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Messages - Crimm

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Nintendo Gaming / RE:What will likely happen at E3
« on: May 02, 2006, 05:40:13 PM »

Originally posted by: EasyCure
...bitch-slap you with a Red Steel sticker to the face.

maybe that would just be cool in my book though.

I'd pay to see Tommy Tallarico get bitch-slapped.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Game News and Rumours
« on: May 02, 2006, 04:37:59 PM »

Only at a Nintendo conference.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Game News and Rumours
« on: May 02, 2006, 11:35:26 AM »
Aww you beat me by like 5 minutes.

As exciting as that is, I expected it.  I mean, from the moment they showed off the flight demo all you've heard is "PILOTWINGS!" and "NiGHTS!" changed by the choir.

The fact he leaked this game will probably get him killed by the Reginator.

Another thing in his blog I found interesting was his discussion on the scale of Nintendo's E3 conference.  
Twice the size of their regular venue and "And from insiders I've spoken with, it's going to be the biggest production a game company has ever put on."  Interesting.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What will likely happen at E3
« on: May 02, 2006, 11:00:37 AM »
Well, odds are Nintendo custom designed all the Wii booth, considering the unique demands of the control.  They may have simply wanted to make sure that all booths were usable so as not to adversely effect the impact of this control scheme.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What will likely happen at E3
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:01:27 AM »
I expect we'll get a lot of Wii.  We will bathe in Wii (I'm done).

I really want to see launch line-up, and if we don't get at least a preliminary launch list, they failed E3.  We'll probably get a "price is still being considered, but right now it should be around __________."  Same for the launch window.

You know, besides all the Wii stuff, Capcom porting over more Phoenix Wright games would be awesome.  I'm silently (well actually loudly) hoping they announce that.


I don't expect it, but it would be great news.

My sister called me yesterday and asked if I had heard about Wii.  She isn't much of a gamer, so I was surprised she's been following it.

She wants me to suggest her mother to get her one for her birthday.  If it were my brother it would be pretty much impossible to resist saying "he really wants to play with his Wii using his free hand [controller]."

TalkBack / RE:Nintendo World Store Showing E3 Press Conference
« on: May 01, 2006, 08:34:10 PM »
Maybe next year they can stream it; that would be royally awesome.
Then again, that would certainly steal the thunder of all those website writers frantically typing every word that drips from Iwata's lips.  


Originally posted by: wandering
I think there's def something to the online aspect that devs are being hush-hush about, though I can't imagine what Nintendo could do that hasn't already been done before. Maybe the secret is just a Live-like service.

They devs have been really quiet about it, even the Red Steel team.  But like you said, there isn't much they could do Microsoft hasn't.

Remember, 1up had an editorial that mentions said secret (I can't find the link, so I copy pasted it from another message board).


Miyamoto and Iwata have hinted at a final secret for Wii that has yet to be revealed. And while we're sworn to secrecy, 1UP knows what this secret is -- and it's rather revolutionary. In fact, it's perhaps the most intriguing element of the system -- something with some rather cool implications for gaming. Let's just say that people have more to look forward to at E3.

So while there are probably some secrets about how the online features will work, I don't think it's related to the almost legendary final secret.

I'm also not inclined to believe that the secret is the since announced tilt sensitive nunchaku, as it isn't really more intriguing then the FHC.

I think this one isn't gonna get out before May 9th.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rad Racer Wii?
« on: May 01, 2006, 05:56:53 PM »
Oh God, I just realised that this is the game they used the powerglove for in The Wizard.

I would hope Nintendo would seek to distance itself from that comparison!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Rad Racer Wii?
« on: May 01, 2006, 05:44:38 PM »

Originally posted by: The Omen
Anyone else think the racer Reggie mentioned is going to be Rad Racer?  I know Rare made the game back in the day, but I'm not sure who owns it...I would think Ninty does.

Indeed they do.

1. Registration Number:    VA-471-528  
Title:    Rad Racer.
Description:    commercial print : folding carton.
Claimant:    Nintendo of America, Inc.
Created:    1987

Published:    4Oct87

Registered:    9Sep91

Title on © Application:    Rad Racer (NES)
Author on © Application:    McCann-Erickson USA, Inc., employer for hire.
Special Codes:   5/S

It is a pretty old franchise to resurrect, but then again so was Excitebike 5 years ago.


Nintendo Gaming / RE:One of your most anticipated E3s?
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:14:05 AM »
I'd love to go, but even with the flexible "industry only" standards I still can't.
Sadly, I won't even be able to do my standard "refresh the page all day" since I have an exam during the Nintendo press conference!


Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii = A Game?
« on: April 30, 2006, 09:55:05 AM »
An interactive loading screen would be really cool.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
« on: April 29, 2006, 09:42:09 PM »
It would be stupid to make every game online multiplayer centric.

