Author Topic: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?  (Read 4649 times)

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Offline cronotrigger913

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Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« on: May 03, 2005, 01:47:09 PM »
With all the great games coming out for Xbox, like Doom 3 and Conker's Bad Fur Day, it seems to me, right when developers are getting used to the current hardware, Microsoft is already releasing a new console. Is it worth it? Will you guys buy it when it comes out? And is it coming out at the right time, with Nintendo missing its chance to usurp the competition by releasing the Revolution before the Sony and Microsoft?

Personally, I don't want to shell out another $300 for a new system. It feels like this generation just started, and with the DS and PSP coming out recently, I'm filled to the brim with great games that I can play.

It is smart for Microsoft to start a new generation because Xbox keeps losing money for them, but with word that games are going to be priced over $60, I'm actually liking the idea that Revolution comes out in 2006.
I can't believe I ate the whole thing...

Offline Artimus

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2005, 02:01:32 PM »
Wrong forum. Rick just started a thread almost just like this in Other Systems

Offline cronotrigger913

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #2 on: May 03, 2005, 02:04:59 PM »
I can't believe I ate the whole thing...

Offline Nosferat2

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2005, 10:05:56 AM »
I will be buying the next Xbox ONLY if Nintendo bombs the Revolution. If i see that NIntendo is doing the same thing it did with Gamecube i will be buying my first non Nintendo platform. But i doubt Nintendo will launch with a lame color again and they will most likely put more focus on more mature themed games. I respect that kids play games too, i too was a kid once, but ill be 30 years old when the Rev launches and if i dont see Metroid Prime Revolution, or Resident Evil 5, or an Eternal darkness sequel etc, OR if There are no RPG's of note, then i be forced to go with Micorsoft. PS3 is out of the question as the PS2 itself was garbage, though it has many many great games.
But looking back at Gamecube overall i was satisfied. It had quite a few games geared to the older audience. So in that department it was ok. But In RPG's it failed considerably. All we got was reharsh and Japanese style games. Im not from Japan and im not really into that.

In mot asking much. A good game geared to the older crowd every 3-4 months is all i ask. Im to busy for anything much else, but for others they should make these type games more often. As is i have many games on GC i havent been able to play yet, so thank god the REV is backwards compatible. So even of the REVs launch is a little thin ill have many GC games to play on it. I think Nintendo will satisfy my as they always did. So in all reality ill more than likely stick with NINTENDO! :-)
Peace Nosferatu

PS. I WANT A GOT DAMN CASTLEVANIA GAME ON REV!!!!!!!!!!!! AND A DRAGON WARRIOR GAME TOO!!! Sorry hopefully soemone at Nintendo reads thats.

Offline Dasmos

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2005, 03:40:25 PM »
Haven't you heard most 3-d Castlevania's blow!!  
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Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2005, 06:55:38 PM »
"But In RPG's it failed considerably. All we got was reharsh and Japanese style games."

You want RPGs but you don't like Japanese style games?  And then you mention a very Japanese game like Dragon Warrior?  Virtually ALL console RPGs are Japanese.  American RPGs are games like Morrowind and Knights of the Old Republic which weren't even common on the NES or SNES when Nintendo had a lot of RPGs.

However I completely understand how one would consider switching console makers if Nintendo does the same things that they did on the Cube.  I'll probably always get Nintendo consoles for Zelda alone but I do want to see some improvement.  I want to see that Nintendo is actually trying to do better and has learned from their mistakes.  If nothing changes I won't blame anyone for jumping ship.  This sort of situation is exactly why I think Nintendo needs to focus more on market share.  If Nintendo makes no effort to turn things around more and more people are going to get tired of the same stupid problems and are going to jump ship.  And if the market share keeps shrinking eventually they'll reach a point where their audience is so small they can't make a profit.

At the very least though they sound like they're going to do something different with the Rev.  We don't know if it will work or if it will be something we want but at the very least I don't think they're just going to stand there and do nothing.

Offline IceCold

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2005, 10:01:44 PM »
"Eternal darkness sequel"

Silicon Knights broke up from Nintendo, remember?

Nintendo DID release a fair bit of "mature" games, as you said, but it was too late - they had already been branded as k!ddy...but that doesn't matter, because we still got good games

RPGs were a major problem, that's true, but Nintendo knows that and they will fix it.
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Offline Caillan

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2005, 10:29:06 PM »
"RPGs were a major problem, that's true, but Nintendo knows that and they will fix it."

