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Messages - StarBlue

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TalkBack / Start your March off fresh, play an old favorite!
« on: March 03, 2003, 05:24:51 AM »
Yup, that is why I quit doing it.  There was a SEGA Genesis game that  I sold off and then later wanted it back, cost me a bundle on eBay because the game was long ago out of publication and considered a collectors item.  So after that I never sold any more off.


TalkBack / Analysts Recommend Nintendo Turn Third-Party
« on: February 27, 2003, 06:22:10 AM »
I read VisualWarp's post and was thinking, didn't Sony release a hand held game system in Japan.  Also I thought that it tanked so badly that it was pulled within a year of release.  I might be wrong, someone correct me if I am.  Also Xbox does have a portable game system, it is called a LAPTOP.  In the last couple of days I have thought about something, many people are claiming that PC gaming is dead or dying.  So did the Xbox just shoot Microsoft in its own foot?  Think back 18 months, PC gaming is going strong and people buy new machines when games they want to play won't play on their old 486's and Pentium I's.  So then comes along Xbox and people say well it is cheaper to buy an Xbox then a new PC, Hmmmmm $299 versus $2000.  Also then the person can still use their PC for their checkbook and to write letters.  Most of the Xbox games were to be PC ports (ie Midtown Madness, Crimson Skies, etc) or at least promised that PC game developers could easily bring their PC games to the Xbox with little fuss.  So back to present day, the PC industry is in a Major slump, PC Games have staggnated, Microsoft sales of Windows and Office are down and stock is taking a beating.  Every time someone buys an Xbox, Microsoft is loosing well over a hundred dollars or more.  Before Xbox, Microsoft was MAKING a couple hundreds of dollars when they where forcing PC makers to put Windows on a new machine.  If I was Bill Gates I would find the genius that thought up the Xbox and FIRED HIS ASS!!!  Hey maybe if every GameCube owner out there went out and bought a Xbox, but never bought any games and just use it as a DVD player, I wonder how much a beating 10 Million units times $200 loss on each Xbox; that comes to a 2 Billion dollar loss.  OUCH  Bill might just have to drive the Lexus to work instead of the Mercedes Limo to make up the difference.  Wow, now I sound like an analyst and can get Microsoft to dump Millions to me to change my analysis that says all of that will make Nintendo give up the market and Microsoft will rule the World.

Like VisualWarp, I too waited until something happend before getting an Xbox.  For me the shoe fell when Rare was sold off, I am sorry I was WEAK!!! please forgive me but I just had to have the next Conker game.  So far I have bought ONE game (Blinx) and it sucked, someone game me Shenmue II and it is ok but still looks like a Dreamcast game.  So far I have a dusty DVD player aka Xbox, but hey it is a nice player.  Hahahaha


TalkBack / Analysts Recommend Nintendo Turn Third-Party
« on: February 26, 2003, 04:33:03 AM »
I have a few more comments after I read a few to mine.  I agree with visualwarp in that Rare so far has done NOTHING for Xbox, instead there are a ton of Xbox owners out there yet to have a Rare game to play with.  If I remember right Kameo was suppose to hit the streets this spring, it so far has disappeared of the radar and nobody knows when it is coming out; I now hear possible October release.  Oh it is funny to see all of these Xbox fanboys saying "Yeah we got Rare and Xbox rules" but in the mean time Rare is behind schedule and yet to deliver ONE TITLE; brings back a lot of memories.  I am so happy that Retro delivered Metroid Prime right at the start of the holidays, also if anyone has not played Eternal Darkness please do!!! because Silicon Knights made a great game.  Too bad it got released about the same time as Resident Evil because to many non PGC sites put them in the same catagory.  Also I do find it interesting that Xbox is going through a revision???, that has to be costing Microsoft a lot of cash to retool its factories, the cost of redesigning, besides the fact it is going to upset a lot of current Xbox owners.  Ok with Nintendo we have a couple of redesigns in our history(SNES after N64 released, also I am not sure but I think NES did after 6 years on the market?), but not 18 months after release.  By the way, Microsoft is not just loosing Millions, it is Billions and Billions to paraphrase Carl Sagan.  At last count the Xbox division has lost over 2 Billion, they expect to loose 5 Billion before Microsoft says they will re-evaluate its Xbox strategy(Meaning pulling the plug).  There are a lot of people out on news groups that talk that they want to pick up a second system, I tell them about the games Nintendo has(In the least Fanboy tone I can) and many of them go out look and come back and say they did not know Nintendo had some great titles and more on the way.  The reason I say "Least Fanboy tone" is that Nintendo Fanboys have a bad rap as being loud and obnoxious, I am trying to show that a Fanboy can be intelligent and break the sterotype.  

