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Messages - KnowsNothing

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TalkBack / Re: Nintendo 3DS Specifications Updated
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:33:04 AM »
He's playing some particularly taxing games.  Seriously some games bring the iPod down to Game Gear levels of battery life.

Anyway Nintendo's estimates are usually low because they run a taxing game with full screen brightness and all wireless radios on.  I'm not worried...yet.

TalkBack / Re: Sakurai Comments on Holding the 3DS
« on: January 07, 2011, 01:02:30 PM »
Obviously I'm no expert on the subject, but I don't think this will really be a problem.  If you move the regular DS around too much you can't see the screen and no one complains about that (except for Ian, but if he can't play the regular DS I'm not sure why he expected to play the 3DS...)

So is the 3DS unplayable in the small space between the "perfect position" and beyond the best viewing angle of the screen itself?  And for how long will your 3DS be in that position anyway?  I can see maybe jerking the screen in an intense moment, but I doubt your eyes remain focused on the screen the whole time and besides, it only takes half a second before it's back in position.  I just can't think of many situations where this will be a problem.

Oh yeah, and remember that Nintendo put motion controls into the system itself.  If this were such a problem I don't think they would encourage players to move the system around.

General Gaming / Re: iPhone/iPod Touch game thread?
« on: January 06, 2011, 08:14:40 PM »
Haha fair enough.  I'm currently in a competition with my brother to see who can complete every level first....and I'm I tend to get really frustrated every time something goes wrong.  Maybe it's just easier to blame the controls.  In any case, Peggle is fun and works on the iPod :P

I've gone on a bit of an app spree in the past few weeks to I'll post some impressions of my favorite games later on.  Overall...well, I don't think my ipod will replace my DS any time soon.

General Gaming / Re: iPhone/iPod Touch game thread?
« on: January 06, 2011, 04:27:35 PM »
With zoom-in and the "wheel" control, I can't see how you could have trouble fine-tuning your shot to any level you desire.
Have you played it on the PC?  There is no guesswork at all. You can pinpoint shots at the bottom corners with 100% accuracy. Furthermore even the wheel is too sensitive for some shots. Often when I lift my finger from the screen it moves the pointer just enough to ruin my shot. I love Peggle on my iPod but you have far less control than the pc version.

General Gaming / Re: iPhone/iPod Touch game thread?
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:24:21 PM »
Peggle on iOS actually works really well, but your level of control is nowhere near the PC version.  At first I thought it was game-breaking, but eventually I got used to it and now I actually welcome the additional challenge it provides.  I've done all the challenges and I'm about 3/4 of the way through getting red and blue ribbons on every level and the fact that I can't just point where I want to shoot makes this feel a little more like an accomplishment (even though it's really not...)

Overall though it is very good and is easily my most played ipod game.  I've also gotten both of my brothers, my friend, and even my dad addicted to peggle through the app.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Epic Mickey - Wii Exclusive
« on: December 31, 2010, 10:35:19 AM »
Here is an example of the most irritating aspect of this game (left purposely vague): My quest was to get from point A to point B and in order to do so I needed to collect three items from three different people.  One person had me collect three more items, another had me deliver something to another person which required travelling all around the map, and the last person had me fetch yet ANOTHER item through thankfully this one wasn't so far away.  So far about 95% of the missions have been either collect-a-thons or fetch quests or some kind of unholy combination of the two.  I'm not sure it's even that the developers were lazy, I think this level of commitment to the most hated aspects of the genre takes dedication.

So if you can deal with that you'll be able to play the game.  The atmosphere doesn't rely on nostalgia and can be enjoyed even with a minimal amount of Disney exposure for the reason you just mentioned; it's all the obscure stuff.  It helps if you're at least familiar with the characters or the classic Mickey cartoons but it's definitely not necessary.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Epic Mickey - Wii Exclusive
« on: December 30, 2010, 08:35:16 PM »
Now I want to try Rocket: Robot on Wheels. N64 platformers are something I tend to want to go back to the most. And there are a number of smaller ones I missed since I only bought the big name ones.

I'd imagine it would be pretty difficult to find a (legal) copy of the game, but if you get the chance you should really check it out.  As Mop said it was a really great game that simply got overlooked due to the big names of the competition (kind of like what happened to Beyond Good and Evil).  My only concern would be that time has not been kind to most N64 games (or N64 controllers, for that matter) so it might be a little too dated to enjoy.  Back in the day, though, it was a nice sleeper hit.

Since you say you're a fan of N64 platformers I can imagine you're familiar with Rayman 2, but on the off chance that you haven't played it....GO GO GO.

