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Messages - Saturn2888

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:Ideas for the next Super Smash Bros.
« on: January 19, 2004, 06:49:30 AM »

Originally posted by: Hostile Creation
For WW stage, I'm thinking on top of Ganon's Tower while all the water is pouring down.  That would be incredible.  Maybe a Valoo stage, on top of Dragon Roost.

Do Ganon's tikie hut, do it!!!, lol

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Ideas for the next Super Smash Bros.
« on: January 19, 2004, 06:35:55 AM »

Originally posted by: Chongman
really cool ideas saturn, but keep in mind one of the biggest reasons smb is so great and addictive is because its so simple to pick up and play. There aren't 500+ hit combos and super hyper moves and complicated combinations, its just simple fun play and I dont think nintendo wants to stray from that. Some of your ideas are awesome though. Like eight player play....*drools*

Well I didn't have in mind the idea of wierd moves.  I love the idea of having people be able to play w/ all characters because the moves change, but not the buttons, but if there was more I could do, it'd rock.
The reason for my ideas is that I want to have more strategy.  I can beat up all my friends except for one, and I want something more filling to play for hrs bc it's never going to be the same.  I also know that if Nintendo has backwards compatibility w/ the next system, or if they make a game like this for GCN, then they're able to tell ppl, get the new one if you want it, and buy the old one for what it has to the SSB roots.  Just like that.  It makes complete sense, like buy SMB2 (JAP) if u want a harder game, or buy SMB2 (USA) if u want a wierd one.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What are the extra ports on the bottom of the GCN?
« on: January 19, 2004, 06:25:39 AM »
Now that could be something very cool.  You're probably right, I never thought about the new thing Nintendo is releasing in congruence w/ they new mystery.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Ideas for the next Super Smash Bros.
« on: January 19, 2004, 06:24:19 AM »

Originally posted by: odifiend
Most characters can already diagonal smash, off hand I am positive Samus, Kirby, and Mario can.  

I know that, but I didn't know u could choose to execute them, I thought the game did it for you and I didn't know Kirby did, but other characters should have them too, that's y it's there.

Nintendo Gaming / What are the extra ports on the bottom of the GCN?
« on: January 09, 2004, 03:28:10 PM »
What are the extra ports on the bottom of the GCN?  I can't figure it out.  There's a high speed port not in use and another serial port.
Also, would Nintendo do a RAM adding thing like w/ the N64?

Nintendo Gaming / What happened to the Flash cards for memory?
« on: January 09, 2004, 03:26:55 PM »
Nintendo just left alone most of their unique GCN ideas.  The GBA-GCN adapter isn't used much or efficiently.  There are also no SD memory cards.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Ideas for the next Super Smash Bros.
« on: January 09, 2004, 03:01:41 PM »

Nintendo Gaming / Where're the Broadband adapters? :(?
« on: January 09, 2004, 02:58:53 PM »
I can't find a good <$35 broadband adapter online, I don't wanna pay more for shipping also if I can find one in my area.

