back at it full force and want to here from my friends, and enemies here what they think. Please do not ask how I got this account and do not send me any messages as I am not likely to be able to answer but PLEASE d not lock this thread I just need some feedback this is not spam, ty I am asking you to be human about this and please just let me have this one thread.


Offline IceCold

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RE: Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2007, 08:21:34 PM »
Guess again.
"I used to sell furniture for a living. The trouble was, it was my own."
"If your parents never had children, chances are you won't either."
"If it weren't for electricity we'd all be watching television by the candlelig

Offline bustin98

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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2007, 08:43:45 PM »
This is a mish-mash of a site. I guess its a cool idea of making video walk-throughs of games and cheat codes, but the design is not thought out very well.

The top navigation has a low-res graphic with text links that run together.

There are gifs with transparency where white edges are visible.

The side bar navigation is boring and there are ads that can be mistaken for pages within the site.

Google search should be on its own page and not sticking out like a sore thumb on the home page.

The site needs a stronger brand image. The logo should not straddle another brand but be the strongest element of the design.

The area for the main body lacks any sort of depth or direction. There are mistakes with HTML Entities (odd characters that may intend to be copyright symbols?).

Really, the main issue is branding the site and carrying that design over to every element of the site.

Offline DAaaMan64

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RE: Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2007, 08:53:02 PM »
In addition to what bustin98 says, I after staring at it for more than 30-seconds couldn't figure out wth the page even did.  You know, what it offered.  You should put a tag line underneath the name("Your number one source for....") or a quick easy to spot description.

Lastly, get a designer.  This isn't a pretty page I am sorry.  You can get free templates and fill in the blanks from  No strings attached!

Good luck.

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Offline Shift Key

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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2007, 09:02:40 PM »

EDIT: Here, read.

sup rat, its nice to see that things haven't changed with you.

Seriously, I remember having this discussion before about how to improve the site around the time you were banned. Go back and find those discussions because it hasn't improved from what I've seen.  

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RE: Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2007, 09:16:41 PM »
Good to see you've discovered tables. Hopefully you can now move on div tags.

Anyway make it consistant, why do news articles look totally different to the front page? I thought I was teleported to some other website, panicked and threw my computer out the window.

Offline Nick DiMola

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RE: Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2007, 12:44:14 AM »
Holy crap did you somehow get your hands on a Delorean and steal this page design from 1996? Looks like you forgot the animated gifs though.
Check out PixlBit!

Offline Pale

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RE: Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2007, 04:09:35 AM »
:: I was an active staffer forever ago, or was it yesterday. Time is an anomaly. Father of two boys.
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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #11 on: November 02, 2007, 06:07:41 AM »
well i thank you all for the feedback, and appreciate the comments greatly. I know what CSS and PHP and all that jazz is, but I don't know how to do it. I don't even know that much HTML to be honest.

AS for the news site, well I am taking that down, Yahoo messed up somewhere and I can no longer log in and stupid word press sucks anyways cuz I can't get the theme to match the site.

>>The top navigation has a low-res graphic with text links that run together.<<

Yeha I was going to take that out but got in a hurry and forgot.

>>There are gifs with transparency where white edges are visible. <<

This I do not understand? Could you please be more specific?

>>The side bar navigation is boring and there are ads that can be mistaken for pages within the site.<<

What ads? The navigation is clear what pages are ours and anything below the affiliates box are ads.

>>Google search should be on its own page and not sticking out like a sore thumb on the home page.<<

WRONG, every single site has google search at the top of the page as a site search, gamespot, ign, gamefaqs, youtube, EVERYONE, so the problem is not the location of the search. I agree it looks off but it has to be where it is, as all sites have the same search in the same location.

>>The site needs a stronger brand image. The logo should not straddle another brand but be the strongest element of the design.<<

That was me being in a hurry to fix the broken links and get teh videos up I forgot to move those, doing that today.

>>The area for the main body lacks any sort of depth or direction. There are mistakes with HTML Entities (odd characters that may intend to be copyright symbols?).<<

I don't know why it does that, but it is something wrong with when I copy quoted text it makes weird symbols appear where ' and , should be.

