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Messages - greybrick

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After playing for a bit, I really wish they hadn't "Overdrived" the music, or at least added an option to play the classic music.

Well, maybe they did and kept it in the same place where they put the Widescreen toggle :(

I had a taste of the original BM (blaster master, sickos) through somewhat nefarious means before its VC release and was really taken by the animation. I have been meaning to get it, but Vic's allusion at the time of launch caused me to hold off. I am pleased with my hesitation and will likely be getting this version post haste.

Now I just have to figure out what to do with the 1400 points that will be sitting in my account after the purchase  :(

TalkBack / Re: This Week in Nintendo Downloads
« on: February 08, 2010, 09:09:19 PM »
...the fact that the DS had its best year ever last year.

Not in Japan, it wasn't!

Exactly, which is why I worry about a new system popping out this fall. Yet the longer I wait, the longer it will be till I can play the Art Style games and Dark void zero.

This wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't compelled to buy all new Nintendo handhelds and consoles at launch. The DSi was the first to break that chain for me, so I have the itch.

TalkBack / Re: This Week in Nintendo Downloads
« on: February 08, 2010, 07:14:40 PM »

*Where the heck is Shantae and Cave Story?*

Hopefully the former will be on my DSi XL soon. Of course, I would need a DSi XL for that :(

I am worried about buying an XL because Nintendo may launch the new DS late this year in which case I will feel silly.

TalkBack / Re: Dragon Quest VI Debuts Big in Japan
« on: February 02, 2010, 08:40:20 PM »
I think they are still trying to figure out how the heck to make DQ9 work in America. One possibility is making it DSi exclusive and using that smidgeon of extra juice to power online games with voice chat.... something executed well in a now years old Pokemon game but an uncommon feature nonetheless. I think that at least here in America, the people looking to play DQ9 would upgrade a system for more comprehensive online functionality without many sales opportunities being lost. In other words, here it is only the "core" that are dying to play DQ9 while in Japan quite literally everyone and their grandparents are playing it. Of course, it could be possible on the DS lite but I am not intimately familiar with either piece of hardware.

TalkBack / Re: Rondo of Blood Coming to VC as Import Title
« on: January 31, 2010, 05:34:14 PM »
Ever since fourth or fifth grade when I beat Pokemon Silver in Japanese without a guide I have maintained the attitude that I could suffer through most Japanese games. I will give this one a try!

TalkBack / Re: Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 Announced
« on: January 29, 2010, 06:51:28 PM »
I really did not like Dragon Quest Joker, but was a fan of the first two entries into the "monsters" series. Something about it just felt so soulless. Even today, playing the original DQM sucks me in much more despite its silly premise.

TalkBack / Re: Two New Wii RPGs Revealed
« on: January 29, 2010, 12:40:33 PM »
Final Fantasy
The Last Story

The Final Countdown. BANA NA NAA BANA NA NA NA!

Monster Hunter on the PS2 is the only game that has succeeded in making me scream like a little girl. I have played plenty of "survival horror" games (no, not just the action-y RE4) and have at worst jumped a little. Monster Hunter, that giant thing sneaks up on me in the forest and I am terrified.

TalkBack / Re: Xbox Popped My Stressball.
« on: January 26, 2010, 03:18:17 AM »
The VERY FIRST time I turned on my Xbox it red ringed. When I immediately tried to get my Xbox exchanged it was held hostage by Target for a month. They spent that time determining whether or not they should give me a return (I had a warranty through them) or send it to Microsoft to get it fixed. After that, it went through the standard Microsoft hell where its status was "repaired" for weeks.  I buy an Xbox and it is months before I can even play it.... good times.

In other news, my DS Lite broke and within a week of me calling Nintendo I had a new DS.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Trivia: Podcast Edition - Episode 66
« on: January 23, 2010, 11:24:26 PM »
I always like Zach appearances, he actually had the gumption to pursue a career that many of us growing up would have loved to but were discouraged by parents/counselors etc. and he always has something good to add to the conversation.

Right now I am getting over a surgery so listening to podcasts while playing Might and Magic Clash of Heroes is about all I can do. So I am extra grateful for this episode and while I haven't listened yet, I am sure it will be great as always... thanks TYP.

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #11 Poll -- Second Chance Edition
« on: January 23, 2010, 12:25:29 PM »
Mallow is kind of a crybaby. The awesomeness that is Geno makes up for it, though.
Someone without a soul created Mallow. Since I don't remember Geno, I am looking forward to replaying the game all the more!

Podcast Discussion / Re: RetroActive #11 Poll -- Second Chance Edition
« on: January 23, 2010, 03:34:38 AM »
I voted for Super Mario RPG, on my most recent playthrough I put down the controller when I remembered just how much of an insufferable wretch Mallow was but I have been wanting to get back into it after Mario and Luigi 3.

Nintendo Gaming / Re: Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes
« on: January 18, 2010, 12:34:38 PM »
Good Lord I love this game! I really enjoy how the campaigns feel like their own miniature rpgs. One other factor that I appreciate is the game's willingness to not force the player to use the touchscreen. While the touchscreen controls are implemented well, I would simply rather use the buttons and I am glad the game recognizes that not everyone wants to play using a stylus for hours. So far, the game has hooked me more than puzzle quest did on the DS.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 177
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:37:42 PM »
Great episode- Thanks Guys!

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
« on: January 01, 2010, 12:50:46 AM »
How does your hand "slip" the centimeter over and on to the A button? I am not saying it can't happen, but I would sure like to know how it does.