What makes you think that? RPGs were a big problem in the 64 dats as well and Nintendo did nothing about it.

There haven't been any American RPGs ported to the Cube because Nintendo is weak in the West and most of the people who make are in some way associated with Microsoft. They'd have been made for the PS2 before they were made for the Cube.

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2005, 05:10:45 AM »
RPGs are the problem in Japan.  Not in the US.  If you look the only console that has American RPGs is Xbox and that is because they are the American PC style RPGs that may appeal to American audiences, but won't appeal at all in Japan.

Nintendo's biggest problem is its image in America.  That is it.  If the image was changed, developers would make games and players would buy them.  In that sense, Nintendo is its own worst enemy.  

We have no idea what is going on with Nintendo or the Revolution...we will just have to wait and see.  Hopefully NOA will finally be free to do the marketing for America without Japan stepping into parent.  That alone could really save next generation.

Offline couchmonkey

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2005, 08:06:15 AM »
Personally, I thought Nintendo did address a lot of it's problems from the N64 era.  It made a lot of mistakes too, but think about it.  The single biggest problem with the N64 was a lack of third party support.  We were going on about one game per month in the system's first and last years, and the system ended with about 250 games.  The GameCube already has more than 400 games to choose from and although third party support is waning, it's still about as good as the N64's third party support was in its very best years.

Then there were mature games...Nintendo helped bring us Metroid Prime, three basically new Resident Evils, Eternal Darkness and Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.  We've also had a decent selection of multi-platform mature titles, including most of the Tom Clancy games (blech), Prince of Persia, Timesplitters and an assortment of others.  It isn't as big as the selection of mature titles on the other consoles, but Nintendo did put a in serious effort and I'd say that it improved on the N64's selection.

Leaving us with RPGs.  The GameCube is still no RPG powerhouse, but with Paper Mario and Ogre Battle 64 being the only great RPGs on the N64, I'd say the GameCube has easily beaten it.  American RPGs are rare on the Cube, but then again, they're rare on all consoles except the Xbox.  If you want Western RPGs, you should be playing PC.

Things improved a lot on the GameCube.  Nintendo screwed up here and there and the Cube lost a little marketshare, but I'm not buying Nintendo consoles to say I own the most popular system around.  The GameCube provided a lot of great games, that's all that matters to me.

Ummm, hey, I'm totally off-topic.  I think Microsoft is jumping the gun a little, but I also think that Nintendo and Sony will be a bit late if they wait past July 2006 to release their consoles.
That's my opinion, not yours.
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Offline Shecky

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2005, 08:10:04 AM »

Originally posted by: IceCold
"Eternal darkness sequel"

Silicon Knights broke up from Nintendo, remember?

Why have I heard this in more than one place? Just because a company no longer wants to focus on just one console doesn't mean they'll stop developing for it entirely.  This company had works outside of Nintendo products before, on the PS1, PC, etc.

Offline Michael8983

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2005, 08:13:43 AM »
Nintendo does deserve some credit.
RPGs and "mature" games may have been lacking on the Gamecube but it still had a hell of a lot more of them than the N64 did. And many of those RPGs and "mature" titles sold well proving Nintendo fans DO want them. So Nintendo did make progress this generation. The Gamecube may have ended up not being as successful as the N64 but that's because it faced much fiercer competition. If the N64 had the GCN's game library, things would be very different today.
As long as the Revolution continues making progress - even if it's slow progress - and has Nintendo's usual great games, I'll be happy.

Offline Spak-Spang

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2005, 09:00:19 AM »
To be fair Sony and Nintendo will only be lagging behind after July, because of Microsoft.  We coudl have easily had one more great year of software from MS, Sony, and Nintendo if all 3 would have waited...and that would have probably given us better launch titles next generation with more time developed in them.

I think MS really made a stupid move...however, its a stupid move that could still be successful.