I mean, the first game shown was a multiplayer enabled enabled enabled game, but what was shown was the SINGLE PLAYER portion.  I think we can just port over Nintendo's love for mutliplayer games to an online arena.  I don't think they'll bend their franchises too much.  They know where their bread and butter is, their past.  

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What would it take to NOT sell you a revolution?
« on: April 29, 2006, 06:00:08 PM »
If the majority of E3 games are either "twist arm here!" or half-arsed ports I will be deeply disappointed.

If it seems that the games had significant thought put into them I'm sold.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Has the best of the DS come and gone
« on: April 29, 2006, 04:19:25 PM »

Originally posted by: Renny
I'm still waiting for my hentai games, dammit. Come on Ubi, publish that chit.

There was a game being developed that had this weird pet thing that supposedly taught girls to "care" for themselves by petting an animal like creature.  If that found a publisher I'd die from laughter.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Pre-order?
« on: April 29, 2006, 04:01:31 PM »

Originally posted by: 1day
I've already reserved mine at GameCrazy (as well as a PS3).

Good call, you don't have to ask someone if you can buy a wii.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Pre-order?
« on: April 29, 2006, 01:47:16 PM »
Not that I know of, but I heard rumors Gamestop would start after E3.
My buddy does work there, but he was also the last person on Earth to find out about Twilight Princess being delayed so take it with a grain of salt.

Edit: typo "spot" to "stop" is a bad typo in context.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii Madden advertising ideas-and others
« on: April 29, 2006, 11:36:26 AM »
I think the most important thing is to show the difference.
Little slogans are secondary.

Remember Madden fans are classified as "casual gamers" so you can't show people playing who look like idiots.
They won't buy it.

I think the most important thing to stress is how it is like you're actually playing; let's admit it, Madden fans would love to actually play football.  By emphasizing how this is more like the real thing, you might sway them from the beading sweat engine of the Xbox 360.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:More Controller Info FROM REGGIE in NYC
« on: April 28, 2006, 07:01:55 PM »

Originally posted by: EasyCure
the part about docking the remote makes me think of
or if they wanted to utilize the nunchauku they could have you steer with the anaolog stick and simply twisting the remote you'd drift. assign your own damn buttons i dont want to think right now.

Well now we know that the nunchauku can do tilt detection.  Since you really only steer in two directions (left/right) that could be used for steering and that leaves the "pointer" to do whatever.

I think, however, that the pointer would be the only thing used for a game like Mario Kart.  They'd probably like to keep that simple as a game to "introduce new players," given the instantaneous fun factor of the game.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What should they pack in with it?
« on: April 28, 2006, 04:49:22 PM »

Originally posted by: MJRx9000
Free game downloads until say, Christmas eve.

I like this idea, but I think a better idea would be "X credits for Virtual Console Download."  That way, no matter when you buy you still get it.

One remote, with attachment (that's pretty much assumed standard), and the shell would be nice (but probably not required).

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Star Wars Wii
« on: April 28, 2006, 04:44:59 PM »
Hear me LucasArts:  Whatever beef you and Nintendo have (see: Lego Star Wars on GC being an afterthought despite OBVIOUS demographic match) get over it.  We want a lightsaber game.  Nintendo, if LucasArts wont do it get your arses to Skywalker Ranch and BEG!  This should have been a launch title, and if there isn't even word of it at E3 something is very wrong!



Originally posted by: Smash_Brother
I hope to GOD it has something to do with "wee" so the name will make more sense.

Like a wee little man live inside the Rev and comes out to talk to you or something...

I thought ROB was scary as a kid, my little sister would be traumatized.

After the controller, and Wii, there is little that could surprise me.

It would have to literally sing and dance while you played.

Side note: if it turns out to be singing and dancing I should get a prize.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Credit to the creator... The Traveler.
« on: April 28, 2006, 12:17:53 PM »
Yes, why can't Wii be friends?

Oh God I hope Nintendo doesn't use that song; I hate it so.

I third the Mario footage question.  It looks cell shaded, but it isn't from any of the cell shaded Mario games, since they were 2D models.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:What do you want in Smash Bros. Revolution?
« on: April 28, 2006, 10:27:11 AM »
I want clones to be more different, but I still liked clones.  If I was really good with one set of characters it let me do team stuff with ease.

One clone I'd like is Oni Link (from Majora's Mask).  Oni Link was simply awesome, but not usable for enough time.

I'd like more unique challenges ("defeat these 300 guys").  Something like "defeat Giant's Mask Link."  A huge level that is unique in the game.

More interactive environments.  Big Blue was a pain, but it was also cool.

Pitt.  Sweet lord give us Pitt.  Think about it, if they DO decide to make a Kid Icarus game, Pitt could reintroduce the series to new players.

More battle types- there were a lot before, but more can't hurt.

Online OFFICIAL - tournaments.  They had a few tournaments for Melee, but I don't live near any of the sites.  Take a page from XBox-Live and give us online tournaments (with prizes).

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