Author Topic: This Week's Nintendo Downloads - January 17, 2013  (Read 1832 times)

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This Week's Nintendo Downloads - January 17, 2013
« on: January 17, 2013, 03:01:34 PM »

Time to set those emblem's ablaze, my friends!

Based on what we know is coming out today for the 3DS eShop, we can surmise two things; the first being, "Hell yes", the second being, "Hell yes this is so weird." Why the excitement? The 3DS eShop is whetting the appetites of Fire Emblemaniacs (their term of choice) with a demo of February's Fire Emblem: Awakening. But if moving knights and wizards around a battlefield isn't your thing, maybe chucking the friendly residents of Tokyo is more your flavour? How about the act of stacking stars in Kirby's Star Stacker? Shooting wild animals in exotic locales in Deer Drive Legends? There's just so much to choose from!

eShop Retail Releases and Demos

3DS eShop Retail Releases:

Deer Drive Legends - $14.99

Disney/Pixar Finding Nemo Escape to the Big Blue - $29.99

3DS eShop Demos:

Fire Emblem Awakening

Games are a nice way for me to escape the daily doldrums. Day in and day out we're faced with sadness, and I just need something to unwind with. And yet, here I am, playing a series that forces me to deal with the drama of death. Not in that cute, Mario-is-just-gonna-shrug-it-off kind of death, but the real, this-is-gonna-have-consequences-death. Fire Emblem Awakening has you strategically place your army across the battlefield, weighing the strengths and weaknesses of your army and the enemy's. Be careful though, make the wrong decision and your character's death is permanent. Well, unless you join me and play in the frowned upon Casual mode.

3DS eShop:

Tokyo Crash Mobs - $6.99

Mitchell Corporation may not be a developer you're too familiar with. But they've been behind the scenes for years, keeping the match three puzzler alive. Since 1998, Mitchell Corp. has been working with a formula they created with Ballistic (called Puzz Loop in Japan), but you may know it better as Magnetica (which saw release on the DS and WiiWare service). That gameplay remains intact with Tokyo Crash Mobs, just with an extra pinch of insanity. Players throw human beings at other like-colored human beings, removing them from the line. It's all a bit nuts, what with the digitized visuals and all. But hey, it certainly allows the title to stand out.

Deer Drive Legends - $14.99

Have a barren wall in house, just itching to become something? Photographs of your friends and family are certainly not cool, so there's only one option; trophy wall. But before you get into that animal stuffing business, maybe you should see if you've got the stomach for it with Deer Drive Legends? With over 30 exclusive species to kill from a first-person viewpoint, you'll feel like you're actually in the Savannah taking the lives of wild animals.

3DS Virtual Console:

Kirby's Star Stacker - $2.99

Kirby, never one to just stick with walking from left to right, has set his sight on the puzzle genre. The goal is to sandwich block versions of Kirby and his awesome friends between stars. From the top of the screen, blocks of the character and star variety fall, and it's your job to align them just right. The mess of blocks on the bottom of the screen will continue to grow, so be sure to attack the stack as quickly as possible.