TalkBack / Re: Super Meat Boy WiiWare Cancelled
« on: December 28, 2010, 06:00:56 PM »
I'm not saying that what Team Meat did wasn't stupid, just that I think there was some sort of perverted logic to it all.  As Edmund McMillen said, they overestimated their ability to change the rules.  It was a gamble and they lost.  Oh well.  They're still at fault for marketing it as a Wii game and ignoring the limits, but I can't say I'm too angry at them for wanting to be the catalyst for a change long overdue.

And that last part about Team Meat speaking to Nintendo was just a random thought I had, but it likely isn't true.  Feel free to ignore that haha.

TalkBack / Re: Super Meat Boy WiiWare Cancelled
« on: December 28, 2010, 02:44:06 PM »
The developers thought that the 40 MB size limitation for Wiiware games was too strict.  Since they are not in the position to change Nintendo's policy internally, they decided to apply external pressure to the situation by making a great game that does not it within the (arbitrary) limitations.  I'm not sure Team Meat expected Nintendo to necessarily give them an exclusive exception, rather that they would change the policy for ALL developers.  If enough companies wish to release high profile downloadable games on the Wii that are over 40 MB, it's reasonable to expect Nintendo to change their policy because they stand to profit so much from changing the rules.

I also think that Team Meat must have spoken to someone at Nintendo who at least implied that the limitation could be changed at some point in development (probably early on).  That's just a hunch though.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Epic Mickey - Wii Exclusive
« on: December 27, 2010, 06:33:30 PM »
I got this game as a christmas gift and I'm just now exploring Mickeyjunk Mountain.  So far I like it because it reminds me of the old N64 platformers like DK64 or Rocket: Robot on Wheels (which was the ****, by the way) or even the more recent Psychonauts (which I actually thought was a tad overrated).  Overall it's pretty much what everyone describes: a solid platformer with clunky controls and a terrible camera.  Yet still I find myself addicted because of the atmosphere and nostalgia....and it's not that it is isn't fun to play, it's just that we've been spoiled by great games like Mario Galaxy and DKCR.

General Gaming / Re: Humble Indie Bundle 2 is here
« on: December 19, 2010, 03:44:57 PM »
I wouldn't say that Braid is overrated, just overpriced.  I found it to be beautiful and clever, just not worth $15.  Same with Machinarium; absolutely gorgeous and fun to play (and less frustrating than most point-and-clicks) but not worth the normal $20.  I got both games for $5 and was very pleased with the price.

The only other game out of the bunch I've played is Osmos which I have for my iPod.  A nice little diversion but not much more than that.

General Gaming / Re: iPhone/iPod Touch game thread?
« on: December 17, 2010, 07:50:00 PM »
Madden is not so great and REALLY buggy to boot (I can't play anything but franchise mode...)...but Fifa 11 is actually pretty fun.  Not sure if it's one of the 99 cent games but if it is and you like Fifa check it out.  The controls takes some getting used to and it's obviously not as deep as the console versions but it's still not bad.  While it's not nearly as buggy as Madden, I have had a few crashes in Fifa as well...bah.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« on: December 09, 2010, 08:02:47 PM »
"He added, 'I think the PSP2 is gonna be dead on arrival. It looks to me like young kids are just as happy playing with an iPod Touch or a Nano. The Touch is cool, it plays games, it plays music, they're gonna put a camera in it, you're gonna have all sorts of cool stuff.'"

Does anybody play games on the Nano?  And doesn't the iPod Touch already have a camera in it? (the answer to that last one is yes, because I have taken pictures with my ipod touch)

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo has Healthy Thanksgiving Week Sales
« on: December 01, 2010, 11:15:17 PM »
I never really considered that...the release of the Move and Kinect is a validation of Nintendo's strategy and in a sense legitimizes motion controllers to a wider audience.  Despite the Wii's popularity, if it remained the only motion controlled platform then the fad may have continued to slow down.  Now that every single console out there has incorporated some sort of motion control nobody but the snobbiest of the gamers (like the PC master race) can ignore it any longer.

I'm not completely convinced that this phenomenon will drastically (over a long term) increase Wii sales...but pap's scenario doesn't sound too far-fetched.  I can see a lot of people seeing a Dance Central commercial, going to the store, and realizing that a 360+Kinest is outrageously expensive.  That Wii over there?  Much cheaper, plus now they can finally play that Wii Bowling game everyone was frothing over a few years ago.

General Gaming / Re: Amazing Deals!
« on: November 21, 2010, 12:08:58 PM »
Bioshock 2 is also only $10 on GFWL. 

