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Messages - CaptainK.923

Pages: [1]
General Gaming / Re: Biggest Gaming Regrets
« on: February 20, 2014, 12:42:24 AM »
I used to work at FuncoLand, and I held in my hands at least a dozen times CIB copies of Earthbound that would have cost me a cool $40. I had rented the game, and while I liked it, I didn't absolutely LOVE it, so I decided I'd just get it later. It's a Nintendo title, and those always stick around, right? Now that it's on VC, I've found that I like the game a lot more than I did the first time I played it, and I wish wish wish I had a CIB original copy for my collection. Now I have to save up a couple hundred dollars to get what I could have had all these years.

TalkBack / Re: New Wii U Firmware Update LiveĀ 
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:26:11 AM »
One fantastic addition I noticed is that the aspect ratio on Wii VC games is automatically corrected now. NES games look perfect in Wii mode (still look awful in Wii U mode) and they're automatically formatted in their original aspect ratios! (Before the update, Wii VC games stretched to fit widescreen TVs.) I have no idea why they went to the trouble to fix this minor issue, but I couldn't be happier that they did. I have a ton of VC stuff that's suddenly much more playable.

TalkBack / Re: Sonic: Lost World Announced
« on: May 17, 2013, 10:44:42 AM »
Yay! I can't wait until it gets delayed so it can be ported to other systems!

TalkBack / Re: RFN: Doin' It Live... for the Kids!
« on: December 04, 2010, 01:51:02 PM »
I can't seem to make a donation on PayPal. I'm not going to be around all day and I want to be able to download the podcast. Any thoughts?

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 157
« on: August 14, 2009, 10:17:50 PM »
I'm new here so I don't know if this is the right place to comment.
So, I work at a game store and I noticed something odd about recent Wii releases. Wii discs all used to have 2-3 colors on them. All new releases for the last month or so are in full color! I noticed this when I got a trade in on MLB 2K9 and I didn't recognize the disc. I looked in the drawer and saw that the disc was clear except for the game logo written in only black and red. The disc being traded in had a solid full color background and looked very nice. I looked around and saw other recent games like Ghostbusters, The Conduit, GI Joe, and a handfull of others had this going on as well! I know its trivial, but it really makes the games look more like a quality product. Any idea why this has happened?

I'll never forget the Special World. I remember being on my seemingly never ending quest to reach *96 and I finally found the entrance to the Special World. Took down Gnarly with no problem, but then my most hated of levels came afterwards: TUBULAR! This is the one where you have to float through the level as a P balloon and its psychotically hard, or at least it was for me back then. After a few tries I eventually got frustrated and needed a few minutes. I put the controller down and left the room to get a drink. As soon as I came back in and picked up my controller the map music changed to the original Super Mario Bros. theme and I just had to stop and listen. What an outstanding little easter egg! That's a perfect example of why I loved this game so very much. There seemed to be no end to the amount of secrets you could find.

And as a side note, I eventually did reach *96. The Cheese Bridge secret took me forever to find!

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