Author Topic: SSX Blur Help  (Read 5684 times)

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Offline Djunknown

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SSX Blur Help
« on: February 28, 2007, 02:50:24 PM »
Figure I'd the be one to start it.

Picked up the title today, and I've got the basics down except for Ubertricks. I can only pull them off 1/10 times.

When I go to Uber-training mode, I get the 3 'basic' ubertricks (Circle, Z and Loop-de-loop) 7/10 tries. But When I put apply it in the field, the success rate is low.

The only theory I have is that SSX blur can't dectect snap movements of the wii-mote. Whenever I"m at the title screen, or at the pause menu, any snap movement in any direction leaves the X stuck until I center it again. My guess is that during the motions, don't go too fast.

Anyone having similar troubles? Different theories? Fire away!
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Offline Djunknown

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RE:SSX Blur Help
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 03:55:12 PM »
...Still waiting for some help here...

Anyway, what's the word on slaloms? I'm stuck in the first slalom. Either I go too fast and miss a lot of gates, Or I go to slow and wind up not 1st.  Any hints? Anybody? Somebody?
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Offline vudu

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RE: SSX Blur Help
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 04:13:19 PM »
I haven't played the game yet, but from what I understand you need to make large, exaggerated motions when attempting an ubertrick.
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Offline Caliban

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RE: SSX Blur Help
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 05:04:29 PM »
I too have been trying to figure out the ubertricks.
I tried a slalom several times, damn is it hard, for now I have no idea but I'm guessing that as we unlock better boards/skis we will be able to do the slaloms without a hitch.

Offline NinGurl69 *huggles

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RE: SSX Blur Help
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2007, 06:43:42 PM »
i think it's obvious EA didn't explain how they wanted ubertricks to be performed.  Like, they should've included video SHOWING someone playing, waving the remote to give a clearer idea since so many still seem to fail despite the training modes.  
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Offline chaingunsofdoom

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RE:SSX Blur Help
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2007, 08:11:26 AM »

Originally posted by: Djunknown

Anyway, what's the word on slaloms? I'm stuck in the first slalom. Either I go too fast and miss a lot of gates, Or I go to slow and wind up not 1st.  Any hints? Anybody? Somebody?

I crushed the first slalom course getting 25/26 by going really really slow. My total time was 1:33-ish but I'm not sure I'd ever get that good again. The strangest part was that it was during a competition and I thought I'd lose it for sure when I saw slalom appear.

On the first course, the hardest part is the middle section. The first 8(?) flags are basically a straight-line into a cliff. These should not be tough to get, but don't gather too much speed or you will go flying too far off the cliff and that will screw-up the middle section. Once you land down over the cliff you need to slow down to a near-stop before that first red(?) flag -- if not you will just build-up speed and miss almost every flag in the middle. I was holding the nunchuk and analog stick way back to slowdown and making tight turns using the stick along with moving the 'chuk. You might think... 'I'm going really slow!' but just keep going slow. Once you're done the middle, you get dropped into the final section which is not too bad, just make sure to hit the flags. Oh and on that last jump before the finish line don't do a massive jump for tricks. Avoid the jump completely if you can by going to the right and just keep racing to the line.

Offline Djunknown

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RE:SSX Blur Help
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2007, 02:08:13 PM »
Thanks for the help. I did what you said, and got 1st. Also, I used a board that conveniently gave me +1 to edge and -1 to speed. Coincidence?

I've got a theory cooking for ubers that I began experimenting with, I just need to apply it to all the ubers I have so far. If it works, I'll put it up tomorrow.
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Offline Djunknown

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RE: SSX Blur Help
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2007, 02:28:18 PM »
True to my word, looks I have a method that has given me success 9/10 tries. I take one point off for human error (.

So here's what you do: start the motion of your Uber before pressing the A button to start it. Yes, it sounds odd, but remember that the game uses the accelerometers, you don't have to point at the screen. After being 1/3 into it, press and hold A as you would an Uber and let go to finish the motion.

The best example I can describe is with the Z-uber. I do the first part without pressing anything, press and hold A  during the second and last strokes and release. The pre-winding' time as I call it (remember in SSX3 where you could prewind before jumping to get more rotations?) varies from Uber to uber, so experiment as you will.

I had a friend to verify this theory, who has more limited experience with SSX Blur than me, and is pulling Ubers more often than not.

Give it a try and see if it works for you.
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Offline Spak-Spang

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RE: SSX Blur Help
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2007, 06:00:38 AM »
I just rented the game.  And I had some of the same issues everyone else if having...but I have faired much better.  

Here are some hints I have found.  

1)  When you are wanting to do an Uber Trick ready yourself for the trick by positioning where you want to start the movement before the jump.  Remember to hold A before starting the movement.  I usually press A for a 1/2 Second before starting the movement, and remember to let go of A after finishing the movement completely.  Practice makes perfect, but I have found usually the error is my fault because I get to anxious while trying to do an Uber Trick.  

2)  Another tip for the game, is do Uber Tricks you know you can pull off when you are racing for tournaments or any real competition.  Don't do the ones on the screen if you don't know them, and don't practice new Uber Tricks you haven't mastered on real events.  Sure your character won't do cool flashy tricks, but you will save yourself headache from losing too often.

3) Slalom is easily the hardest event in this game.  It requires precision racing, which can be hard with the nunchuk.  To do the first race, the easiest way is to do large sweeps around each flag in the middle section, this gives you enough turn radius to come back around.  Slowing down also helps, but isn't necessary.  The course isn't hard, but you are fighting the responsiveness of the controls, which leads to hint number 4.

4)  Change the control settings for steering.  In the Control Options menu you can fine tune the controls to your liking by pressing 1.  This is important, because if you do not like using the Nunchuk for movement you can bi-pass that completely and set it to use analog stick only.  This makes the game much more responsive, and feels more like traditional SSX.  It also doesn't take too much away from the Wii immersion of the game, because you still have to tilt the nunchuck to grabs.

And that is where I am having problems.  The grabs are quite difficult for ME to do.  I am sure others are getting it down well...but I am having difficulty.  But grabs are not necessary to move on through the I am still enjoying my experience.

Right now I am really enjoying this game.  You get out of it what you put in.  The game's control is deep, and EA really did several things right in this game.  It isn't for everyone, but for those dedicated I would score this game in the 7-8 range depending how much you like the SSX experience.