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Messages - Goldhawk

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Re: Modern Warfare 3 Officially Confirmed for Wii
« on: September 07, 2011, 12:27:21 AM »
Ya MW 2 will never come out for wii. And also i want to make a point. Since Treyarch is making all the call of duty games for wii im thinking its because they are losing money and copying the best know firstperson shooter series games that Activision made was the answer. I believe that making these wii games are the only thing keeping Treyarch alive. There main interest? people who have no money to buy ps3 and xbox and people who only have a wii console. I mean if all the cool games are coming out for wii now, why do i have to buy an xbox and ps3 that costs alot more? Just to get better graphics?

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