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Messages - novastar512

Pages: [1] 2
Nintendo Gaming / RE:Does anyone else hate Minish Cap like me?
« on: January 08, 2005, 06:38:24 PM »
OOKKK... instead of kiddish, they lack any significant graphical detail.  Go ahead and enjoy this crap game that is way too easy.  Nintendo will just keep making more crappy games, and won't make good games if people still play these.

Zelda used to be a good games, but even that is now suffering with nintendo's terrible tiku tiku tiku!  management.  But I guess they are making money and are more concerned about that right now.

Nintendo Gaming / Does anyone else hate Minish Cap like me?
« on: January 07, 2005, 06:31:44 PM »
I played the EURO game of Zelda Minish Cap. I really wanted to like the game, but it was so freaking boring.  The world is actually REALLY small, It feels smaller than links awakening, a 10 year of gameboy zelda.

This game has the worst freaking graphics.  They are so kidish.  The puzzles are so much crap, they aren't hard at all.  I only found a few parts difficult where I had to find certain uhhhh well I don't want to have spoilers, and one part where I didnt' know where the heck to bomb.  But that wasn't even in the dungeons.  Even the bosses were lame.  

And the website said this about minish cap

"The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is one of Link's most challenging adventures yet!"

pppphhhh YEAH RIGHT.   Don't buy this game, at the most rent it.    

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo Plans Official GBA Media Reader
« on: December 16, 2004, 08:45:40 AM »
I hope nintendo does this right and bring it to North America, and if I can get gigabyte disks cheap this would be so worth it.  I dont' really want a GBA DS since I think only Mario 64 is the only realy good game I want now, and I was going to get a PSP because it had mp3 capabilities......
but now I can turn my GBA in my mp3 player too sweet.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:can any1 recommend a GC-PC USB device?
« on: June 18, 2004, 01:18:52 PM »
Its' not really that good to get a GC USB adapter.  It is nice, but there just aren't enough buttons and the digital pad is way to small.  However for racing games, the two joysticks are better than the PS2 one as far as accuracy <since they have 8 cuts in each rather than a complete circle on the ps2 ones if you get what i mean>.  And the trigger buttons are a hassle to press as a button, since you have to press them all the way until it clicks.  But for racing games it is great.

I recommend getting a PS2 one instead.  Same price, but i think it is an overall better controller for PC games, plus it has more buttons.

I got both from radioshack and they work good, except it doesn't support the wavebird   But the ps2 one supports wireless controller <the hip gear one i tried>.

TalkBack / RE:Pokemon Box Coming to U.S.
« on: June 07, 2004, 02:08:33 PM »
wow that is a great deal.  Like does it say how much shipping is? Cause i do live in canada, but we soooo get gyped across the border. Arghhh I wish stupid nintendo could sell it directly, since more people are likely to go to these web sites, and they are also distributed across US and CDN.

Oh well i guess I will just buy a link cable for my 4 swords GC elsewhere.

Nintendo Gaming / Is this a good deal <Classic games>
« on: June 06, 2004, 12:13:39 PM »
I can get 2 classic games for 40 Dollars CDN.

Although I have to get 2 of them or else i don't get a discout <60 dollars regular> but i'm getting the 2 games for 40 dollars.  Do you think it is worth buying them like this?  I was gonna get Zelda just because, i bought the original for NES<battery still works> and I also bought a crappy Nintendo Power subscription and got it to <although i got it for zelda 2>.  I was gonna get another NES games, but the other ones kinda suck... i mean for 20 bucks i could put that money for another game.... arghhh ideas? Excitebike might be ok... or donkey kong.  or even mario but i already have mario gbc and sold it.  I dunno, these games are kinda expensive.

I REALLY miss 2-d games.  We are getting all this 3-d crap.  I miss the days when 2-d were the bomb.  Ahh yes, i remember the good older zelda and mario games.  

The GBA has some good 2-d games, but there is too much emphasis on 3-d.  I love fire emblem and tactics ogre, really good fun, with sprite graphics.  But common, i NEED MORE 2-d GAMES.  

TalkBack / RE:Movie Advance GBA Movie Player Review
« on: January 25, 2004, 10:09:50 AM »
Wow this looks great.  I almost feel like getting one, just because.

I was wondering how the frame rate was for this.  Does it have a decent frame rate?  Like let's say I was watching a high paced action move.  Is it quite choppy?  For example, movie like the matrix, star wars etc..  Just wondering Thanks.  And is it detailed enough so that you can make out some of the stuff?

