Author Topic: A Revolutionary Launch  (Read 4016 times)

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Offline reverend_tod

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A Revolutionary Launch
« on: May 18, 2005, 01:02:43 PM »
The launch determines a system's future, I won't get into that noise, but here's how I think they could launch a a successful system:

A release date that is heavily advertised and driven home with a competitive ($200) price and a pack in game of some kind or at least a demo disc; and screw videos; playable demos please.

Mario&Luigi, Zelda, Metroid, ect. are all shoe ins so I don't need to go into those.

A Gran Turismo killer; If Nintendo didn't make this 100% in house I would get Sega to work on it partially or entirely.  It should have street and track racing, motorcycles and cars, drag ralley and endurance racing, online play with pink slip and in-game credits betting, extremely customisable cars (both cosmetic and performance) with custom logo/paint, whatever generators.  Covers all bases; from NFS:U2 to GT

A game featuring either a Boo or a Bobomb as the hero.  Don't ask; just a fetish I have had for a while.

Duck Hunt with a gun similar to old Nintendo's, possibly with a "laser site" option?  Something like the screen showing a red dot wherever you aim, or maybe even an actual laser pointer on the barrel so you can see where you're aiming?  Make Duck Hunt on the same disc as Mairo ala the old school cartridge if the game can't be fleshed out enough (these days it'd be hard to sell that old game for $50...maybe like $40 for it and the gun??) and at least one other game in demo form at launch (this game should come with the gun) that will use it

Realistic sports like Pennate Chase baseball; good solid titles, online play, ect. something so sports gamers won't look at revolution and go "Man...I just can't buy this, I have to have my fix"

The rest is how I think Nintendo should interact with third parties
The one word summary is: Bribery.

Don't bother to argue with weather or not this is "ok"; I don't care and won't listen, but what I know is Nintendo has the largest coffers of cash dedicated to games and makes the most money off of actual hardware sales.  They also have the highest licensing fees; this round, they should have the lowest.  Revolution is already said to be easier to develop for by far due to its programming being similar to the already easy GC.  Cycles and costs will be lower than the other machines; this makes the Revolution financially attractive.  Now onto the actual bribery.  Nintendo should get these games made even if it has to pay through the nose; profit in the long run will be worth it, I promise.  By outwright paying for the cost (percentage, lump sum, whole bill; whatever works) of development, waving the licensing fee, ect. they can make profits from a few key games that I can think of off the top of my head (feel free to throw ideas out as I will probably ad to this list later as well)

Mario RPG 2 - I love the Paper Marios but to me nothing can top the magic of Mario RPG; bring back Geno and Mallow and Bowswer as a good guy, and peach as a playable character.  It'd be awesome!

Final Fantasy Series back on GC, backlog of PSone and PS2 titles released
This would probably fall uner outwright bribery because Sony is probably will to pay a ton for the series to stay on thier console too, but if it came back to Nintendo so would a ton of other things

2k sports series -- if Nintendo doesn't want to do it then let Sega; they're good and could beat out the EA offerings if they had the chance

I'm already tapped but I will have more some other time--the launch has got to be spectacular and that's all there is to it.  Nintendo has to make some huge efforts to woo third parties, such as giving them thier first few games free of licensing fees?  Something along with a statement saying literally "Sorry for being such jerks in the past, we really want to make it up and make a strong system and we know we can't do it without you.  We're doing this (insert something like no licensing fees for a year or something spectacular like that here) and hope to hear your ideas for making working with Nintendo better" or something along those lines to each development team in every region, sincerely too none of that "Nintendo is the top company bla bla bla" party line nonsense.  Also just paying for games to be Revolution exclusives in general (for instance if I was in charge, Killer 7 and the Resident Evils would've stayed exclusive) oh yes and also funding the television commercials for everybody's games...oK now I am done.

What are your guys's ideas?  Inputs, suggestions, critiques?

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2005, 02:24:03 PM »
The most important thing for the Revolution launch is killer app that is NOT a Nintendo franchise.  The Nintendo franchises aren't system sellers.  If they were the Cube wouldn't be in last place.  No one who didn't buy a Cube for Mario will buy a Rev for Mario.  That doesn't mean their shouldn't be franchise games but franchise games aren't going to attract anyone beyond Nintendo fans, and too many of them will turn some people away.

Killer apps are never existing franchise games.  They're always something new.  Or they are franchises (like Super Mario 64 and GTA3) but are done in a completely new way that is unlike anything anyone has seen before.  In order to attract sales Nintendo needs to focus on something different and new.  That means new gameplay or a new take on an existing genre with a new franchise behind it and a different style then all of Nintendo's other franchises.  Aside from the fact that new content sells consoles it would help Nintendo adjust their image.  People accuse them of making games for kids and rehashing the same stuff over and over again.  By not going with a franchise and using a different style (ie: not cartoony) they can establish themselves as the creative developer they are and make the Rev look like a postive new change instead of more of the same.

Though I think franchise titles would be good for launch as well to compliment the new title.  The new title should be the flagship while the franchises are there to provide more options and beef up the lineup.

