Author Topic: Famitsu Zelda Interview  (Read 2748 times)

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Famitsu Zelda Interview
« on: October 10, 2002, 05:12:32 AM »
Famitsu features an interview with Eiji Aonuma, director of The Legend of Zelda for the GC. Learn more about the role of Link's eyes and wind in the game.

Last week's Famitsu featured an interview with Eiji Aonuma, director of The Legend of Zelda for the GameCube. PGC brings you the translation below.

Link's big eyes is a key to the game?! Don't you think this time the eyes of Link leaves an impression? One big reason why we decided to use cartoon as the form of expression is that we wondered if movements Link's eyes can be used in a game. This time when enemies approach Link, Link's eyes will look at where the enemy is. If an item drops, he will also look in that direction. When Link realizes a hidden trap or device, his sight will also be directed towards it. In a dungeon, when Link's eyes move, players might think, "s there something there?" Then when you actually go there, you will find something. Even when you go to the dungeon the first time, it is easy to understand and fun. In Ocarina of Time, when you first enter a room, first you have to use your first person camera to look from one side to another side. Consequently, some find it to be troublesome. Well, this time Link is not as calm and patient. Even in places that have nothing to do with the main game, Link will look around. It' very cute. I think this time players will have fun as they feel Link trying to appeal to them. Of course, we made sure puzzles cannot be solved too easily. We cannot show switches too directly so that players can know immediately where the switch is.

Puzzle solving is influenced by wind!? This time the keyword is "wind." Wind is blowing throughout the world. In the raft scene, the direction of wind is shown, and we put in elements that that will make the players be aware of the wind such as the direction where Link's hat and flags are blown.  If you do not put the wind into consideration, there are puzzles that you cannot solve. However, it is not as severe such that you must consider the wind in everything. It will not become a game where it is always influenced by wind, and if you walk you will be blown away. It is not like that, but at times you must use the wind to succeed. There are also times that you will fail because of the wind. These kinds of puzzle solving will appear more as you progress. This time Link rides the raft to various places, which is also influenced by wind. On the ocean, depending on the time, the direction of the wind changes. You should feel a sense of reality when you try to move your raft during those situations.

Is there a connection with the series? This time the story begins on an island. It is not the first time the game takes place on an island, but you will be surprised if you just think it's just like any other island. The game features a whole new story, but it actually takes place some time after a "certain time period" in The Ocarina of Time. Of course, in the game, we prepared elements that will remind players of the prequel. As a result, for those that played The Ocarina of Time, there will be some parts where they will feel, "Ahh, I remember this." The word "tradition" also becomes a keyword too in the game. I am sure you are concerned with what does the previous time period have to do with the setting this time. And also why the sea? We have put a lot of puzzles that hints at the link, so we really want the fans to be looking forward to this title. Of course, even if you do not consider the link between the series, the story of the game is complete as a whole, so that even players that never played the Zelda series can feel comfortable playing. It is not a game where you cannot clear if you did not play the previous titles.

A message to the readers! We made a game that will not disappoint all those who are waiting with their hearts. We believe that as long as we ourselves feel the game is fun during the making the game, it should not disappoint fans. So please look forward to this game. By using the GC/GBA link, we created a system where beginners can follow. For people that are not good at solving puzzles and action, please play it with your family or loved ones.