So is FF13 the RPG gamers have been looking for?  A guided CG movie for fat babies where you fully recover after every battle?


What? You recover after every battle? Oh, gross. Hopefully you can turn that function off.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: New Super Mario Bros. Wii
« on: December 30, 2009, 02:53:58 AM »
I just picked this game up and man, is it good. I played through the first world by myself and a friend stopped by so we started from scratch and played through to the second world. I have been waiting for two player (simultaneous) Mario for quite some time and it was great to finally indulge in some. With this and Spirit Tracks, I am quite content with Nintendo for the time being.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 176
« on: December 28, 2009, 08:42:35 PM »

The point I was making is that, on Wii, developers would seem to have greater freedom to simply make whatever ideas they want to make and still be able to release it as a retail product that can compete fully in the plaform's marketplace. And to some extent I think we've seen that with the resurgence in 2D retail games--Muramasa, Wario Land and A Boy and His Blob would be an awkward fit for either a digital or a retail release on the HD consoles. But what we haven't seen is a great slew of original ideas coming from developers in the absence of some of these constraints that affect them more in the PS3 and 360 markets, and I do find that somewhat disappointing.

I see your point, and what I am trying to say is that the Wii could have outputted at an HD resolution while still keeping its overall underwhelming hardware. Just like an old PC card that can push HD, but can't play the games with the best textures and effects. The difference between how the games look would be phenomenal, and as long as the bar was kept low it would still allow for that freedom in development. Prince of Persia Sands of Time was a 720p game on the last generation, it would cost much less to make than the current standard for a blockbuster game, but still looks great on my TV.

To be honest, I haven't seen that many games doing things that couldn't be done on other platforms anyways with the exception of things like Boom Blox or Wii Fit/Sports or Tiger Woods. It would also seem that the most creative developers do not want to waste their time sending a game out to be murdered by Nintendo games on the Wii.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 176
« on: December 28, 2009, 01:55:13 PM »
@ Yoshidious

I suppose what I am getting at is that HD output does not put all that much strain on developers. During the podcast you made the point that developers would have to put much more of a budget into making HD games- which is not necessarily true. Games on the Xbox Arcade and Indie Games channels are in HD, but are obviously cheap to make. It is when you start wanting to make them look like a Halo or Uncharted where the extra cash comes in.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 176
« on: December 28, 2009, 01:03:51 AM »
Great podcast! You guys did a great job!

I think if the Wii horsepower was about the same and it could do 720p it would make a big difference. I mean the original Xbox did 720p! Then you look at the emulators running games at 720p and they look much crisper.

Yes, I think there was some confusion between HD output and HD "graphics". A game can be rendered in 720p without having to spend tons more time or money on the production of the game. So while if they wanted to make them look like 360 games it would cost more, but making them easier on the eyes as far as blurriness goes would mostly cost more from a hardware perspective.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Free Nintendo: Episode 176
« on: December 27, 2009, 11:26:11 PM »
Speaking to the necessity of HD in the Wii, I would be interested to know what kind of television sets Greg and TYP are playing on.

I for one could not stand the composite cables on my 32" lcd, and even component cables were far from a quality experience. When I got fed up with the whole thing I ordered the vdigi cables that James apparently has and I have found that they make a world of difference in my visual experience. I find playing games on the Wii to be quite pleasant now, and it even made my VC games look much sharper.

The current generation of consoles is actually fine with me, graphically speaking, and I think if Nintendo can catch up to at least 360 levels of graphical quality I will be fine for many many years to come. If I want bleeding edge graphics, I play my PC.

Podcast Discussion / Re: Radio Trivia: Podcast Edition - Episode 64
« on: December 26, 2009, 01:26:43 PM »
The use of SM3-SMA4 confused the heck out of me. I immediately thought it was all stars, but since I hadn't played all stars all that much... the fact that the instrumentation on the third song was so familiar had me stumped. SM3 is actually the only game I keep in my SP, but since I don't have the headphones for it anymore I rarely get to hear the sound.

TalkBack / Re: Happy Holidays from Nintendo World Report!
« on: December 26, 2009, 12:51:19 AM »
Dude! My family had the same traditions as that until I started working most Christmas eves after high school. We were usually forced to open the presents from our grandparents because they were clothes that either didn't fit or we didn't like and our parents always wanted us to save 'the good ones' for the next day as well (also in part because I would have stayed up all night playing mine  ;D )

Basically we ended up having a standoff of sorts when I (at random) picked up Spirit Tracks straight off that night and after much staring down and sad looks I was allowed to open it. I was dumb enough to start playing it and really regretted it when I was told that I was driving the family to my grandparents' (three hour drive) bright and early that morning.

TalkBack / Re: Happy Holidays from Nintendo World Report!
« on: December 25, 2009, 12:43:25 AM »
Merry Christmas everyone!!! I have frequented the site for quite a while, and am a big fan of all the podcasts. So thanks NWR for all the great content that you guys produce all year long!

@ Maxi - I for one am waiting around to go to midnight Mass (thus I am on NWR on Christmas Eve); my family usually opens one present each afterward and I believe I have figured out which packages contain the good things (e.g. Spirit Tracks), and which ones are clothes  ;D
Yet despite the fact that I am in my twenties, I know that my mom will restrict me from opening anything major until "the morning". We also still suffer through the Santa routine, even though we all have placed presents for each other in their respective stockings. Ah, well, it's Christmas.

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