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Messages - Sir Kero

Pages: [1] 2 3
TalkBack / RE:
« on: October 13, 2003, 04:13:00 PM »
great stuff! I'm looking foward to seeing it at decent quality...

btw, does anyone know what that song is?

General Gaming / RE:D-sub mod - DIY?
« on: July 28, 2003, 08:33:53 PM »
I looked through my old links and didn't find much of anything useful, just that the D-Sub has three extra wires attached to the back of the PCB. You can desolder those and use (two of) them for your H and V sync signals. The process is otherwise identical between the two cables, D-sub is just easier because you don't have to add extra wires. I don't think there is a way to get a d-sub cable at a good price, unlesss you know someone going overseas.

There's a third option, which is to take Nintendo's cable off the PCB alltogether and solder a VGA cable to it directly. If you go that route you won't have to pay extra for the D-sub cable, but the soldering is a little trickier (and you'll need to find/buy a good VGA cable).
Tell me if you're interested, otherwise I don't want to get too wordy about it.

Good luck in any case.

Nintendo Gaming / New nintendo periferal idea: 3d glasses?
« on: July 09, 2003, 07:24:16 PM »
Gunpei Yokoi! Get it right!

umm... anyway, I've been thinking about 3d add-ons to home consoles, probably since I saw N64 games running on my brothers PC with shutter lenses (It's legal if you own the game... don't look at me like that!). The problem is that for the GC to produce the same kind of graphics quality twice, it would need to have twice as much (graphical) processing power. In other words, a 3D add-on would need to have a secondary GPU at least as powerful as the Gekko, twice as fast if you want it to output to two lenses and a TV seperately (just a note, normal TVs aren't compatible with the shutter-lense systems that are used with PCs, so any 3D lenses for GC would have to be independant displays). I don't know if the Hi Speed Port is high enough speed for that, or if the GameCube's infrastructure would allow that kind of expandability, but the GBPlayer is taking up that space now anyway. phooie.

Sure it would just be a gimmick, but it would be so coool.
I say die_seis is just a spoil sport.

One more thing.. Rad Racer (and 3D World Runner) use Red/Blue 3D glasses, but they're reversed if I remember correctly.. and R.O.B. is in F-Zero GX in case you missed that.

General Gaming / S-Video vs Component With a Non-480p TV
« on: June 18, 2003, 01:41:36 PM »
See this page for a visual comparison of interlaced signals from both cables (in addition to RF and Composite).

In any case, listen to Round Eye. Component may not look any better than S-video right now, but on the off-chance your TV does support progressive scan, or you get a better unit in the near future, you'll definately want component cables. There's a good chance they'll work with Nintendo's next system as well.

Nintendo Gaming / Play GC through a laptop?
« on: June 12, 2003, 02:32:49 PM »
I've seen Laptops with video output, but I'm not sure about input. If you've got a laptop with VGA input though, the GC monitor adaptor will work just fine (you just have to know how to make the laptop use the external signal). The question then is if you can put up with the LCD's bad refresh rate.

General Gaming / Does OOT(Bonus Disc) support 480i?
« on: June 12, 2003, 02:21:17 PM »
P is Progressive, I is Interlaced. The number refers to the vertical resolution, but if it's interlaced you only really get half of that.. so, 480p is like 640x480 on your computer, 480i is like extra fuzzy 320x240. (OK so maybe I oversimplified some of that, but you get the idea right?)
1080i is a high enough resolution that it's better than 480p, even though it's interlaced, but it still can't beat 720p. Unfortunately the GC can't output anything higher than 480p.

Nintendo Gaming / A GB link cable that connects to... ethernet?
« on: May 15, 2003, 10:34:31 PM »
The link isn't working for me (yet).

Anyway... there's an internet (via cel phone) connector for the GB in Japan. Could be interesting if this thing serves the same purpose.
I was seriously hoping the GB player could use the BB adaptor instead, but alas...

update: Now that I've seen it.. I think I smell some photoshop in there. too bad.
Great site you found there though. With that SP Ext2 pinout I may be able to make a cube-link that recharges the battery ^_^
Too bad I don't have the money for an SP. blah

Nintendo Gaming / Experiment sucessful. (Pokemon Transfer.)
« on: May 15, 2003, 10:27:37 PM »
I thought that might be the reason they weren't backwards compatible. Thanks very much for confirming my suspicions.
But why specifically would they need cross country compatibility? It could be for international tournaments... could be for a global MMO... interesting food for thought.