TalkBack / RE:GameCube Sales on Target
« on: January 09, 2004, 02:37:04 PM »
All I can say on this is: The casual gamer has destroyed Nintendo and many good games that could've come to the market and now Nintendo is in a fix w/ their new system because they have to appeal to the large American audience.  If someone has a GCN, arn't they going to have a GBA?  I know friends w/ PS2 and GBA, and they like my GCN bc it has games that their PS2s don't and that looks better.  Sound quality is actually better than 80% of PS2 games bc the quality of games for PS2 are for casual gamers who ruined the gaming society.  It was the hardcore gamers that drove the gaming industry, and then it became shut down because Sony wanted to appeal to the American masses, so they took advantage of the wrong turn w/ the N64 and put out crap that's been around in these last 8-10 yrs.  I'm probably most mad when ppl say PS2 is technologically better than GCN.  I can understand when ppl say XBox is better w/ technology, but not better w/ games and all.  Some are good, some are bad, but people depend on one kind of game to buy a system.  What drove me for GCN was 1) Nintendo made it, 2) PS2 sucks (in my opinion, and in the opinions of my friends w/ them bc they break down and cost more than what Nintendo can offer them), 3) bc of SSBM, and that was all.  I never played F-Zero and really never took on to Mario Kart, but now I have both and love them.  Resident Evil; wouldn't never gotten it or gotten into it if it weren't for Nintendo (love the storyline).  Super Monkey Ball was actually a cool game and something that showed off the GCN at launch up until SSBM.  I just think that 1 Final Fantasy game would drive (force) gamers to buy GameCubes and see them as superior.  It's like the casual gamers are all little kids who don't know their right from their left.  If people want a Square game so bad, just don't buy Sony consoles and Square would have to make Final Fantasy on a Nintendo system again (even though there are legal issues associated, it's not avoidable).
Well I've said enough w/ my raving, but some people just have to see this and understand what gamers are like and the differences w/ the American public and the Japanese in how games are made and how respectible games are made.

TalkBack / RE:THX Adds Game Mode to New Receivers
« on: January 09, 2004, 02:23:20 PM »
It's probably 4 speaker surround, but the reciever decodes it by itself.  And how many games do used all 6 channels when there's no Digial in used?

Nintendo Gaming / Ideas for the next Super Smash Bros.
« on: January 07, 2004, 06:27:48 AM »
Well it's not about, but I'm going to show u my ideas about the next Super Smash Bros.  If you can somehow give these ideas to someone at Nintendo or HAL Labs.  that'd be cool because that's my motive.  I've been a big Nintendo fan who always comes up w/ ideas, but I really want this one to go through because fighting/racing games are basically all I have and I'd like more out of my $50 I spend on a Nintendo/HAL-made game.

One thought for Nintendo, not related to this e-mail: Nintendo should get Square/Enix to make an ACTUAL Final Fantasy game for GameCube exclusively like maybe FF13 and people would be forced to buy a GCN to play it and GCN wouldn’t be a kiddy console anymore.  It would really appeal to casual gamers and hardcore FF fans alike because GCN hardware could really show off the FF series much better than the PS2 hardware.

I think there should be more characters from each game and maybe from some 3rd Party ppl like the Dream Mix TV Fighters, but better, and not so out of touch (Jap. Barbie doll was a little too much).

