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Messages - greybrick

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TalkBack / Re: Metroid: Other M Intro Cutscene Leaked Online
« on: February 27, 2010, 07:00:20 PM »
I wish they'd had the decency to leak gameplay footage :P:

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 08:00:59 PM »
About the controls: 3D games have been controlled with a d-pad many times in the past.  While it's not optimal, the auto-aim should help greatly along with the tightly controlled camera.

People don't get out of their functional cars and push them with the thought that the occasional hill will help greatly. My point, when an obviously better option is available... why do it? What 3d games do you play on a d-pad that are on a system with an analogue stick?

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:56:59 PM »
"Have you not yet realized?"...  how do you come off talking to people like they are idiots?

Actually that does sound pretty harsh.  Sorry about that.  I meant it more as a sarcastic jab at Nintendo's controller design policies but that sort of tone doesn't convey through writing very well.  I honestly didn't mean to offend.

Wow an apology! Ok, we're cool  ;D

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:45:45 PM »
I cannot fathom why you would opt for that kind of control when an analogue stick is readily available if the nunchuck were to be used. This would also provide an extra "accessible" button, and make it so that the controller would not have to be flipped to shoot first person. I am not saying that the NES style won't work, I just don't see why they need to make it work.

Have you not yet realized that with the Wii Nintendo's priority regarding controls isn't about using what's best but rather what's more marketable?  Nintendo likes the sideways remote thing because of the NES controller comparison.  There was no reason for Super Paper Mario, Warioland or NSMB to use that control scheme either.  Just like how the remote was made to the look like a TV remote for marketing purposes, Metroid will use that control scheme because Nintendo wants to make the connection with the classic NES Metroid.

 "Have you not yet realized?"...  how do you come off talking to people like they are idiots? "Have you not yet realized" that all of those games you mentioned are primarily/exclusively played from a 2d perspective? Since that is the case  I would argue that it makes the most sense to use a Dpad anyways.

That is not the case for games taking place in a 3d realm like Zelda or Super Mario Galaxy one and two, which last time I checked aren't controlled with a dpad.

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 03:07:47 AM »
They may even ruin the fact that Santa doesn't exist

Wait, what? If you keep saying things like that he won't visit you, you know that right?

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:29:53 AM »

I love the extreme disappointment by some when the VAST majority of the impressions have been EXTREMELY positive with minor complaints. It is time for the Metroid series to grow and evolve, deal with it.

From what I gather, most of us are not complaining about the changes but rather how they are implemented (controls, story conceits, etc.)

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 01:50:52 AM »
"Oh Nintendo, please use use voice actors in your games."

Be careful what you wish for, guys.

"Hey! Listen!" They already have, and to disastrous effect.

There is also the fact that Mario now sounds and looks like he belongs in a mental institution... running around in his red onesie with a little propeller atop his head, "Wahoo! Its-a Mario Time!".

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:14:27 AM »
You have just driven a knife into the heart of my expectations for this game. I speak out of ignorance, but I cannot fathom why you would opt for that kind of control when an analogue stick is readily available if the nunchuck were to be used. This would also provide an extra "accessible" button, and make it so that the controller would not have to be flipped to shoot first person. I am not saying that the NES style won't work, I just don't see why they need to make it work.

TalkBack / Re: IMPRESSIONS: Metroid: Other M
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:01:33 AM »
For clarification's sake, is the game 3d during exploration in the way that SMB 64 is 3d, or in the way that NSMB Wii is 3d?

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Australia Confirms Other M, Galaxy 2 for Summer
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:27:13 AM »
I want new play control: Luigi's Mansion. I never got to play the first, and heard the controls were its weakest point.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Endless Ocean: Blue World
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:24:06 PM »
That is the Wind Fish from Link's Awakening, friend. The fact that you haven't seen it means that you have an excellent game that you need to play/complete!
To be fair, I have played Link's Awakening but I did not recognize your author icon.

 The fact that you didn't recognize it means that you have an excellent game that you need to replay! I kid, I guess many people didn't see it in color. I was one of the few on the playground that was rolling with the DX.

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Endless Ocean: Blue World
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:11:31 PM »
Wonderful review! I think I am gonna get this instead of FF13...

Smart man, BTW what game is your avatar from?

