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Messages - Army_F_body

Pages: [1] 2 3
Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disk Question
« on: December 16, 2003, 08:37:27 PM »
I'm lost as well somehwere at the southern swamp.  I've only noticed the sound irregularities.  Some have said it freezes after you use an owl save point, but I have not encountered anything of that sort yet.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disk Question
« on: December 16, 2003, 08:26:42 PM »
^^Really cute avatar!!  Hey I do suck at the forums, I admit it!

Had I known that I would have made it the proper size, but I just suck so I can't help it

I'll work on it Hostile.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disk Question
« on: December 09, 2003, 02:10:00 PM »
Anyone get theirs yet through the subscription method?

General Gaming / Sega ages for PS2
« on: September 18, 2003, 07:38:12 PM »
Any y'all know if this one plans on coming out in the US.

Must have Golden Axe!!!!

General Gaming / i just bought a Master System!
« on: June 27, 2003, 05:29:12 AM »
I once ordered Golden Axe from Funco but the ended getting a game called Golden Axe Warriror or something.  Anyway it played like Zelda:LtLP but in the Golden Axe universe.  It was a pretty awesome game.  It really surprised me, it seemed pretty ahead of its time for the MS!

Nintendo Gaming / Afterburner... Is It worth it?
« on: June 10, 2003, 10:03:04 PM »
When my cousin got his XP he sold me his spice orange after burner equiped GBA for cheap.  The quality of the light is equal to the XP.  It also has a stealth switch which controls the light output.  As I recall it took him a few months to get this thing.  I wouldn't think it's worth it if you already have an XP.  I like mine better becasue of the shape of the regular GBA to the XP.  I just fits my hands better.  It's all a matter of preference, I guess.

Nintendo Gaming / GI being idiotic to nintendo
« on: June 09, 2003, 12:27:28 AM »
Unfortunately most gamers use the mags to make game buying decisions without trying them out.  To me it's quicker and easier to do this.  However, GI has been crap from the get-go.  I had a subscription when they first came out, they sucked then and they suck now.  That's back when they were, well kinda still are, the pawns of Gamestop.  They wanted to sell the games so every game got a good score so people would buy from them.  Shows were they're integrity is.  Gamepro tends to be the pawn of whatever system is the current trend setter.  Used to be PS2, now they're down for the X-box.  Don't worry, they're so wishy-washy they could be praising the 'cube next month or be the next Nintendo consules biggest supporter.

I just go for the most impartial mag out there.  Right now, EGM and GMR tend to be fairly good.  I own a PS2 as well, so when cross platform games come out, I wanna know which is better without renting and comparing side by side.  I knew something was up with Lamepro when the X-box port of what they determine to be total crap on PS2 and GCN get a nearly perfect score.   Gotta keep an open mind on things like this.  Problem is to many people just blindly believe what these mags have to say.  

Nintendo Gaming / Hacking in the matrix
« on: June 07, 2003, 05:59:37 PM »
Well finally did it today.  Traded in Enter the Matrix for Splinter Cell.  I've hacked and played till I can't hack and play no more!  Whatever your looking for, it ain't in there.   People have been saying that once Matrix: Revolutions comes out the Wachowski brothers will release a bevy of wonderfull codes and hacks for Enter the Matirx.  Not only do I think that won't happen, but if it does, what's it say for those sadistic Wachowski brothers?  I seriously expected more with all the hype this thing got.  Oh, well...

Nintendo Gaming / HELP!!!!! SERIOUS PROBLEM
« on: June 01, 2003, 02:58:24 PM »
There is a spoon...I've seen it!

General Gaming / Freeloader for PSone?
« on: June 01, 2003, 02:50:24 PM »
There needs to be a freeloader for PS2 so I can import the European version of Knight Rider since we'll never see it in the US

I know, I'm probably the only guy in the continental US to want this game  

Nintendo Gaming / Hacking in the matrix
« on: June 01, 2003, 02:45:34 PM »
I've heard it can only be used defensively in the game.  Like when you block attacks with the "z" button, you'll block instead with the sword if you have it.  I've also read it comes out when your doing some serious "focus time" combo attacks.  I'm still bitter that all this hype and the best hidden item is a sword.  Come on Atari, lets us have Trinity already!

