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Messages - BranDonk Kong

Pages: 1 ... 370 371 [372] 373
Nintendo Gaming / RE:Memory Card Rip-off
« on: August 16, 2004, 05:19:38 AM »
The technology for such a huge amount of space on the media Nintendo uses probably wasn't available or was too expensive when the GC first came out. And people complaining about paying $200 when the GC was released, that's just plain rertarded. PS2 was $300 at launch, as was XBox, and they're both $150 now. As time moves ahead, technology gets cheaper - remember when a Pentium 2 166Mhz PC with a 15" monitor and a bubble jet printer cost about $2,000? Nowadays you can't even find a PC near that price (unless you dont know how to shop). Anyway, I'm rambling.

TalkBack / RE:Conker Loves Playing Game Boy...
« on: August 10, 2004, 03:09:13 PM »
What if it's the opening to an idle animation, then Conker throws down the GBA or breaks it...and plays and Xbox or something. Probably not, but who knows. All I'm gonna say is



TalkBack / RE:Spider-Man 2 Goes Double Platinum
« on: July 07, 2004, 10:57:46 AM »
I imagine they've sold a great deal of that total. It is a very solid game, a big step up from the original.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Midway Arcade Treasures 2 for Cube after all?
« on: April 26, 2004, 04:49:52 AM »
They actually made like 3 revisions of MK GOld, the latest being a blue disc with "HOT NEW" on the game's case. Pretty much every bug was removed from it, but there were still a couple small ones.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Midway Arcade Treasures 2 for Cube after all?
« on: April 24, 2004, 08:05:05 PM »
I agree that the MK trilogy is the greatest series to ever be put on a compilation disc. The Windows version of MK1/MK2 that was released as a 2-pack are the best ports of those 2 games (the Saturn MK2, and the nearly identical Japanese-only Playstation MK2 were pretty damned close though), and it's probably a toss-up between the PSX and PC versions of MK3 for best port there. MK4 was best ported on the N64 if you ask me, but MK Gold for Dreamcast was a lot better.

A wierd thing about the collection though - Primal Rage was made by Atari, not Midway. I guess Midway picked it up somewhere down the road when Atari pretty much died.

This is going to be the 1st time I ever buy one of these arcade classics discs, and I can't stand the wait.

TalkBack / RE:New Twin Snakes Movie
« on: January 15, 2004, 04:38:36 AM »
You can recieve a 120MB e-mail attatchment?

TalkBack / RE:GameSaves for GameCube
« on: December 30, 2003, 09:43:15 AM »

Originally posted by: savanna03
why would someone want something like this... this is so stupid and its a waste of money... why bother playing the game in the first place when someone cant beat it anyways or obtaining the best item... arrrrgghhh... i dont know, i just hate cheaters all together...

It's also great for using custom characters in wrestling games, RPGs, etc, etc. The list is endless and it is not a waste of money, or stupid whatsoever..

TalkBack / RE:Aladdin GBA Impressions
« on: December 23, 2003, 05:49:17 PM »
I liked both games. The Genesis version had one advantage in that it was made by Virgin (which was then owned by Disney I believe), so everything in the game looks exactly like it did in the movie.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Info on Action Replay and Freeloader Please.
« on: November 18, 2003, 06:54:06 AM »
The Freeloader is just a GOD. The Action Replay is a GOD and a dongle (needed to store codes), but also has the Freeloader function.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Mario Kart Discussion (TALK ABOUT MARIO KART HERE)
« on: November 08, 2003, 08:22:24 PM »
I just got the Japanese version of Double Dash - great game. Haven't tested LAN yet, since I don't know anyone with a Gamecube...esepcially one with the Japanese Mario Kart.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube Sales Surge
« on: November 04, 2003, 07:27:48 AM »
THey grabbed 18 market share points in just 35 days? The increase in GCN sales must have seriously hurt PS2 and XBox sales for that to happen. Nintendo says they're a strong #2 in the US now, I'd like to see the total sales for all systems now.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wrestlemania XIX
« on: November 03, 2003, 09:46:22 AM »
I really liked WMXIX when I first got it, but Revenge is absolutely stupid, and the gameplay still isn't what it needs to be. The graphics are awful too. If you have a PS2, go get Smackdown:HCTP, it blows WMXIX away, and every other wrestling game out there.