That is the Wind Fish from Link's Awakening, friend. The fact that you haven't seen it means that you have an excellent game that you need to play/complete!

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Endless Ocean: Blue World
« on: February 23, 2010, 10:00:58 PM »
Wonderful review! I think I am gonna get this instead of FF13...

A funny snippet from the review, " For example, the river is extremely linear." That tends to happen sometimes :) I get what you meant, but I still chuckled at your disappointment.

TalkBack / Re: Wii Owners Need A Voice
« on: February 23, 2010, 07:58:27 PM »
not for my neighbor's autistic kid

You a**, I feel bad for your neighbor.

If you think my opinion doesn't matter

You said it for me.

TalkBack / Re: Wii Owners Need A Voice
« on: February 23, 2010, 11:30:31 AM »
But if Wii games are outselling other console games I am not sure what you are upset about. It is not a crapshot when guessing what will succeed on Wii. Sure, carnival games surprised us all (though one would expect at least one game like that to do well), but when it comes down to it are you really genuinely surprised with the consistent top sellers on Wii? Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Kart Wii, NSMB Wii, Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus. What sells the most? First Party Nintendo games that are backed with their wonderful marketing strategies.

What I was trying to get at in my previous statement is that the only people that are truly interested in letting publishers know what they want outside of purchasing are the core gamers of which there are an insignificant amount on wii. Who do you think fills out Club Nintendo Surveys? It sure as hell isn't Daddy, Mommy, Billy (maybe Billy) or Sarah. For the time being, developers that seek success try and riff off of the obviously flourishing first party titles (see: EA Sports active) and some hit while most don't. The problem is that Wii gamers are getting what they want already, but the core Wii gamers aren't. Two different things.

I agree with everything you're saying Greybrick. But I'm actually not talking about core vs. casual or third party vs. first party. I'm not trying to argue that we are, or aren't, getting games that we do, or don't want. (In fact, some could say that as a Wii gamer I'm getting PLENTY of games I want....)

Instead, I'm just talking about the Wii audience being able to make their opinions and feedback known, and for game makers to be able to listen to them. And I do mean that in a context beyond the vocal core gamers. I mean that for everyone in the Wii consumer base. They ALL deserve a voice, some way to share their values, and that will aid better game making efforts in the future.

Until then, there's a skewed and incomplete discussion about what gaming means to millions of people out there.

I know that you weren't making the core vs. casual argument, I brought that  in. My point being that as a core gamer, you care about this and see it as a problem. I don't think the millions others out there care to share their values as much as you assume they would. My mom, who will casually play games, could care less if "there's a skewed and incomplete discussion about what gaming means to millions." She, like most Wii consumers, only cares about what comes next and that is only after it pops up in one of her other media forms.

TalkBack / Re: Wii Owners Need A Voice
« on: February 23, 2010, 02:51:29 AM »

I agree that consumer purchases speak for themselves, but that's communication after the fact, and it's a messy way to get data, rife with complicating factors and the potential to "learn the wrong lesson." Not to mention, it's expensive for game makers.

As for Wii's presence in media outlets, I think these are doing a better and better job, but I don't know if they support a consistent and evolving dialogue over what Wii owners want and value. Long-term communication and community will be invaluable for game makers to make games that have better chances of being successful.

But if Wii games are outselling other console games I am not sure what you are upset about. It is not a crapshot when guessing what will succeed on Wii. Sure, carnival games surprised us all (though one would expect at least one game like that to do well), but when it comes down to it are you really genuinely surprised with the consistent top sellers on Wii? Wii Sports, Wii Play, Mario Kart Wii, NSMB Wii, Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit Plus. What sells the most? First Party Nintendo games that are backed with their wonderful marketing strategies.

What I was trying to get at in my previous statement is that the only people that are truly interested in letting publishers know what they want outside of purchasing are the core gamers of which there are an insignificant amount on wii. Who do you think fills out Club Nintendo Surveys? It sure as hell isn't Daddy, Mommy, Billy (maybe Billy) or Sarah. For the time being, developers that seek success try and riff off of the obviously flourishing first party titles (see: EA Sports active) and some hit while most don't. The problem is that Wii gamers are getting what they want already, but the core Wii gamers aren't. Two different things.

