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Messages - Use Soap

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Do you guys know any good recepies?

Also, do you guys have any good tips for making money?

Does that shed ever open?

Fight Club

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Harvest Moon AWL: Ask a question, get an answer!
« on: April 03, 2004, 08:15:24 AM »
Dang, there goes some more money...
What about birthed cows, do they have to wait until after pregnancy?
And, how long do the trees take to harvest?

what does chapter 2-6 mean?

4. A cat (given by Romana in Chapter 2-6) and a chihuahua given by Carter really late in the game.
 What's the purpose of the dog? How long does a baby cow take to get milked, I bought it.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Harvest Moon AWL: Ask a question, get an answer!
« on: March 29, 2004, 01:33:56 PM »
I geuss so Salem...

My question is:
How long does it take for a cow to start milking after you bought it? I bought my second in the 1st summer, and a year later it still has the question mark over its head when I try to milk it.

Also, did the gamecube ga\me price go down or something? My local vid game store is selling them for 39.99 instead of the usual 49.99.

Use Soap

Thanks a couple more questions though:

1. What do ducks do?

2. Is there ever any other way to sell crops besides selling them to Van ( I like the classic style)

3.What does the wierd hoe do?

4. What other pets are there besides the dog (theres a pet menu, and that turtle looks suspicious...)

5. Can your dog have puppies?

Off to play some more....

Use Soap

How long does it take after the engagement to get married?
I did it on the first day of summer, and she accepted but nothigs happened

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Harvest Moon AWL: Ask a question, get an answer!
« on: March 01, 2004, 09:19:57 AM »
Now one big worry I have is that the game will haved that stupind interface from HM64 where you need to go into the menu everytime you need a freakin' tool! Is this the same in HM:AWL, or is it more akin to its PS1 cousin, where theshoulder buttons were used to change the tool?
Also what did you name your cow and dog?

General Gaming / RE:Fight Club
« on: February 26, 2004, 04:24:36 PM »
Alls I'm saying is that if the game turned out to be an ok game, with a good understanding of the actual movie (not some idiot's view on it) with at least an ok fighting scheme, it would be worth a rent. I live in a town where most people have GC's (hehe I "persuaded" them to get it) and others either are to dumb to understand or havent seen the masterpiece, so a GC version would let me get my yearly Fight Club addiction!

Oh, I had to add this...

I am Jack's lack of suprise that Fight Club is not on GC...
Oh man is that funny, and relevent, I'll call it relevunny!

General Gaming / Fight Club
« on: February 25, 2004, 12:50:58 PM »
After seeing the preview in EGM, I got to wondering, WHY IN GODS NAME IS IT NOT COMING TO GAMECUBE?!?!?! In my vision Fight Club is one amazing movie, and everyone should be able to play the game... as Bob the man with boobs.
But afterwards I realized that because developers don't give a rat's behind about our little buddy! Well, if it's just the same I was wondering if there were any rumours on the subject of it coming to Gamecube.

Oh, and by the way this year's April Fools Joke was lame, Harvest Moon getting a bad score
And yes I do realize that the actual joke was the Middle Earth Racing: Mordor GP... LAME

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Return of the King anyone???
« on: December 14, 2003, 04:14:23 AM »
I agree with Luciferson, the game does make you feel like your in an epic battle. The graphics are amazing, each animation looks as smooth as a babies bottom. On co-op the game is outrageously fun, (thats right outrageously fun), and single player is great, too. I've only played the first gandalf level in single player, but in co-op the game is very strategical, sometimes you have to stop in the middle of a combo just so your buddy can get the potion in front of you.

Oh, all that from the first 4 levels, mmmmmmmm... amazing game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Harvest Moon
« on: November 29, 2003, 08:57:35 AM »
U-S-A Baby U-S-A!!! NO but really Harvest Moon is a great game, though it can somtimes get repetitive. The game was an instant classic on SNES along with Secret of Mana and Mario ect. But yeah I'm looking forward to it! Oh, and everyone should name thier horse pokey and thier dog fatty.

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