Offline Mario

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RE: A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2005, 01:07:05 AM »
Well luckily it's been confirmed that Miyamoto is providing a new title at the launch of Revolution, though whether that will be a killer app, remains unknown. I have a feeling that game, and Super Smash Bros 3 are going to be the two big launch titles.

Offline Dryden

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RE:A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2005, 02:27:49 AM »
I think that Nintendo's version of an online community could help the launch considerably.  If I could turn on my Revolution and entertain myself for hours without even putting in or downloading a game, that would revolutionize console gaming.

Think Animal Crossing online built into the Revolution interface.  But not Animal Crossing.

(This won't happen - not even close - but I do think the online community with Nintendo will be significant enough to move systems)
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Offline Caustic Saint

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RE: A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2005, 01:00:29 PM »
GT4 was the "Gran Turismo killer." It has the worst AI I've seen in a modern racing game. If they can't fix that, it won't matter how much work they put into the graphics or sound. A little work on physics wouldn't hurt either. Is it too much to ask for a non-bumper-cars collision model?

Offline Sugaruss

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RE:A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2005, 01:21:18 AM »
The simple fact is a successful launch only needs a single game in every genre (sports, racing, fighting), and a killer app from Nintendo in-house.  Nintendo does not need to rely on third parties for killer apps, has never relied on them, and will never rely on them.

Offline reverend_tod

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RE: A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2005, 05:23:56 PM »
No; that is exactly what sucks about Nintendo and thier consoles; the lack of 3rd party support because of bad additudes like that.  They NEED to bring the third parties in, especially/even if it means bribing.  They have more money in thier coffers (dedicated to games) than Microsoft or Sony; they need to utilize it to get people on thier side.

And Saint; I know, I haven't liked the GTs since 2, but they're still a big selling point.  And if Xbox gets GTA then so should Nintendo.  And hold your flames; I don't like the GTA games and couldn't care less if they have it or not but a lot of people do and automatically rule GC out of thier purchasing options because of its lack of the series.  Nobody forces you to buy it so don't bitch and moan if it was on the system; it will only bring sales UP

Offline cubist

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RE:A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2005, 05:46:11 PM »
A revolutionary launch?

I agree with the notion that the killer app for the next generation for Nintendo should NOT be an existing franchise...OR at least bring back an old NES franchise that hasn't been touched (e.g., Faxanadu).  Nintendo had their worst launch with Gamecube (not counting Virtual Boy) because they decided to launch with the ghostbusting Luigi's Mansion.  Even though the following months introduced gamers with Pikmin and Super Smash Bros. Melee, the launch was weak.  The N64's launch was considerably better because they had the revolutionary Super Mario 64, and that's when gamers like myself had to settle for Pilotwings 64 and wait 2 months for the next release - Waverace 64.  People were buying.  It wasn't until Final Fantasy VII that everything went in Sony's favor.  Back to the topic, Nintendo really needs a killer app or a couple of them at launch.  I'll buy whatever they bring out, but if they can duplicate the originality of Pikmin in a killer app and launch with another Mario title (highly unlikely based on the Miyamoto interview), Nintendo can convince me of their moving in a different direction sentiment.  

Nintendo needs a killer app similar to what Halo was to the XBOX.  I'm a big fan of Nintendo, but unless they want to appeal to anyone at all, I hope that they've got a secret title that's pretty far into development that's going to knock everyone's socks off.  However, if any of the recent E3 and Denis Dyack interviews are any indication, we're in for more of the same stuff like we've been getting with Cube.  Nintendo needs to sack-up!

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Offline jasonditz

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RE: A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2005, 06:03:13 PM »
The problem with buying off a third party for a frachise is that there's no guarentee anyone will care about the franchise next generation.

GTA3 was a system seller, but GTA2 was an absolute dud. Just because GTA4 will have superior graphics to the various 3-engine ones is no guarentee it will be as good a game or as popular.

Offline jasonditz

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RE: A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2005, 06:05:28 PM »
I actually think SSB Online could be a killer app. If they can successfully recreate the feel of SSBM and translate it into online without losing anything, its going to get a lot of attention from gaming sites and its going to move some consoles.

Offline Arbok

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RE:A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2005, 06:06:32 PM »

Originally posted by: cubist
I'll buy whatever they bring out, but if they can duplicate the originality of Pikmin in a killer app and launch with another Mario title (highly unlikely based on the Miyamoto interview), Nintendo can convince me of their moving in a different direction sentiment.

Super Smash Bros > Mario

Nintendo doesn't need a Mario game at launch, they have Super Smash Bros which has been without another entry in the series since 2001 (which as it should be, as anticipation for another is at feverish levels now). All Nintendo needs now is a fresh killer app that isn't one of their well known series and they are set.
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Offline nickmitch

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RE: A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2005, 06:11:02 PM »
How many times to say Earthbound before we get anything.
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Offline Sir_Stabbalot

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RE:A Revolutionary Launch
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2005, 06:12:20 PM »
This isn't much, but I'd also like to play as a bob-omb.
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