TalkBack / Analysts Recommend Nintendo Turn Third-Party
« on: February 25, 2003, 05:05:18 PM »
Hey All,

I have been around since the Atari 2600 and along the way there are a lot of console manufacturers that don't exist anymore.  I am sure we all know many of them, SEGA is by far the most recent and most dramatic.  Nintendo has a lot of loyal fans out there that fight to keep Nintendo from joining the ranks of Coleco, Atari, and SEGA; it is too painful for a lot of us to contemplate.  However, I watched these companies sink and there is something that I see with Nintendo that I did not see with the others.  Atari, SEGA, Coleco had massive debt and there was no way for them to dig out of it.  SEGA realized this and decided at the last moment to jump ship and become a third party.  Also I feel with SEGA is that they still make management mistakes that still to this day cause SEGA not to be around in 5 years(ie taking on EA in sports titles), their debt is better but only barely.  Nintendo makes mistakes too, I feel that Nintendo of America does not do a good job of telling NCL WHAT IS WRONG!!!  Is this from all of the talent that left NOA??  I don't know but I am a professional IT engineer and I know how Microsoft works.  If any of you have been to Redmond, you know that NOA and Microsoft are about two blocks away from one another.  Microsoft has a lot of money to throw around and they do it without regard to who gets in the way.  They know that money has a lot of influence, in getting consumers as well as talent to run the business.  Sony is the same way, this is why those two corporations are some of the largest in the World as well as very successful.  I am not afraid that Nintendo will leave the console market, I am more afraid that I might have to learn Japanese so that I can import and play all of the Miyamoto masterpeices if Nintendo dumps the American and European markets.  Nintendo knows that to survive they have to make a profit, right now that is Japan; Gameboy has no real competition so it makes money eveywhere.
Sony and Microsoft have a lot of public relations groups, I would not be surprised this analysis was sponsered by Microsoft in some way.  The PR groups have ONE goal in mind, discredit each other and Nintendo and they do this by causing image problems just like this report.  Image is a major problem, but if I knew the answer for Nintendo I would be one of those rich CEOs.  Yes it hurts to see the company that gave us so many great games, but it does no good to dis other systems; it just helps to destroy Nintendo.  I have read about this report on many sites today, and I have noticed that many PS2 / Xbox fanboys out there complain of how kiddie the system is.  But why when someone mentions the possibility of Super Mario Sunshine being played on a Sony / Microsoft console they all think it would be awsome and can't wait until it happens?!?!  Nintendo makes great games, it has work to do on image but as long as Nintendo is wanting and able to make wonderful games that I want to play, I will buy them.  When they release the next generation console, I will buy it!!  I will also tell my friends what makes Nintendo great, and show them the games that the other two consoles only wished they could play.  Sorry for an old Atari Fanboy getting on his soap box.


General Gaming / Nintendo Nexus - Nintendo's Next Console???
« on: February 05, 2003, 08:08:05 AM »
Hey All,

I was out wondering around a few forum's on the net and found some cool pictures.  I am fairly safe in saying that these are FAKE, if you don't belive me then I have some Enron stock I will sell you.  I saw them on Amazon's Gamers Forum and GameSpot's Forum, so far nobody is taking credit.


Another thread's already been shut down for the same bandwidth theft.  Read the rules please.

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