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo Announces Famicom Mini Games for GBA
« on: January 14, 2004, 06:00:29 AM »
Yet again, nintendo seems to be rehashing it's old games. There is no way they can justify the price.  It is just way to expensive and the games aren't just the same value as GBA games now. 20US 30 CDN is way too much for these games.

I completely agree that they should be bundle together somehow to justify the price.  I would gladly pay that price for 5 games, cause that would seem worth it.  But geez, what a rip off.

NWR Feedback / RE:PGC, what the heck is up with the ads?
« on: January 09, 2004, 03:34:09 PM »
Ok, well um, this thread kinda went a complete opposite way than I thought but whatever.  I have no "special" ads.  They are the plain old adds that PGC has anyways.  

And as far spyware programs, if you don't want them don't download programs like kazaa etc.  Which I don't, and as far as viruses, just get Norton Antivirus.  I have never had a virus because it will stop it before it has fully downloaded onto the comp and continuous monitors new files being put on the hard drive.  But it is a major systems hog, oh well just get a fast comp.

lock and delete

NWR Feedback / PGC, what the heck is up with the ads?
« on: January 08, 2004, 06:47:57 AM »
Ok what the heck is PGC up to?  Have they sunk this low?

Everytime I come to your page, or go to other pages, stupid adds, like this half clothed chick comes up every time, and it says "do you want to meet this slut?" (well not the slut part).  And they track your IP address to find out where you live, so they say are you single in <insert location>

And even on the forums, there is one add at the top and one add on the side, usually of the stupid  What the hell?  What is this crap. Pretty soon this website will start having porn.  What the hell is wrong with you guys?  Sure you need the money, but geez.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:REBEL STRIKE
« on: January 08, 2004, 06:42:59 AM »

Ok yeah yeah, you may think I don't know what I am talking about, but there are several reasons why I don't like it, but also reasons why I like it.
   - Yes the on foot missions suck.  There are just so damn boring, all you do is like just rapidly fire your laser and lock on, it is so stupid
   + The graphics in some of the levels were really good
   - The flying missions were pretty crappy, now I have owned both previous rogues, and they are much better.  Some of the levels in this game are stupid. Some of them all you do is lock on to targets with your missiles, and the missiles recharge.  Which is stupid, and takes out any need for skill, because if you actually tried to use your lasers, it would take too long and your accuracy would be lower
  - also there weren't enough flying levels
  - the speeder bike levels were OK, but that was it, and they did move erratically
  - the missions against the star destroyers were stupid, we have already been there, and all we had to do was destroy stupid ion cannons?  And flying in the star destroyer trench was a rehash alover again.
 - the extra levels sucked, they were so boring, and other rogue was better
  - the whole game was lame, why don't they use better dialoge?  I forget the quote but your guy was saving another guy and when he saved him he made this lame ass remark which was stupid.
  - these games levels were so crappy, albeit the flying missions were slightly better, but this game was a complete rehash
  + the only good thing is the multiplayer because it is the old rogue game, but, if you are playing buy your self it sucks cause you can't play it

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.  I really wanted to like it, but it is so boring. I had no incling whatsoever to play the game over.  My other rogues I played them to death and beat them both several times.  But the levels in this game were so bad and stupid.  I don't want to spoil the few good parts in theis game, but the bad definately outweighs the good.  If you don't belive me, rent it first, and you to will realise how bad it is.  

Factor 5 you should be disapointed in yourself.  You spent too much time on the multiplayer and the rest of the game play suffered.(they said this was why no multi was found in the other rogues, but now they put multi in, and as a result the single player suffered.)  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: December 21, 2003, 11:54:44 AM »

Originally posted by: Bill

Originally posted by: novastar512
finally got mine!! and I ordered on the first day and I live in canada.  

Ah, ah, ah...*waves finger at novastar*

It's more of an accomplishment when you own the original games...

hey hey hey.  I only don't own the Zelda 2 and the crappy cdi games.  I was gonna get Zelda 2, but all the copies I have found don't have the battery save working. So hey, what the heck.  I didn't want to waste my money on a copy that didn't work.  

Oh well.  IT IS ZELDA TIME!!!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: December 17, 2003, 03:46:00 PM »
finally got mine!! and I ordered on the first day and I live in canada.  


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mario & Luigi
« on: November 17, 2003, 02:09:32 PM »
I played it for the first 10 minutes and it was boring.  I really hope the whole game isn't like this.  Oh well, can't wait for the release.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Zelda Bonus Disc....?
« on: November 17, 2003, 02:06:12 PM »
Well, I ordered mine with a new Nintendo Power Subscription.

