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Messages - odifiend

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General Chat / RE:Naruto Shippuuden (SPOILERS)
« on: February 20, 2007, 12:14:15 AM »
Not to be... uh anal, but according to the manga shouldn't naruto have been like f'ed up based on what happened the morning before?  I also didn't like that they showed so much of that Sasuke interaction... while leaving so many pieces out!  I was definitely waiting for that scene though.  Drawing the blade was just how I pictured it.  Delicious.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:SOOOO CLOSE!!
« on: February 19, 2007, 01:07:10 PM »
I finally got mine a week ago from Target!  I was first in line even though I wasn't first there.  The last wii wasn't claimed until 7:30am.  The re-release stuff is stupid.  They are always out before the store even opens...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Porn sites supporting the Wii!!
« on: January 03, 2007, 10:51:08 PM »
Wait! WHOOPS!  360 is making a run.

Utah boy finds porn in sealed Madden 360 game case

I'd have to guess though that the kid is lying, though...

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Pokemon mmo
« on: December 23, 2006, 03:02:24 AM »
Not my Nidoking :P.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Pokemon mmo
« on: December 23, 2006, 01:46:43 AM »

Originally posted by: ThePerm
err, i want my pokemon to be able to learn all moves, i want voice control via microphone attachment

and make the opriginal pokemon the most common and the other ones hard to find in the mmo world.

push the remote forward, a pokeball flies  on the screen, you yell "pikachu i choose you!"

your being attacked by a nidoking, he charges for you, "pikachu quick attack" nidoking becomes confused "pikachu head butt" nidoking looks stunned but uses surf, waves fill the area "pikachu jump"
"now thundbolt!!"

You make my soul cry.  You should go play pokemon before you start calling for changes be made.  Nidoking is a ground pokemon.  Electric moves like thuderbolt have no effect on a ground pokemon (see how that is genius and makes logical sense).  A pikachu could never beat a Nidoking... Ever.  Quite frankly a pikachu can barely beat anything which is why the tv show is filth.

Also while I'm ranting, IGN needs to STFU.  Every game that comes out they complain that pokemon don't make noises, refering to the stupid cute garbage that happens in the tv show where they repeat their names.  Each pokemon have a species specific cry that they've used in every single game.

Mario is right Pokemon (GB versions) is perfect the way it is, except for them seperating every generation but that it could be argued is independent of gameplay.

General Chat / RE:I Failed to Graduate
« on: December 15, 2006, 02:57:05 AM »
Bummer, Ceric.  Is this at Tennessee Tech?

If you are one class away and invested all that time to getting technically savvy, you really do need to graduate.  Is there any way a portion of that class could be taken from a distance with your 2 and a half hour drive reserved for tests?

Definitely bad news but what is done is done.  It is now about how you are going to fix it.  Your mom will eventually respect that even if she is initially angry.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Oh no, this can't be true...(about online play)
« on: December 14, 2006, 04:59:29 PM »
An extra code could have something to do with the way tourneys and trades are carried out or other pokehappenings.  It may let you cross regions to battle non local opponents?  (Do current wii codes allow for this?) That would be worth the extra hassle IMO.

re-EDIT: Wouldn't it be sick if they released a Wii Pokemon game and every region (Japan, America, PAL) had their own monsters and to catch em all you had to trade with someone outside your region?  Region specific monsters!  I mean c'mon!

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Official Wii Sales Thread
« on: December 13, 2006, 10:35:20 AM »
If Nintendo is unlike Sony in that they count actual sales instead of ship units, current sales figures might be deflated.  Still Wii-less (), I'm asking a lot of questions at local retails.  I keep getting told similar stories once we get past the "No one knows when we'll get more."  I keep hearing that retailers get shipments weekly but several plan to do advertised relaunches before xmas.  It might be that an accurate picture of the Nintendo's demand (and competence, for those questioning) will be available after the 25th.  

General Gaming / RE:Sony getting hit Hard lately
« on: December 03, 2006, 04:06:23 AM »
Personally I don't even know why they are wasting money on advertising... There are no units to sell.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:Wii, Wal*Mart, December 6th at 8AM.
« on: December 01, 2006, 02:37:58 AM »

Originally posted by: shrapnel09
i heard of this news awhile ago, i posted it but didnt make a thread about it... i will be waiting in line about 12 hours before 8:00am, the person at walmart said they would have atleast 3.

Jeez, 3?  I am supposed to keep it on the DL but Circuit City or the one close to me anyway is stockpiling them for Sunday.  They have about 20 in the back already and the town I live in is only 40,000.  I was gone around launch though so maybe they had a really small launch allocation?