General Gaming / Gran Truismo 4 graphics
« on: May 31, 2003, 10:40:36 PM »
If they add some more American manufacturers, specifically Pontiac, I'll buy it.  Other wise I'll keep my "Greatest Hits" copy of GT3!  At least they could add some older American models for the US manufacturers all ready in the game series.  It would rock to drive a 1st or 3rd generation Camaro Z-28!


How can they blame gamecube for poor sales when they've given us games like Sonic Adventure Battle 2 which was a piece of crap. They should stop giving us ports and start making good games...

Thank you!! I'm glad someone finally said it.  

Not just the Sonic Adveneture series but most 3rd party GC ports are pure crap.  Developers whine about poor GC sales and pull GC support becuase of declining sales.  GC owners are not buying 3rd party GC games because they tend to be crap.  I was looking forward to the GC port of Sonic Adventure, but if Sega is not going to address the poor camera issues that plagued the DC version, then why bother.  Those problems were acceptable back when I had a DC, due primarily to the fact that it was a 1st gen DC title.  However, here we are nearly in the middle of a more advanced systems life span and Sega still expects us to run out and buy this stuff.  I paid $19.99 for the DC Sonic Adventure.  To pay $39.99 for it again is an outrage if nothing is to be changed.  

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, they added all the Game Gear Sonic games to it.  Let me run out pay WAY TOO MUCH for this game!

Nintendo Gaming / The article that reveals Nintendo´s true nemesis
« on: May 28, 2003, 09:00:39 AM »
Very true stuff, I found myself doing the very same with the N64.  However, it seems like a chicken and egg argument.  
I tend to see which port is best on which system, I own a PS2 as well, before I go and buy it.  Genrally GC ports seems to campare pretty poorly to their PS2 and XBox counterparts.  Maybe developers put less time into the GC ports because of declining sales or maybe declining sales are being caused by poor 3rd party game ports.  

A majority of games that are ported to multiple systems are designed to be handled by the least powerful system out there, generally the PS2.  So when ported to GC and XBox you are essentially getting a PS2 quality game on systems that can handle way more.  Every now and then I notice developers giving little extras to the XBox leaving GC fans out.  I remember the port of "Spiderman: the movie" having slightly beefed up graphics and sound as well as an extra villian to fight on the XBox while the 'cube got exactly what PS2 owners got.  

If you read Gamepro, I don't anymore because of this, you'll see games who receive average scores on PS2 and Gamcube due to "fun factor" or gameplay receive nearly perfect scores due to the graphical enhancements that the XBox can provide to ports.  People read stuff like that.  I can't afford to rent every game for both PS2 and GC to compare side by side to see which is better, so I rely on mags such as EGM to make decisions for me.  Like "Enter the Matrix," I went with GC because the reviews state all 3 games are identicle.  That being the case I went with GC, due to the better controller and faster load times generally asociated with the 'cube.  

I remember a day when ports where all handled sepparately by developers to ensure each one took full advantage of the system for which they were being devolped.  That way it was generally accepted that the SNES port would be better graphically and sound wise than the Genesis port due to the better hardware of the SNES, but little extras were thrown into the Genesis version to even it out and make all consumers happy.  I see 3rd party support to be very weak on the GC due to a lack of this, most 3rd party support these days, however, seem to go toward the XBox.  

If developers would adhere to the ethics they showed in the 16-bit days today, everyone would be happy, and a GC player could go out with confidence to purchase the hot new 3rd party game or port knowing they are getting the best possible product.  Instead they are conditioned to respond to first party titles because Nintendo products are the only ones showing a consitency for quality.  I, however, try to keep an open mind.  I really want Nintendo to succed, but I feel a lot of it does fall into the hands of the 3rd party devopers not just the overly conditioned gamers.

Nintendo Gaming / Metroid: Prime lock up problem
« on: May 26, 2003, 12:28:12 PM »

The game has a crash bug (actually a few of them) and it's in the ruins. Simple as that. You usually run into it if you are "forcing" your way though (meaning your rushing though). It has something to do with loading (since the GC loads while you play).