TalkBack / RE:Ultimate Warrior Returns to the Ring
« on: October 28, 2003, 07:01:58 AM »
Ok, the truly sad thing is that a few years back he had his name legally changed to Ultimate Warrior. The guy is insane.

TalkBack / Midway's Arcade Treasures
« on: July 03, 2003, 07:42:00 PM »
If they would add Mortal Kombat 1-3, then I'd surely go for it.

Nintendo Gaming / Wave Race: Blue Storm
« on: June 15, 2003, 05:53:14 PM »
I still have it and play it from time to time. Wave Race 64 was my favorite N64 game, and Blue Storm is one of my favorite GCN games.

General Chat / St. Anger=Teh Suck
« on: June 11, 2003, 11:38:55 AM »
Ok, the whole "Nu-Metal" subject needs to be killed. People saying the St Anger is Nu Metal have no f*cking idea what they're talking about. Linkin Park is Nu-Metal, Staind is Nu-Metal, HedPE is Nu-Metal, KoRn is Nu-Metal, compare any of those to St Anger and they have absolutely nothing in common. St Anger is METAL, plain and's also a damned good album.

General Chat / St. Anger=Teh Suck
« on: June 03, 2003, 04:39:07 AM »
St Anger is one of the best songs they've put out in the past 13 years in my opinion. I've heard clips from the entire CD (from some Brazilian radio station), at least 1:30-2:00 of each song, and every song on there f'n rocks. People that don't like the new CD just must not like the *real* Metallica, because that's what you're gonna hear.

Nintendo Gaming / Nintendo Power's Defense of GameCube
« on: May 24, 2003, 06:23:41 AM »
I think the whole putting "ROTFLMAO LOL" (yes, when meant as a joke, I DO understand) is so homo now. It was funny 2 ye...wait no, it was never funny. Anyway, I really did like the part about counting all of the XBox hits on 1 finger. That was a classic.

Nintendo Gaming / DivX?
« on: May 22, 2003, 06:33:08 PM »
I didn't think that made any sense at first...but now it does. The GCN can display FMV at any angle, so maybe they could use a DivX encoded video as a texture...but I don't really see why that would be necessary unless it was used for moving water or fire or something.

Nintendo Gaming / DivX?
« on: May 21, 2003, 09:59:07 AM »

Originally posted by: Grey Ninja

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
I doubt they've had enough time to develop a game with it yet.  It is a recent addition, isn't it?  Games often take a while to make. . .

Give me a couple of hours (maybe overnight), and I can turn all the FMV in Final Fantasy VII PC into Divx, and given the source code for the game, I could port it to DivX in about another hour.  It's not really as big a deal as you make out.

The problem is that I am sure that Factor 5 wants some money for their DivX kit, and developers probably are too cheap to pay it, or really don't care if their FMV is butchered all to hell.  Personally it doesn't bother me much though.  The only game I have played that really has FMV THAT low in quality is Eternal Darkness.  *sob*

I just saw this post was bumped, and read the full thing again. No offense, but what you said makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You can't port a game to DivX. Making a DivX video is quite simple, almost anyone with a PC can do it...but that porting a game to DivX really bugs me, and even given the source code to the game, it would take months to port it to anything, especially something non-existent like the "DivX video game system"...ok bye.

Nintendo Gaming / GCN demo disk question
« on: May 16, 2003, 06:40:25 PM »
IIRC, it has Billy Hatcher, Soul Calibur 2...and some other games I forget. F-Zero maybe?

Nintendo Gaming / GameCube Wrestling Games
« on: May 14, 2003, 05:58:01 PM »
I saw Backyard Wrestling on TechTV a while back, and it's by far the worst looking wrestling game I've ever seen - not just the graphics, but the actual gameplay itself looked plain awful. Anyway, don't forget about Wrestlemania XIX, hopefully a site will post stuff from the E3 version.

Nintendo Gaming / Who thinks!!!
« on: May 14, 2003, 10:19:32 AM »
I don't think. Just answering the topic.

TalkBack / Metroid Prime Record Set
« on: May 03, 2003, 08:17:04 PM »
It's definitely without 100% items and actually does say so, saying he skipped several upgrades.  

Yeah seriously, to me even the old pics looked nothing short of amazing. These show off some great lighting effects and incredible detail.

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