Fallout: New Vegas - save $20 off the Digital Collector's Edition's-Edition-Download

And if you're still pissed that you have to pay $5 extra for the All Roads Novel that you don't really want, use the coupon code LOAD15 for an extra 15% off making the final price just under $30.  This weekend only. only.

EDIT: It's been confirmed that you can enter the activation key on steam.

General Chat / Re: Your #1 meal at Fast Food Restaurants
« on: November 12, 2010, 05:37:18 PM »
I've only had Chipotle once but I really liked it. Way too expensive though. Also, not that anyone really cares, but I tried my first meatball marinera from subway today and it was kind of gross. I think I'm goin to just stop going there completely.

General Chat / Re: Your #1 meal at Fast Food Restaurants
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:53:19 PM »
Cedar Point is next year hopefully.  It's kind of the grand finale on this coaster tour my family has been doing for the past few years.  I'm pumped.

General Chat / Re: Your #1 meal at Fast Food Restaurants
« on: November 09, 2010, 11:28:44 PM »
I'll have to check out the Quiznos value menu.  I generally only go there a couple times a year and I always get the chicken carb so I don't really pay attention to the rest of the menu :P

This thread reminded me of a trip I took over the summer to King's Island just outside of Cincinnati (great coasters by the way, although I am eternally pissed that I'll never get to try out Son of Beast).  On that trip I went to Skyline Chili and Graeter's ice cream (both of which fit the perm's guidelines for fast food :P) and both were awesome.  Skyline was very good but I'll admit that it was more of a novelty than anything (fast food chili? drive thru AND wait staff??).  Graeter's on the other hand...holy ****.  It was bar none the best ice cream I have ever had.  I ordered blueberry and peach cobbler, and then went back and tried the mango and lemon sorbet.  I have never eaten more ice cream in one sitting and I still wanted more.  On top of that the place was spotless, the prices reasonable, and the service blazingly fast.  Right after us a whole soccer team (around college age) came in and they were all served within a few minutes.  I realize a lot of what I mentioned had to do with the specific graeter's I went to...but still, you know it's good when I tell people more about the ice cream than the great coasters at king's island.


Really though...they should at least demolish Son of Beast.  It taunted me the whole day.  I have never seen a more impressive coaster, including Kingda Ka (which was also shut down when I went to Six Flags.  WTF.)  Anyway that's all off topic...

General Chat / Re: Your #1 meal at Fast Food Restaurants
« on: November 09, 2010, 07:45:31 PM »
Five Guys is fucking delicious but for price of one of their burgers I can get five dollar menu items at McDonald's.  McDouble + Drink (small is fine with free refills!) + Fries + Nuggets + Parfait for the same price of one burger with no drink or sides or anything?  Honestly it's a close call but since I have a hard time even eating that much McDonald's in one sitting I end up almost always going with the value menu.

God, same with Quizno's.  The chicken carbonara is tits but I'm too cheap to ever get it. Same with Subway, too; the five dollar footlong sounds like a good deal but their sandwiches are always so disappointing that it's still not worth it.  Four Arby's sandwiches for five dollars is...more than my body can handle.  I have never felt anything close to good after eating Arby's.

Anyway, every once in a while I fit Five Guys into my budget and I always get a burger with jalepenos, grilled onions, ketchup, hot sauce, and last but not least that incredible cheese.  Seriously I don't know what kind of **** they put in that cheese but it's delicious.

TalkBack / Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns Impressions
« on: October 28, 2010, 07:14:56 PM »
This game should be bongo compatible.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Posts Loss for First Half of 2010
« on: October 28, 2010, 12:53:48 PM »
Well, it's been a nice ride nintendo.  You will be missed.

General Gaming / Re: iPhone/iPod Touch game thread?
« on: October 21, 2010, 02:42:36 PM »
Even with all the sound turned off in the app it still pauses my music every time.  I'm only on a first gen iPod Touch running 3.1.3 so I'm probably just being punished for not updating my hardware...

General Gaming / Re: iPhone/iPod Touch game thread?
« on: October 20, 2010, 06:36:04 PM »
Except as far as I can tell there is no way to listen to your own audio and play the game at the same time.  Every time I load the app my music is paused.

Both series are awesome and this crossover game will be awesome.  This news is awesome.  I'm awesome.  You're awesome.  Woo!

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Nintendo 3DS Discussion
« on: October 17, 2010, 10:36:19 PM »
Well at the very least you're going to get a kick-ass 3D Paper Mario game, but i'm willing to bet there will be a lot more.  People were saying the same thing when the DS came out and we still got plenty of sprite-based games.

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