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Messages - SnakePlissken

Pages: [1]
Nintendo Gaming / Re: Wii U
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:55:16 PM »
There are four USB slots, where are the other two?

Perhaps under the front flap? In pictures it looks to be larger and wider (the slot) than that of the Wii

They are definitely under the front flap. In fact, there are a few pictures of it floating around somewhere. There are 2 USB ports and a SD card slot under the flap.

I would not be surprised to still see a Holiday 2011 launch. I know what Iwata has said, that doesn't mean the company can't "change its mind" and announce it at E3. Would be a smart move to throw off Microsoft in particular. Not sure if Foxconn would have enough time to roll out units if they only begin making them in October though, but I have no idea.

Nintendo has also shown, numerous times, that they are willing to launch without a full lineup. E3 can't get here soon enough. I imagine launch will be March 2012 at the latest.

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