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Messages - KillerQuake

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / RE: Get Old School Sooner
« on: June 04, 2004, 04:02:11 AM »
I couldn't hold back... had to get that NES GBA SP... already have two normal GBAs, no SP yet, so at least I had some sort of excuse (=p). Also picked up Zelda and Bomberman (the first is the best in both cases imo).

General Gaming / RE:Wavy Lines on TV.... cause? fix?
« on: September 18, 2003, 04:55:38 PM »
Hi again guys,

In regards to jnak00's post, no, it was not a subwoofer or any other electrical pulse causing distortion. Turns out it is a major problem with Samsung Flat Screen TVs... so, I got Circuit City to take it back (happens to be the 2nd one my store in particular has just recently had returned... model is Samsung TXN3245FP so people can avoid it :frown... its a shame cuz Samsung has great image clarity aside from that problem. Anyway, I instead purchased a Sony 32" WEGA, which, from friends recommendations and personal experience, is an excellent television. Hopefully I'll have better luck =p

Thanks for all your help guys!

General Gaming / RE:Wavy Lines on TV.... cause? fix?
« on: September 14, 2003, 08:01:00 AM »
Well, yes, it is annoying, but probably because I have a tendency that once I notice something, I zone in on it, probably making it look worse than it really is. It is a DynaFlat, yes, and had I of known of the issue prior to buying it (even though I did read hundreds of reviews (literally) and did not see this problem mentioned once), I probably would not have bought a DynaFlat. However... now I have it and it has been over 30 days so I can't take it back to Circuit City... I suppose I may try to get some warranty service on it... I just don't want to take it in someplace myself =( It weighs 173 lbs and it was quite a chore carrying it upstairs! =p

General Gaming / Wavy Lines on TV.... cause? fix?
« on: September 12, 2003, 04:47:20 PM »
Hi fellas, I recently purchased a Samsung 32" EDTV (ProgressiveScan 480p, 480i) and enjoy the TV very much except for one small problem. Lines that are meant to be straight up and down (vertical, like walls and such), appear to be wavy, or bent near the edge of the screen. This can happen on my GC, DVD player, or just regular TV, so I don't believe its a Progressive Scan issue. However, its also not a constant thing. Some scenes will not have this problem, but more often or not, they do.

I was hoping some electrics techy out there would be able to point me in the right direction as far as a resolution for this matter (perhaps something that can be done in the service menu or simply by degausing(?) the TV monitor?[since it sounds like a CRT tube turning on ])

Any help that my fellow GCers can give me will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks guys...


General Gaming / Progressive Scan Questions
« on: July 16, 2003, 09:33:42 AM »
I recently bought a Samsung ED (Enhanced Digital) w/ Progressive Scan 32"  TV... so of course I had to get the cable so I could use progressive scan with my GC

Now... my DVDs look absolutely beautiful now and sound great (Dolby Digital hookup)... the DVD player manual said to only hookup the video input you plan on using (component); not component and s-video for example... one or the other. This leads to my question...

I currently have my GC hooked up through the component cables AND the AV cables (mainly for audio, but I still have the composite video hooked up as well). Per the DVD manual, should I disconnect the composite video to achieve better visual quality? Just making sure I'm getting the best out of my investment.

Nintendo Gaming / what about the gerudos?
« on: April 29, 2003, 08:44:29 AM »
Possible spoilers...

I believe the Gerudo were wiped out. My reasoning for this is as follows: Tetra states, as she and Link approach the Forsaken Fortress for the first time, that the Fortress used to be home to another band of pirates, "but they were only small time." This leads me to believe that she is referring to the Forsaken Fortress as being the Gerudo Fortress, which would make sense, since its now the hideout of Gannondorf, of the Gerudos. Perhaps the Gerudo females couldn't survive the flood or whatever. Anyway, there's my thoughts.

Nintendo Gaming / A guess about something...(Spoilers)
« on: April 19, 2003, 03:35:20 PM »
Seems logical, but here's why I don't think its possible. (Spoilers as in the topic)

The sages in the temples were originally in the temples praying to the Gods so the Master Sword could keep its power. When Gannondorf came a took their souls away, they were essentially killed (and this supposedly happened before Hyrule was flooded), so therefore that boy of the kokiri could not of lived to evolve into Koroks (read Makar), he simply didn't exist anymore. Makar could be a reincarnation (which I believe is stated in the game in some form or another), but he is not the directly evolved Kokiri.

Nintendo Gaming / New to the forums but a Q about zelda
« on: March 26, 2003, 08:58:51 AM »
Here's my little opinion on this, but remember, its only my opinion, I don't know for sure

****** MINOR SPOILER ALERT FOR OoT (if anyone cares) **********

If you go back to the original Legend of Zelda game (for NES), it was a story (read: "legend") about the Princess Zelda. All the games since then have primary focused somewhat on the tale of Zelda, even though you play as Link. Think about it for a second, using OoT as the prime example. Without Zelda, there would be no legend. While Link is a very important role in the game, Zelda its just as important if not more since she is one of the Sages and has a piece of the Triforce, just like Link and Ganon. So in that sense, the game could have been titled the Legend of Link or the Legend of Ganon, since all three are the primary (perhaps secondary) characters in most, if not all the games. In the words of my college english class, the three of them (Zelda, Link, and Ganon) form an exotic Gothic Triangle. The two empowered males (assuming you can consider Ganon "male" =p) fight for control of the endangered female, perhaps with some love interests. OoT really complicated this, but I think it fits. I think Wind Waker will cement this "gothic triangle" argument for you once you play through it. I have already played through the first (short) half, and can already see that it fits quite nicely.


Anyway, if I confused you as much as I confused myself, let me know, and I'll try to clarify my thinking on this.

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