TalkBack / RE:Wii Is Dancing with the Stars Tonight.
« on: November 14, 2006, 10:24:48 AM »
I saw a Call of Duty commercial this morning on MTV's morning wake up, specifically for the wii.  Featured a teenager holding his wii mote and nunchuk like one would hold a gun and it featured a pistol whip (less the pistol and insert rifle - forget what those are called.   I haven't played an FPS in ages).  Then it showed the wii logo and the i's bowed.  What do you mean first commercial?

REdit:  For the console itself?  I think the system is so unique that any game ad is for the console itself but whatever...

General Gaming / RE: Businessmen Use Homeless To Buy Up PS3s for Resale
« on: November 13, 2006, 10:09:35 AM »
Speaking of ebay, do they require the 50 feedback points and that other nonsense to sell the actual PS3?  Are you allowed to sell more than one console on ebay?  My roommate and I are planning to camp out, but neither of us would satisfy the presell requirements.

Nintendo Gaming / RE:EB Games Wii Pre-order
« on: November 07, 2006, 04:35:32 AM »
Yeah, EB doesn't give you a deal ever.  The way I see it:

Wii:                        250
1 wii + nunchuck:     60
Cars:                        50
Avatar:                     50
Madden:                   50
cd/dvd cases:           50
cd/dvd wipes:           50
Other useless crap: 40
Total:                      700

I hope Wii will have shipments into the holiday, then I won't have to worry about getting it at launch necessarily.  

Nintendo Gaming / EB Games Wii Pre-order
« on: November 07, 2006, 02:28:31 AM »
So I got this email from EB Games today that they will be giving gamers an opportunity to pre-order the Wii online on November 9th.  I can't link to my email so if this letter from the EB Games editor breaks any rules let me know.

And so here Wii are. Less than two weeks and counting until the most innovative product the video game industry has seen hits the streets.

This Thursday evening (CST), November 9, your opportunity to get in on the excitement arrives when our Wii bundle becomes available for pre-order online at You'll get the best games, accessories and more in one convenient package delivered right to your door - all for under $699 plus tax and handling!

Quantities are extremely limited and there will be a limit of 1 Wii bundle per household, limited to US delivery only. Ordering a bundle does not guarantee shipment at launch and orders will be shipped on a first-come, first-serve basis. The bundle will be removed from the site as soon as we have reached our expected quota.

I am trying to find out what the heck is in the bundle for them to use the $699 mark.  I played hide and seek on the site for a bit and just found basic $249.99 info on the Wii.  I really heartily dislike EB with a passion, but I don't plan to be in the US on launch day so I'm looking into other options.  An FYI for those doing the same.

TalkBack / RE:Wii Featured on South Park
« on: November 03, 2006, 06:03:53 AM »
I get the feeling Cartman will get so close it is painful and then be sent back to his own time.


Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Now why was the fun game more fun? There are no right answers but it is doubtful it has anything to do with graphics."

Hardware improvements create more than just prettier graphics.  The SNES wasn't just a prettier Nintendo.  It could do scaling and rotating and all sorts of other effects that affected gameplay and that could not be done on the NES.  Miyamoto has stated that he wanted Mario to ride a dinosaur on the NES but couldn't do it because the hardware wasn't good enough.  That right there is a new feature in Super Mario World that was impossible on the NES.  Mode 7 games like F-Zero and Super Mario Kart were impossible.  And then the N64 takes it a step further.  How could you do 3D like THAT on the SNES hardware?  On the Cube could 100 Pikmin be on screen on the N64 without the framerate going to hell?  No.

My point has nothing to do with any of that.  Miyamoto has gone on record as saying that he wish he invented the Tamagochi too.  From that statement, it seems to me that Miyamoto is about simplistic fun.  A child can play with his shadow and have a blast for hours.  How much RAM or GHz does it really take for a human being to have fun while playing a video game?
I don't understand how individualized AI a mile away plays differently from scripted AI a mile away...  I don't know if it is because I'm an engineer or what, but Nintendo's policy is clicking with me.  It is practical.   HD is great, I want one and will probably get one, but the LCD boom is not likely going to come until 2009 and beyond.
IceCold, amen.
Smash, from what I skimmed over (sorry), yes, it is having some real organic fun and the controller makes it easier for the developer to give the gamer that satisfaction.


Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"We may not know the true potential of Wii's graphics capabilities. I'm no graphics whore, but it does seem like Nintendo undercut their technology. So Nintendo plays the graphics games, loses to graphically inferior PS2, then decides that gamers don't want graphics. Lesson learned? Not quite. The lesson here is that people don't want impressive graphics only. Passing on high-def is one thing, making Wii supposedly 'twice as powerful as Gamecube' is an extreme alternative."