General Gaming / Nintendo Live WEb Cam
« on: May 15, 2003, 02:02:28 PM »
Geeks and businessmen walking around.. wow. exciting.

You're really not missing much vitaflo

Nintendo Gaming / Gameboy SP a waste of time?
« on: May 13, 2003, 10:48:38 PM »
It's true the SP isn't as comfortable, and I'm not sure I like the "clicky" dpad, but it's more than an even tradeoff for the light, battery, and compact size. Like macsh said, the original is just a little big to carry around all the time, especially with a light attached to it (I've got that gamester floodlight, which is itself about the size of an SP).

Did anyone else notice that the SP's light turns off in sleep mode? or that the speaker is louder and clearer? (you can actually hear it outdoors!) The SP is full of thoughtful features beyond just a lightup screen, and very very far from being a waste of time (or money).

This from someone who doesn't even own one... I had my Black GBA imported, and I'd really love to do it again with the SP. Curse my empty wallet!

Nintendo Gaming / Hooking your GC to computer monitor?
« on: May 13, 2003, 10:34:17 PM »
You won't find that kind of stuff in common stores, you'd be lucky to find them at a game or electronics store even.

Kyosho is the first person I've heard who actually likes the redant box.. you might want to read reviews of it first. The main thing to consider is that it doesn't support progressive scan at all. It has to convert (or "upscan") interlaced video to make it work on a monitor. I haven't seen the redant box in action for myself, so I can't outright condemn it, but upscan conversion usually gives a really shoddy picture.

egman mentioned VGA cables made for the GC, and that's the solution I went with. Unfortunately you can't use it with non-progresseive games, but I've only played one of those anyway so... I'm not complainin'. All first and second party games support prgressive scan, as do most third party games of any consequence.
I made the cable myself, out of a component cable from Nintendo, a VGA extension cable, and many hours of tedious work. If you search a little you can find several places selling these things pre-made, and fifty bucks doesn't sound at all bad.

Nintendo Gaming / PS2 price cut
« on: May 13, 2003, 09:58:21 PM »
I think our squishy, tentacled freind meant that he was planning to buy one after the price drop, but was severely dissapointed by the dinky $20 cut.
I know I feel the same way.. There aren't enough PS2 games I really want to warrant a $180 purchase, but $150 certainly would have tempted me.

btw.. is there any particular reason to puit this in GC Discussion? just curious..

General Gaming / Where would controllers be without Nintendo?
« on: May 13, 2003, 03:50:36 PM »
There were analog sticks for the PC long before the N64 came out, but they were flight sticks. I believe Sega beat Nintendo to the punch with the Saturn analog, but I'm not certain. In any case, the best you can really say is that Nintendo standardized analog thumbsticks in gamepads. They were the first to use force feedback in console games at least, but I've been told Space Harrier in the arcades had some kind of rumble feature.

but let's expand a little... Nintendo (Gunpei Yopkoi specifically) invented the light gun, and effectively the entire gallery shooter genre. Nintendo also created the four-button diamond that everyone but Nintendo is still using. Both the diamond and the new GC setup were designed by Miyamoto. I'm sure I must be leaving something out... would we have DDR if there had never been a Power Pad? I'm not sure we'd be able to pause games if Nintendo hadn't created the start button (NOA was even nice enough to put one on the 2P controller).

OldMan Nintendo already touched on this, but basically without Nintendo we wouldn't even have a game industry anymore, much less good controllers.

Nintendo Gaming / Geist: Coolest game style ever!
« on: May 13, 2003, 03:13:44 PM »
They're a startup from Florida, if you'd read the articles.. oh well.

I think thay've been playing too much Avenging Spirit (if that's possible). Of course, that was a platformer, this is the first time I've heard of a posession-FPS, so I guess that's innovation.
Don't get me wrong, I really am looking foward to this game (unlike most FPSs).

I see living people

Ty must be trying to mess with our heads...
Inside the article it says the game is still GC exclusive.

Nintendo Gaming / GBA SP Colors
« on: May 13, 2003, 02:05:36 PM »
I'd wait 'til after E3, just because the price might drop. I can't see that you lose anything by waiting a few days either way.
Whether the power will be compatible or not depends on where you're at. In the US I don't think it will be a problem, but if you're in Europe or Australia you'll need a new cable or a power converter.
I don't have any clue what you mean by 110 and 220 versions, but oh well...

By the way, there are two limited edition colors for the SP so far. There's a Pearl White SP that comes with FFTA, and a Flame Orange SP (Pokécenter exclusive) with Achamo/Torchic emblazened on the front. They're both exclusive to Japan for now.

