supplementary material to the podcast inasmuch that it's pretty much how our illustrious host chose to spend his evening shortly before the podcast. Well, him and GX.
I will continue to say I HATE games that have the "here's random stats for random actions with more random garbage!" sort of RPGs birthed by Final Fantasy 2 and the works of Akitoshi Kawazu. there's a certain JRPG for the 3DO that I played this week that I would rather do a full playthrough of than even give Alliance Alive a try given the way that it has been described here.
Kickstarter backer rewards have been a large part of me not putting my Wii U away, as I am still getitng Half-Genie Hero stuff and the like. it's also just very convenient for me to capture off of in comparison to having to bust out my Wii's component cables and the Component cable adapter for my mostly HDMI-operating Capture device, given that the new TV I just got has no Component or S-Video input (but strangely enough still has composite. O_o; ;)
Please, do not talk to me about Pokegenics. I am someone who IV Breeds, casting thousands of baby Ralts into the spartan pit that is Wonder Trade in vein hopes that one day I might breed the perfect waifu pokemon. (In all seriousness, I don't really like Gardevior, but it makes this joke funnier)
I agree that a purge of sorts does need to happen, but on the level of a mechanical purge. some very unhealthy mechanics have come to the game in the form of Mega Evolution, and to a lesser extent, Z-moves. The beauty of Pokemon on the competitive level is that it boils down a lot of the moment to moment decision making of let's say... a fighting game, and makes it a turn based and analytical affair. I've always been of the opinion that the finest additions to pokemon have been the ones that stimulate this mechanical complexity (Abilities from Generation 3, The Physical/Special categorization that came as of Generation 4.), and I feel like you could draw out a whole new dimension of complexity with an integeral formula change that some of the pokemon spin-off games have had in some janky form or another...
POSITIONING! I don't care if it's via a 3x6 grid that each trainer controls 9 squares (Megaman battle network), proper battlefields with terrain bonuses and such, or simply introducing Quest 64/Phantom Brave style movement radius. Giving pokemon movement stats and attacks ranges/Area of effect would add that little extra bit of oomph. maybe positioning your pokemon closer to the trainer gives buffs or being farther makes switching and item use lose it's normal properties of turn priority?
This would also allow them to remove some of the RNG that plagues these games, instead making hit and whiffed attacks a matter of if your opponent successfully commanded their pokemon to evade the attack radius rather than the matter of rolling digital dice for riskier moves like Focus Blast or such.