Offline Nosferat2

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #13 on: May 06, 2005, 09:16:06 AM »
DASMOS- No i havent heard anything about any Castlevania since Super Nintendo. I wasnt into games during N64 (cars and girls) so im clueless as to anything from that era. I never bought an N64. Further never bought anything Sony or Microsoft so if CastleVania came out in those consoles i hadn't a clue.
Also i never said i wanted a 3D Castlevania, i just want one. I dont mind a 2D game on the Rev if it blows me away and takes my back to the Nes castlevania days. Who knows maybe if Nintendo got in on it a 3D Castlevania might not "blow"

Offline Arbok

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2005, 09:38:09 AM »
Nosferat2, I suggest you check out one of the numerous Castlevania games on the Gameboy Advance then. I wouldn't really suggest buying all of them, but at least one of those titles is worth adding to everyone's collection.
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Offline Nosferat2

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #15 on: May 06, 2005, 09:58:15 AM »
IAN- i said Japanese "style" games. I care less if a Game is developed by a Japanese developer. My problem is when they develop a game geared to the Japanese market and port it to the US.

There is no way your can tell me that the NES and Super NES Dragon Warrior's and Final Fantasy's were Japanese "style". Those were classic dungeons and dragon type games with classic wizards and warriors as characters.
Though both were made by Japanese developers they are clearly not Japanese style as i view the term. When i say Japanese style i mean like Japanese anime style. You know the childish look with huge eyes and blue hair characters. Along with the wacky clothes and floating islands and the card based battle systems. The Japanese love the card system but im sure you can agree that it much less popular in the US.

Ian this is my problem. Right now, after a long consideration, i finally bought Baten Kiatos to 1. support Nintendos RPG's and 2. to give the card system a shot.

If you dont know right now im looking around for an old mans family members to fill a family tree so he can die a happy man. Is that supposed to be somekind of fun sidequest. Personally i dont think so. Its supposed to be an RPG and im looking for people with braclets to sign a family tree. What happend to looking for ancient artifacts or fabled weapons to kill the nemesis of the game?

BUT that is not what is killing me. What tripping me out is that right now im attacking enemy's and acutally doing damage with rotten banannas? WTF. Only the Japanese would like some retarded as sh!t like that. But oh well.

To be frank, someone on this site said that i would like the battle system. cant rememeber who. To be honest its not that bad. I dig it and with it faults im having fun playing Baten Kiatos. But i do prefer the classic turnbased system. And i think the card based stuff should be limited to spells. Weapons on cards is a bit far fetched for me.

As for the currnet Dragon Warriors of Final Fantasy's im not sure if they are Japanese Style. I havemt played a Final Fantasy since part 3 on Super NES. Hopefu;;y they are not and will end up on the REV. WAIT i remeber one of the FF's have three girls singing in concert what in the hell was that about!?
Anyway i prefer original RPG's for the Rev or good sequels. Im praying for a continuation of the famed Wizardry series from the PC. Now thats an RPG. (You guys should check out Wizardry 8.) Or a return of the Dragon Warrior or Final Fantasy series to Nintendo consoles(home i dont do handhelds). I hope nobody mentions FF:CC cause that was garbage.

Hopefully Nontendo will come around. But like you ill probably end up buying the Rev anyway but for Metriod....:-)

Offline Nosferat2

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2005, 10:00:51 AM »
I agree and Second everything Spak'Spang said.

Offline Arbok

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RE:Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2005, 10:09:16 AM »

Originally posted by: Nosferat2
BUT that is not what is killing me. What tripping me out is that right now im attacking enemy's and acutally doing damage with rotten banannas? WTF. Only the Japanese would like some retarded as sh!t like that. But oh well.

Well then color me a retard, as I liked the more carefree tone of the game in terms of the cards you could get, and enjoyed the whole item degrading aspect of the game. Although in terms of RPGs on the Cube, I prefer Tales of Symphonia much more than Baten Kaitos.
Toho Kingdom


Offline Nosferat2

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #18 on: May 06, 2005, 10:11:06 AM »
Couchmonkey very well said i couldnt have said that better myself.

regarding your RPG comments:
Thank god for PC that what kept me from straying from NIntendo. PC RPGs are hard to contend with. But even on the PC things are changing, turnbased Rpgs on the PC or very rare. They are more Baldures Gate hank and slash types nowadays. So im screwed alover the place....

Offline Ian Sane

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RE: Microsoft jumping the gun or Nintendo too late?
« Reply #19 on: May 06, 2005, 10:12:55 AM »
Nosferat2 I'll agree with you on one thing.  I hate anything to do with cards.