Nintendo Gaming / Any Lufia fans on the board?
« on: May 06, 2003, 12:12:40 PM »
From what I've seen, the new game can be described as Lufia 2 only shinier. It still has Zelda-esque puzzles, it still has capsule monsters, and it's got that rockin' battle music I love so much.
I've heard the story isn't anything to get excited about, but... (I love your sig by the way.)

If all goes as planned it will be in my pocket where I had money before.

Nintendo Gaming / namco museum and other oldschool games.
« on: May 05, 2003, 10:02:34 PM »
I believe you're thinking of the GameCube version, or maybe Bubble Bobble Old & New...
They could easily have given it a 32-bit flare, but alas it's just five classic games in nearly their original form. Actually that's sounding pretty good.. how much did you pay for it?

Nintendo Gaming / Kirby's Air Ride
« on: May 05, 2003, 09:48:37 PM »
Kirby's Air RIde, Mother 3, Too Human... when are they going to tell us Thornado is back in development?

KAR looks great to me, though certainly I may be biased after waiting so long since they teased us with the N64 demo. It's come a long way since then though, and I really don't think HAL will dissapoint us.
I'm glad to see Wheelie's in it, but I hope some more obscure baddies make it in, like U.F.O., Capsule J., or Keke. Unfortunately frogs cant fly, so we'll be seeing yet another Kirby game without my lovable namesake.

Nintendo Gaming / Any Lufia fans on the board?
« on: May 05, 2003, 09:23:03 PM »
I've yet to see any Estpolis/Lufia discussion, despite the game coming out tomorrow.. er, today. I shouldn't stay up so late.
Is anyone else excited about it? won't it be terrific to see multiplayer endless dungeuns? (ok so they end after 60 floors.. whatever.)
I know the games have never had a big following, but I would like to see what others think about it.

Nintendo Gaming / castlevania: aria of sorrow
« on: May 05, 2003, 09:02:23 PM »
I played through almost half the game.. and only died once (I was playing with a pad btw). Sure, it may be harder than HoD/CoMS, but it's still way too easy.

I'm looking foward to the extras, as I hope and expect there to be other playable characters as in SotN and CoMS. Even once through should be pretty satisfying though, with 112 enemy souls to collect, and a number of interesting items as well (gotta love chain-blades ^_^). If that sounds overwhelming, don't worry about it. For completists, it's nothing compared to trying to collect every item in SotN. If you don't want to "catch 'em all" there's no need, you'll be given any soul you need to get through the game.

(P.S. CoMS = Concerto of Midnight Sun, HoD's name in Japan. Much cooler ne?)

Nintendo Gaming / Just for Kicks...
« on: May 02, 2003, 05:01:01 PM »
I have this problem of experimenting with baddies, just to see what I can and can't do with them.
In WW it's really great to see them kill eachother, or fall off platforms to drown in the ocean.

I also spent alot of time making my own sea chart, with platforms, giant squid, almost everything actually... that wasn't entirely useless thouigh, it helped me keep track of what I'd accomplished already.

NWR Feedback / Boards version 4 suggestions
« on: May 02, 2003, 04:39:20 PM »
I think I broke it...
I couldn't edit my profile for awhile but it's working again. (I may even have a pic. wahoo)

It does seem odd that we'd have to take at least a minute to edit posts... not too inconvenient though. a minute can go by pretty fast, and I'm usually doing other things anyway.

P.S. I do have a pic, it's perfect. Thanks Rick!  

General Gaming / What resolution uses the GC games?
« on: May 01, 2003, 01:18:28 PM »
Last I heard, the Xbox VGA adaptors could only manage 640x480.. though I suppose you could use one of those expensive Component-to-VGA adaptors to get 720p or 1080i.

Gamecube games run at something close to 640x480, without exception.

General Gaming / Help me please!! (Progressive Scan/vga cable)
« on: May 01, 2003, 12:59:55 PM »
Not all games supported the DC VGA box though... besides that, the video obviously wasn't interlaced when they came out of the box, so I'll assume it was progressive afterall.
Those generic SNES/N64/GC are just crummy upscan converters.

The VGA cable does work with all games, but unless the game supports progressive you won't see it on your monitor (unless you're lucky enough to have a rare 15khz compatible model). It should work just fine for any TV-Monitor unit, or digital projectors.. ^_^ a little obsession of mine. Seeing Prime or Wind Waker on the wall can give you chills. Works wonders for WinAmp visualizations too.

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