>Really, the main issue is branding the site and carrying that design over to every element of the site. <

Come one we got 3 mexicans 2 black men and 1 white guy working in this site, theres gonna be conflicts with what looks good and what doesn't, we were trying to make it more useful, not pleasant looking. Well ok we need it to do both but we really only wanted to focus, right now, on making it easy to find our content as that was the number one complaint we had and so far not 1 person has said if we accomplished that.

I know the site looks ugly, that isn't all my choice and I fight every day to make changes, but what I care about is if you visit the site can you find what we are offering and is it clear what we are about. I had our description on a separate "About Us" page as a filler so I didn't lose anything and forgot to put the text back on the home page, which I will do today as I am deleting the news section and need to fill in that space.

Pale, thanks for being cool and putting it in here instead of locking it. I promise this is my only thread and I will only be here for today and I am gone I swear.  Peace, Love, and Chicken Grease

Offline bustin98

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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #12 on: November 02, 2007, 07:28:52 AM »
Too many cooks spoil the soup. Sit down with the group and choose one person who is in charge of how the site looks. Or visit a template site and pick one. There are a ton of Flash based ones that look should appeal to your target demographic.

If a million people jump off a bridge, doesn't mean its the right thing to do. I was just saying from a brand building/stregthening perspective you do not want to just throw another brand, especially a strong one like Google, in the middle of your own.

You can do what you want with my feedback. Just consider that I've been 'in the biz' for going on 9 years now. You can start like every other "let's get it done now" person and face a tremendous uphill battle with your site, or you can take some time to do it right the first time and have some time to coast.

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2007, 08:57:16 AM »
Two bits of feedback.

1)Don't post in a message board and say you won't respond.  Hey message boards are about conversations...and why should I post anything if I don't get a response, unless I am making fun of you.

Which leads to my second point.

2)Don't post and say you are going to not going to (or going to) do something and then do it makes you sound untrust worthy, and I want my websites I visit to be something I trust, or at least know what to expect.

RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2007, 12:16:05 PM »
I do take your advice seriously and I really wish I knew what you were talking about so I could fix it, but I don't I need specific examples of what to fix to know what to fix.

Spak, you know me ok, I just don't have time to stick around and get kicked out again, I only need help with my website and these people are the only people I can turn to.

It was mentioned I use CSS, I have spend a lot of time searching this on google and find nothing that makes any sense to me. If it is so easy why is it so complicated? Can I just download a tool or program that will apply the css to my site and fix it that way? Or do I have to once again destroy the entire site and start over? I am ready to go insane over this right now and I need help, sorry I know I should be in a forum or site that deals with this, I only came here because it was familiar to me and I trust the people here.

I mean When you guys tell me the site looks bad, I know it looks bad, but *I* do not know um, what is wrong with it and *I* do not know how to fix it. We can not afford to hire someone to fix it for us and I am doing all I can but obviously Yahoo! hosting SUCKS and they keep screwing things up and I don't knwo what to do.

Someone mentioned the navigation bar, can I ask what specifically is wrong with it? I mean when I go to a website I see links on the left and search bar on the top abnd content in the middle and ads on the right and that is how I set up our site so maybe I am stupid and I don't get it but when you say it is wrong I don't know what you mean, in the earlier discussions it was suggested I learn tables, which I took my time to get it right, now I am told to use CSS, of which I know nothing about, I tried installing PHPNUKE and my head almost exploded, nothing was easy to find in that thing.

I am sorry if I confused anyone I just always made websites the same old way and this was the first I ever tried to take seriously so I do, I really do want to do it right, but reading articles on how to write html and css and php does me no good, I need to be able to open the document edit the pats I need to edit copy and paste the items I have and create the links manually, I never get it when i use templates or anything I always mess it up. I want it to be easy but I don't know how to find this stuff, and beleive me I did hours of googling on CSS and still found nothing that helps.