I agree completely and think this is a great example of Nintendo learning the wrong lesson.  The PS2 having inferior graphics was a coincedence.  At the time the PS2 was released Sony was trying to be on the cutting edge graphically and were only behind because their console launched a year earlier.  They succeeded despite it because the hardware was still reasonably comparible and they had good third party support and some really popular exclusives.  Nintendo acts like the weak graphics somehow contributed to the PS2's success.  Nintendo comes to really nutty conclusions.  When they revealed the whole non-gamer plan they somehow connected it to the Cube's low sales.  "Boy that Gamecube didn't too well.  I figure it must be because our games were too intimidating to non-gamers."

"I want to ask the simple question, how will Microsoft and Sony be able to continue to create engaging software that creates unique control mechanics with controllers that have been the standard for close to 8 years now. Everything that is being done on the Xbox 360 controller has been done before, and there is no unique control experience."

The question I have is "who cares?"  A unique control experience is not what you buy a console for.  You buy it for unique GAME experiences which can be done regardless of what changes are made to a controller.  When playing SNES did you ever think "boy I sure enjoy these shoulder buttons!  This was the reason I bought this console!"?  Probably not.  In fact Super Mario World didn't even use them in a significant way but it was still a great game and had some new ideas not featured in the NES Marios.  The PS2 had pretty much the exact same controller as the PS1 but it still had unique game experiences.

Now had Nintendo merely added new ideas to the existing controller like they had done in the past then there would be less doubt.  But Nintendo told us that our old controllers were broken, something that no one thinks except Nintendo and some of their fans who only think that because Nintendo told them so.  They're not just adding new stuff they're proposing a new standard.  That sort of idea makes people defensive.  Who is Nintendo, the market loser who is ridiculously out-of-touch and tries to grab every last penny from us, to tell us that a 20 year old proven controller design needs to be replaced?  Plus with the Wii the controller is really the ONLY new feature.  Online was what Nintendo SHOULD have done last gen.  I like their setup but they're just playing catch-up.  The hardware itself isn't upped much so the controller is everything.

So if the controller sucks then the entire Wii is a waste of time and money.  I thought the Cube's clicky shoulder buttons weren't all that cool when I first heard about them and I was right in the end.  But I was still excited about the Cube because the extra hardware boost would allow for new ideas and would improve on old ideas.  And though it was a little infrequent it happened, even though the clicky buttons were a dud.  The N64 without the analog stick and the SNES without shoulder buttons still offered new possibilities.  Wii games that don't use the remote probably could have been done on the Cube provided the online capabilities had been used.  So there is more pressure on the controller alone to perform and thus more skepticism about whether it will or not.

Regarding Player's Choice titles remember that when Nintendo first released Player's Choice titles on the Cube some titles were $30 while ALL PS2 or Xbox discount titles were $20.  That's the sort of greedy Nintendo stuff we're talking about.  There was no reason to charge a higher price than the competition.  Nintendo was just dicking us around because they thought they could.  Sony was the market leader and could have probably gotten away with charging $30 but didn't while Nintendo was in last place and couldn't get away with pissing off consumers for no reason but did anyway.  That's Nintendo in a nutshell.  "We have no leverage but we're going to act like we do anyway."

Ian, which game was more fun, Super Mario Bros. or Super Mario Bros. 2?  SMB 3 or SMW?  Blank or blankity blank from same genre as blank?  Now why was the fun game more fun?  There are no right answers but it is doubtful it has anything to do with graphics.  It seems to me that is the lesson Nintendo is taking away.  I hate when people say this, but in this case I really do think Nintendo knows its cyclic market better than you do.  As for the technology, I never found the GCN to be lacking when a developer put in the time.  The controller is one indirect way that Nintendo has likely increased 3rd party quality.

Since I'm at work, I'm going to just touch on somethings that caught my eye on the rest of your post.

Sony and MS won't be able to create engaging software because Nintendo is no longer there to copy.  Not to overtoot the Big N's horn, but they are damn good at what they do and are the source for a lot of the new ideas that come into the industry.

Ian, you are missing the point.  The controller automatically is lending itself to new Game experiences.  You almost have to have no talent to not create something promising provided you had the time and the resources.  Though their are still great games out there, a lot of it is the same old game with slight enhancements.  I thought that is why everyone is so critical of Madden?
What Nintendo controller has every sucked?
Look at the PS3 controller- even if you could have the 'standard' and motion sensing, the standard limits what can be done with motion sensing.  The standard has been explored.
Nintendo is the Godfather of gaming and that is why they are changing the game. :P

NWR Forums Discord / RE:Biggest Video Game Regret In Your Life
« on: October 17, 2006, 04:37:10 AM »
Buying Turok: Evolution new and before it was reviewed for 50 bucks.  I read all this E3 coverage about it shaping up well and went for it because I like the FPS genre okay but didn't like the gamecube Bond offerings.

