Author Topic: CIndy Sheehan...  (Read 9514 times)

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Offline Zach

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RE: Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2006, 08:20:35 AM »
well, if you cant beat um, join um (untill the thread gets closed anyway).

I agree with Smash brother, Cindy Sheehan is not discracing the memory of her son.  I think she is not protesting because of the fact that her son died, its the reason he died.  Sheehan feels (along with a majority of americans) that we screwed up going into Iraq, that we were tricked by our president into believing that saddam had weapons of mass destruction.  Our troops are not dead because of a fight for our country, or our freedom, there is no acceptable reason why we are over there in a war that there is a good chance we cannot win.

Yes, Sheehan's son died over there in iraq during wartime, fighting "for our country" in something that he signed up for, the same as all of the troops that are over there.  It would be understandable if her son died for freedom, or to protect our country, but that is not the case.  That is why our soldiers are dieing without just cause, and that is why Sheehan is protesting.

When you sign up for the army (before the war started) you sign up with the understanding that you will only be sent to war as a last resort.  This war has proven that false
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Offline BlackNMild2k1

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RE:Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2006, 06:07:19 PM »
Even though this thread died, I'm gonna resurrect it with some other uncanny look like appearance

is this Usher's dad?

Offline Smash_Brother

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RE: Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2006, 06:26:05 PM »
Not sure, but that movie was awesome.
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Offline wandering

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RE: Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2006, 08:18:28 PM »

Well, actually, I don't remember the sequel that well.

Oh, I might as well respond to nitsu while I'm here, SERIOUS DISCUSSION behind spoilers:

It is a fact that she is a selfish, greedy, conceited person. It's a fact her son died doing something he signed up for. It's a fact that she has turned his death into something about her. It's a fact that she can't honor his sacrifice.

It's not political, I never went into politics.

Was Gandhi greedy for turning people's suffering into something that was 'about him'? Was Martin Luther King? (not saying Sheehan is comparable to those two) Are people who haven't been affected by the Iraq war the only ones who are allowed to protest it?

No, you don't bring up politics, but I wish you had. Instead of attacking the opinion, you're attacking the opinionee... which isn't, in my view, the best way to go about things.
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Offline Galford

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RE:Cindy Sheehan
« Reply #29 on: February 22, 2006, 09:33:54 PM »
Do you know Cindy Sheehan has talked about running for senate in Calf?  No joke.  
I hope she ready, b/c the media will give an anal exam of hentai proportions.
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