TalkBack / Re: Wii Owners Need A Voice
« on: February 23, 2010, 01:33:49 AM »
We can't just assume that Wii "gamers" comprise the majority. Gamers being in the traditional sense of the word. Does the Wii sell the most? Yes. Does the Wii sell the most software? Yes. Are there more Wii owners than HD console owners that would describe themselves as gamers? Weeelll. Do the majority of Wii owners have a deep investment in the future of software on the system? No.

I don't want to come off as a troll, but I think the notion that there is no open dialogue through which Wii owners' voices can be heard is silly. I would argue that the store shelves are the plainest way to communicate exactly what Wii owners want. People vote with their dollars, and by in large not in the sense that I will buy game A simply because I support its idea, but rather in the sense that I will buy game A because I want it or it appeals to me in some way.

 But, you say, many people blindly buy Wii games. The kind of voice you say Wii owners need, they already have. Sites like NWR are the internet "haunts" but surely the Wii has been spoken about in hundreds of popular web venues, I have seen plenty of Wii TV ads, and the Wii has most certainly graced the cover of many a magazine. This is indeed partially how the Wii achieved such mainstream success.

The Wii does have a voice, and it is the voice of mainstream consumers that will buy what they see or hear about because it looks fun or healthy. They simply are not preoccupied with what comes next, or if the next zelda game uses motion plus, or if MadWorld succeeds, or if Red Steel 2 turns out to be good. The core gamer has a voice entirely separate from the larger voice of Wii. Wii has become a household word, it has penetrated the market, it just hasn't dominated the mindshare.

TalkBack / Re: Nintendo Media Summit on Wednesday
« on: February 22, 2010, 03:29:23 PM »
a confirmation that Zelda Wii isn't coming out until 2011.


TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Dark Void Zero
« on: February 22, 2010, 04:27:19 AM »
Wow I had no idea the game was only an hour long!  :(

Yeah, but's it's also only 500 points.

I bought Mount and Blade and Torchlight for 5 dollars each, and have bought plenty of other games that have lasted me much longer than an hour for 5 dollars. I know I sound incredibly cheap, but I like to get my money's worth.

Plus there is the whole, I don't own a DSi thing...  :-\

TalkBack / Re: REVIEWS: Dark Void Zero
« on: February 21, 2010, 07:59:18 PM »
Wow I had no idea the game was only an hour long!  :(

Sadly, I can't forgive Capcom for the ps2 and wii ports.

What do you mean? The Wii port is wonderful.

I have to agree. While the version that was primarily discussed as a contender for game of the decade was the gamecube version, most wouldn't disagree with the sentiment that the Wii version is the definitive one.

I agree, SMG isn't really that casual-friendly at all. My girlfriend would NEVER play SMG, but she insisted we get New Super Mario Bros. Wii on its release date.

I tried playing NSMB Wii with my dad and it was met with horrendous failure. My earliest memory is actually my dad handing me SMB for the Gameboy (the grey brick, if you will) and claiming that it would be far to difficult for me. He tried to demonstrate it but failed. More than twenty years later, Mario is as impenetrable to him as laplace transforms are to a remedial math student.

Yeah, I've always felt that 3D Zelda and Metroid games were extremely similar in game design, differing only in setting and number of NPCs.

I think from a goals and progression perspective you are correct. Yet I can't help but feel that in some ways they couldn't be more different. Especially once we reach Prime 3, in which it is necessary to "warp" to new locations, whereas Zelda games create interconnected worlds that can generally be entirely traversed by foot. Add to that the fact that the actual mechanics of playing these games are very distant from one another and you have two sufficiently different series that are based on a similar fundamental progression.

I put in my vote for Majora's Mask.

Not only was it a good Zelda game from an action/collection standpoint, but it created a world that could be fully explored within the context of three days in time. Most games, even today, see characters running through a world filled with NPC's whose lives never progress beyond commenting on the monsters in the forest or the heroes' latest exploits. Majora's Mask was not satisfied with presenting such a dull environment and allowed the player to explore a living world in its entirety through the use of time travel. One witnesses how the lives of NPCs progress, and are deeply affected by the player's actions.

Majora's Mask is not known for its influence on other games, and I say that is a tribute to the high bar it set for those that followed.

TalkBack / Re: Wii Remote Holder Unboxing
« on: February 12, 2010, 02:15:57 AM »
I went for the Zelda posters, they are pretty big and come in a cylindrical tube so they aren't folded either.

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