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Messages - Sjalesho

Pages: [1]
TalkBack / Billy Berghammer Retires From Planet
« on: April 18, 2003, 10:15:30 AM »
bye bye

TalkBack / Analysts Recommend Nintendo Turn Third-Party
« on: March 01, 2003, 04:27:44 PM »

Originally posted by: StarBlue
Also Xbox does have a portable game system, it is called a LAPTOP


Hahaha....quote of the day! I really laughed for minutes when I read that sentence and it's true also.

TalkBack / Analysts Recommend Nintendo Turn Third-Party
« on: February 26, 2003, 12:26:38 PM »

Originally posted by: Perfect Cell
It might be half trues or lies or Microsoft sponsored crap, but the problem with articles like this is that it HURTS Nintendos image, Nintendo doesnt need to have companies calling it to leave the console wars, people will way, oh look Nintendo will go the way of Sega, why should i spend my hard earned money on a Gamecube now? Bad Press is Not  good in the Videogame console wars, Nintendo needs to fight back with their own sponsored propaganda to fight back this crap cause im sick of it! I want Nintendo to stay in the console buisness!

I only registered to say that I totally agree with this post! Nintendo should release a counter-attack on all that "slander". Nintendo's PR should be more than announcing games and events. Manage the media!

Also in response to those analysts:

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