-   Each stage should have quite a lot of obstacles and ways to make strategy more important.  The stage should be a problem players watch out for, not an annoyance (Pokemon Floats).
•   There could be a stage that resembles the desert area in SMB 3 and it could have those blocks that jump about and cactus things whatever their name along w/ quicksand that could give trouble to players unaware.
•   Probably the best stage like this was the Game & Watch stage, although annoying, the tools falling down could be used as an advantage w/ a shield or smashing them at an opponent.  The stage was quite small though.
-   Making lan gaming and maybe an online option available (although Warp Pipe and XLink have the online part down for me to be happy).
•   Up to 8 players should be included and when there are 5-8 players, the stages warp and become larger, so there's enough room to fight.  Two GCNs should be plenty to run the 8 player stage.
•   There could be a whole new meaning to team Melee in this sense, but more on that later.
•   If there are only 5 people in a stage, a person dies, there’d only 4 left on the battlefront, so the stage would be too large for four, so somehow the stage could revert into a four player stage that was used with only one cube and players would duke it out on the new smaller stage (smaller from the 8 player larger stage, but the normal size for 4 player matches).
•   Lan gaming would give more reason to buy broadband adapters and having other friends w/ GameCubes.
-   For characters, there should not only be more, but moves should be altered.  The D-pad could have more use along w/ the C-Stick.
•   Players should be able to SMASH diagonal up/down along w/ the side smash.  Instead of just smashing up, down, and sideways.
   The diagonal smashes could also just be the side smash just tilted in a direction.
•   The D-pad could alter the B and A button moves.  As in the A button used to kick, but now it punches by pressing the D-Pad right (not holding it down).
•   The D-pad left could change the B button, right would change the A button, and down would change both.  So someone could drastically alter their fighting styles by pressing the D-pad down.
•   In this same fashion, the C-stick could be used, but as variation moves.  The C-Stick down could bring out Link’s Bomb and Arrow and use them simultaneously as in LTTP (SNES/GBA).  Holding the C-Stick down would charge it up.
•   Also, when changing fighting styles, Ness could put away his bat and bring out a baseball glove.  This way, he could catch any move coming at him instead of using his Down+B to absorb it and he’d be able to throw it back at a faster speed depending on how long he charges his stereotypical baseball pitch (one that the arm spins in circles) along w/ psychic powers because I don’t see Ness throwing 105mph.
•   The additional fighting styles would bring in a lot of entertainment and strategy to the game.
-   There shouldn’t be a need to make the game available to pick-up-and-play-players (I believe “casual gamers” is the right term) because SSBM is already out.  The sequal or new version should be made to the hardcore Nintendo fan standards, or enough for someone to be able to play it after practice.  It should have the learning curve of F-Zero GX because that game takes longer than the 2 weeks that Mario Kart: Double Dash poses to the player.  Since there are 2 almost similar Nintendo racers, how ‘bout you take that same way into affect w/ the new Super Smash Bros. and have an AI that plays differently.
•   The AI should have an option to adapt to the player’s playing style.  If I want a harder AI, I should be able to train it to become a more human AI that still provides a challenge unlike the level 9 AI’s the know each and every move and don’t provide any variances to the playing as they become easily predicable.
•   I would love for AI’s to become more human and for each player to have an AI set to their difficulty.
•   A mode should be added for anyone who wants to train a human-like AI and an option to change the computer’s AI according to a player difficulty and not a number system, or both.  Instead of having the little red ball that moves either left or right at the bottom of the screen to choose a difficulty, there should be an arrow system (like arrowing over the difficulty left or right like the way to specify AI difficulty in the N64 version) to make it that the AI is more of a feasible option to implant into the game.
-   Loser toggling
•   The ability to toggle a loser tournament would also be greatly accepted.  Someone who lost by accident could win the loser tournament, fighting all newcomers up to the top, but a newcomer just lost a big fight (not the championship), so that person would fight the winning losers to see who’s really the boss of the other tournament.
•   There’d be a champion and a second winner who won because of a minor loss.
-   Teams should be used more strategically.
•   Well tournaments of 4x4 could go pretty fast if the tournament was on 2 GCNs, but what about team differentiations?
•   There could be a friend of mine and my sister who aren’t very skilled players versus me only in a tournament.
•   The team implementation into the tournament would be outstanding.
•   Team combo moves would be a very cool and useful addition to the game.  Splitting up teammate would have great reason and having 4 vs. 4 matches would be a reason to buy another GCN (or even 2 vs. 2 vs. 2 vs. 2).
•   The teams could have people use the Z button to pick up their partner and do a combo attack or have something where Mario rides Yoshi and Yoshi would move around still able to attack while Mario rests on top still able to attack, this makes a team of 2 which is stronger than just 1+1, but if they are thrown off, they both die unless Mario jumped off or something along those lines.  Not always doing combo attacks, but doing them when a move is executed together or one gets ready and the other uses that player to their advantage, like Yoshi gets into a stance, then Mario jumps on, only to be thrown by Yoshi onto the opposing players.  Mario could have Yoshi ride him also; this would bring great depth to the game and the playing style of each character and team, sort of like Mario Kart: Double Dash.
-   Special Melee revised.
•   Special Melee should be implemented for each character to choose individually.  So if the giant option is on, then players should be able to choose which ones are larger, so a 3 vs. 1 could happen fairly.  This shouldn’t be another mode of play, just implemented into the options menu.

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