Ok well I still appreciate the comments and I will continue to make it work thanks for the advice and hopefully I can figure this all out.  

Offline Shift Key

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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #15 on: November 02, 2007, 01:29:02 PM »

Originally posted by: thetransformerscollector
well i thank you all for the feedback, and appreciate the comments greatly. I know what CSS and PHP and all that jazz is, but I don't know how to do it. I don't even know that much HTML to be honest.

Remedy this situation - it will make your life much easier. Basic HTML and CSS will make your life much easier.


Originally posted by: thetransformerscollector
I can no longer log in and stupid word press sucks anyways cuz I can't get the theme to match the site.

Wordpress is a great blogging tool. Because its open-source, you can modify whatever you like (including the design and layout). I'd suggest working with that as a foundation for your site.


WRONG, every single site has google search at the top of the page as a site search, gamespot, ign, gamefaqs, youtube, EVERYONE, so the problem is not the location of the search. I agree it looks off but it has to be where it is, as all sites have the same search in the same location.

This is what I'm talking about. You've thrown that search box on there without thinking. Just because everyone else puts it there, doesn't mean that you have to. It stands out like a sore thumb. Either simplify it (like other sites do - it takes up way too much space currently) or remove it.


we were trying to make it more useful, not pleasant looking. Well ok we need it to do both but we really only wanted to focus, right now, on making it easy to find our content as that was the number one complaint we had and so far not 1 person has said if we accomplished that.

That's because everyone has been shocked by the design. You need to work back from the start and simplify the site layout. It is easy to add things once you have the basics done, but you've tried to put everything in there initially.


I know the site looks ugly, that isn't all my choice and I fight every day to make changes, but what I care about is if you visit the site can you find what we are offering and is it clear what we are about.

No, it is not clear. What I see when I visit is "information overload" - too many things to read.

The left menu is a mess - there's no clear definition between items and because they are all coloured yellow this indicates they are all alike. You should be able to look at the menu and see a clear hierarchy of items.

For example: this page shows a tree structure for a menu in a web page.
Structure your menu in a similar fashion and it will make things clearer.

The flow of the middle column in the main page is inconsistent - if it is supposed to represent a single column then keep it as a single column and don't stuff two youtube videos side-by-side.

Major sites like IGN may do it, but that doesn't mean everyone should do it. I would recommend the single column approach because it is easier to read, especially on simpler pages.

And the right column looks like it doesn't belong. Most of the non-advertising items can be placed on the left-hand menu.

Your ads should also be simplified - not scattered all over the page. Either at the top or the bottom of the page. But focus on the other parts first.


It was mentioned I use CSS, I have spend a lot of time searching this on google and find nothing that makes any sense to me. If it is so easy why is it so complicated? Can I just download a tool or program that will apply the css to my site and fix it that way?  

CSS is not the solution to all your problems, but it will help you maintain a consistent "style" across your website. You can apply it to existing web pages without having to rewrite it, and when you alter the CSS code (which contains the style information) the HTML page will be changed without you having to manually change it.

There's a ****-ton of CSS tutorials out here, so why not walk through a few of them and get familiar with what it can do for you. Here's one (google is your friend):


I mean When you guys tell me the site looks bad, I know it looks bad, but *I* do not know um, what is wrong with it and *I* do not know how to fix it. We can not afford to hire someone to fix it for us and I am doing all I can but obviously Yahoo! hosting SUCKS and they keep screwing things up and I don't knwo what to do.

You think that one of the comments here will magically solve everything? Listen to the advice given here, arm yourself with a little knowledge, and keep working at it.

Offline Arbok

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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #16 on: November 04, 2007, 05:31:53 AM »

Originally posted by: Shift Key

EDIT: Here, read.

CSS is for pussies. Designing your site around the stubbornness of tables is for real men.
Toho Kingdom


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RE:Need feedback PLEASE
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2007, 12:03:39 PM »

Originally posted by: Arbok
Designing your site around the stubbornness of tables is for real men.

Tables kill brain cells.