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Messages - hypersonic5

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / RE: Can I use my laptop to play Game Cube?
« on: May 17, 2004, 08:38:24 PM »
You need a TV capture card.

TalkBack / RE: Meet the Nintendo DS!
« on: May 11, 2004, 06:29:09 AM »
This is cool

Nintendo Gaming / RE:My Nintendo DS mockups...
« on: May 03, 2004, 02:54:12 PM »

Originally posted by: PaleZer0
Alright, thats a pretty cool idea, but it aint gonna happen.  See, it isn't really that original.

I based my design off of the Sidekick. I love the Sidekick. Coolest. Phone. Ever.

Nintendo Gaming / My Nintendo DS mockups...
« on: May 01, 2004, 05:11:34 PM »

...In three flavors...

My mockup sports a sideways sliding screen, 4 face buttons, a circular directional pad, two speakers for real stereo sound, 2 shoulder buttons(not shown) and Mario Golf

Yes, I was very bored today.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What is Too Human?
« on: November 21, 2003, 04:39:16 PM »
It is a video game that has been in development for close to ten years I think by Silicon Knights. It was supposedly almost finished for Playstation when Nintendo bought out SK. Nothing has been heard of the game so far, but Denis Dyack has said in a couple of interviews that SK hasn't cancelled any of it's games. It is supposed to be a revolutionary sci-fi game that you can play through in a number of ways. People think it might be a launch title for N5 because nothing has been said about it being released on the Gamecube.

I think there was an old IGN preview of it. Search for it.


Originally posted by: Grey Ninja
I swear that some people just have no sense of style or design.  Even the idea of putting an x86 CPU in a GameBoy strikes me as vile and hideous.

I am not familiar with too many systems, but I know the GBA inside out, and I find that it's simply a masterpiece of hardware design.  Such a masterpiece wouldn't be possible with an x86 processor.  You would have messy DOS style code that doesn't do anyone any good.  Oh, I am sure that Nintendo would make it nice and all, but the x86 is seriously a REALLY horrid little chip.  There are plenty of better things out there I assure you.

But seriously, what's the big deal with putting off the shelf PC Parts in a console?  It's half the reason the Xbox is selling so well, and it REALLY pisses me off.  The Xbox is a masterpiece of LAZY design, and people buy into it.  That seriously irks me.

You do realize that, unless you are using a Mac, the computer you posted on runs on an x86 compatible processor. I don't understand your reasoning when you say "the x86 is seriously a REALLY horrid little chip." If there are "plenty of better things" out there, why don't you show me any, or at least back your ridiculous comments with proof or some type of logical reasoning.

There is no one "x86" chip. There are many different ones that utilize different technologies (pioneered by Intel or AMD). That processor I linked to in my first post was an example. That VIA chip is hundreds of times faster than the processor in the Game Boy Advance.

I'm sorry, but your lack of knowledge about this matter "strikes me as vile and hideous." If you do not understand what an x86 processor is, I don't know why you care to reply and bash my post instead of discussing the benefits or disadvantages of the x86 architecture in a mobile platform like the Game Boy Advance.

The Game Boy has to evolve. Nintendo doesn't have time to wait for ARM to evolve with it.  

Check this out. It is Via's recently announced ultra-small x86 processor. Not only is this thing fast(1 Ghz with lots of built-in instructions for stuff like mutimedia etc.), but it only put out around 7W of heat! Wow! For comparison, a Pentium 4 puts out about 90W of heat(This is from what I remember, might be incorrect, but I'm sure its close).

The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this thing being announced a few weeks ago was, "Wow! Imagine this thing powering the next Game Boy! With a nice ATi graphics chipset this thing would probably run better than a Gamecube!"

Now there are a number of reasons for Nintendo to use a mini-x86 proc for the next Game Boy. First of all, it is the platform most developers are familiar with. This in turn means that there would be more PC developers and those developers that are more experienced with programming with x86(The types of procs all Wintel machines use) to the next Game Boy. Also this would mean even more games. If you think the GBA has a lot of games now, imagine the chaos as literally thousands of developers publish games for it. Another reason why using this chip or something similar would be good is the sheer power. I know that Mhz does not always equal performance, but Via's processors have been pretty good so far, especially for their size and low heat output.  I think that 1 Ghz Eden CPU would probably equal an 800 Mhz or so Celeron. Then again it has those built in multimedia instructions like Coolstream and Vinyl Audio that could handle things better than a stock Celeron. In any case, the processor is probably faster than Gamecube or Xbox's chips, even though it might not be optimized for gaming as much as those processors are. But imagine the kind of power this thing can put out when coupled with a high end 3D ATi graphics processor. PSP eat your heart out!

Although the only thing I see that culd be a downside to this is that x86 based processors are not compatible with the ARM type that the Game Boy systems use. This isn't a problem if Nintendo would just write a software emulator that would be stored on the system's internal memory.

w00t first post!

Nintendo Gaming / Shenmue 3 to include 1 and 2?
« on: July 19, 2003, 01:31:34 PM »
I feel sorry for all the poor people who missed out on Shenmue for Dreamcast. it really WAS one of the greatest experiences ever. Hopefully this will be multiplatform so all can enjoy it the way it was meant to be.

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