Yup, I was hauling butt to the anomalous region in the ruins, and it has only happend in the ruins.  I must have been exploring the Magmoor region last night for about two hours with no problems.

Thanks for the help, everyone!

Nintendo Gaming / Metroid: Prime lock up problem
« on: May 25, 2003, 08:12:05 PM »
I remember reading about this back when the game was released, but don't remember the specifics.  I just defeated the rock creature and got the spider ball.  I've headed back to the ruins to explore the tempreture anomaly.  Now everytime I play the game locks up on me after playing for a while.  It just totally freezes and the musics gets weird.  I can't reset the GC and have to shut it down.  It restarts fine.  I've had the game since release and never had a problem, and all my other games work great.  I've had the GC since release also.  Is it a game glitch or the machine.  I'm starting to worry.

TalkBack / Atari paid how much for
« on: May 22, 2003, 07:24:51 PM »
Ok...was the game really worth.  It was a good and average game, but paying the brothers all that money will just encourage them to authorize the production of more mediocre software.  I feel the Matrix deserved better!

Nintendo Gaming / Hacking in the matrix
« on: May 18, 2003, 09:06:02 PM »
I keep seeing those Neo, Trinity and Morpheous codes on the net and can't get 'em to work...aarggh!!  Alot of people are saying that no way can you access Neo or Trinity in the game.  Someone must know.  I figured there would be somekind of code to swap the Neo skin with Ghost and the Trinity skin with Niobe.  Anyone have any insight?

Nintendo Gaming / Hacking in the matrix
« on: May 18, 2003, 01:15:10 AM »
Ok, anyone got those Neo and Trinity codes to works.  I've seen 'em on the web buck can't get the hacks to work on the game.

Heres the site:

It's late now, must sleep...

Nintendo Gaming / Hacking in the matrix
« on: May 18, 2003, 12:44:39 AM »

Nintendo Gaming / Enter The Matrix
« on: May 16, 2003, 01:50:54 PM »
I agree focus mode could use some help.  I wish you would start out with all your focus abilities at the begining, but I guess it adds to the sense of "realism" to have them download into you during the action like in the movies.  Yeah, the vehicles did look bad, considering they used one of my favorite cars in it, the 1968 Fireibird deserved better.  It is a good action game, and great stress release.  Hope one of those "hack" options in it allows you to unlock Neo and Trinity as playable characters!

TalkBack / EA Extends James Bond License To 2010
« on: May 12, 2003, 06:10:13 PM »
Maybe if they give us a choice of Bonds like Rare intended with "Goldeneye," I wouldn't mind another Nightfire style game.  That was the main reason I got "Goldeneye" was to play as Timothy Dalton, then rascally Rare takes that option out at the last minute.  Oh well, at least it was a great game!  I agree, if this next one is another "Tommorow Never Dies" I'm gonna be upset.  But "Nightfire" wasn't so bad, was it?  Better than "Agent Under Fire" at least.

General Gaming / MGS 2:SOL compatible with MGS 2:S
« on: May 08, 2003, 10:48:23 PM »
Yeah I need to get out and rent it.  I may have to just get the Twin Snakes for my Snake fix.  Man I thought either everyone was over exagerating or just joking about Raiden...!!!

General Gaming / MGS 2:SOL compatible with MGS 2:S
« on: May 06, 2003, 03:42:05 PM »
Just curious if the save game files for "Sons of Liberty" for PS2 work with the "Substance" PS2 game.  I'm interested in picking "Substance" up cause Raiden bugs and I wanna get some Solid Snake stuff in before the "Twin Snakes" GCN game comes out.  I'm about a 1/4 through SOL, taking me so long because I get disgusted after every save and have to hear the inane conversations Raiden has with his girl, and I would hate to start over!   Anyone know?

TalkBack / Metal Gear Solid Confirmed for GameCube!
« on: May 01, 2003, 08:34:04 AM »
Looks like Nintendo's second golden age is upon us!!!

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