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Messages - grantimus

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Like a lot of folks here, this is my first time playing along and writing about a Retro Active feature. 

I consider myself to be a glutton for punishment with games of today's era.  Trials, Super Meat Boy, Runner 2; these are the games I find myself playing over and over again, losing hours to my desire to get a slightly better score. 

With the Mega Man games, I started as a kid on SNES with the Mega Man X series.  I've never really played one of the numbered iterations.  This game is hard, and what makes it worse than the games I've mentioned above is that you can't immediately retry the section that I died in.  I typically get 3 tries to beat a level, sometimes there's checkpoints midway through the stage, other times there's not, but most often, I got to the end of the stage with no lives left and barely any health, and promptly died before I could even figure out the boss' patterns. 

I still managed to beat a few of the bosses, but maybe Mega Man just isn't my thing, because I feel no real desire to plow forward.  Call me a heretic if you will, but damn I'm glad most games now have eliminated "lives."


Bring The Last Story, Xenoblade, and Pandora's Tower, to North America!  Do your part!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Xenoblade-New RPG from Monolith
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:37:58 PM »

Do your part to help get this game, plus The Last Story and Pandora's Tower, released in North America!

I'm here to encourage anyone here who wants to see these three phenomenal games released Stateside (and Canadaside for that matter) to please visit the Operation Rainfall website and follow the guidelines for this campaign. 

So many "Internet Petitions" are started and forgotten about.  Every one is pessimistic, and nothing ever happens.  This is different.  This started as a snail mail campaign, and hundreds, or thousands, of hand-written paper letters can't be ignored so easily.  Plus, you have the opportunity to put your money where your mouth is.  If you want Xenoblade, preorder the game on Amazon!  The response to this effort has been particularly effective!  Lastly, don't forget to let Nintendo know via Facebook and Twitter that you want to see these games.  Tell them loudly and often!

We can't do it without the help of every individual.  Do you want the games or not?

TalkBack / Re: Release Date Announced for Xenoblade Chronicles
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:25:27 PM »
I was thinking this release date was for America  :'( :-\

It could be, YOU just have to do your part!

Send some regular-butt mail!  Preorder on Amazon!  Spread the word!  Operation Rainfall!

TalkBack / Re: Xenoblade Chronicles Heading to Australia 
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:24:17 PM »
Do your part and join the cause!

Snail Mail campaigns, preorders on Amazon, getting the whole effing Internet behind you!  That's Operation Rainfall, baby.

They wouldn't all fit on one disc anyway.

They would on a WiiU disc ;)

If that is their decision, then I'd be happy with it.  Just as long as they friggin' announce it already!  Damn, Nintendo, say SOMETHING about these games!

TalkBack / Re: Iwata Asks: Xenoblade Chronicles 
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:09:59 PM »

It seems as though every hour that passes has another major online games website covering Operation Rainfall, and the most encouraging thing to me is most definitely that this is not just an "online petition."  The snail mail campaign will turn as many heads as the Amazon campaign did.  Xenoblade was the #1 game on Amazon for a day, people! 

Get the bug out of your bum and contribute!  Preorder on Amazon, get your snail mails ready (Xenoblade specific mails should arrive in Washington between July 11th and 13th) and respond to every NOA Facebook post or Tweet with your reasons for wanting all three of these games!

Don't be Negative Nancies.  This campaign will cost you the cost of three postage stamps, and HOPEFULLY, the cost of three Wii games!

Also, this movement has gained steam internationally, and all three of these games are now in the top 10 Wii games on Amazon Japan.  Xenoblade came out in 2010 there!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The OFFICIAL Wii rumor thread *bring your own salt*
« on: September 12, 2009, 04:26:09 PM »
I would love to see a price drop, and the inclusion of Wii Sports Resort and a Wii Motion plus with the console.  Say it's at $199, that would explode Wii sales, IMO.  I also want to see this because I want Motion plus to become the standard, not just a peripheral.  Hopefully in October, Nintendo announce that Metroid: Other M uses the thing, and I'd love to hear a confirmation about Zelda, as well.

I'm really having a lot of fun with this game!  I don't think the calibration issues are as bad as some of you seem to think.  It doesn't really take me out of the game or anything. 

I've been busting my balls trying to get all the hidden targets in archery; since I found out about those my archery score has gone way down due to me missing all the time, lol.

Flying the airplane is also a lot cooler than I though it'd be.  All in all I'd say this is a great package, there are just tons of little extras in the game.  This already has replaced Wii Sports as my go-to casual game of choice when I'm with others.

I will happily pay for all three of these games again.  I've been getting a hankerin' to go back and replay them, but, "Ah, ah..." I tell myself knowing I'll be able to experience gaming's finest, with new motion controls, in August.  I will not sell my individual copies, I'm not giving Gamestop the pleasure, and I will happily point that out to anyone who sees these games on my shelf.

Can't.  Wait.

Oh, and Echoes kicks ass, the people who don't like it are scared of difficult games.  Don't know why I felt the need to mention that here, but there it is.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 152
« on: July 06, 2009, 08:36:29 PM »
Great show guys, enjoyed listening to it!  I particularly enjoyed the talk about Metroid Prime Trilogy, which will be a day one purchase for me, although I own and have beaten all three already.  I can't wait to reply Prime and Echoes with the new controls, maybe I should start off on the hard mode this time, if I can  ;)

I wouldn't say I'm the kind of guy who buys everything Final Fantasy branded, but I am a fan of the 2d stuff, and am playing VI Advance right now.  I would've bought a PS3, so I could go back and play all the Sony FF games, but they mucked their way out of a sale by eliminating backwards compatibility, (something I hear they may be fixing.)

