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Messages - reef

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Pokémon X/Y
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:37:09 PM »
I believe that this game is set in a Pokemon version of France... at least, I read that somewhere this morning. I'll try and find a legit source, but it could be just a coincidence or fan wank

TalkBack / Re: Gunman Clive Review
« on: January 05, 2013, 08:05:58 PM »
I just beat this game for the first time with Clive on Normal, and the game tells me I did it in 1 hour and seven minutes with 79 retries, probably most spent on that train boss lol. I'm not good at video games, but that's longer than I expected, and I definitely want to play more of the other characters and tougher difficulties.

Overall I liked the style of the game and thought it was really engaging. Some of the elements that were borrowed from other 2D platformers were cool, but some did not work as well in Gunman Clive (bouncing mushrooms, particularly) because of how floaty he is. But still, definitely a great game - game of the year so far  ;)

TalkBack / Re: Renegade Kid Gauges Interest in Mutant Mudds Retail
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:13:00 PM »
I haven't bought Mutant Mudds yet, so this would be pretty cool for me - especially if Renegade Kid decided to collaborate with some other eShop developers for something like the Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged collection

Were sales numbers for Bit Trip Saga released? It would be kind of interesting to know if it succeeded on 3DS at retail

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