TalkBack / RE:Capcom to 'Dissolve' Clover Studio
« on: October 15, 2006, 12:28:39 PM »
Hmm... Is Alien Hominid better on the PS2?  I liked it for Gamecube.

About everybody having a PS2 at this point, meh.  I am biased but I think I'm still open minded.  I do hate that a lot of worthwhile games miss the gamecube, but the fact that the console is still 150 bucks, new consoles are on the horizon, and really hate the sony corporate speak is making me pass.  My plan was to get the PS3 for backward compatibility, but I don't really like the direction that is going...

TalkBack / RE:Red Steel Scores Big-Name Music Guy
« on: October 11, 2006, 06:05:05 AM »
Well that is obviously because you are a sociopath.

NWR Forums Discord / RE:I'll sue the razer manufacturer!
« on: September 30, 2006, 10:13:06 AM »

Originally posted by: Smoke39
Is your mention of coconuts an allusion to semen?  'Cause I mean, have you ever tasted semen?

Sue says it is 8 calories.

I cut myself for the first time ever while shaving, too, the other day.  I hear cats will take off hair with their tongues.  I need a cat with a handle in its rectum.


Originally posted by: Ian Sane
"Donkey Kong wasn't designed for people who like games...."

Donkey Kong was designed to make use of unsold Radarscope cabinets.  I would never consider it a non-game because it's quite clearly designed for the same group of people that liked playing other arcade games of the time.  It was also an incredibly advanced game for it's time which goes against the non-game approach of simplifying things for people who find gaming as is too "intimidating".  The non-game design is largely based on the idea of not only targetting people who don't play games but by doing so with a game that gamers might not be interested in.  The whole plan very blatantly revolves around the idea of making two different types of product for two different groups.  That is quite different then making a game that just happens to have wide appeal.  The concept, or at least the parts of it I don't like, is quite recent and ties in with Iwata becoming the head of Nintendo.

This game/ non-game crap is so ridiculous.  Donkey Kong, I suppose was designed for REAL gamers who like games like Pacman, Space Invaders, and Pong? (read everyone)  Donkey Kong has one more input than Pacman - jump.  Conceptually, dodging hazards and climbing up ladders is not complicated, games like this have been played since before the new era, in the form of snakes and ladders.
Technology is always getting bigger, faster, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Nintendo is practical and stopping what has been natural when dealing with technology.  Instead of saying, "now we can do this according to physics, we can make this look more realistic, and the player can control individual cells on the characters body,"  they've stepped back and done an assessment of how fun that really would be.  Nintendo wants to return to the time of the arcade - where everything is new and fun, where copied game ideas aren't rewarded, and where simplicity can be genius.  This talk of non-games and games, if you start at square one, is a paradox.  The original games where non games.  Have an aneurism and let this objection die.
It seems clear to me that Nintendo's stance is still for the 'gamer' which Nintendo would argue is everyone.  They have done this in every generation, they are just using new language to achieve the same goal.
Did you know the definition for insanity is doing what you've always done and expecting different results?


Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wii Calculator - how much will you spend?
« on: September 22, 2006, 07:32:03 AM »
Not that I buy them, but has any 3rd party commented on making Wii controllers?

Nintendo Gaming / RE: Wii Calculator - how much will you spend?
« on: September 21, 2006, 01:34:59 PM »
Yeah, they are only using state tax - most every county has additional tax and most every city has one as well.  I will spend about $500.  I am glad that they have a pretty large selection for launch but since I've been kind of MIA - I was surprised at the first party games have been pushed back.
Wiimote + Nunchuk
Red Steel
Madden 07 (First Madden game ever!  I'm actually pretty excited)

Are we swearing by Microsoft now?

As likely mentioned last year when this thread was current, when GBASP upgraded to lithium, consumers could go longer between charges and lithium batteries last longer.  The choices that we have are also not 'offered' by Nintendo, otherwise I might be less bummed.  Personally I have had bad luck with rechargeable batteries - I have found them to be practically useless in the past with my GameBoys, not having the same potential as regular alkalines and that potential decaying rapidly.  
The power demand likely won't be as intense as a GameBoy with the Wiimote, but play sessions will also be longer and it seems like a logical extension of what Nintendo is already doing.

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