Anyway, I'll probably get this, but I'm looking forward to more information.

TalkBack / Re: Mature Wii Games
« on: July 06, 2009, 08:22:35 PM »
I think the biggest screwup was the name, making it clear that this is a secondary effort instead of a primary game. The second biggest is probably going into a crowded genre like this...

I don't see the genre as crowded at all!  House of the Dead: Overkill, House of the Dead 2+3, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, and Ghost Squad are the only currently available light gun games I can think of.  Then, other than Extraction, Darkside Chronicles is the only game on the horizon.  I'd hardly call 6 games a "crowded genre," especially when looking at other genres.

I, for one, was frothing at the prospect for a resurgence of light gun games once I knew what the Wii Remote could do.  I look at the lineup, most of which I own, and am disappointed in the lack thereof.  I'm looking forward to Extraction as a light gun game first, and as a Dead Space game second.

To each his own, I suppose.

Movies & TV / Re: Rate the last movie you've seen
« on: July 05, 2009, 09:04:44 PM »
I watched a couple of movies today.

Gran Torino: 9/10 Great story, lovable racist old prick main character, a great ending.  Not "Dirty Harry in retirement" like so many people said, and that's a good thing.

The Usual Suspects: 7.5/10  Never really drew me in, and I could guess the end halfway through, but still a decent movie.

General Chat / Re: ♥ Fireworks ♥
« on: July 05, 2009, 08:44:59 PM »
I was at a friend's house last night, and their neighbor owns a fireworks store, and apparently the entire street bought all sorts of stuff from this guy, and as soon as it got dark, the place became a war zone!  My friends had a crap load of fireworks, too, and every body was shooting all sorts of stuff and yelling and all that jazz.  It was easily better than any city-sponsored family-friendly crap I've ever been to.  Literally the streets were so dense with firework fog, you could barely see.  I also got pretty drunk and a group of us all sang the Star Spangled Banner together.

Fun times!  Nice reading your stories too.

General Chat / Re: R.I.P. Michael Jackson :(
« on: June 25, 2009, 06:42:14 PM »


Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: June 24, 2009, 07:43:30 PM »
2.  Allow multiple characters right from the outset, just like in Mario 2 - I have no idea why this idea hasn't been used since Mario 2, but it was a really nice one.  Let us pick from Mario, Luigi, Peach (damn lazy, useless ***** finally has to work for once!), etc. and off we go into each stage!  Some secret exits can only be accessed by particular characters, giving each a unique purpose.  Yoshi can stay as he is: a character each of the mains can ride.  Perhaps he gains different abilities based on who is riding him?

Yeah, that is a good idea, though contradictory to my "no more side characters" comment.  If they were playable, I'd have no problem, and I love the idea about having secret exits that can only be accessed by specific characters.

"which is a real change coming from IGN."


Enlighten me...?  I don't get teh funny

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Super Mario Galaxy 2
« on: June 23, 2009, 09:29:52 PM »
I... I thought... I thought this thread was about Galaxy 2? 

Here's what I want out of Galaxy 2:
-A better flying mechanic than the first game
-Secret passageways to lead to secret galaxies
-Slides like in SM64
-Minimal supporting characters
-A true 2 player mode

Other than that, keep all the other mechanics the same, and create 120 new Stars/Sprites/Lumas for me to collect and I'll be super-happy!

Eh, I'll be happy anyway!  This game will be great!

I'm just trying to get you to keep posting. We've had too many one-post-wonders around here...

I don't think Budweiser is anyone's favourite beer. People buy it only because it is cheap.

I've been perusing the boards for a couple of hours, and I see that things do seem a bit slow.  I don't have a handle on the forums just yet, still trying to learn the ropes.  But the fact remains that I wanted a new place to post.  I've been getting really sick of the anti-Nintendo attitude so many websites and communities have adopted, and out of my Nintendo-centric podcasts, I liked RFN the best, so I figured I'd give this place a shot.  I like how the topics in the game forums are separated by game name, which is a real change coming from IGN. 

I'm not a guy who was ever upset about the Gamecube's "kiddie" image, but man, the vitriol about the Wii is plain absurd.

As far as Bud goes, I do like it quite a bit, and if I wanted cheap beer, I'd go for Natty or something.  My favorite type of beer is Irish Red, and I try any I come across.  Killian's is still king, but Lienenkugel (SP  ???) is really good too.

Budweiser is not real beer.

Wakka wakka wakka, haven't heard that one before.  :P

It's not my favorite beer, but as a native and current St. Louisan, I have to represent.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: The Conduit
« on: June 23, 2009, 08:55:57 PM »
I haven't played the game, but I know enough about it to know that that Gamepro review is crap.  Bashing the controls?  Really?  I mean... REALLY?!  Change them, fool! 

Also, saying the graphical leap from Halo to Halo3 > Goldeneye to Conduit is simply absurd.  I have eyes, sir, and it's apparent to me that yours don't work.


whoops, i hate caps but I'm too lazy to fix it. lets just pretend that was an even more enthusiastic welcome than i intended ;)

I actually had the image of myself, Nova, Maxi and D Average in a room gathered around Grantimus saying hello and suddenly you drunkenly call out "SUP NEW GUY...*hic*" from the bar in the corner.  ;)

Haha!  Thanks for the welcome, guys!

Oh, and I thought I'd be the forum drunk... I have a beer avatar...   :(

Eh, I'm not drunk anyway.  ;)

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