Author Topic: Episode 17 - Bloomsday Device  (Read 2127 times)

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Episode 17 - Bloomsday Device
« on: January 26, 2017, 10:53:00 AM »

Wii Demand Wii play Wario Land Shake It!

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Switch madness has subsided for the time being and we can finally return to a normal episode of the Talk Nintendo Podcast. So what better way to do so than talk about a Playstation 4 game? Casey kicks off the show with his very premature impressions of Resident Evil 7 before diving into a game he recently returned to, Fire Emblem Fates. After steamrolling Birthright and Conquest he took nearly a year break before getting into Revelations, but did it stand out from the others? Speaking of returning to a game after a long hiatus, Perry is back to take another crack at Gargoyles Quest. He’s had some practice in the previous weeks with some other Capcom classics, but did it prepare him enough to get Firebrand through his quest? Next on the docket for Casey is Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse, another game he’s been meaning to get around to playing.  It feels like home after playing through SMTIV, but that's not a bad thing at all. Rounding out What We’ve Been Playing, Perry checks out the demo for the soon to be release Yoshi Woolly World for 3DS. Needless to say it has him excited to get back into more Yoshi goodness.

It was stated that Switch madness had subsided, but it’s not completely gone and given the console is due to release in just five weeks, that’s a good thing. This extra long newly titled news segment is filled with not only Switch offerings, but plenty of great stuff coming the 3DS’ way. Starting with all the information out of the Fire Emblem Direct the boys cover more Switch launch titles, new Nintendo selects and a complete remake from the ground up of Elliot Quest!

After a very jam packed news segment we get into our topic of the show, Wii Demand Wii. Somehow Casey and Perry both managed to miss Wario Land Shake It! and felt a disservice was at hand. Recently released on the Wii U virtual console, both the guys opted to pick up the original and fire up Wii mode and tackle this hidden gem. Casey and Perry take a deep dive into everything Wario starting with a brief history and talking about level design, presentation, music and much more in first installment of Wii Demand Wii!

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