I might get Mario Kart, I heard it got bad reviews and I read them.  So I dunno.  1080, plays really well and it is fun, but I am owried about the real game and whethere it is going to be fun.  Mario Luigi, is a little bit boring, I have played it and I would consider a different game like Sword of Mana.  Mario Party 5is a joke, it will never beat #2.

Anyway, at least I am finally gonna be able to beat Zelda2.  My uncle has it for the NES, but the battery is shot and you can't save, so I have never gotten past the 3 castle.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What game should i get for Christmas?
« on: November 10, 2003, 01:52:49 PM »
If you like story and strategy(which really makes you think) get Fire Emblem.  But if you don't like characters talkin for like 5-10 minutes pass.

General Gaming / RE:Crimson Skies on XBox Live
« on: November 09, 2003, 11:45:41 AM »
Damn, this game looks so good.  I played the PC demo of the 1st and it rocked.  Kinda like Rogue Squadron.  On most games now due to not having time to play games, I only play MP. lol  And skip the SP

If there was an adapter to play MD's and write MD's it might be worth it to buy a PSP, but I seriously doubt that.  

There is no way they can compete with the IPOD, since the adapter would have to buy a harddrive or they might have a different unit for alot more with a memory card holder(new mem cards are gonna be to 1 GB in a year)

General Gaming / RE:2 months of Live Free with Xbox games???
« on: November 09, 2003, 11:40:42 AM »
Yeah it is good they give you a trial "free" but the games that come with it blow.  I suggest you find a cheap non bundled XBOX and buy the 1 year licenese for XBOX live instead and get Mech assault.  I would get one but I don't have time to play on it(i have PS2+ONLINE, GBSP AND GC)_

« on: November 09, 2003, 11:38:59 AM »
I have one, but the screewn is slowly degrading on the sides.  So like on Zelda Link's Awakening, it kinda cuts out the doors.  But it does have a contrast control!!!  Plus it is awesome.  But it is large, and is a battery killer.(if you play alot )

I don't know why you need one, but just get a new GBC, since they are cheap in the US(as opposed to Canada).

General Gaming / RE:Lame Xbox commercial
« on: November 09, 2003, 11:35:14 AM »
I saw that commercial too and it SUCKED!!!!  I am like wtf, makes the xbox so good.  Yes it has good games, but most of the games are on PC anyway, so its not that original, plus the games suck.(most of them, no I am not flaming)  The only good thing microsoft has is games like Shenmue and JSRF which I really wanted since I have a DC.

BTW - I think Nintendo should sue since they said they made DK but they do not have the rights to it, so technically, they didn't make the idea of it, just the game, it is very misleading

And yes I think it will hurt nintendo, if it sucks

Nintendo Gaming / RE:shuffle or random for panasonic q
« on: November 09, 2003, 11:29:35 AM »
I would suggest you don't listen to music on it, since it just wears out the CD reader faster.(Same goes for computers, it just wears out the CD drive)

TalkBack / RE:Surprises from Nintendo in the Future
« on: November 09, 2003, 11:27:28 AM »
Please of Please, don't release a new gameboy nintendo!!!!

Ok I will be extremely mad at Nintendo if they release a new GB in less than 2 years time.  I bought a GB Color and within a year, the GBA came out.  Then after stuggiling in the dark for over a 1 and a half the GB SP. Came out and I bought it.  During that time I solde my GBColor and GBA, so that I could cut my losses.  And trust me I spent way too mcuh money on gameboys in the past years.  It would have been nice if nintendo released or made an announcment that the GBSP was coming out and then I wouldn't have bought the original!!!

I will be seriously mad at you nintendo if there is a new gameboy in the near future.(which if they make this announcement and relase SDKs, the other companies, including nintendo, with NOT MAKE MORE games for the SP and instead develop for the new system.)

What ever happened to the GB not becoming obselete.  Nintendo, you better be listening, since you will make alot of people mad.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:SSX 3
« on: November 05, 2003, 05:35:57 PM »
I played 1080 and well, I was impressed(despite low expetations), but I think SSX3 is way better.  Especialy if you have friends to play with or a PS2 online adapter(for the ps2 version). But SSX, has awesome levels.

If you like halpipe it has that.  Trick runs, it has it.  Racing it has it.  Backcountry, it has it(remember untracked form ssx and ssx tricky?, this has even better ones).  Plus it rocks!!!  So many collectibles, but I don't want to spoil it.  It rocks!!!!!!!!

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